Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Untitled Or Who Made Jim Carrey Smart?

E Tu,  Jim Carrey?

Times are troubled indeed when comics and movie stars attack our constitution.  Jim Carrey's blatantly racist rant against the only unprotected majority in the US is pathetic!

Conservative Americans are opened for ridicule by the print, the television, and the movie media.

Do "rednecks" have the same rights and privileges under our laws as the protected ones?  If not, why not.  Last time I looked, rednecks are people too.  And for now the constitution applies to everybody.

Carrey's video "Cold Dead Hands" misses the mark in so many ways.  It is not funny.  It promotes disarming Americans, and it is dangerous.  He fails to recognize in America you may choose to be armed or not.

I am sure Mr. Carrey will feel safe enough to forgo any armed bodyguards in his entourage when and if the second amendment is overturned here in the states, but for now he should continue to provide armed men for his safety since all the nuts do not grow on trees and man is a predator by nature.  We have thousands of years of history which records multiple examples of man v man atrocities.

Is he stupid?  Or does he think we are dullards?

What makes Jim feel the value of his life is any more important than that of the redneck he ridicules in his recent mockery.  The God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are common to us all.  Not just for the special people of privilege who inhabit Hollywood and the media elites who write about all that.

The right and requirement of self-defense is non-negotiable and if I feel it is in my self-interest to be armed to insure the safety and security of myself and my family and community then I will take the steps necessary to provide for that by any legal means I can afford.  If I can afford to hire and arm a group of illegals to provide for my protection, because they will work for less, I would be wise to bulk up on bandits while bandits are legal.

The BATF has graciously sent assault weapons south of the border with Mexico so some bandits already can be hired with guns.  Fast and Furious, the unrecognized benefits when staffing a personal army of bodyguards.

I am almost into my 7th decade and have not had to use a gun in my defense which is a good track record.  In a perfect world I never will have to use a weapon in my defense, but with the kinds of people out on the street, who will rob a woman with a 14 month old baby and shoot the baby in the head when told the woman has nothing to steal, I will keep my position open for now and forever.

Did the police and the gun laws on the books keep the woman with a baby in the stroller safe from the criminals who confronted her that day?  If she had an armed body guard this would not have happened.

The young mother who lost her child will never be the same.  The young criminals who stole everything from that baby and his mother will be tried by the juvee court system and after a lot of hand wringing and self-blame will be out on the streets to kill again within a decade or less.

And for now everybody, including Jim Carrey and all the rednecks in America, needs to be armed and dangerous.

The successful animals in nature have self-defense built in.  The hare is quick and agile, the tortoise has a shell, hard and tough.   The honey bee's labor when stolen comes with a risk of a sting.  Man has his rocks, spears, arrows, swords, guns, bombs, and bodyguards which when one stops to think about it is just a personal army.

Stay armed my friend.  Who has more interest in your personal safety than you?

Jim Carrey is a fool.  He plays the fool in movies and in real life.  He is life imitating art and he is a bigot.

Following Mr. Carrey's advice on the second amendment is like asking Adolf Hitler "Which way to the public showers?"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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