Saturday, April 13, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Late Term Abortion, Legal In All 57 States

Where is the American outrage?  Where is the American Courage?  Where is the American decency, the moral compass, the American Conscience?


Just like the near term infants Dr. Kermit Gosnell delivered and killed with his sharp instruments in his philthy, Philadelphia, Planned Parenthood backed Alley Abortion Clinic.  The horrors unfolding at the murder trial of this Joseph Mengle like man of medicine are taboo to our watchdog press which has the terrible habit of ignoring stories like this which could stop the killing of innocent lives through the process known as Late Term Abortion.

The news leaking out of the trial is not making the rounds on the majors.  Some atrocities are better left in the dark.

When Eisenhower learned of one of the Nazi concentration camps which had been running full bore just over the hill from a meddling size German city, he invited its inhabitants to come and view the carnage.

It is time for Americans to take a good long look under the covers at what a tragedy partial birth abortion is.  It's a gruesome process which inflicts pain on the infants.  A moral society would have nothing to do with it.

A society that will kill its babies, will have no qualms about killing anyone whom is deemed inconvenient. Think Waco and Ruby Ridge, and more recently Benghazi.

In our country, abortion is government-sanctioned and sponsored killing.  Of course, the liberals justify these killings on the baseless grounds that these were unwanted children of mostly minority mothers who live off government handouts anyway and society is better off not having to feed, clothe, educate, and eventually incarcerate these miscreants.  They know they are the easiest to kill when they can not fight back.

You see mother's womb is the first gun free zone the unborn in America have to pass through to enjoy one of the God given rights declared in our founding document.

Kermit Gosnell, an American abortionist, is an immoral asshole.   A country which condones Gosnell and demonizes Adam Lanza for the same work is schizophrenic at worst and in denial at best.

Our population without Roe v Wade would likely be more than 370 million.  We have aborted millions and millions of babies.   We do not deserve to remain free and prosperous here in America with that albatross hanging around our collective necks.

Pray for Kermit the fraud,  pray for his victims, pray for these mothers who sacrifice up their children to the abortionist's vacuum and instruments of curettage, and pray for our country to come out of this dark age of abortion on demand.

In the late 1960's a song came out by somebody called "Goddamn the Pusher man".  Kermit Gosnell is the "Puller man".  In a religious sense I feel he is damned.  Maybe our young will someday glorify the end of abortion in their music.  Steppenwolf sang a version of this song which  I recall was fed over my high school's PA system back in 1969 by the boys back in shop, many of whom may have been aborted if it were legal and as available back then as it is now..  It delighted me because of the sheer bravado it represented.   

And maybe the press will do the right thing this time by shining the light on what this rat was doing under the cover of Planned Parenthood.  And maybe I will crap Krugerrands of pure gold.

It could happen.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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