Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Democrat Cheat On Trump Will Sink Pelosi And Schumer

I believe a few honest democrat congresmen and women in red states will switch to R after the Cheat is revealed to the public. To remain associated with such corruption would insure defeat in two years for congress and when ever the senators are up for re-election. Joe Manchin will switch. It is time for China Joe Biden to concede. Make America Great Again. Joseph R. Biden Chancre, Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, November 7, 2020

When Government Agencies like FBI, CIA, State, Justice Are Corrupt Citizens Have Only One Legal Option Left

The corrupt actions by democrats in four large urban centers in America have stolen an election. The lawsuits will play through the court system and it will finally end up with Roberts casting his vote with the corruptocrats, but hopefully Trump will prevail. If he loses, we have fallen below obama republic levels, and it will take a miracle to come back. Laws protect us from our ruling class and each other. Without laws, might makes right and no one is safe. The only legal option we have left is jury nullification. Citizens stand in judgement on fellow citizens when a case if brought up against them by the federal government. Well, if all patriots stand firm against tyranny, you must vote to acquit in all but the most egregious cases. Jury Nullification, learn it, love it, and live it. Joseph Biden Chancre Jr. Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, November 6, 2020

Was We Cheated? Well It Appears So. Truckers For Trump Hold The Keys For A Clean Up.

WE don't need anythng but the truckers to win this dispute. Trucking boycott of the 4 corrupt cities in PA. MI. WI. and GA. would bring them to their knees. Afterall, corruption's gotta eats. Would also be a good way to remind Blue that Red feeds your fat asses. Joseph Biden Chance, Jr Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, October 26, 2020

Chinese Communist Party Have A Name For Joe Biden

We at the Urban Poverty Law Center have it on good authority that the CCP has names for all American leaders. The name for Joe Biden is "Zai Wo Men De Kou Dai Li". All we can say is that Biden has earned it and will be faithful to his masters at the CCP. With Bidens it is all about the Benjamins or in this case the Yuan. I am, Zai Wo Men De Kou Dai Li, Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center duckduckgo the phrase to translate, and no it is not "drink more Ovaltine".

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Brennan and clapper are correct. Hunter Biden paid millions by Moscow mayors wife to drop off his laptops.

Brennan and clapper are correct. Hunter Biden paid millions by Moscow mayors wife to drop off his laptops. The wife of the former mayor of Moscato who made millions selling cement boots to Putin paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million to drop off his laptops. Nothing follows. Joseph Biden Shanker Junior, fellow urban poverty Law Center

Saturday, October 17, 2020

If People And Things Were Ice Cream Flavors

If Joe Biden were an ice cream flavor he would be Rocky Road. If Kamala Harris were an ice cream flavor she would be Caramel Cackle. If Donald Trump were an ice cream flavor he would be Peaches and Cream. If Nancy Pelosi were an ice cream flavor she would be Salon Sherbert. If Adam Schiff were an icecream flavor he would be Lyin Lemon Freeze. If Hillary Clinton were an ice cream flavor she would be Bitter Butterscotch Pralines or Crookeds and Screame. If Bill Clinton were an ice cream flavor he would be Bitter Intern Tryst. If Hunter Bider were an ice cream flavor he would be Coke with Woke. If Melania Trump were an ice cream flavor she be sold out. If Barack Hussein Obama were an ice cream flavor he would be Chocolate-Vanilla Tripe. If Jim Comey were an ice cream flavor he would be Gitmo Gumshoes. If Peter Strzok were an ice cream flavor he would be WalMart Extra Special. If Lisa Page were an ice cream flavor she would be Big Banana Peel With Nutz. If Amy Coney Barrett were an ice cream flavor she would be Highest Court Supreme and sold out. If Joseph Biden Chancre Jr were an ice cream flavor he would be Bologna Blue Berry Tart. And if the Urban Poverty Law Center were an ice cream flavor it would be Shadow Banned by Google and not in your favorite retailers freezer. If Google were an ice cream flavor it would Good Bye 230 Protection Hello Lawsuits.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mike Pence Gets The Black Flies Matter Vote

My new Blogging format is restricted to one paragraph and as a seasoned citizen I am not savy enough to make the changes or whip out some code to remedy the problem. #new paragraph: The vice presidential debates were wowed by the fly that buzzed effortlessly about Pence's head, and then lit for a brief period where it was afforded a spectacular view of Conmanla Harris looking churlish and smarmy storing that awful laugh. NEw Paragraph: Was it a fly or was it a tiny Chinese Drone controlled by Hunter Biden in the back of the debate hall? Was the drone dropping virus particles on our beloved vice president? Time will tell. New Paragraph: I am not a Joe Biden nor a Harris fan. He has been rejected by the rank and file democrats in every primary election he has ever entered and only bested Bernie Sanders with DNC chicanery, and Harris was even less a draw in her one failed attempt at the nomination earlier this year. New paragraph: We can all agree that Black Flies Matter and that fly stole the show from Conmanla Harris because she came up with nothing the New York Times could praise so they made a great deal of the fly that buzzed Mike. Thank God for the fly for it would have been a slow news day for the nation's premier news organizations. New Paragraph: Does anyone think Slo Joe and Senator Harris, who lost out to a common house fly in the debate can best our president? New Paragraph: Delusions come in many forms. Joseph Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Blocked But Not Bullied Or Bereft Of Bull

Why the absence, you may querry? I do not know but I was held hostage by my computer and its masters at Apple for lack of installing some software that is sure to cause me problems with speed and lead to my buying a new Apple computer. Time will tell. Goobels has blocked my blog for about 2 years now and I do not care, I compose therefore I am. You read therefore you are. And so it goes. I did not plan on this composition today so it is probably going to be more like a Biden campaign event than a Trump event. There is nothing there. Sorry. Biden continues his slow motion slide towards the presidency with the running mate whose voice makes Hillary Clinton's seem acceptable. The horrible candidate Senator Conman-ala Harris has a laugh that would scare a troop of baboons. More powerful than twice potency bear spray, that voice has been used to break up the Antifa riots in Portland. Tympanic membranes subjected to her guffahs at 4x volume bleed. Small children vomit. Grown men weep and many times sphincter control is lost. Women faint, and dogs run. Conman-ala Harris should only be brought out in public in times of war or famine, and then only be allowed to laugh if the nuclear option has already been played without the intended result. President Trump, meanwhile, has contracted the Corona virus and has spent a few days in the hospital where he was treated with the best combination of meds and came out as a 54 yr old, feeling better than he has in 20 yrs. RGB has assumed room temperature and liberals all over this country secretly hate her for not resigning her position during Obama's ill-fated rule, and selfishly hanging on the court position for life, and risking her spot to a Trump nominee. Epic fail! Now Trump has nominated and the senate will confirm Amy Coney Barrett to replace RGB and be the 5th conservative vote on the Supreme Court as John Roberts has been compromised by his love triangle involving Putin and Xi and cannot be depended upon to judge fairly. Should he resign? An honorable man would consider it. So no, he will not. Joe Biden has promised, if elected president, to ban the fourth note in music to honor those taking the fight to the streets in the massively underperforming organization called Antifa. Hillary Clinton has not aged well looking more like Sean Connery after nearly 4 yrs of the Trump presidency and Trump is looking younger. The hag factor is high on Hillary. She still spews as much garbage but the hagism makes it seem worse. Her advice to Biden, do not concede under any circumstance especially if you win seems good advice to a man of Biden's slippage. Just think how painful it would have been to watch her wither as President. Her face would have become the new model for prunes everywhere. Hillary do something with that hair. James Comey cannot seem to recall the major events surrounding the illegal spying on the Trump campaign and his administration. He is 6foot 8 inches of corruption. He will have to duck going in and out of his cell at roll call. Andrew McCabe has a convenient fear of corona and refuses to answer questions about his roll in Obamagate. President Obama is playing quiet mouse still mouse and hoping his hand in the shenanigans against Trump will be over looked. Good luck dumbass. Unless those bit players who were assigned parts in this play all fall on their swords, someone will squeal and true goes the old saying pigs squeal and hogs get slaughtered. Not a good time to be a hog. Biden, Obama, Rice, Jarrett, Holder? The Biden Family Crime Syndicate has gained some exposure of late and I suspect what has come out so far is only the tip of the iceberg. Hunter Biden is a complete goof sired by a goof who has nothing to show after 47 years in public (self) service. Meanwhile Trump plows on. Ending Climate agreements which are bad for the US, pulling out of non strategic wars in the middle east, ending the Iran Nuclear deal, making deals in the middle east working towards peace, making America energy independent, halting Chinese unfair trading practices, lowering taxes, building up our weakened military, neglected by 8 yrs of Biden/Obama, starting the Space Force, and replacing an average first lady with one of the most beautiful women in the world, Melania. Trump even caught corona so we do not have to catch it. Socialists and the media hate this man because they are envious. Who would not want to be rich, smart, good looking, funny, married to a super model, have smart well heeled children and the presidency. And they want to replace this man with whom? Joe Biden, you got to be shitting me? In a fair election it ain't gonna happen. I am, Joseph Biden Chancre, jr fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Voting For Joe Biden Is Like Putting Money In A Slot Machine That Hasn't Paid Off In 47 Years!

Having Joe Biden, With Son, Hunter, Watch Over The Country Is Like Asking Your Dog To Watch Your Food. Mark Twain

Friday, July 31, 2020

Hello? Obama? You Are Of Little Consequence, Now. Sunsets Are Westward, Go!

The Trump Tempest has blown the Obama Presidency off the pages of relevancy and into the stark desert of irrelevancy.  Did BHO miss the lecture about ex-presidents?  Based on his campaign styled speech at the unmistakeably dead John Lewis's DNC pep rally, he hasn't got a clue.

His presidency (Obama's) has been forgotten like the nightmare it was.  ISIS, destroyed, Obamacare, on life support, Paris Climate Accord, left out in the sun too long and gone, Iran Nuclear Deal, kaput, his plan to destroy property values in the suburbs, inked away by DJT's more powerful pen.  His rules of engagement to insure no muslims are killed in the ME, toast!  America is energy independent and not depending on the low IQ sultans and shieks of the ME.  The rule of law is gradually coming back under Trump and his justice department.  The supreme court is closer to the constitution than ever before.  RBG is the only thing stopping  complete conservative rulings.  A weak reed, indeed.

His legacy candidates, Hillary Clinton, rebuked by middle America, and now his VP Biden is too feeble to fuse two complete thoughts together in a sentence.   America mocks him.

The election of Donald Trump was the equivalent of Middle America sticking its tongue out and both middle fingers up at Barack Hussein Obama.  How much more of a complete repudiation can there be politically?

Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in our history, he stoked the fires of racial discord,  the only thing he did for America was to be such a sorry president that he paved the way for Donald Trump to succeed him.

And for this Barack Hussein Obama, Americans are truly grateful.

Thank you, now like Horace Greeley once quiped:  "Go west young man!"

The rendezvous with your sunset is waiting.

More golf, less complaining, no campaigning, keep that pie hole shut.  BHO, your time to fundamentally change America has passed, and I like it.  You gave us Trump.  And you were so bad we could not accept more of the same with Hillary and I will bet Biden, like Hillary, will be rejected on your coattails.

You were truly a transformative President, but not in the way you envisioned.

I am just glad John Lewis did not have to sit through your self-aggrandizing faux tribute.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reclaiming My Time! Time For Trump To Declare Martial Law And Postpone The Election

The Nadler hosted Dog and A-hole show to Roast AG Barr has come and passed.   Not unlike ice cream processed by Pelosi's 80 year old gastrointestinal tract unhindered by that 80 plus yr old anal sphincter,  gross, I know, it spewed hatred and vitriol at an honorable man, AG Barr.

Hatred of all things Trump and vitriol towards AG Barr.  Is this the kind of representative government we deserve?

"Reclaiming my time" was the democrat screetch of the day.  AG Barr was muzzled by the silliest pols in DC.   Precipice Paypals, the congress person from Washington State, who is most concerned with pronouncing her name correctly, is an embodiment of Adult Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Her look, though acceptable for democrat, would never pass for republican.  She has a pinched face with narrow set eyes and should see Pelosi's and Kamala's plastic surgeon before she takes center stage on the Judicial Committee again.

If she does not she is truly not thinking of those of us who were forced to look at her when she was starting to lose her temper, a fetal alcohol syndrome symptom.   Where is her sense of decency and her sense of empathy, again missing in the personalities of FAS.   Puisne Paypals D, Washington is representative of the kind of dysfunctional pols placed in DC by the misinformed democrat voter.

A voter who watches CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, FOX, and listens to NPR, and believes what he/she/xe hears and sees.  Orange Man Bad, the good peoples hoax, injecting clorox into patients, the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment hoax, and now the China virus is Orange Man's fault hoax.

Who but Orange Man has made America energy independent and brought back $2 a gallon gasoline down from $4 a gallon under Obama biden?  Who has defeated ISIS and its caliphate in less than a year.  Who got us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the bogus Paris Climate Accords, the bad for America NAFTA, and placed trade tariffs on China, and placed the American worker at the head of the line?

Who has built the wall to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs, and human trafficking?

Who has been hamstrung for his entire presidency by the Trump hating media and the democrats?

It is time for President Trump to reclaim his time and postpone the election until 2024.

Declare a national emergency and just do it.

It is justifiable.   It is the law.

Google has posted its warning and I will close this now.  Not that many will ever read this.

I protest Google's war against conservative thought and writings.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

We Will Give You DC Statehood, But Trump You With Russian Statehood

The world needs to form alliances against the growing CHINAHeaze hegemony.  Statehood for Washington DC is part of the answer.

Everyone on the left would agree that Putin and Trump are BFF's.   Now would it be unusual for BFFs to look out for one another?  I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine?

Not too long ago President Trump was chided for his call to purchase Greenland from Denmark.
It was a fantastic idea.  Minerals galore, borders the Artic, now known to be rich in petroleum products, and countries are positioning themselves to be in on the production of said riches when the time comes.

Trump might want to make Russia the 52nd through 72nd US American state which would strengthen our position vs CHINAH, and give us 130 million more conservative citizens.  They would have to go along with our bill of rights,  and would get the representation in congress and the senate for each of the 20 states they must form.

Two senators from each state, thats 40 conservatives to counter the 2 liberal democrats we would be getting from DC,  and probably 120 congressmen, again more likley than not to add to the conservative roster.

Three supreme court positions from Russia, again conservatives, and they get access to American banking, business and the partnership would benefit all parties but the democrat party.

If the Russian experiment works out well, next is India.

Russia has Siberia if we run out of room at Gitmo.


Vladmir Scarcoma, MPH  Intern, Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, June 29, 2020

Everybody Gets A Trophy Gone Mad

Boomers sprang from the loins of the WW II survivors in the US and the teens who lived through it.

We were pampered as our parents, using the work ethic instilled into them by parents who lived through the depression and hard times magnified by that great progressive F. D. Roosevelt and finally ended by the great economic genius A. F. Hitler,  worked hard and prospered.  We boomers prospered, new bicycles, color TV's, real news,  real movies made by talented people, a deep state in its infancy,  the death of a president,  the Beatles,  a moon walk not associated with a pop star, Playboy magazine at boy scout camps with Tits N Ass and nothing under the grass, but a few radicals and the self proclaimed intelligentia of Boom were spawned.  William Ayers, Bernie Dorn,  the Black Panthers, the SLA stole Patty Hearst robbing a few banks,  while the deep state was busy killing and maiming our poor in a small Southeastern Asian country.

Maybe we are called "boomers" because of the number of explosive devices we detonated?

Up from this soup come the Clintons, Gore,  W. Bush, and finally, with that summa cum laude, out of nothing, Obama, and to balance all these Brainiac Boomers,  along came Trump.

Bill Clinton is motivated by Money and Pussy,  his wife, the same and add ego for power,  some love them, but some are repulsed by their disregard for law and lust for physical and material pleasures.  I am in the later.  God please save us from her wrath.  If she were to win the presidency, she would complete the border wall not to keep illegals out, but to keep us in.

Gore, Jr  is a product of second generation politics, his father was Gore Sr who was backed by the Soviets through Armand Hammer and Occidental Petroleum whose geological survey of Tennessee asked Gore Sr to buy a cheap farm or two in Middle Tennessee and they would lease the mineral rights from him for a $100,000 a yr, quite a nice sum back in the 1940's.   Then Gore Jr. took the position given to him by his father and ran with it all the way to the vice presidency where his luster fizzled snuffed out by Chad in Florida and a supreme court ruling that refused to allow an election to be manipulated by a Soviet puppet.  He has parlayed his hype of global warming into millions of dollars.   And the movers and shakers in the Middle East have topped him off with the purchase of his failing TV station.

A family member was attending Vanderbilt University in the 70's and was in a fraternity with this putz.  He came home Christmas and said " I just met Albert Gore, Jr.  a complete goof, he thinks he is going to be president of the United States someday!"

Gore and his middle chakra, famously released in Seattle, Washington,  prove my relative's point.

W. Bush was groomed to keep the Boom on course and his Middle East policy with its 2 decade long battle has drained our economy and taken its toll on our military.   Fight the enemy but lay down rules for radicals to be sure you cannot win.

And Obama, Barrack Hussein Obama, and his handlers knew Hillary Clinton did not have the right stuff,  even she could not be trusted to defeat a lifetime politician and third rate fighter pilot and media proclaimed war hero whose name I will not slander,  a man so petulent he voted with the democrats against rescinding Obama Care just to show Trump who's the boss!  What an ass!

BHO, HBO, both are filled with hype, illusions, and fanciful fictions.   Deep State played him like a Stradivarius.

Paris Climate, Iran Nuclear bribe,  Obama Care, Fast and Furious,  Hillary Clinton, SOS, (really SOS sent out to God), Benghazi, Lybia and Guadaffi, the rise and funding of ISIS, and without a Teleprompter he is a tongue tied nincompoop.  Still is.  And finally spying on the ( google does not like this so it must be good!) political opposition employing the FBI JUSTICE STATE and other departments, and sicing the IRS on the TEAPARTY, thank you Lois Lerner, you American traitor.
Billions of dollars in foreign aid funneled back to political parties and politician's family members. Look out Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Obama, Clinton, and others!

Hey Joe, where you going with that billion dollars in yo hand?

I'm going to give it to my Hunter man.  Sorry Jimmy Hendrix!

The Ukraine scandal will be the undoing of many prominent pols on both sides if it is ever fully exposed.

And I ask the burning question:  What the fuck is wrong with our news media?

Answer:  These dipshits are obviously on the dole.

Time for an economic audit of these media types who are compromised.

And now along came DJT, Trump.  What an appropriate name for a man who is exposing the corruption and graft in our upper halls of government.

Every bullshit charge possible has been leveled against this true patriot.  Russian puppet, spying on Joe Biden, paying ugly hookers for sex,  he has been hamstrung for his entire presidency, but he has managed to make us energy independent severing the subserviant role we had to the Saudis.  Ending poor trade deals and reestablishing the United States as a manufacturing powerhouse.  Rebuilding the military, ending our involvement in the senseless wars in the middle east, fixing the VA hospital system, wisely decoupling us from CHINAH.  A man who truly loves his country and hates corruption and the corrupt bastards in the deep state are all in a huff seeing all they have worked for systematically coming apart.

Trump is working hard for every American, not just the politically connected, and every hardworking American knows it.  People who do not get their opinions from NPR would never turn on this wonderful patriot.

Bring out the third generation, the mind numbed childern, the basement dwellers, the everyone gets a trophy group to go after America's historical trophies represented by the statues place there to remind us all where we were and how we got here.  So down with the everybody gets a trophy and up with nobody keeps a statue!

And sadly Antifa is a cross section of America's young, mostly pastey, white, either too skinny or too fat to be useful in a man's army, bedecked in the uniform of black clothing black helmets, face shields, and smelling like last weeks dirty laundry.  Supported by a faction of the democrat party, bailed out by Hollywood stars and Joe Biden's campaign team and lauded by the democrat media.

The media's relentless showcasing of these dweebs in their protests with fatassed females waddling down the streets carrying signs and screaming at police and the skinny male pukes shouting down anyone with a different political belief is enough to make our enemies feel they will not have to attack us we are done.

The only one standing in the way is Donald J. Trump, our president.

So folks, if you want to keep our republic, get off your fat asses and vote the greatest SOB ever to be president back into office.  Even if it takes harvesting your democrat neighbors mail in ballots.  Time to take the gloves off.  The everybody gets a trophy generation must be defeated.  They must be sent back to mama's basement to play video games, watch porn eating ramen noodles and smoking weed.

And hey, just a word of advice, get some more sunshine on that pastey white skin because Vitamin D Matters.

This man must be re-elected!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.  Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, June 12, 2020

America: Time To Cut Bait With Those Nasty Red/Blue State Idiots!

The solution to pollution is dilution.  America is polluted with anarchist.  Now that we know Blue states leaders are good with playing nice with these people is it time for Red States to break away?

Can we agree to disagree?  Is it time for Blue states to have the president they want and Red states to have the president they want?  Let the election decide.

How does it work you may ask?

Well it is quite simple.  States that vote predominantly democrat would have Joe Biden as their president and Red states President Trump.  EAch president would have veto power to prevent laws from taking effect in their portion of the country.

If green new deal is wanted in Blueville, they can have it but will have to pay for it without taxation from Redville.  If they want to fund Iran, so be it.   If they want no fossil fuel use, ok.  If they want open borders, fine, but they cannot come to Redville without proper visa, etc.

What if a state changes from Blue to Red, or vice versa, well they are free to switch over anytime, to complicate things even less perhaps it should be county to county because there are many Red counties in states that are blue from the overpopulation centers which are a drain on public resources.

Just a thought of how to calm all this Anarchy down.  You gotta break a few skulls to make a new country.  Where is the old FBI when you need it,  chasing phantom Russion colluders, when a WACO is what's needed.  Dig up old Janet Reno and ask her and Bill Clinton what they would do?

Short of killing us all a division is necessary.   Common defence issues paid for based on population.

I am,

Nelson Rockefellow Jones, fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Join Patriotic Americans Against Antifa Thuggery (PAAAT)

Lets face it folks, we are at war.  One side is for the destruction of America as we know it, and the other is for its preservation.  One is for globalism and open borders and the other is for our Nation.

It is time to make a choice!  Either we stand by and do nothing and watch the greatest experiment in self-governance wither and die or we step up to help out in any small way that we can.

And this is why I founded the PAAAT.   It is a nonviolent organization of American Patriots who will be the eyes and ears for our law enforcement agencies who quickly become  overwhelmed in riot situations.

Our mission is to identify Antifa and locate their transportation and safely hobble it by spiking tires or other nonviolent techniques.  A foot soldier is easier to defeat than a cavalry.

The government must grant us immunity in our mission or we cannot proceed, nor should we.

I have asked President Trump via presidential order to place a $100 bounty on Antifa transportation, $300 on buses.  I expect to hear back in public in the next couple of days.

These are desperate times we are living through and it takes all of the people to defeat anarchy.

When good people sit back and do nothing evil people will fill that void.

While out canvassing your neighborhood for Antifa thugs look for strangers, of slight build, pasty white complections, and dressed in black with back packs, as soon as they are out of sight and no others are near by, spike their tires, open the side wall as this cannot be repaired and if you spike all four, it will cost them about a $1000 or more to get that horse back on the road.  If we found a car for every 2 to 4 thugs, and there were 300 thugs per riot location, the PAAAT could clip them for about $75 to $150,000 to replace 300 to 600 tires and they would have to stay in local hotels and eat at any places they did not burn out.

This is the technique Sherman used against the South and the Native Americans, basic warfare stuff, and Bedford Forrest used it quite effectively against Sherman and Grant.

Taking that much money out of the game leaves less for drugs and bike locks and flashy back packs and black clothing allowances.  Bricks ain't cheap.  Sledge hammers are $40 or more at Lowes.

Make being Antifa hurt people!

Join the Patriotic Americans Against Antifa Thuggery now!

Its free and only you know that you are a member.

Remember loose lips sink ships.

Vote with your actions.

Jason Bourne Biden, V  guest columnist UPLC

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Most Peculiar Encounter

A young man presented himself to my farm yesterday asking for some money to buy  food while I was up at my mail box.  He stated he is trying to get back to the Colorado Rockies where the space ship is to pick him up.  He, as he explained it, was an emissary from Alpha Centurian placed here with the election of Donald Trump to prepare Earth for the harvest.

"The harvest, what harvest?"

"Where have you been," he chided me.

"The Universe is almost completely out of souls.  We were sent here to prepare you for this harvest of souls."  

At this point I was certain I was dealing with a certifiable nutcase.  But I decided to go along with him.

"We, who's we?"

"Me and 193 of my fellow Alpha Centurians.  One for each country in the world."  He said.

Well, there are 195 countries and I thought I had him there, but before I could call him on the mistake he said:

"We decided to exempt the country of See and its 800 residents."

He continued,  "Its political, the big wigs in our world have spoken and your Vatican City is spared from the harvest."

"The souls must be without sin, which are sort of like Wago beef, it's just better."  He continued.

"The one thing we did not consider was this Wuhan virus,  it has made the harvest nearly impossible.
We had plans for 6 billion souls, but the virus has a peculiar property.  It renders that soul useless for our purpose.  The great counsel of Stars has decided to move on.  Of course we will collect the aborted and the rare death not associated with Wuhan, but we will be leaving Earth.  This whole sheltering in place and that damn viurs has made it rather difficult for mass collections.  So Earth and its people are safe for now."

I gave this nut job $20 and he thanked me and turned back towards the Dollar General.

I collected my mail, and there it was!

My Stimulus Check!  If I had known this, I would have given that kook, $40.  

I am going to cash this check and go the the Titty Bar as soon as it opens.

I am fairly certain they would not be getting my soul.

Alpha Centurian, ha I bet that is not even a place.

I may be stupid, but I am not crazy.

Winniford Rufus Maybolt,  uncle to the Late Jackson Delano Maybolt,  President UPLC

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Will President Obama Pay For His Hubris

Hubris is valuable if one can buy someone for what they are worth and sell that one for what they thought they were worth.  And President Obama with his huge hubris burden is a profit waiting to be made.

President Obama, clever Harvard grad, felt certain he could sic his Justice Dept and FBI on Trump and take the Trump Presidency out.   Well, it did not turn out like Obama and his criminal cabal of anti-American consprirators planned.  Trump is still president, the Russia hoax is exposed as a cheap trick and the impeachment orchestrated by Adam Schiff fell flat interferring with President Trump's handling of the Corona virus emergency.

Did Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Biden expect Bill Barr to look the other way?  The real "by the book" LEO is Bill Barr, Ms. Rice.

And now Flynn has been exhonorated and the dubious case against him brought by his petulence, President Barak Hussein Obama,  Allah's acolyte, was an attempt to keep his administrative malfeasance under wraps.

Flynn and the Trump administrations might not understand Money to Mullahs, and the Paris Accords on global warming, or keeping American jobs overseas, and keeping America dependent on Middle East Oil Sheiks or arming ISIS, all issues not in the best interest of America and Obama, old boy, you supported all of them.  I haven't even mentioned your money laundering scheme with the Ukraine.

What about the sweatheart deals Vice President Joe Biden made for his son Hunter in the Ukraine and China, and the millions raked in by the Clinton Slush Pay for Play funds.  Maybe the new kid in town would question these shenanigans and unleash the full force and power of the Justice Dept and the FBI were it not so compromised by the your administration and its appointees.

The Flynn Affair, the Russia Hoax, The Mueller investigation, and the impeachment hoax is pointing to the former Obama Administration and its attempts to keep its criminality under the radar of the Trump Administration.

Epic Fail!

The first domino has fallen, and the chain reaction goes all the way to the top.  If you are lucky, Pres. Obama, you may get a cell right next to Bill and Hillary Clinton.  I hear they are a hoot.  Keep her away from ashtrays, however.  She has a hell of an arm.

Barr and Durham are taking names, and yours has popped up on the list.  Maybe time to catch a flight to Kenya before its too late?

Good luck and good riddance.

I'm sorry if you were just a pawn in global political games, but the buck has to stop somewhere and you were holding the title.

So will President Obama pay for his Hubris?  It is looking more like it since Flynn was released than ever before.

I hope you get out of the pokie in time to enjoy the beach house on Martha's Vineyard for the sacrifices you made for the deep state against the American people.

Treason is the reason.

You are either a very brave or a very gullible man.

Life is too short not to do what's right!

Your actions against Flynn, Trump, and America were clearly wrong.

The summer of trials for treason is upon us.

Enjoy your May.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Don't Tell Uncle Maybolt, I Found His Blog

Hey, I am Jackson Delano Maybolt's nephew, President Clinton D Maybolt, my mother loves Bill and Hillary Clinton and I was named after them.  You remember I wote about poor Uncle Jack's death by Sycamore Tree a few years back.

Anyway that was a long time back, I graduated from High School with a C+ average majoring in goofing and idle time and have had no real luck finding a job I liked or could keep given my penchant for sloth and grace.

Mom suggested I try my hand at writing and showed me Uncle Jackson's Blog.  She said it is viewed 5 to 10 times a day all over the world and if Google did not hide it, it could really take off.

First, Google AI, I am not a right wing nut like Uncle Jackson, I tend to like Biden and Bernie with a tiny bit of trouser tingle for Kamala Harris.  I bet her meat duster is sweet as candy.  Mom said to not be too gross with my introduction, but, hey, I am only 25 and still a version, verison, virgo, what's the word, I never had sex with anybody but myself.

So I wrote a joke.  It goes like this:

I was over at my cousin's house.  She was 16 and a sophmore in highschool and I was 16 in the eighth grade again.  She was advanced for her age, the school's nymphomaniac.

She says to me, I am going to take a quick shower and before moma gets home from shopping at Walmart, we are going to have kinky sex.

Well, this caught me off guard, and I asked what she had in mind.

She says, you are gonna need a bib.


The door just slammed, Jackson is home.  I gotta run.  Ihope hyou liked this joke.  I need to make some money, living with moma is a drag.  But I gets to eat.

President Clinton D. Maybolt, favorite nephew, JDM UPLC


Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020: So Far Trump Is Running Unopposed

Is President Trump running unopposed this election cycle?

Well, the democrats have not come up with a worthy opponent.  Creepy Slow One For The Money and Two For The Show, Joe Biden is currently in the middle of a brain rot or perhaps the greatest feint ever to avoid answering to his nearly 5 decades of insider dealings which made him and his family a fortune.

The stumbles and mumbles which come out of his dentured mouth from under that hair plugged skull on a daily basis are evidence enough that Creepy Joe appears to be Demented Joe Biden.

A serious party would be looking for a substitute to run against the greatest man to ever hold the office.

That the democrat press and the party are mute to Joe Biden's slide into dementia is telling.

They know Trump cannot be defeated by man but only by law.  The 22nd admendment to the constitution will bring the Trump presidency to a close, or will it?

There have been family dynasties in the presidency before, Adams, Roosefelt, Bush, Clinton (almost), and now the Trumps have a good chance of making the list.

Don Jr, is just as fiery,  popular and bright as his father.  He could make 2024 through 2032 a nightmare for the democrats and its fawning liberal suck-up press.

Middle America knows this.

To answer my question is President Trump running unopposed?

Why, yes he is if you discount the tons of news print, and gnashing of teeth and dentures spouting what a tragedy has befallen our country, the country under president Trump.

Biden is not a serious challenge, he is a dustbin in history place holder.  Given the dubious honor to have been able to run as Trump's challenger in 2020.   He will not be grouped with Lincoln, Reagan or Trump, but with Humphrey, McCain, Dole, McGovern, Romney, Dukakis, and then along came Biden, slow walking Joe, gibberish talking Joe.

In closing I shall quote a Joyce Kilmer poem memorized by me 53 years ago with a surprise ending.

I think that I shall never see
a poem as lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
against the earth's sweet flowing breast

Ah,  ah,  you know the thing!

Poems are made by fools like Biden
He will lose this election and I ain't lying.

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Vice President Biden: Is Yelling "Covid-19" At A Crowded Political Rally Protected By the First Amendment?

Is yelling "Covid-19" at a crowded political rally protected by the First Amendmemt?  Is the venerable AR-14 legal to own in America and protected by the Second Amendment?  Can you own a machine gun in America?   Is the democrat front-runner for president self-aware of his declining mental state?

Is it time for the DNC to have an intervention, call off the primary elections and concede the presidenty to Trump and let him run unopposed?

They may as well, for if they nominate Sundown Joe Biden, the victory party for Trump can begin shortly after the democrat convention and continue on through the fall and winter.

Joe Biden has a lot of baggage collected over his 4 plus decades groping and goofing his way through both congress and the senate and his Peter Principle top finale, Vice President.

Looking at the problems, in no particular order, plagerizing campaign speeches from British politicians,  a benign brain tumor which was removed along with his self-control not to fondle small children and women in public settings,  supporting segregation,  and the worst is the appearance of inpropriety with his family member's million dollar insider deals not available to our family members.

Joe Biden's political career has cratered.   Telling voters who disagree with your gun policies that they are "full of shit" is poor self-control and sure to lose the 2nd amendment vote.   Check with Al Gore about his gun control problem back in 2000.

Say goodnight, Joe, the sun is setting and it is time for you to do the right thing and ride off into that golden sunset and leave the administration of this country in the hands of the most capable and competent Orange Man.

Quit before your disability worsens.

Listen carefully to Kenny Rogers' classic song from your youth, "The  Gambler".

It is time for you to fold them and let Tulsi Gabbard have a shot at it, or that whipper snapper, Bernie Sanders.

Okay,  to answer the question about yelling Covid-19 at a crowded political rally,  it depends on which party you are affiliated with.  Democrats get a pass, and republicans get prosecuted.

Thanks Obama!

Joe Biden, sundowner, groping gaff-bag is your legacy.   You own this.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Democrats If Weakness Were A Strength They Would Be Herculean, Candidates For President, Just Wow!

Look at Joe Biden.  A Pelosi-face, taut and smooth in an unnatural way for a 78 yr old geezer.  Face lifts are for pussies!  Google warning up and acknowledged, thank you.  What I meant to say is I love Joe Biden and plan to support his run for president. Warning removed!  But did the anesthesia during his face lift damage Joe?  He definitely is not the same Joe who bragged to the CFR about getting the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine.   And Pelosi seems to be slipping as well, she is a face lift away from complete mumbling?

Joe Biden has a certain look.  His eyes portray the vacuousness seen in senility.  A blank stare looking at no one, and seeing nothing.  The connections are gone.  Alzheimer plaques have invaded his brain and cut him off from the rest of the world.

President Trump is correct.  Joe Biden needs to be placed in a home where he can spend the rest of his time shuffling off to the dining room three times a day and back to his room where he can practice macaroni art and play bingo on friday nights.  He does not need to be fiddle farting around in the oval office wondering where the nearest bathroom is located and where he put his phone down?  Third Google AI warning.  What I meant to say was Joe Biden is the only thoughtful choice to run the country.  Warning removed!

The democrat bench is weak and shallow.  Bernie Sanders, 79, aging well compared to Sundowning Joe, but his old ticker sputtered and hiccupped and had to be cleaned out for even socialists get hardening of the arteries, and all this without a real job ever or any stress.  One wonders how long Bernie would last under the stress of the presidency?  Who or what, will be his Monica when the stress becomes too great?  Second Google Warning.   What I meant to say is I love Bernie Sanders and plan to support him with all my will and money should he be he nominee.  Warning removed!

Google is so stupid!  AI bastard!

Anyway, Joe Biden is not mentally up to the challenge of being an effective president.  Well, yes he would be able to cover for the Obama corruption and the investigations into it would stop.  I hear Biden has started naming his dream team cabinet, John Kerry for Secretary of Corruption, Hildury Clinton for vice president of  graft and bribery,  James Comey for director of the Federal Bureau of Incompetence,  and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page for Secretaries of Departmental Love Affairs and Political Subterfuge.

Sundown Joe Biden is lost.  The democrats need an intervention.  If they nominate this shell for president, they deserve the drumming they will get for not taking the process seriously.  And if they plan to slip in ole Hildury instead of the Sundowner,  a pox be upon them.  She has a serious brain injury and delusional thinking that she has done nothing wrong in her pay for play parlay as SOS under Obama, who did not even know she was doing it.

And Michelle Obama has fewer qualifications to be president than Vlad Putin.  She could not even get a school lunch menu plan together.  How would she do against terror, the border, and would she continue to nominate Supreme Court justices who would carry on the 50 yr war on Black births?

Yes, abortion, its not for everybody.

Will cut this off before the 4th Google AI warning.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.  Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

President Trump Was Assured Of Victory With The Biden Endorsements

That Klobuchar, Buttegeig, O'Rourke, all three suddenly dropped their races for the presidency or unexpectedly endorsed candidate Joe Biden D, Ukraine, is telling.

Everyone on the Left has decided it is hopeless.  The Trump run will essentially be unopposed in November.

President Trump is a national treasure and has raised the hopes of millions and milllions of Americans whose voices were here to fore, lost in fly over country.

Millions of tea party activist who were abused by Obama's IRS and the evil incarnate, Lois Lerner,  and millions of voters who want only for honesty and accountability and the not duplicity we got routinely from Pant Suite Clinton and her phat phony phoundation.

Millions who saw all trade agreements take work and jobs out of the United States and plant it firmly in China.

Millions who saw our energy policies that favored foreign suppliers of OPEC, and were thrilled when  President Trump with a stroke of his pen turn our country from energy dependent to independent in a few short months.

Millions who could not believe Obama would capitulate to Iran and give billions and billions to an enemy.  

Millions who watched Obama and Clinton take a terrible situation in the Middle East and make it even worse.

The choice for the Big D's is which throw away candidate to they have to spare.  I believe all will fail in the attempt to defeat WGL,  Donald Trump.  

President Trump is the Colosus, the Mohamad Ali of politics, steeped in good looks, and blessed with a wonderful political bedside manner, he will be re-elected this fall.

Democrats need to lay back and enjoy the drumming, it will not be a good election for them.

The republicans are set up to run the table in the fall.

The weak media will do everything to damage Trump, but he is unstoppable.

Four years of endless attacks and groundless accusations have not laid a glove on that beautiful face.

Americans can look to having this wonderful leader represent them instead of the vested interests who have made Washington DC the Swamp.

God Bless Donald Trump, and God Bless America!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Federal Monies Denied Sanctuary Cities Should Be Applied to Build The Wall

Will the Whitehouse and President Trump mark the money demied to the sanctuary cities to build the wall?

I can hear the wailing and gnashing of liberal teeth all over the MSM.

My vote is "do it"!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, February 28, 2020

Who Killed The Fake News Media, We Did!

The Fake News Media is dead and they don't even know it, or at least they are not willing to admit it as yet.

President Donald Trump has fingered them and the Trump supporters knew four years ago the fix was in to try to steal the presidency from President Trump.

We all know Donald Trump would never have been able to win the nomination and let alone the presidency if the Fake News Media had any pull.   Americans are gullible, but only to a point, beyond  which not even the dullards among us can be dragged kicking and screaming for the last three presidential candidates chosen for the republicans by the press.

I am speaking of Bob Dole who ran against Bill Clinton, the Harvey Weinstein like, politician from Arkansas with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, the terrible.  Dole was picked by the media but he was not the best choice at the time, he was past his freshness label, and Dan Rather was still king.

W. Bush was nearly pushed off in 2000 by the Media with last minute drunken driving revelations and Rather's AWOL report.

That W. Bush prevailed against the Media titans and their puppet masters, which were W's masters as well was the first hint that the Media had a chink in its armour.  A chink that would lead to the greatest fall ever for a "free press".

Bush faced the very effete John Kerry in his bid for reelection and Kerry was unable to throw a sitting president out of office even with a very compliant and cooperative press.   The mainstream media was losing its mojo.

Along comes the Obama phenomenon!  Finally someone America could get behind to bring the country together after the terrible Bush years.  Hillary Clinton, the annointed one, her its my turn attitude put a shine on the turd in the political punch bowl, BHO, that could not be denied.

BHO swept into office with a convincing victory over his mainstream media chosen opponent, Senator John McCain.  Again not the best choice from the field that year, but the press selected him and he lost to the great gifted possessor of the soothing baratone voice and an incomparable skill at reading from teleprompters.

Aside from those wonderful skills BHO was and is an empty Coke bottle, plastic not glass, not aluminum.

And what has the great BHO been spouting of late?  He has taken credit for the Trump boom by starting it all off back in 2009 with a phony stimulus bill which was stolen by everyone with a relative in office in Washington at that time.  Fly over America got bupkiss!

Fast forward to 2012, where 4 years of an inept BHO and his secretary of state, Hildie Bengahzi Clinton had completely trashed the middle east and ruined our economy.  Americans were ready for a change.

The republican field was full of promise, and least among them was Mitt Romney,  a former govenor of Massachusetts, and the father of Obamacare light which he put into his great state, thereby taking the strong arguing point against Obamacare off the table for this election.

But Mitt was selected by the media as the candidate most likely to fail against the great and formidable BHO.  And the republican voting public were helpless to defeat this.

America was burdened by 4 more years of the most inept administration of all time.  John Kerry moved into the SoS position, and Iran was given billions of dollars and euros, some in cash on pallets flown in on Airforce C 130's for a promise not to Nuke Israel for another 10 years.  And the media cheered!   And everyday Americans suffered the worst economic recovery ever, while insiders like Kerry, Pelosi, Biden's children were taking millions from the Ukraine, and many connected political families were enjoying lucrative government contracts.

And the American people in fly over country got bupkiss.

Was America ready in 2015 for a third Obama term which would be essentially what Hildur Clinton would represent or were they hankering for a third Bush in the WhiteHouse aka effete Jeb?

Fly over voters were pissed.  Nothing for them for 16 years!  Only quagmire wars in the middle east and higher taxes and lower wages if you could even get a job in this post-NAFTA nightmare economy.

Hillary Dud Clinton with the full backing and support of 100% of the mainstream media was a shoe-in as the 45th president of the United States.  Nothing could stop her, the colosus!

Nothing that is but her awful personality, her shrill voice, and her unpopular positions on how to govern.  Never mind she sold our uranium to the Russians and filled her Clinton Foundation with bribes while SoS under Obama 1.

Enter Donald J. Trump,  a common billionaire from Queens.  A man so genuine and grounded he is comfortable with Kings and commoners.  The Kings respect him and commoners love him.  He is a no nonsense nonpolitician who ran a brilliant campaign to win the electoral college vote and the election against an unworthy opponent who did not even campaign in the rust belt.

Hildur's calculations were off by a mile.  A majority of voters in the rust belt and fly over country held a very low opinion of Hildury.  Most felt if she could be bought for what she was worth and sold for what she thought she was worth, we could retire the national debt,  if we could keep the Bidens away from it.

The mainstream media pulled no punches to thwart Donald Trump's campaign.  The first blow was from Megyn Kelly at the first debate about referring to women as dogs, sluts, prostitites, etc,  etc, when Trump, off the cuff defused it with a rye, "Only Rosie O'donnell!

Try as they may the media's war on Trump only made him stronger.  One by one his lesser competitors dropped out of the race.  The media and the deep state were starting to panic.  Then NBC pulls out the last minute tape where a younger Trump comments about "grabbing them by the pussy."

But middle America was buying none of it.  Trump brought all the women Hildury's husband, Bill was accused of sexually assaulting out to the second debate and thereby pointed out the media's duplicity.  One set of rules for the democrat and another higher, much higher standard for Trump.

It worked.  Mojo mainsteam media-zero, candidate Donald Trump-100.

And now here we are three plus years into the Trump first term, with 95% negative stories out by the Fake News and he is stronger than ever.  This man fights, and has turned the American economy around for the common man.  He is one of us and not one of them, we, the American people love him and they loathe him.

The Fake News media is dead, long live he new news!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, February 20, 2020

MiniMike Blumberg Was Scalped At The Debate

The only thing that could save MiniMike Blumberg's bacon is to dig up Gen. William T. Sherman spend a few million to breathe life back into him and point out the only Native American he did not subjugate.

I am referring to the scalp Pocahantas took from the man who was at her right at the debate.  Poor MiniMike, he looked like a man without a party.   A candidate withhout a voice, a goof trying to break into the most corrupt political party of all time with unlimited funds.

The party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow, grifters par excellante, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, with his stacked FBI and DOJ, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself, along with a supreme court justice who died in Texas under suspicious circumstances.

Well MM, the only way to beat these scallywags is to buy them off, each has a price.  Pocahantas may settle for a few beads and smallpox riddled blankets, though corona virus may be easier to procure, Bernie may go for a small state in South America or buy Cuba and make him president there.

Buttigegieg, may settle for one billion dollars and his likeness on the dollar bill.

Klobuchar may settle for Secretary of State so she can vault into the next open presidential race with a leg up.

You do not have tell her the Trumps are sure to be there for at least another 12 and perhaps 20 years if the children run dynasty style.

Middle America is through listening to the broken promises spewed by the preTrumpians on the left and right.

Once you have seen Trump it is hard to accept anything less.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Flash! Andrew McCabe Not Charged With Lying To Congress And Leaking Classified Materials To The Press! Or Will He?

Justice disappoints Forever Trumpers by declining to prosecute Andy McCabe for leaking and lying to congress.  Ditto Comey, Page, Baker, Strzok, Brennan, Ohr, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Plentka.

What is the rush?  The case against these lightweights should be delayed until all of the heavyweights can be included.

Like the Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII the Coup against Trump and his allies, AG Barr and his team of investigators lead by Jeff Durham need to line up the dominos from bottom to top so there are no gaps and when the first domino falls it leads up the food chain where it is certain to broadside old Hopey-Changie himself,  former president,  Barak Hussein Obama and his hand picked successor, old pantsuit/tent dress queen, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I suspect Durham and Barr have bigger fish to fry than the dupe McCabe.  The thing all the above, but the last two, can claim is, they were only following orders.

The next few months are sure to be interesting.

The military motto, loose lips, sink ships will come into play as there are many, many lips involved in this wide ranging conspiracy.

I do not see President Trump and his administration letting the matter go.  Not after what they tried to do to him, his family, and his political followers.

Revenge is a dish best served up cold.

Flynn and Stone will get the last laugh, just wait.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Like The Cheerleader Advised Her Football Player Paramour: "Pull Out!" Good Advice Then, Great Advice To Elizabeth Warren

Lizzie Warren took an axe and gave her supporters forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done she gave her country forty-one.

And with Pocahontas' poor showing in New Hampshire under Sanders, Buttigieggeggeggegge (you know who I mean) and Klobuchar( you know) and barely hovering only a tommyhawk above the criminal Biden, who is having trouble stringing two cogent thoughts together, Warren has lost to a Commie, a Gay, and Strait White woman and barely eeked out a win over a creepy politician in his 8th decade of life, with 6 decades into a political career of graft and bribes.

Now her campaign is breaking into student piggy banks to stay in the game which has moved to the Gamecock's state of South Carolina.

Voters are not interested in a whisp with a whinney voice and an annoying speaking cadence to lead our great nation for the next four years.

Can anyone see Warren lasting until the first commercial break were she featured on "The Apprentice"?

She has no gravitas, or gravity, or gravy, or goulash but she drips with inexperience.  I see why she could not hold a public school teachers position because she could not garner the respect of her pupils.

Enter the questionable Cherokee heritage and Harvard is willing to ignore her short comings and she is hired!  A woman of color on Harvard's faculty, wow!

Well, apparently, even the American democrat voter is not impressed by her annoyingly sing-songie falsetto voice and her Gumby waif walk.

Pocahantas, tell America what you have done in your life of any note that helped others?   Where is the pedigree?  What makes you believe you could sit down with Putin, Xi, the Iranian Mullahs, or even Boris Johnson and negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag?  Sure you would be president, but what's in it for us, other than higher taxes, open borders, gun control, and more crime?

Were you captain of the debate team in high school?   How many pay checks have you signed and how many businesses have you started.  What is the greatest number of people on the payroll you have managed excluding campaigns?

On second thought,  it would be best if you folded up like an accordian and threw in the towel and let the other lack luster democrat candidates battle it out.  Go back to the senate and investigate Trump, vote against his judicial nominees, obstruct his great plans for America.  Join ranks with Schumer to see how you can interfere in Trump's next four years.

  • Then maybe in 2024 you can take another shot at that which you are not qualified.  Voters can smell leadership and you, my dear,  are odorless.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.   Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, February 7, 2020

Open Letter To Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, (Peers To Be A Fool!)

7 Feb, 2020

Puddin Head, Lt  Col. A Vindman:

Dear Sir:

Some advice if you get employment in government ever again.   The military is a hierarchy.
Lt Col. is much much further down the ladder than Commander in Chief.

Conspiracy to overthrow the government is serious business.  Making false claims against the Commander in Chief is treason and real bad if your claims lead to a bogus impeachment.

Lincoln would have stretched your neck to the point of breaking.  Thankfully for you, you are only looking at a court martial and with good behavior out in 30 years.

If you are not the brains behind the impeachment you need to spill the beans soon so your co-conspirators do not have the time and means to end your proir relationship, if you know what I mean, Jeff Epstein, Seth Rich?

You are looking at making some lawyers very rich.

Turn states witness and avoid the hardship you are in for.

Your Go-fund-me may net a million but your legal fees could run into the 10's of millions.

If you were the headwaters of this plan to start the impeachment of President Trump you made a mistake,  throw yourself on the mercy of the courts and hope for the best, if you are a small cog in the bigger wheel, squeal like a pig, before you take the perp walk to Gitmo.

We all make mistakes, your's is not a small one.

Love is never having to say you are sorry, but if you are not now you will be soon.

Good luck, Mr. Vindman.  I say "Mr." because you will lose your rank after your court martial.

These are not the best of times for the Obama-Clinton brainwashed sycophants.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.   Urban Poverty Law Center

How Different The Past Three Years Would Have Been Without An Honest Man In The White House.

What could stop a behemoth like our federal government in its tracks for almost 3 years?

Answer:  Send in an honest man to the highest office in that government.

What must the swamp think of this man?  Egads!  An honest public servant!

Weaker men and women would have secumbed to the siren song Hunter Bidens kinda money tempts.

Wonder how many of our career pols who were not drawn into politics to serve, but were drawn there by the money are on the Ukraine take?  We may soon find out.

Hunter Biden, Frank Biden,  Billie Bob Biden,  Sindylew Biden and Paul Pelosi, Jr now have been accused of hands in the Ukranian cookie jar of free money.  Mitt Romney is in it up to his attitude with his former campaign manager on the Ukranian dole.

Things were going along swimmingly until Americans got sick of the game and wisely sent in a spoiler.  A man, who like most Americans who voted for him, were fed up with the dishonesty and corruption which in some cases was not even hidden from public view.

The Clinton foundation comes to mind as well as Obama and his delicious book deal.

We need to hire all the accountants fired from Arthur Anderson by Weinstein who investigated Enron and who also investigated the Russian hoax under Robert Mueller's watchful eye.  Turn them loose to see where all the money has gone.

Like John Lennon once crooned:  "All I want is some truth!"

Last thought:  If the evil ones can normalize infantacide, the next step is a form of what the Norwegians term Attestupa, which we learn was a Vikings era custom of having the old commit suicide rather than draw social security.  Net flix "Norsemen"  a great and funny series.

Another last thought:  And now Lewtennant Kernal Vindman and his evil twin are out of the White House.  This is how an honest man deals with dishonesty.

Track it down, remove it, and punish it to the fullest extent of the law.

The only people happy about this are the lawyers.  Their stock just went up!

Good luck, Kernel Vindman!

You are going to need it!

Next time align yourself with honest people and do not try to destroy honest men in high positions of power.

Your life would have been much easier.

No offense, but nobody thinks you are the headwaters of this impeachment conspiracy.  You are a smart guy, but not take out the president smart.

Warning!   You are a clear and present danger to your puppet masters.  If you are part of a larger conspiracy, and I believe you are, spill your guts early and turn on your co-conspirators, the sooner the better, otherwise you will be terminated, or perhaps worse spend the rest of your life in prison as somebody's, strike that, everybodies bitch!

Hurry, Kernal, hurry.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Iowa, They Came, They Campaigned, They Flopped! Why The Democrat Stall In Iowa Will Fail

The democrat's Iowa carcasses is beginning to smell less than fresh.   The longer the democrat power brokers hold off on reporting the results, the less credible their reports will be.

Is it Trump and Russia at it again?  The App?  Or more likely the democrat deep staters not knowing what to do now that Bernie has probably come in first place and Biden has made his swan call official.

With the impeachment winding down and President Trump's popularity spiraling upward only equaled by our new Space Force's reach into the heavens, the ultimate democrat nominee will likely be a place holder and a throw away candidate to be cast onto the heap of has-been pols with Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, and do not forget, least we want to, Hillary Clinton, America's most disgruntled failed Presidential Candidate of all time.

It has been three plus years since that jubilant November day in 2016 when she was spanked by the Orange Man from Queens.  And still the excuses and shill retorts flow from her mouth like third world sewage into the rivers of our world.

Is she trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election?   Will she pay Christopher Steele to dig up more dirt on Trump from Russia or the Ukraine?    What does Hillary have on Bernie, Mayor Pete, Pocahontas, and Biden?  Did Hillary hope Sleepy Joe would be the nominee and choose her to be the vice president?   And Sleepy would fall and break a hip and die soon after taking the oath of office?

No bets as to whether she is still cankle deep in the DNC inner workings?

She needs to regain political power for the foundation.

The bundles of cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from donations from all over the world have all but ended.   Only real philanthropist who have not looked closely at the Foundation's books would dare throw money away like that.

Only 6% to charitable causes and a 94% overhead is not believable under the worst of circumstances.

The republican Iowa Caucuses reported President Trump at 97%.

That is a breath of fresh air, compared to the fetid democrat stall out on Iowa.

My prediction, this continuing democrat primary season will continue to be a clown show.
Their party disarray is alarming to American who have become accustom to the steady hand President Trump demonstrates on dealing with China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Climate issue, our economy, taxes, and our military.

The clear choice in November is between chaos and calm.  

America don't need no chaos.

Americans already know Orange Man Good!

Only the democrats and our other competitors around the globe believe President Trump is Bad, yes bad for them, but good for US!

God Bless President Trump and his family, and God Bless America.

Joseph Biden Chancre, SR  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, January 31, 2020

What Should Happen To The Obama Holdovers? Decentralize The Federal Government

If reports out of Washington are true, and Eric Ciaramella and Shawn Misko, friends at National Security under Obama were openly heard plotting the impeachment of President Trump soon after his  election in 2016, then the Obama holdovers must suffer the consequences of treason.

It is not the right times to stretch their necks, but reassignments to out of Washington DC locals may be just the thing.

Being part of the young hip DC crowd is part of the mystical allure for these swamp creatures.  How would it be for these dupes to be relocated to say rural Tennessee or Mississippi where the only entertainment is watching the cars come and go from the local Dollar General.

I just happen to have some land off US Highway 70, formerly Route 66 which is 100 miles from both Nashville's airport and Memphis airport which would be a great facility for these holdovers who like to make mischief for our president.

It is time for President Trump to send a powerful message to these swamp dwellers.  We may not have Siberia, but we sure as hell have West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi.

So President Trump, call or text me.   I can offer you a package deal, say for $100,000,000 for the land and a federal building you could be proud of complete with its own living quarters for these rat bastard Obama holdovers.  One summer in this green community and they would all quit.  This is no place to live without air conditioning and as we all know it is a luxury.  

Perhaps others could be housed and work in the new economic-zones in our inner cities.

The possibilities are endless.  President Trump is right the federal government needs to be decentralized.  The swamp has become its own mass which attracts the undesirables to serve.

I think former ambassador Yavanovich would do quite well in our facility here in West Tennessee.

Resignations would fly out of there faster than Boeing's new 777 aeroplane!

Relocate and resign.

There is more than one way to skin a cat!

And if you are wondering if I have any experience as a building developer or contractor, no, but we all know no experience is necessary if your relative is a Biden.

Joseph Biden Chancre Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a burr under General Sherman’s saddle, "the most remarkableman our Civil War produced on either side." General Sherman

After Forrest defeated the Union at Brice's Crossroads in June of 1864, General Sherman put his designs on Mobile on hold.  Sherman telegraphed Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Santon, "I  have made necessary orders, through General McPherson, to inquire well into the Sturgis matter; also to send as large a force again as he can get on Forrest's trail, and harass him and the country through which he  passes.  We must destroy him if possible." 1.

In a dispatch to McPherson he says, "We will not attempt the Mobile trip now, but I wish to organize as large a force as possible at pursue Forrest on foot, devastating the land over which he has passed, or may pass, and to make the people of Tennessee and Mississippi feel that although a bold, daring and successful leader, he will bring ruin and misery on any country where he may pass or tarry.  If we do not punish Forrest and THE PEOPLE NOW, THE WHOLE EFFECT OF OUR VAST CONQUEST WILL BE LOST."1.

And so the people of Mississippi and Tennessee were punished and not Forrest by the Union under Sherman.  The heinous plan Sherman used to defeat the Native Americans a decade later was first honed on the civilian populations of the South.

In my area of West Tennessee there is a cemetery with Twin boys, aged 21, who fought for the Union and upon their return home were murdered for the crimes General Sherman's charges committed against the civilian population.

The war of Northern Aggression left plenty of scars on the land and in the hearts of its people.  Only 4% of the Southern population owned slaves, yet the war was against the 100%.

I agree that slaves deserve reparations, but so do the southerners who were burned out of house and home and were noncombatants during the war.

To Sherman, this little war was a Vast Conquest.  To the South the war was for its survival and the right to self rule.  The North had the population advantage 2 to 1 over the South.  They had the financial advantage as well.  They were better equipped and supplied and they were ruthless as Sherman's march to the sea proved out.

How different might the world's history have been if States Rights would have won in 1865.  The US would not have been the behemoth it is today, Germany would probably have won the first World War and Hitler would have only been a failed artist.

1. page 375 "That Devil Forrest, Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, by John A. Wyeth

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Historian Urban Poverty Law center

PS  This is a great book about Forrest, who has been maligned by the Yankee agressor writers of history.  The Truth about this great general is out there.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

President Trump V Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, And Adamn Schiff, Oh The Humanity?

Gnats Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, and pencil neck Adamn Schiff are in over their heads.  They are swimming against an American Riptide caused by a wave of American support for our best president in over 200 years,  Donald J. Trump.

He has been impeached on the flimsiest of excuses.  Obstruction of Congress?  Really, Nancy, Really?  What has he obstructed on the republican side?  Nothing.  He only obstructed your really, really bad ideas for our country.

If you and Hillary Clinton were at the helm, we would be paying American taxpayer monies into the really stupid Paris Climate Accord.  Our embassy would not be in Jerusalem.  ISIS and its caliphate would be encroaching on the middle east and oil prices would be $200 a barrel.

Meanwhile Joe Bidens family and your son Paul would continue to reap the financial benefits you and the Clintons have become accustom to enjoying in a really corrupt pay for play scheme where the only losers are the American Taxpayer.

Obama's spy operation against the political opposition, republicans, would still be up and running and  Loretta Lynch would be on the supreme court and RBG would be dead and replaced by another liberal hag.

The FBI would be in great shape under Comey, McCabe, Storzk, and Page, and the Justice Department and Department of State would continue their stress free business as usual status.

Enter the Wrecking Ball.  Donald Trump.   Comey's malfeasance was met with prompt firing!  ISIS was destroyed.  Saudi Arabia was the first, his first, order of business and though I do not know what he said to King Whatisname, it got their attention as there were arrests aplenty and oil prices have not hit $100 a barrel yet.

Trump rejects the climate accord, ends the Iran agreement, gets into it with Lil Rocket Man in North Korea, serves China notice of the new Kid in Town, and renegotiates the NAFTA give away,  manages to decrease taxation on American business by 1/3 and initiates the greatest economic boom this country has ever seen.

Meanwhile, the Gnats are biting at his ankles, trying to come up with any excuse to impeach!

The border is beginning to be tightened up, wall is being built, people are getting jobs, and the stock market predicted by the Gnat people to crash if Trump was elected, has boomed, almost as great as Swalwell CNN Fart.

The Obama spying on political opponents will not stand up to public scrutiny and the Gnat-Class impeachment will not draw attention away from the investigation into its nefarious machinations.

Who or Whom did President Trump Obstruct?  The democrats and thank God and the American electorate who recognized the great potential in this man , who against a venomous and hateful media got his message out and convinced a majority of states and electoral college voters to place him at the helm.

The Democrats and the venomous media have not laid a glove on our President.  They are no longer the keepers of American opinion and no longer hold sway on the Americans who matter.   We, the working classes, have chosen Trump as our champion and petulant Pelosi's, nasty Nadless', and snakey Schiff's impeachment will be slapped away.

The corruption of the Washington Swamp will be exposed and corrected in Trump's second term.  The Bidens and the Clintons, the Comey's and McCabes, the Pelosis and Nadless and Schiff will need the millions they have stolen to pay their legal fees.

You are desperate to impeach this man, not because he is a threat to America, but because he has pointed out how self serving and self centered you democrats and many republicans are in congress. The congress that impeached President Trump is as useless as tits on a boar.

The only checks and balances you serve the American people are the generous checks you receive in your scams with taxpayer money doled out to friends and family leaving the American taxpayer to pay the balances.   Enjoy it while it lasts,  Americans are tired of the one way screwing we are getting.  And America is still booming, energy independent, with better trade policies, better foreign policies, better climate policies, and a President who believes in the American Constitution and more importantly in the American Dream!

This president's impeachable crime is pointing out how useless and corrupt this congress and its fawning press has become.  It cannot stand once the light of truth has exposed it.  The smart ones are fleeing before the Schiff hits the fan.

Americans can put up with a lot of things, but corruption rampant in congress is not high on that list.

I hope you enjoy your future.  Donald Trump has made it brighter for Americans by going around this hapless, selfish and stupidly vindictive congress.  We see what you have done and know what he has done.

Nancy, JerrOLD, ADAMN, you have been defeated by an honest man.  Get over it!

Life's Good!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Iran's Mullahs Are Holding Iranians Back From Leading In The Middle East

In the middle 1970's I taught general chemistry as a teaching assistant while in grad school.  There were many Middle Eastern students in attendance there to get chemical engineering and other degrees  with science requirements.

 General chemistry was an entry level class for many of these students.  I found the Iranian students to be bright and friendly.  They all spoke excellent English whereas those from other ME countries had poorer English speaking skills.  I recall one swarthy Iraqi with a mono brow who never spoke.  The Iranian students said he was crazy.

The Shah of Iran was hated by these students, but I never really knew what their complaint was and did not feel they were radical muslims.   They said the Shah was corrupt.   Who knows, I had no political leanings back then and cared not.

I recall the look one college aged female pollster gave me when she asked whom I supported in the 1976 presidential race, when I declared Apolitical.  "You can't be serious!"  Well, yes I was.

These students were Soleimani's contemporaries and I had a great relationship with these Iranians.

I wonder what happened to these Iranian students after leaving the University.  Some may have died in the decades long war with Iraq, others may have gone on to work in the Iranian oil fields.  But none had the last name Soleimani.

And now Soleimani has moved on to his afterlife, after a life of creating mischief and problems for many around the world.

The future will not miss poor old Q. Soleimani.  At least those who believe in peace and goodwill towards man.

With the faux missile strike on our coalition base in Iraq by Iran, maybe some of the new leadership in Iran is thinking more clearly now.  Iranians are the most intelligent in the area.  Their 7th century Mullahs are stifling their potential and throwing it away on religious feuds.

Hey Iran, stop the nonsense, sell your oil and join the civilized world where there is room for all religions and money enough for all to live well.

Post Soleimani Iran is set for a boom.   Only the Iranian people can choose which type.  Can they cast off the undue influence of the radical mullahs and do the right thing?

We shall see.

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center