Sunday, January 19, 2020

President Trump V Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, And Adamn Schiff, Oh The Humanity?

Gnats Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, and pencil neck Adamn Schiff are in over their heads.  They are swimming against an American Riptide caused by a wave of American support for our best president in over 200 years,  Donald J. Trump.

He has been impeached on the flimsiest of excuses.  Obstruction of Congress?  Really, Nancy, Really?  What has he obstructed on the republican side?  Nothing.  He only obstructed your really, really bad ideas for our country.

If you and Hillary Clinton were at the helm, we would be paying American taxpayer monies into the really stupid Paris Climate Accord.  Our embassy would not be in Jerusalem.  ISIS and its caliphate would be encroaching on the middle east and oil prices would be $200 a barrel.

Meanwhile Joe Bidens family and your son Paul would continue to reap the financial benefits you and the Clintons have become accustom to enjoying in a really corrupt pay for play scheme where the only losers are the American Taxpayer.

Obama's spy operation against the political opposition, republicans, would still be up and running and  Loretta Lynch would be on the supreme court and RBG would be dead and replaced by another liberal hag.

The FBI would be in great shape under Comey, McCabe, Storzk, and Page, and the Justice Department and Department of State would continue their stress free business as usual status.

Enter the Wrecking Ball.  Donald Trump.   Comey's malfeasance was met with prompt firing!  ISIS was destroyed.  Saudi Arabia was the first, his first, order of business and though I do not know what he said to King Whatisname, it got their attention as there were arrests aplenty and oil prices have not hit $100 a barrel yet.

Trump rejects the climate accord, ends the Iran agreement, gets into it with Lil Rocket Man in North Korea, serves China notice of the new Kid in Town, and renegotiates the NAFTA give away,  manages to decrease taxation on American business by 1/3 and initiates the greatest economic boom this country has ever seen.

Meanwhile, the Gnats are biting at his ankles, trying to come up with any excuse to impeach!

The border is beginning to be tightened up, wall is being built, people are getting jobs, and the stock market predicted by the Gnat people to crash if Trump was elected, has boomed, almost as great as Swalwell CNN Fart.

The Obama spying on political opponents will not stand up to public scrutiny and the Gnat-Class impeachment will not draw attention away from the investigation into its nefarious machinations.

Who or Whom did President Trump Obstruct?  The democrats and thank God and the American electorate who recognized the great potential in this man , who against a venomous and hateful media got his message out and convinced a majority of states and electoral college voters to place him at the helm.

The Democrats and the venomous media have not laid a glove on our President.  They are no longer the keepers of American opinion and no longer hold sway on the Americans who matter.   We, the working classes, have chosen Trump as our champion and petulant Pelosi's, nasty Nadless', and snakey Schiff's impeachment will be slapped away.

The corruption of the Washington Swamp will be exposed and corrected in Trump's second term.  The Bidens and the Clintons, the Comey's and McCabes, the Pelosis and Nadless and Schiff will need the millions they have stolen to pay their legal fees.

You are desperate to impeach this man, not because he is a threat to America, but because he has pointed out how self serving and self centered you democrats and many republicans are in congress. The congress that impeached President Trump is as useless as tits on a boar.

The only checks and balances you serve the American people are the generous checks you receive in your scams with taxpayer money doled out to friends and family leaving the American taxpayer to pay the balances.   Enjoy it while it lasts,  Americans are tired of the one way screwing we are getting.  And America is still booming, energy independent, with better trade policies, better foreign policies, better climate policies, and a President who believes in the American Constitution and more importantly in the American Dream!

This president's impeachable crime is pointing out how useless and corrupt this congress and its fawning press has become.  It cannot stand once the light of truth has exposed it.  The smart ones are fleeing before the Schiff hits the fan.

Americans can put up with a lot of things, but corruption rampant in congress is not high on that list.

I hope you enjoy your future.  Donald Trump has made it brighter for Americans by going around this hapless, selfish and stupidly vindictive congress.  We see what you have done and know what he has done.

Nancy, JerrOLD, ADAMN, you have been defeated by an honest man.  Get over it!

Life's Good!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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