Thursday, January 9, 2020

Iran's Mullahs Are Holding Iranians Back From Leading In The Middle East

In the middle 1970's I taught general chemistry as a teaching assistant while in grad school.  There were many Middle Eastern students in attendance there to get chemical engineering and other degrees  with science requirements.

 General chemistry was an entry level class for many of these students.  I found the Iranian students to be bright and friendly.  They all spoke excellent English whereas those from other ME countries had poorer English speaking skills.  I recall one swarthy Iraqi with a mono brow who never spoke.  The Iranian students said he was crazy.

The Shah of Iran was hated by these students, but I never really knew what their complaint was and did not feel they were radical muslims.   They said the Shah was corrupt.   Who knows, I had no political leanings back then and cared not.

I recall the look one college aged female pollster gave me when she asked whom I supported in the 1976 presidential race, when I declared Apolitical.  "You can't be serious!"  Well, yes I was.

These students were Soleimani's contemporaries and I had a great relationship with these Iranians.

I wonder what happened to these Iranian students after leaving the University.  Some may have died in the decades long war with Iraq, others may have gone on to work in the Iranian oil fields.  But none had the last name Soleimani.

And now Soleimani has moved on to his afterlife, after a life of creating mischief and problems for many around the world.

The future will not miss poor old Q. Soleimani.  At least those who believe in peace and goodwill towards man.

With the faux missile strike on our coalition base in Iraq by Iran, maybe some of the new leadership in Iran is thinking more clearly now.  Iranians are the most intelligent in the area.  Their 7th century Mullahs are stifling their potential and throwing it away on religious feuds.

Hey Iran, stop the nonsense, sell your oil and join the civilized world where there is room for all religions and money enough for all to live well.

Post Soleimani Iran is set for a boom.   Only the Iranian people can choose which type.  Can they cast off the undue influence of the radical mullahs and do the right thing?

We shall see.

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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