Friday, February 7, 2020

How Different The Past Three Years Would Have Been Without An Honest Man In The White House.

What could stop a behemoth like our federal government in its tracks for almost 3 years?

Answer:  Send in an honest man to the highest office in that government.

What must the swamp think of this man?  Egads!  An honest public servant!

Weaker men and women would have secumbed to the siren song Hunter Bidens kinda money tempts.

Wonder how many of our career pols who were not drawn into politics to serve, but were drawn there by the money are on the Ukraine take?  We may soon find out.

Hunter Biden, Frank Biden,  Billie Bob Biden,  Sindylew Biden and Paul Pelosi, Jr now have been accused of hands in the Ukranian cookie jar of free money.  Mitt Romney is in it up to his attitude with his former campaign manager on the Ukranian dole.

Things were going along swimmingly until Americans got sick of the game and wisely sent in a spoiler.  A man, who like most Americans who voted for him, were fed up with the dishonesty and corruption which in some cases was not even hidden from public view.

The Clinton foundation comes to mind as well as Obama and his delicious book deal.

We need to hire all the accountants fired from Arthur Anderson by Weinstein who investigated Enron and who also investigated the Russian hoax under Robert Mueller's watchful eye.  Turn them loose to see where all the money has gone.

Like John Lennon once crooned:  "All I want is some truth!"

Last thought:  If the evil ones can normalize infantacide, the next step is a form of what the Norwegians term Attestupa, which we learn was a Vikings era custom of having the old commit suicide rather than draw social security.  Net flix "Norsemen"  a great and funny series.

Another last thought:  And now Lewtennant Kernal Vindman and his evil twin are out of the White House.  This is how an honest man deals with dishonesty.

Track it down, remove it, and punish it to the fullest extent of the law.

The only people happy about this are the lawyers.  Their stock just went up!

Good luck, Kernel Vindman!

You are going to need it!

Next time align yourself with honest people and do not try to destroy honest men in high positions of power.

Your life would have been much easier.

No offense, but nobody thinks you are the headwaters of this impeachment conspiracy.  You are a smart guy, but not take out the president smart.

Warning!   You are a clear and present danger to your puppet masters.  If you are part of a larger conspiracy, and I believe you are, spill your guts early and turn on your co-conspirators, the sooner the better, otherwise you will be terminated, or perhaps worse spend the rest of your life in prison as somebody's, strike that, everybodies bitch!

Hurry, Kernal, hurry.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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