Monday, June 29, 2020

Everybody Gets A Trophy Gone Mad

Boomers sprang from the loins of the WW II survivors in the US and the teens who lived through it.

We were pampered as our parents, using the work ethic instilled into them by parents who lived through the depression and hard times magnified by that great progressive F. D. Roosevelt and finally ended by the great economic genius A. F. Hitler,  worked hard and prospered.  We boomers prospered, new bicycles, color TV's, real news,  real movies made by talented people, a deep state in its infancy,  the death of a president,  the Beatles,  a moon walk not associated with a pop star, Playboy magazine at boy scout camps with Tits N Ass and nothing under the grass, but a few radicals and the self proclaimed intelligentia of Boom were spawned.  William Ayers, Bernie Dorn,  the Black Panthers, the SLA stole Patty Hearst robbing a few banks,  while the deep state was busy killing and maiming our poor in a small Southeastern Asian country.

Maybe we are called "boomers" because of the number of explosive devices we detonated?

Up from this soup come the Clintons, Gore,  W. Bush, and finally, with that summa cum laude, out of nothing, Obama, and to balance all these Brainiac Boomers,  along came Trump.

Bill Clinton is motivated by Money and Pussy,  his wife, the same and add ego for power,  some love them, but some are repulsed by their disregard for law and lust for physical and material pleasures.  I am in the later.  God please save us from her wrath.  If she were to win the presidency, she would complete the border wall not to keep illegals out, but to keep us in.

Gore, Jr  is a product of second generation politics, his father was Gore Sr who was backed by the Soviets through Armand Hammer and Occidental Petroleum whose geological survey of Tennessee asked Gore Sr to buy a cheap farm or two in Middle Tennessee and they would lease the mineral rights from him for a $100,000 a yr, quite a nice sum back in the 1940's.   Then Gore Jr. took the position given to him by his father and ran with it all the way to the vice presidency where his luster fizzled snuffed out by Chad in Florida and a supreme court ruling that refused to allow an election to be manipulated by a Soviet puppet.  He has parlayed his hype of global warming into millions of dollars.   And the movers and shakers in the Middle East have topped him off with the purchase of his failing TV station.

A family member was attending Vanderbilt University in the 70's and was in a fraternity with this putz.  He came home Christmas and said " I just met Albert Gore, Jr.  a complete goof, he thinks he is going to be president of the United States someday!"

Gore and his middle chakra, famously released in Seattle, Washington,  prove my relative's point.

W. Bush was groomed to keep the Boom on course and his Middle East policy with its 2 decade long battle has drained our economy and taken its toll on our military.   Fight the enemy but lay down rules for radicals to be sure you cannot win.

And Obama, Barrack Hussein Obama, and his handlers knew Hillary Clinton did not have the right stuff,  even she could not be trusted to defeat a lifetime politician and third rate fighter pilot and media proclaimed war hero whose name I will not slander,  a man so petulent he voted with the democrats against rescinding Obama Care just to show Trump who's the boss!  What an ass!

BHO, HBO, both are filled with hype, illusions, and fanciful fictions.   Deep State played him like a Stradivarius.

Paris Climate, Iran Nuclear bribe,  Obama Care, Fast and Furious,  Hillary Clinton, SOS, (really SOS sent out to God), Benghazi, Lybia and Guadaffi, the rise and funding of ISIS, and without a Teleprompter he is a tongue tied nincompoop.  Still is.  And finally spying on the ( google does not like this so it must be good!) political opposition employing the FBI JUSTICE STATE and other departments, and sicing the IRS on the TEAPARTY, thank you Lois Lerner, you American traitor.
Billions of dollars in foreign aid funneled back to political parties and politician's family members. Look out Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Obama, Clinton, and others!

Hey Joe, where you going with that billion dollars in yo hand?

I'm going to give it to my Hunter man.  Sorry Jimmy Hendrix!

The Ukraine scandal will be the undoing of many prominent pols on both sides if it is ever fully exposed.

And I ask the burning question:  What the fuck is wrong with our news media?

Answer:  These dipshits are obviously on the dole.

Time for an economic audit of these media types who are compromised.

And now along came DJT, Trump.  What an appropriate name for a man who is exposing the corruption and graft in our upper halls of government.

Every bullshit charge possible has been leveled against this true patriot.  Russian puppet, spying on Joe Biden, paying ugly hookers for sex,  he has been hamstrung for his entire presidency, but he has managed to make us energy independent severing the subserviant role we had to the Saudis.  Ending poor trade deals and reestablishing the United States as a manufacturing powerhouse.  Rebuilding the military, ending our involvement in the senseless wars in the middle east, fixing the VA hospital system, wisely decoupling us from CHINAH.  A man who truly loves his country and hates corruption and the corrupt bastards in the deep state are all in a huff seeing all they have worked for systematically coming apart.

Trump is working hard for every American, not just the politically connected, and every hardworking American knows it.  People who do not get their opinions from NPR would never turn on this wonderful patriot.

Bring out the third generation, the mind numbed childern, the basement dwellers, the everyone gets a trophy group to go after America's historical trophies represented by the statues place there to remind us all where we were and how we got here.  So down with the everybody gets a trophy and up with nobody keeps a statue!

And sadly Antifa is a cross section of America's young, mostly pastey, white, either too skinny or too fat to be useful in a man's army, bedecked in the uniform of black clothing black helmets, face shields, and smelling like last weeks dirty laundry.  Supported by a faction of the democrat party, bailed out by Hollywood stars and Joe Biden's campaign team and lauded by the democrat media.

The media's relentless showcasing of these dweebs in their protests with fatassed females waddling down the streets carrying signs and screaming at police and the skinny male pukes shouting down anyone with a different political belief is enough to make our enemies feel they will not have to attack us we are done.

The only one standing in the way is Donald J. Trump, our president.

So folks, if you want to keep our republic, get off your fat asses and vote the greatest SOB ever to be president back into office.  Even if it takes harvesting your democrat neighbors mail in ballots.  Time to take the gloves off.  The everybody gets a trophy generation must be defeated.  They must be sent back to mama's basement to play video games, watch porn eating ramen noodles and smoking weed.

And hey, just a word of advice, get some more sunshine on that pastey white skin because Vitamin D Matters.

This man must be re-elected!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.  Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

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