Friday, January 31, 2020

What Should Happen To The Obama Holdovers? Decentralize The Federal Government

If reports out of Washington are true, and Eric Ciaramella and Shawn Misko, friends at National Security under Obama were openly heard plotting the impeachment of President Trump soon after his  election in 2016, then the Obama holdovers must suffer the consequences of treason.

It is not the right times to stretch their necks, but reassignments to out of Washington DC locals may be just the thing.

Being part of the young hip DC crowd is part of the mystical allure for these swamp creatures.  How would it be for these dupes to be relocated to say rural Tennessee or Mississippi where the only entertainment is watching the cars come and go from the local Dollar General.

I just happen to have some land off US Highway 70, formerly Route 66 which is 100 miles from both Nashville's airport and Memphis airport which would be a great facility for these holdovers who like to make mischief for our president.

It is time for President Trump to send a powerful message to these swamp dwellers.  We may not have Siberia, but we sure as hell have West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi.

So President Trump, call or text me.   I can offer you a package deal, say for $100,000,000 for the land and a federal building you could be proud of complete with its own living quarters for these rat bastard Obama holdovers.  One summer in this green community and they would all quit.  This is no place to live without air conditioning and as we all know it is a luxury.  

Perhaps others could be housed and work in the new economic-zones in our inner cities.

The possibilities are endless.  President Trump is right the federal government needs to be decentralized.  The swamp has become its own mass which attracts the undesirables to serve.

I think former ambassador Yavanovich would do quite well in our facility here in West Tennessee.

Resignations would fly out of there faster than Boeing's new 777 aeroplane!

Relocate and resign.

There is more than one way to skin a cat!

And if you are wondering if I have any experience as a building developer or contractor, no, but we all know no experience is necessary if your relative is a Biden.

Joseph Biden Chancre Sr  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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