Saturday, October 17, 2020

If People And Things Were Ice Cream Flavors

If Joe Biden were an ice cream flavor he would be Rocky Road. If Kamala Harris were an ice cream flavor she would be Caramel Cackle. If Donald Trump were an ice cream flavor he would be Peaches and Cream. If Nancy Pelosi were an ice cream flavor she would be Salon Sherbert. If Adam Schiff were an icecream flavor he would be Lyin Lemon Freeze. If Hillary Clinton were an ice cream flavor she would be Bitter Butterscotch Pralines or Crookeds and Screame. If Bill Clinton were an ice cream flavor he would be Bitter Intern Tryst. If Hunter Bider were an ice cream flavor he would be Coke with Woke. If Melania Trump were an ice cream flavor she be sold out. If Barack Hussein Obama were an ice cream flavor he would be Chocolate-Vanilla Tripe. If Jim Comey were an ice cream flavor he would be Gitmo Gumshoes. If Peter Strzok were an ice cream flavor he would be WalMart Extra Special. If Lisa Page were an ice cream flavor she would be Big Banana Peel With Nutz. If Amy Coney Barrett were an ice cream flavor she would be Highest Court Supreme and sold out. If Joseph Biden Chancre Jr were an ice cream flavor he would be Bologna Blue Berry Tart. And if the Urban Poverty Law Center were an ice cream flavor it would be Shadow Banned by Google and not in your favorite retailers freezer. If Google were an ice cream flavor it would Good Bye 230 Protection Hello Lawsuits.

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