Thursday, February 13, 2020

Like The Cheerleader Advised Her Football Player Paramour: "Pull Out!" Good Advice Then, Great Advice To Elizabeth Warren

Lizzie Warren took an axe and gave her supporters forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done she gave her country forty-one.

And with Pocahontas' poor showing in New Hampshire under Sanders, Buttigieggeggeggegge (you know who I mean) and Klobuchar( you know) and barely hovering only a tommyhawk above the criminal Biden, who is having trouble stringing two cogent thoughts together, Warren has lost to a Commie, a Gay, and Strait White woman and barely eeked out a win over a creepy politician in his 8th decade of life, with 6 decades into a political career of graft and bribes.

Now her campaign is breaking into student piggy banks to stay in the game which has moved to the Gamecock's state of South Carolina.

Voters are not interested in a whisp with a whinney voice and an annoying speaking cadence to lead our great nation for the next four years.

Can anyone see Warren lasting until the first commercial break were she featured on "The Apprentice"?

She has no gravitas, or gravity, or gravy, or goulash but she drips with inexperience.  I see why she could not hold a public school teachers position because she could not garner the respect of her pupils.

Enter the questionable Cherokee heritage and Harvard is willing to ignore her short comings and she is hired!  A woman of color on Harvard's faculty, wow!

Well, apparently, even the American democrat voter is not impressed by her annoyingly sing-songie falsetto voice and her Gumby waif walk.

Pocahantas, tell America what you have done in your life of any note that helped others?   Where is the pedigree?  What makes you believe you could sit down with Putin, Xi, the Iranian Mullahs, or even Boris Johnson and negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag?  Sure you would be president, but what's in it for us, other than higher taxes, open borders, gun control, and more crime?

Were you captain of the debate team in high school?   How many pay checks have you signed and how many businesses have you started.  What is the greatest number of people on the payroll you have managed excluding campaigns?

On second thought,  it would be best if you folded up like an accordian and threw in the towel and let the other lack luster democrat candidates battle it out.  Go back to the senate and investigate Trump, vote against his judicial nominees, obstruct his great plans for America.  Join ranks with Schumer to see how you can interfere in Trump's next four years.

  • Then maybe in 2024 you can take another shot at that which you are not qualified.  Voters can smell leadership and you, my dear,  are odorless.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.   Urban Poverty Law Center

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