Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mike Pence Gets The Black Flies Matter Vote

My new Blogging format is restricted to one paragraph and as a seasoned citizen I am not savy enough to make the changes or whip out some code to remedy the problem. #new paragraph: The vice presidential debates were wowed by the fly that buzzed effortlessly about Pence's head, and then lit for a brief period where it was afforded a spectacular view of Conmanla Harris looking churlish and smarmy storing that awful laugh. NEw Paragraph: Was it a fly or was it a tiny Chinese Drone controlled by Hunter Biden in the back of the debate hall? Was the drone dropping virus particles on our beloved vice president? Time will tell. New Paragraph: I am not a Joe Biden nor a Harris fan. He has been rejected by the rank and file democrats in every primary election he has ever entered and only bested Bernie Sanders with DNC chicanery, and Harris was even less a draw in her one failed attempt at the nomination earlier this year. New paragraph: We can all agree that Black Flies Matter and that fly stole the show from Conmanla Harris because she came up with nothing the New York Times could praise so they made a great deal of the fly that buzzed Mike. Thank God for the fly for it would have been a slow news day for the nation's premier news organizations. New Paragraph: Does anyone think Slo Joe and Senator Harris, who lost out to a common house fly in the debate can best our president? New Paragraph: Delusions come in many forms. Joseph Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

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