Saturday, May 9, 2020

Will President Obama Pay For His Hubris

Hubris is valuable if one can buy someone for what they are worth and sell that one for what they thought they were worth.  And President Obama with his huge hubris burden is a profit waiting to be made.

President Obama, clever Harvard grad, felt certain he could sic his Justice Dept and FBI on Trump and take the Trump Presidency out.   Well, it did not turn out like Obama and his criminal cabal of anti-American consprirators planned.  Trump is still president, the Russia hoax is exposed as a cheap trick and the impeachment orchestrated by Adam Schiff fell flat interferring with President Trump's handling of the Corona virus emergency.

Did Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Biden expect Bill Barr to look the other way?  The real "by the book" LEO is Bill Barr, Ms. Rice.

And now Flynn has been exhonorated and the dubious case against him brought by his petulence, President Barak Hussein Obama,  Allah's acolyte, was an attempt to keep his administrative malfeasance under wraps.

Flynn and the Trump administrations might not understand Money to Mullahs, and the Paris Accords on global warming, or keeping American jobs overseas, and keeping America dependent on Middle East Oil Sheiks or arming ISIS, all issues not in the best interest of America and Obama, old boy, you supported all of them.  I haven't even mentioned your money laundering scheme with the Ukraine.

What about the sweatheart deals Vice President Joe Biden made for his son Hunter in the Ukraine and China, and the millions raked in by the Clinton Slush Pay for Play funds.  Maybe the new kid in town would question these shenanigans and unleash the full force and power of the Justice Dept and the FBI were it not so compromised by the your administration and its appointees.

The Flynn Affair, the Russia Hoax, The Mueller investigation, and the impeachment hoax is pointing to the former Obama Administration and its attempts to keep its criminality under the radar of the Trump Administration.

Epic Fail!

The first domino has fallen, and the chain reaction goes all the way to the top.  If you are lucky, Pres. Obama, you may get a cell right next to Bill and Hillary Clinton.  I hear they are a hoot.  Keep her away from ashtrays, however.  She has a hell of an arm.

Barr and Durham are taking names, and yours has popped up on the list.  Maybe time to catch a flight to Kenya before its too late?

Good luck and good riddance.

I'm sorry if you were just a pawn in global political games, but the buck has to stop somewhere and you were holding the title.

So will President Obama pay for his Hubris?  It is looking more like it since Flynn was released than ever before.

I hope you get out of the pokie in time to enjoy the beach house on Martha's Vineyard for the sacrifices you made for the deep state against the American people.

Treason is the reason.

You are either a very brave or a very gullible man.

Life is too short not to do what's right!

Your actions against Flynn, Trump, and America were clearly wrong.

The summer of trials for treason is upon us.

Enjoy your May.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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