Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reclaiming My Time! Time For Trump To Declare Martial Law And Postpone The Election

The Nadler hosted Dog and A-hole show to Roast AG Barr has come and passed.   Not unlike ice cream processed by Pelosi's 80 year old gastrointestinal tract unhindered by that 80 plus yr old anal sphincter,  gross, I know, it spewed hatred and vitriol at an honorable man, AG Barr.

Hatred of all things Trump and vitriol towards AG Barr.  Is this the kind of representative government we deserve?

"Reclaiming my time" was the democrat screetch of the day.  AG Barr was muzzled by the silliest pols in DC.   Precipice Paypals, the congress person from Washington State, who is most concerned with pronouncing her name correctly, is an embodiment of Adult Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Her look, though acceptable for democrat, would never pass for republican.  She has a pinched face with narrow set eyes and should see Pelosi's and Kamala's plastic surgeon before she takes center stage on the Judicial Committee again.

If she does not she is truly not thinking of those of us who were forced to look at her when she was starting to lose her temper, a fetal alcohol syndrome symptom.   Where is her sense of decency and her sense of empathy, again missing in the personalities of FAS.   Puisne Paypals D, Washington is representative of the kind of dysfunctional pols placed in DC by the misinformed democrat voter.

A voter who watches CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, FOX, and listens to NPR, and believes what he/she/xe hears and sees.  Orange Man Bad, the good peoples hoax, injecting clorox into patients, the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment hoax, and now the China virus is Orange Man's fault hoax.

Who but Orange Man has made America energy independent and brought back $2 a gallon gasoline down from $4 a gallon under Obama biden?  Who has defeated ISIS and its caliphate in less than a year.  Who got us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the bogus Paris Climate Accords, the bad for America NAFTA, and placed trade tariffs on China, and placed the American worker at the head of the line?

Who has built the wall to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs, and human trafficking?

Who has been hamstrung for his entire presidency by the Trump hating media and the democrats?

It is time for President Trump to reclaim his time and postpone the election until 2024.

Declare a national emergency and just do it.

It is justifiable.   It is the law.

Google has posted its warning and I will close this now.  Not that many will ever read this.

I protest Google's war against conservative thought and writings.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

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