Saturday, November 7, 2020

When Government Agencies like FBI, CIA, State, Justice Are Corrupt Citizens Have Only One Legal Option Left

The corrupt actions by democrats in four large urban centers in America have stolen an election. The lawsuits will play through the court system and it will finally end up with Roberts casting his vote with the corruptocrats, but hopefully Trump will prevail. If he loses, we have fallen below obama republic levels, and it will take a miracle to come back. Laws protect us from our ruling class and each other. Without laws, might makes right and no one is safe. The only legal option we have left is jury nullification. Citizens stand in judgement on fellow citizens when a case if brought up against them by the federal government. Well, if all patriots stand firm against tyranny, you must vote to acquit in all but the most egregious cases. Jury Nullification, learn it, love it, and live it. Joseph Biden Chancre Jr. Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

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