Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020: So Far Trump Is Running Unopposed

Is President Trump running unopposed this election cycle?

Well, the democrats have not come up with a worthy opponent.  Creepy Slow One For The Money and Two For The Show, Joe Biden is currently in the middle of a brain rot or perhaps the greatest feint ever to avoid answering to his nearly 5 decades of insider dealings which made him and his family a fortune.

The stumbles and mumbles which come out of his dentured mouth from under that hair plugged skull on a daily basis are evidence enough that Creepy Joe appears to be Demented Joe Biden.

A serious party would be looking for a substitute to run against the greatest man to ever hold the office.

That the democrat press and the party are mute to Joe Biden's slide into dementia is telling.

They know Trump cannot be defeated by man but only by law.  The 22nd admendment to the constitution will bring the Trump presidency to a close, or will it?

There have been family dynasties in the presidency before, Adams, Roosefelt, Bush, Clinton (almost), and now the Trumps have a good chance of making the list.

Don Jr, is just as fiery,  popular and bright as his father.  He could make 2024 through 2032 a nightmare for the democrats and its fawning liberal suck-up press.

Middle America knows this.

To answer my question is President Trump running unopposed?

Why, yes he is if you discount the tons of news print, and gnashing of teeth and dentures spouting what a tragedy has befallen our country, the country under president Trump.

Biden is not a serious challenge, he is a dustbin in history place holder.  Given the dubious honor to have been able to run as Trump's challenger in 2020.   He will not be grouped with Lincoln, Reagan or Trump, but with Humphrey, McCain, Dole, McGovern, Romney, Dukakis, and then along came Biden, slow walking Joe, gibberish talking Joe.

In closing I shall quote a Joyce Kilmer poem memorized by me 53 years ago with a surprise ending.

I think that I shall never see
a poem as lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
against the earth's sweet flowing breast

Ah,  ah,  you know the thing!

Poems are made by fools like Biden
He will lose this election and I ain't lying.

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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