Tuesday, March 3, 2020

President Trump Was Assured Of Victory With The Biden Endorsements

That Klobuchar, Buttegeig, O'Rourke, all three suddenly dropped their races for the presidency or unexpectedly endorsed candidate Joe Biden D, Ukraine, is telling.

Everyone on the Left has decided it is hopeless.  The Trump run will essentially be unopposed in November.

President Trump is a national treasure and has raised the hopes of millions and milllions of Americans whose voices were here to fore, lost in fly over country.

Millions of tea party activist who were abused by Obama's IRS and the evil incarnate, Lois Lerner,  and millions of voters who want only for honesty and accountability and the not duplicity we got routinely from Pant Suite Clinton and her phat phony phoundation.

Millions who saw all trade agreements take work and jobs out of the United States and plant it firmly in China.

Millions who saw our energy policies that favored foreign suppliers of OPEC, and were thrilled when  President Trump with a stroke of his pen turn our country from energy dependent to independent in a few short months.

Millions who could not believe Obama would capitulate to Iran and give billions and billions to an enemy.  

Millions who watched Obama and Clinton take a terrible situation in the Middle East and make it even worse.

The choice for the Big D's is which throw away candidate to they have to spare.  I believe all will fail in the attempt to defeat WGL,  Donald Trump.  

President Trump is the Colosus, the Mohamad Ali of politics, steeped in good looks, and blessed with a wonderful political bedside manner, he will be re-elected this fall.

Democrats need to lay back and enjoy the drumming, it will not be a good election for them.

The republicans are set up to run the table in the fall.

The weak media will do everything to damage Trump, but he is unstoppable.

Four years of endless attacks and groundless accusations have not laid a glove on that beautiful face.

Americans can look to having this wonderful leader represent them instead of the vested interests who have made Washington DC the Swamp.

God Bless Donald Trump, and God Bless America!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Urban Poverty Law Center

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