Thursday, February 20, 2020

MiniMike Blumberg Was Scalped At The Debate

The only thing that could save MiniMike Blumberg's bacon is to dig up Gen. William T. Sherman spend a few million to breathe life back into him and point out the only Native American he did not subjugate.

I am referring to the scalp Pocahantas took from the man who was at her right at the debate.  Poor MiniMike, he looked like a man without a party.   A candidate withhout a voice, a goof trying to break into the most corrupt political party of all time with unlimited funds.

The party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow, grifters par excellante, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, with his stacked FBI and DOJ, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself, along with a supreme court justice who died in Texas under suspicious circumstances.

Well MM, the only way to beat these scallywags is to buy them off, each has a price.  Pocahantas may settle for a few beads and smallpox riddled blankets, though corona virus may be easier to procure, Bernie may go for a small state in South America or buy Cuba and make him president there.

Buttigegieg, may settle for one billion dollars and his likeness on the dollar bill.

Klobuchar may settle for Secretary of State so she can vault into the next open presidential race with a leg up.

You do not have tell her the Trumps are sure to be there for at least another 12 and perhaps 20 years if the children run dynasty style.

Middle America is through listening to the broken promises spewed by the preTrumpians on the left and right.

Once you have seen Trump it is hard to accept anything less.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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