Friday, June 12, 2020

America: Time To Cut Bait With Those Nasty Red/Blue State Idiots!

The solution to pollution is dilution.  America is polluted with anarchist.  Now that we know Blue states leaders are good with playing nice with these people is it time for Red States to break away?

Can we agree to disagree?  Is it time for Blue states to have the president they want and Red states to have the president they want?  Let the election decide.

How does it work you may ask?

Well it is quite simple.  States that vote predominantly democrat would have Joe Biden as their president and Red states President Trump.  EAch president would have veto power to prevent laws from taking effect in their portion of the country.

If green new deal is wanted in Blueville, they can have it but will have to pay for it without taxation from Redville.  If they want to fund Iran, so be it.   If they want no fossil fuel use, ok.  If they want open borders, fine, but they cannot come to Redville without proper visa, etc.

What if a state changes from Blue to Red, or vice versa, well they are free to switch over anytime, to complicate things even less perhaps it should be county to county because there are many Red counties in states that are blue from the overpopulation centers which are a drain on public resources.

Just a thought of how to calm all this Anarchy down.  You gotta break a few skulls to make a new country.  Where is the old FBI when you need it,  chasing phantom Russion colluders, when a WACO is what's needed.  Dig up old Janet Reno and ask her and Bill Clinton what they would do?

Short of killing us all a division is necessary.   Common defence issues paid for based on population.

I am,

Nelson Rockefellow Jones, fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center

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