Sunday, February 16, 2020

Flash! Andrew McCabe Not Charged With Lying To Congress And Leaking Classified Materials To The Press! Or Will He?

Justice disappoints Forever Trumpers by declining to prosecute Andy McCabe for leaking and lying to congress.  Ditto Comey, Page, Baker, Strzok, Brennan, Ohr, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Plentka.

What is the rush?  The case against these lightweights should be delayed until all of the heavyweights can be included.

Like the Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII the Coup against Trump and his allies, AG Barr and his team of investigators lead by Jeff Durham need to line up the dominos from bottom to top so there are no gaps and when the first domino falls it leads up the food chain where it is certain to broadside old Hopey-Changie himself,  former president,  Barak Hussein Obama and his hand picked successor, old pantsuit/tent dress queen, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I suspect Durham and Barr have bigger fish to fry than the dupe McCabe.  The thing all the above, but the last two, can claim is, they were only following orders.

The next few months are sure to be interesting.

The military motto, loose lips, sink ships will come into play as there are many, many lips involved in this wide ranging conspiracy.

I do not see President Trump and his administration letting the matter go.  Not after what they tried to do to him, his family, and his political followers.

Revenge is a dish best served up cold.

Flynn and Stone will get the last laugh, just wait.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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