Sunday, May 31, 2020

Join Patriotic Americans Against Antifa Thuggery (PAAAT)

Lets face it folks, we are at war.  One side is for the destruction of America as we know it, and the other is for its preservation.  One is for globalism and open borders and the other is for our Nation.

It is time to make a choice!  Either we stand by and do nothing and watch the greatest experiment in self-governance wither and die or we step up to help out in any small way that we can.

And this is why I founded the PAAAT.   It is a nonviolent organization of American Patriots who will be the eyes and ears for our law enforcement agencies who quickly become  overwhelmed in riot situations.

Our mission is to identify Antifa and locate their transportation and safely hobble it by spiking tires or other nonviolent techniques.  A foot soldier is easier to defeat than a cavalry.

The government must grant us immunity in our mission or we cannot proceed, nor should we.

I have asked President Trump via presidential order to place a $100 bounty on Antifa transportation, $300 on buses.  I expect to hear back in public in the next couple of days.

These are desperate times we are living through and it takes all of the people to defeat anarchy.

When good people sit back and do nothing evil people will fill that void.

While out canvassing your neighborhood for Antifa thugs look for strangers, of slight build, pasty white complections, and dressed in black with back packs, as soon as they are out of sight and no others are near by, spike their tires, open the side wall as this cannot be repaired and if you spike all four, it will cost them about a $1000 or more to get that horse back on the road.  If we found a car for every 2 to 4 thugs, and there were 300 thugs per riot location, the PAAAT could clip them for about $75 to $150,000 to replace 300 to 600 tires and they would have to stay in local hotels and eat at any places they did not burn out.

This is the technique Sherman used against the South and the Native Americans, basic warfare stuff, and Bedford Forrest used it quite effectively against Sherman and Grant.

Taking that much money out of the game leaves less for drugs and bike locks and flashy back packs and black clothing allowances.  Bricks ain't cheap.  Sledge hammers are $40 or more at Lowes.

Make being Antifa hurt people!

Join the Patriotic Americans Against Antifa Thuggery now!

Its free and only you know that you are a member.

Remember loose lips sink ships.

Vote with your actions.

Jason Bourne Biden, V  guest columnist UPLC

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