Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Iowa, They Came, They Campaigned, They Flopped! Why The Democrat Stall In Iowa Will Fail

The democrat's Iowa carcasses is beginning to smell less than fresh.   The longer the democrat power brokers hold off on reporting the results, the less credible their reports will be.

Is it Trump and Russia at it again?  The App?  Or more likely the democrat deep staters not knowing what to do now that Bernie has probably come in first place and Biden has made his swan call official.

With the impeachment winding down and President Trump's popularity spiraling upward only equaled by our new Space Force's reach into the heavens, the ultimate democrat nominee will likely be a place holder and a throw away candidate to be cast onto the heap of has-been pols with Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, and do not forget, least we want to, Hillary Clinton, America's most disgruntled failed Presidential Candidate of all time.

It has been three plus years since that jubilant November day in 2016 when she was spanked by the Orange Man from Queens.  And still the excuses and shill retorts flow from her mouth like third world sewage into the rivers of our world.

Is she trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election?   Will she pay Christopher Steele to dig up more dirt on Trump from Russia or the Ukraine?    What does Hillary have on Bernie, Mayor Pete, Pocahontas, and Biden?  Did Hillary hope Sleepy Joe would be the nominee and choose her to be the vice president?   And Sleepy would fall and break a hip and die soon after taking the oath of office?

No bets as to whether she is still cankle deep in the DNC inner workings?

She needs to regain political power for the foundation.

The bundles of cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from donations from all over the world have all but ended.   Only real philanthropist who have not looked closely at the Foundation's books would dare throw money away like that.

Only 6% to charitable causes and a 94% overhead is not believable under the worst of circumstances.

The republican Iowa Caucuses reported President Trump at 97%.

That is a breath of fresh air, compared to the fetid democrat stall out on Iowa.

My prediction, this continuing democrat primary season will continue to be a clown show.
Their party disarray is alarming to American who have become accustom to the steady hand President Trump demonstrates on dealing with China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Climate issue, our economy, taxes, and our military.

The clear choice in November is between chaos and calm.  

America don't need no chaos.

Americans already know Orange Man Good!

Only the democrats and our other competitors around the globe believe President Trump is Bad, yes bad for them, but good for US!

God Bless President Trump and his family, and God Bless America.

Joseph Biden Chancre, SR  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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