Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Democrats If Weakness Were A Strength They Would Be Herculean, Candidates For President, Just Wow!

Look at Joe Biden.  A Pelosi-face, taut and smooth in an unnatural way for a 78 yr old geezer.  Face lifts are for pussies!  Google warning up and acknowledged, thank you.  What I meant to say is I love Joe Biden and plan to support his run for president. Warning removed!  But did the anesthesia during his face lift damage Joe?  He definitely is not the same Joe who bragged to the CFR about getting the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine.   And Pelosi seems to be slipping as well, she is a face lift away from complete mumbling?

Joe Biden has a certain look.  His eyes portray the vacuousness seen in senility.  A blank stare looking at no one, and seeing nothing.  The connections are gone.  Alzheimer plaques have invaded his brain and cut him off from the rest of the world.

President Trump is correct.  Joe Biden needs to be placed in a home where he can spend the rest of his time shuffling off to the dining room three times a day and back to his room where he can practice macaroni art and play bingo on friday nights.  He does not need to be fiddle farting around in the oval office wondering where the nearest bathroom is located and where he put his phone down?  Third Google AI warning.  What I meant to say was Joe Biden is the only thoughtful choice to run the country.  Warning removed!

The democrat bench is weak and shallow.  Bernie Sanders, 79, aging well compared to Sundowning Joe, but his old ticker sputtered and hiccupped and had to be cleaned out for even socialists get hardening of the arteries, and all this without a real job ever or any stress.  One wonders how long Bernie would last under the stress of the presidency?  Who or what, will be his Monica when the stress becomes too great?  Second Google Warning.   What I meant to say is I love Bernie Sanders and plan to support him with all my will and money should he be he nominee.  Warning removed!

Google is so stupid!  AI bastard!

Anyway, Joe Biden is not mentally up to the challenge of being an effective president.  Well, yes he would be able to cover for the Obama corruption and the investigations into it would stop.  I hear Biden has started naming his dream team cabinet, John Kerry for Secretary of Corruption, Hildury Clinton for vice president of  graft and bribery,  James Comey for director of the Federal Bureau of Incompetence,  and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page for Secretaries of Departmental Love Affairs and Political Subterfuge.

Sundown Joe Biden is lost.  The democrats need an intervention.  If they nominate this shell for president, they deserve the drumming they will get for not taking the process seriously.  And if they plan to slip in ole Hildury instead of the Sundowner,  a pox be upon them.  She has a serious brain injury and delusional thinking that she has done nothing wrong in her pay for play parlay as SOS under Obama, who did not even know she was doing it.

And Michelle Obama has fewer qualifications to be president than Vlad Putin.  She could not even get a school lunch menu plan together.  How would she do against terror, the border, and would she continue to nominate Supreme Court justices who would carry on the 50 yr war on Black births?

Yes, abortion, its not for everybody.

Will cut this off before the 4th Google AI warning.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.  Urban Poverty Law Center

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