Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Vice President Biden: Is Yelling "Covid-19" At A Crowded Political Rally Protected By the First Amendment?

Is yelling "Covid-19" at a crowded political rally protected by the First Amendmemt?  Is the venerable AR-14 legal to own in America and protected by the Second Amendment?  Can you own a machine gun in America?   Is the democrat front-runner for president self-aware of his declining mental state?

Is it time for the DNC to have an intervention, call off the primary elections and concede the presidenty to Trump and let him run unopposed?

They may as well, for if they nominate Sundown Joe Biden, the victory party for Trump can begin shortly after the democrat convention and continue on through the fall and winter.

Joe Biden has a lot of baggage collected over his 4 plus decades groping and goofing his way through both congress and the senate and his Peter Principle top finale, Vice President.

Looking at the problems, in no particular order, plagerizing campaign speeches from British politicians,  a benign brain tumor which was removed along with his self-control not to fondle small children and women in public settings,  supporting segregation,  and the worst is the appearance of inpropriety with his family member's million dollar insider deals not available to our family members.

Joe Biden's political career has cratered.   Telling voters who disagree with your gun policies that they are "full of shit" is poor self-control and sure to lose the 2nd amendment vote.   Check with Al Gore about his gun control problem back in 2000.

Say goodnight, Joe, the sun is setting and it is time for you to do the right thing and ride off into that golden sunset and leave the administration of this country in the hands of the most capable and competent Orange Man.

Quit before your disability worsens.

Listen carefully to Kenny Rogers' classic song from your youth, "The  Gambler".

It is time for you to fold them and let Tulsi Gabbard have a shot at it, or that whipper snapper, Bernie Sanders.

Okay,  to answer the question about yelling Covid-19 at a crowded political rally,  it depends on which party you are affiliated with.  Democrats get a pass, and republicans get prosecuted.

Thanks Obama!

Joe Biden, sundowner, groping gaff-bag is your legacy.   You own this.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

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