Friday, February 28, 2020

Who Killed The Fake News Media, We Did!

The Fake News Media is dead and they don't even know it, or at least they are not willing to admit it as yet.

President Donald Trump has fingered them and the Trump supporters knew four years ago the fix was in to try to steal the presidency from President Trump.

We all know Donald Trump would never have been able to win the nomination and let alone the presidency if the Fake News Media had any pull.   Americans are gullible, but only to a point, beyond  which not even the dullards among us can be dragged kicking and screaming for the last three presidential candidates chosen for the republicans by the press.

I am speaking of Bob Dole who ran against Bill Clinton, the Harvey Weinstein like, politician from Arkansas with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, the terrible.  Dole was picked by the media but he was not the best choice at the time, he was past his freshness label, and Dan Rather was still king.

W. Bush was nearly pushed off in 2000 by the Media with last minute drunken driving revelations and Rather's AWOL report.

That W. Bush prevailed against the Media titans and their puppet masters, which were W's masters as well was the first hint that the Media had a chink in its armour.  A chink that would lead to the greatest fall ever for a "free press".

Bush faced the very effete John Kerry in his bid for reelection and Kerry was unable to throw a sitting president out of office even with a very compliant and cooperative press.   The mainstream media was losing its mojo.

Along comes the Obama phenomenon!  Finally someone America could get behind to bring the country together after the terrible Bush years.  Hillary Clinton, the annointed one, her its my turn attitude put a shine on the turd in the political punch bowl, BHO, that could not be denied.

BHO swept into office with a convincing victory over his mainstream media chosen opponent, Senator John McCain.  Again not the best choice from the field that year, but the press selected him and he lost to the great gifted possessor of the soothing baratone voice and an incomparable skill at reading from teleprompters.

Aside from those wonderful skills BHO was and is an empty Coke bottle, plastic not glass, not aluminum.

And what has the great BHO been spouting of late?  He has taken credit for the Trump boom by starting it all off back in 2009 with a phony stimulus bill which was stolen by everyone with a relative in office in Washington at that time.  Fly over America got bupkiss!

Fast forward to 2012, where 4 years of an inept BHO and his secretary of state, Hildie Bengahzi Clinton had completely trashed the middle east and ruined our economy.  Americans were ready for a change.

The republican field was full of promise, and least among them was Mitt Romney,  a former govenor of Massachusetts, and the father of Obamacare light which he put into his great state, thereby taking the strong arguing point against Obamacare off the table for this election.

But Mitt was selected by the media as the candidate most likely to fail against the great and formidable BHO.  And the republican voting public were helpless to defeat this.

America was burdened by 4 more years of the most inept administration of all time.  John Kerry moved into the SoS position, and Iran was given billions of dollars and euros, some in cash on pallets flown in on Airforce C 130's for a promise not to Nuke Israel for another 10 years.  And the media cheered!   And everyday Americans suffered the worst economic recovery ever, while insiders like Kerry, Pelosi, Biden's children were taking millions from the Ukraine, and many connected political families were enjoying lucrative government contracts.

And the American people in fly over country got bupkiss.

Was America ready in 2015 for a third Obama term which would be essentially what Hildur Clinton would represent or were they hankering for a third Bush in the WhiteHouse aka effete Jeb?

Fly over voters were pissed.  Nothing for them for 16 years!  Only quagmire wars in the middle east and higher taxes and lower wages if you could even get a job in this post-NAFTA nightmare economy.

Hillary Dud Clinton with the full backing and support of 100% of the mainstream media was a shoe-in as the 45th president of the United States.  Nothing could stop her, the colosus!

Nothing that is but her awful personality, her shrill voice, and her unpopular positions on how to govern.  Never mind she sold our uranium to the Russians and filled her Clinton Foundation with bribes while SoS under Obama 1.

Enter Donald J. Trump,  a common billionaire from Queens.  A man so genuine and grounded he is comfortable with Kings and commoners.  The Kings respect him and commoners love him.  He is a no nonsense nonpolitician who ran a brilliant campaign to win the electoral college vote and the election against an unworthy opponent who did not even campaign in the rust belt.

Hildur's calculations were off by a mile.  A majority of voters in the rust belt and fly over country held a very low opinion of Hildury.  Most felt if she could be bought for what she was worth and sold for what she thought she was worth, we could retire the national debt,  if we could keep the Bidens away from it.

The mainstream media pulled no punches to thwart Donald Trump's campaign.  The first blow was from Megyn Kelly at the first debate about referring to women as dogs, sluts, prostitites, etc,  etc, when Trump, off the cuff defused it with a rye, "Only Rosie O'donnell!

Try as they may the media's war on Trump only made him stronger.  One by one his lesser competitors dropped out of the race.  The media and the deep state were starting to panic.  Then NBC pulls out the last minute tape where a younger Trump comments about "grabbing them by the pussy."

But middle America was buying none of it.  Trump brought all the women Hildury's husband, Bill was accused of sexually assaulting out to the second debate and thereby pointed out the media's duplicity.  One set of rules for the democrat and another higher, much higher standard for Trump.

It worked.  Mojo mainsteam media-zero, candidate Donald Trump-100.

And now here we are three plus years into the Trump first term, with 95% negative stories out by the Fake News and he is stronger than ever.  This man fights, and has turned the American economy around for the common man.  He is one of us and not one of them, we, the American people love him and they loathe him.

The Fake News media is dead, long live he new news!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center

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