Merry Christmas and remember everytime you greet someone with "Merry Christmas" somewhere some young woman decides not to have an abortion.
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Post Election Analysis: How A Buffoonish Billionaire From Queens Bested The Anointed Maiden From Park Ridge
November 8, 2016 a very special date in modern American history. Middle America had its first chance to vote for a republican candidate not especially chosen by puppet masters in the press and the big political operatives. Donald Trump came down the escalator with his beautiful wife, Melania, back in June of 2015 and announced his intention of becoming the 45 president of the United States of America.
And the political power brokers and media laughed! Who does this business tycoon think he is, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton? What has he been smoking and inhaling? He is a political neophyte, a reality TV star. He speaks at a 4th grade level. Clearly he does not have the meddle or the intelligence to actually become the president.
Through the summer and fall of the exciting republican presidential primary, the media hacks roared about Trump's ceiling and how he could not possibly win against such a field of proven politicians, but one by one they fell to Trump. Low-Energy Jeb was said to have spent $150 million dollars for three delegates. For LEJ to garner the 1237 delegates to win the nomination, his accountants informed him they would not be able to raise the $106,850,000,000 necessary to pull it off, so Jeb quit.
Rubio, with his water guzzling and his "gang of eight" immigration flip flap, finished his chances against the great and powerful Trump. For Paul, Christie, Carson, Fiorina, and Kasich, combined political wattage was dim compared to the apolitical apprentice supernova, Trump. Ted Cruz, a good conservative, and first term senator from Texas proved a potent runner up, but ultimately was unable to steal the prize. Donald Trump has done the impossible. He had taken the republican nomination for president against a distinguished field of challengers all without much help from the old republican guard of political stalwarts. He was not one of them, he knew it and they knew it, and most importantly the average American voter sensed it.
Hillary Clinton and her team were elated the republicans had nominated a buffoon, a reality TV personality, a self-aggrandizing womanizer, who spoke at a 4th grade level! How could she possibly loose the election to a fraud with a touchy ego and tendencies to pop-off at the least little criticism?
And this is where Hillary and company screwed the pooch. They vastly underestimated Donald J. Trump's ability to adapt. Mid summer a few Trumpian gaffs where he took the critical bait and tweeted out nonsense, and the people who advised him got him into the fold and managed to fix this problem. Steve Bannon was brought in to manage the rest of the campaign and the new and improved Donald Trump was born. He got a skin transplant, gone was the old thin-skinned Trump, and here to stay was the new and improved pachyderm version of Trump.
And his numbers grew and grew. His speeches became polished and gone was his signature impromptu ADD styled speaking and the voters took note while his detractors in the press and the old republican guard scoffed. The never-Trump crowd was born, as everyday Americans who had been ignored by the press and the political establishment for at least 8 and more likely the past 16 years became fans and supporters of Mr. Trump. Trump came off as one of the people, a common billionaire.
In a few days Team Trump had transformed the candidate from the quick tempered reactionary into the focused campaigning machine who could do 3 to 5 speeches a day and answer any number of loaded "gotcha" questions from an ever hostile press like George Stephanapholus who was castrated by Trump when he mentioned that he suspected Stephie would have preferred his donation to the Clinton Foundation not been revealed, when Georgie querried Trump about any regrets in his life. This new Trump was a player. The media sensed it and ramped up their wailings and attacks.
The Clinton team refused to believe Trump and his followers represented a real threat to her ambitions. She was anointed and it was her turn. America had been in existance long enough and it was high time we had a woman president, and by golly and gee willikers she had the plumbing to fill the post! And her great history of public works, a lifetime spent helping others who had been losers in life's lottery, the children, gay and trannies, the Service Employees International Trade Union of Soviet Socialists,(my creation) and she saved her very best work for those at home and abroad who could throw a little cash into the Clinton Foundation. Hillary invented the saying, "Money talks and Bullshit walks!"
Her ineptness as Senator from New York and then as probably the most over rated Secretary of State since Seward and Kerry did not mutilate her genitals. She was still a player, but a deletion of 33,000 email from a personal server in the basement bathroom of the Chappaqua Compound, started a push back against Hillary. Bernie Sanders said to the delight of the first debate audience that he was "sick and tired of hearing about those damn emails!"
I do believe he was sick and tired, but I suspect he knew nothing about the content of the emails which were deleted by the vaginal Candidate. Then Wikileaks tarnished her brand and that of the Democrat National Committee when word from John Podesta indicated they had conspired with the DNC to rig the election against old Bernie and Donna Brazile had fed CNN sourced Town Hall questions to Hillary before the meeting to assure her clear and crisp performance. And the FBI's James Comey gave Hillary a pass on her mishandling our nations top secrets, as he is said to have told his closest confidants, "You can't hold her to the standards we follow for men, as she is just a woman, and as we all know women and gossip go together like protests in Benghazi over some video."
The Hillary camp decided hard campaigning was not necessary in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, or Pennsylvania. These were a lock for Hillary and were solidly in her camp, with her to coin a phrase. Too bad nobody informed Trump inc. about that. He campainged hard in all the battle ground states and drew very impressive but never reported on crowds at every venue. The enthusiam was palpable. The people in these fly over states were electrified by Trump. If and when Clinton showed up to an event, she could not pull together 300 people unless she had some movie star or rap artist on stage with her. Pitiful!
Another blow to the Clinton inauguration came with her 9/11 vapors event when she physically collapsed and was unceremoniously tossed into a black van like a side of pork by her medical team and her SS handlers. This gave rise to concerns as to her fitness for office. Could she withstand the rigors of the presidency? Was she up to the job? Many voters probably decided she was not.
When Mrs. Clinton was speaking to bundlers for campaign contributions and called half the voters a basket of deplorables at the same time she was passing her deplorable campaign baskets around the room of well heeled democrat contributors, it was the last straw for many voters in the above swing states. A Donald Trump correctly pointed out at many of his events, "What have you got to lose?" Hillary has been in control with her party for 30 years and what has it gotten you? Great question, a question that would take 5% of the African American votes from Hillary and switch them to Trump and probably kept many at home on that November day.
I do not want to down play the role Obama played in Hillary's defeat. His policies are UnAmerican and anti-christian. I know he thinks he is on the right side of history, but it is not American history. He is more of a third worlder in his views of America, and some feel he could not have done anything more to cripple our armed forces, and our economy if he had tried. He was not viewed as having America's best interest at heart. Many people in America felt he cared more about the illegal flood of immigrants across our Southern border than for our coal miners and the 94 million people out of the workforce. His weak response to terror crippled Hillary since she was joined at the waist with the Obama administration.
Donald Trump parlayed Hillary Clinton's follies and her flat style of campaigning into a great victory. He managed to turn 200 counties which voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2012 and thereby win all the battleground states, which has left the media, Hollywood, the left and right coasts, the democrat party, and the fools who bet on the weak horse with billions funneled into the Clinton Foundation for unrequited favors, but hey there is another election in 2020 and Hillary might just be able to use her "get around" or who knows a "Hurrycane" and be a contender, with all hope dashed.
Especially if Donald Trump is as much of a failure as the press is hoping.
I, for one, suspect the press will be very, very or as Donald Trump might say, bigly disappointed by his successes.
God bless the good sense of the American electorate who rejected Hillary Clintons Pay for Play schemes and her rotten Chicago style of politics, and God bless Donald J. Trump!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And the political power brokers and media laughed! Who does this business tycoon think he is, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton? What has he been smoking and inhaling? He is a political neophyte, a reality TV star. He speaks at a 4th grade level. Clearly he does not have the meddle or the intelligence to actually become the president.
Through the summer and fall of the exciting republican presidential primary, the media hacks roared about Trump's ceiling and how he could not possibly win against such a field of proven politicians, but one by one they fell to Trump. Low-Energy Jeb was said to have spent $150 million dollars for three delegates. For LEJ to garner the 1237 delegates to win the nomination, his accountants informed him they would not be able to raise the $106,850,000,000 necessary to pull it off, so Jeb quit.
Rubio, with his water guzzling and his "gang of eight" immigration flip flap, finished his chances against the great and powerful Trump. For Paul, Christie, Carson, Fiorina, and Kasich, combined political wattage was dim compared to the apolitical apprentice supernova, Trump. Ted Cruz, a good conservative, and first term senator from Texas proved a potent runner up, but ultimately was unable to steal the prize. Donald Trump has done the impossible. He had taken the republican nomination for president against a distinguished field of challengers all without much help from the old republican guard of political stalwarts. He was not one of them, he knew it and they knew it, and most importantly the average American voter sensed it.
Hillary Clinton and her team were elated the republicans had nominated a buffoon, a reality TV personality, a self-aggrandizing womanizer, who spoke at a 4th grade level! How could she possibly loose the election to a fraud with a touchy ego and tendencies to pop-off at the least little criticism?
And this is where Hillary and company screwed the pooch. They vastly underestimated Donald J. Trump's ability to adapt. Mid summer a few Trumpian gaffs where he took the critical bait and tweeted out nonsense, and the people who advised him got him into the fold and managed to fix this problem. Steve Bannon was brought in to manage the rest of the campaign and the new and improved Donald Trump was born. He got a skin transplant, gone was the old thin-skinned Trump, and here to stay was the new and improved pachyderm version of Trump.
And his numbers grew and grew. His speeches became polished and gone was his signature impromptu ADD styled speaking and the voters took note while his detractors in the press and the old republican guard scoffed. The never-Trump crowd was born, as everyday Americans who had been ignored by the press and the political establishment for at least 8 and more likely the past 16 years became fans and supporters of Mr. Trump. Trump came off as one of the people, a common billionaire.
In a few days Team Trump had transformed the candidate from the quick tempered reactionary into the focused campaigning machine who could do 3 to 5 speeches a day and answer any number of loaded "gotcha" questions from an ever hostile press like George Stephanapholus who was castrated by Trump when he mentioned that he suspected Stephie would have preferred his donation to the Clinton Foundation not been revealed, when Georgie querried Trump about any regrets in his life. This new Trump was a player. The media sensed it and ramped up their wailings and attacks.
The Clinton team refused to believe Trump and his followers represented a real threat to her ambitions. She was anointed and it was her turn. America had been in existance long enough and it was high time we had a woman president, and by golly and gee willikers she had the plumbing to fill the post! And her great history of public works, a lifetime spent helping others who had been losers in life's lottery, the children, gay and trannies, the Service Employees International Trade Union of Soviet Socialists,(my creation) and she saved her very best work for those at home and abroad who could throw a little cash into the Clinton Foundation. Hillary invented the saying, "Money talks and Bullshit walks!"
Her ineptness as Senator from New York and then as probably the most over rated Secretary of State since Seward and Kerry did not mutilate her genitals. She was still a player, but a deletion of 33,000 email from a personal server in the basement bathroom of the Chappaqua Compound, started a push back against Hillary. Bernie Sanders said to the delight of the first debate audience that he was "sick and tired of hearing about those damn emails!"
I do believe he was sick and tired, but I suspect he knew nothing about the content of the emails which were deleted by the vaginal Candidate. Then Wikileaks tarnished her brand and that of the Democrat National Committee when word from John Podesta indicated they had conspired with the DNC to rig the election against old Bernie and Donna Brazile had fed CNN sourced Town Hall questions to Hillary before the meeting to assure her clear and crisp performance. And the FBI's James Comey gave Hillary a pass on her mishandling our nations top secrets, as he is said to have told his closest confidants, "You can't hold her to the standards we follow for men, as she is just a woman, and as we all know women and gossip go together like protests in Benghazi over some video."
The Hillary camp decided hard campaigning was not necessary in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, or Pennsylvania. These were a lock for Hillary and were solidly in her camp, with her to coin a phrase. Too bad nobody informed Trump inc. about that. He campainged hard in all the battle ground states and drew very impressive but never reported on crowds at every venue. The enthusiam was palpable. The people in these fly over states were electrified by Trump. If and when Clinton showed up to an event, she could not pull together 300 people unless she had some movie star or rap artist on stage with her. Pitiful!
Another blow to the Clinton inauguration came with her 9/11 vapors event when she physically collapsed and was unceremoniously tossed into a black van like a side of pork by her medical team and her SS handlers. This gave rise to concerns as to her fitness for office. Could she withstand the rigors of the presidency? Was she up to the job? Many voters probably decided she was not.
When Mrs. Clinton was speaking to bundlers for campaign contributions and called half the voters a basket of deplorables at the same time she was passing her deplorable campaign baskets around the room of well heeled democrat contributors, it was the last straw for many voters in the above swing states. A Donald Trump correctly pointed out at many of his events, "What have you got to lose?" Hillary has been in control with her party for 30 years and what has it gotten you? Great question, a question that would take 5% of the African American votes from Hillary and switch them to Trump and probably kept many at home on that November day.
I do not want to down play the role Obama played in Hillary's defeat. His policies are UnAmerican and anti-christian. I know he thinks he is on the right side of history, but it is not American history. He is more of a third worlder in his views of America, and some feel he could not have done anything more to cripple our armed forces, and our economy if he had tried. He was not viewed as having America's best interest at heart. Many people in America felt he cared more about the illegal flood of immigrants across our Southern border than for our coal miners and the 94 million people out of the workforce. His weak response to terror crippled Hillary since she was joined at the waist with the Obama administration.
Donald Trump parlayed Hillary Clinton's follies and her flat style of campaigning into a great victory. He managed to turn 200 counties which voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2012 and thereby win all the battleground states, which has left the media, Hollywood, the left and right coasts, the democrat party, and the fools who bet on the weak horse with billions funneled into the Clinton Foundation for unrequited favors, but hey there is another election in 2020 and Hillary might just be able to use her "get around" or who knows a "Hurrycane" and be a contender, with all hope dashed.
Especially if Donald Trump is as much of a failure as the press is hoping.
I, for one, suspect the press will be very, very or as Donald Trump might say, bigly disappointed by his successes.
God bless the good sense of the American electorate who rejected Hillary Clintons Pay for Play schemes and her rotten Chicago style of politics, and God bless Donald J. Trump!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
The Only Hack In The Presidental Election Wore a Pantsuit
The democrat political machine is inept. They are horse and buggy whips in a driver-less car age. They are sclerotic and so constipated their BMs make glaciers seem hyper-sonic. They view the computer age from the same fascination they had with dial up phones of the 1950's. That these dolts could be hacked by a dorky-tech-savvy teen is only a surprise to them. I do not claim to be the tech genius but then I am not trying to rule the world, just my own little teeny-tiny part of it which does not include Billion dollar pay for political play gambits or crashing through glass ceilings through only the shear grandeur of my genitalia.
I am but a simple man who can write tripe from time to time about today's events with a jaded eye towards the major players. If you have read any of the previous tomes, you know how I feel about the Clintons. In a sentence, they are not good for the county, state, country or the world. Americans saw through her duplicity and, even with the boot licking print and cable press shouting her praises 24/7 from every rooftop and pizza parlor, they wisely voted against Hillary Clinton's ickiness. Hillary oozes both poor spiritual and physical health and these shaded her political health.
The fly-over electorate saw through all the press's trumped up platitudes and praise of this flawed politician and saw a conniving, self-centered shrew devoid of any meaningful achievements with a cold, cold heart. Her true colors could not be camouflaged by her multi-colored pant suits and her forced smile. Her debate performances showed her to be a deer in the headlights and clueless about the ordinary voter and their concerns.
Hillary Clinton is best suited to be the person at the large corporation who gives the termination notices to workers who have fallen from grace and then escorts them out the door with their desk contents. She is not fit to lead every day American's for whom she could care less. There is only one person in this woman's sphere that matters and she puts on a pantsuit every morning one cankled leg at a time.
Donald Trump may be a lot of things but he is the anti-Hillary. He has genuine empathy for workaday for pay Americans and rightly won the election on the promise to Make America Great Again. Trump jeered Hillary's plans to drag Americans over the socialist cliff the Obama presidency has set as our destiny.
Americans spoke loud and clear last November 8, 2016. Obama and Hillary Clinton were rejected, period. The only hack which made any difference in the election was not Russian, but the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and was pushed by horses and buggy aged democrat insiders.
They bet for the wrong horse and Americans voted on the strong horse with the golden mane, Donald J. Trump.
Yee-haa! Giddy-up!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I am but a simple man who can write tripe from time to time about today's events with a jaded eye towards the major players. If you have read any of the previous tomes, you know how I feel about the Clintons. In a sentence, they are not good for the county, state, country or the world. Americans saw through her duplicity and, even with the boot licking print and cable press shouting her praises 24/7 from every rooftop and pizza parlor, they wisely voted against Hillary Clinton's ickiness. Hillary oozes both poor spiritual and physical health and these shaded her political health.
The fly-over electorate saw through all the press's trumped up platitudes and praise of this flawed politician and saw a conniving, self-centered shrew devoid of any meaningful achievements with a cold, cold heart. Her true colors could not be camouflaged by her multi-colored pant suits and her forced smile. Her debate performances showed her to be a deer in the headlights and clueless about the ordinary voter and their concerns.
Hillary Clinton is best suited to be the person at the large corporation who gives the termination notices to workers who have fallen from grace and then escorts them out the door with their desk contents. She is not fit to lead every day American's for whom she could care less. There is only one person in this woman's sphere that matters and she puts on a pantsuit every morning one cankled leg at a time.
Donald Trump may be a lot of things but he is the anti-Hillary. He has genuine empathy for workaday for pay Americans and rightly won the election on the promise to Make America Great Again. Trump jeered Hillary's plans to drag Americans over the socialist cliff the Obama presidency has set as our destiny.
Americans spoke loud and clear last November 8, 2016. Obama and Hillary Clinton were rejected, period. The only hack which made any difference in the election was not Russian, but the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and was pushed by horses and buggy aged democrat insiders.
They bet for the wrong horse and Americans voted on the strong horse with the golden mane, Donald J. Trump.
Yee-haa! Giddy-up!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Trump Wins, America Wins, Japanese Banker Wins
The grumblings heard around the world by democrat controlled presstitutes just got a lot louder, nearing sonic boom levels after President-elect Donald Trump meets with the head of Japanese SoftBank, Masayoshi Son who committed to investing $50 billion in MAGA with 50,000 jobs for real Americans projected by this action.
Money follows a winner and Trump is a proven winner and his boast that Americans would tire of all the winning is coming true, its true!
Personally, I am tiring of all this whinning coming from the hurt and rejected Clinton campaign which of course includes all the Washington, New York, Chicago, LA, print and television media. Time to do as my late great granny suggested: "When rape is inevitable try to relax and enjoy it."
Though Trump's win of the presidency is not a sexual assault, rest assured the Clinton backing press feel way, way more violated than any 2 minute assault on their collective undercarriages. At this point I am quite certain the pantys are bunched so tightly only the cleverest rapist would have any luck penetrating them.
And now 44 days out from making it official, DJT is making good on his promises to bring jobs back to America. How is he doing it, the press may ask? He is Making America Great Again by making America a great place to invest money with the expectation of making money for the investors, by backing off on knuckled-headed regulations and reducing corporate tax burdens.
For over 60 years America has become more and more sclerotic as a place to do business. Over taxation and over regulation by a government out of control finally tipped America over to its losing proposition status. Trump, as a businessman, with experience all over the world knows first hand what it takes to make a country attractive to investments and businesses and all he is doing is putting these practices in place right here at home, America.
America has long been known as a safe haven for investments with strong laws enacted by principled politicians. Only in the past 20 years have the corrupt been at it in Washington and the hope is it is not so deeply ingrained in the American fabric that it cannot be reversed by Trump and his fresh approach.
America will become the king of the world if Trump can rid the government of fraud and corruption, eliminate the Lois Lerner types from positions of power and rid the State Department of partisan shills, and clean out the Department of Justice of it cronies.
Honest businesses only seek a fair and honest playing field for their investments. Up front 35% costs on any profits is a non starter. Trumps promise of a 15% corporate tax rate is a 20% hedge against start up costs and is a really, really attractive incentive for investors.
Will the entrenched political cronies in DC happily enact Trump's plans without a fight? Hell no. These bums like DC just the way it is. Filled with money for nothing for them and their pals in the present.
But, like it or not, boys and girls, there is a new kid in town, and your partying like a bunch of over sexed teens in a home abandoned by parents for the weekend is coming to an end.
President Donald J. Trump is the adult and when he gets into the White House, party's over!
And Hillary, it wasn't just you a majority of the state's electors rejected, it was you and your entire entourage of enablers in the press, government, big corrupt wall street, and your open borders one world government cabal.
America is too big to coral and corrupt. You forgot about the people who made this country great in the first place, who worked really, really hard and carved a great nation out of a wilderness, turned forrest into productive fields, dug by hand coal mines for power, planted and harvested crops before mechanized farming came into its time to feed the world, all with the God given sense of fairness enshrined in our common Judeao-Christian ethic.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, your corruption was too great, your accomplishments to small and your unique to high political office gender not sufficient to successfully launch your career up to and through that legendary glass ceiling which truth be known is only there to protect the people from fools and charlatans!
Real Americans rejected Obama and his freakocentric politics and his pandering to a flood of illegal aliens who have little chance of helping Americans pull our wagon to success and the greatest chance of riding along in that wagon with you, Hillary, and your pathetic followers who bet everything on you with their hope and money.
Loosers one and all.
Yes, Hillary, America won the last election and it was high time she did. Obama will be shown the exit soon and the adults, our grandparents will be smiling from above that good sense and honesty is finally making a play in Washington.
It is about time, the sleeping giant was awakened and it acted in its best interest by rejecting both you and Obama.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Money follows a winner and Trump is a proven winner and his boast that Americans would tire of all the winning is coming true, its true!
Personally, I am tiring of all this whinning coming from the hurt and rejected Clinton campaign which of course includes all the Washington, New York, Chicago, LA, print and television media. Time to do as my late great granny suggested: "When rape is inevitable try to relax and enjoy it."
Though Trump's win of the presidency is not a sexual assault, rest assured the Clinton backing press feel way, way more violated than any 2 minute assault on their collective undercarriages. At this point I am quite certain the pantys are bunched so tightly only the cleverest rapist would have any luck penetrating them.
And now 44 days out from making it official, DJT is making good on his promises to bring jobs back to America. How is he doing it, the press may ask? He is Making America Great Again by making America a great place to invest money with the expectation of making money for the investors, by backing off on knuckled-headed regulations and reducing corporate tax burdens.
For over 60 years America has become more and more sclerotic as a place to do business. Over taxation and over regulation by a government out of control finally tipped America over to its losing proposition status. Trump, as a businessman, with experience all over the world knows first hand what it takes to make a country attractive to investments and businesses and all he is doing is putting these practices in place right here at home, America.
America has long been known as a safe haven for investments with strong laws enacted by principled politicians. Only in the past 20 years have the corrupt been at it in Washington and the hope is it is not so deeply ingrained in the American fabric that it cannot be reversed by Trump and his fresh approach.
America will become the king of the world if Trump can rid the government of fraud and corruption, eliminate the Lois Lerner types from positions of power and rid the State Department of partisan shills, and clean out the Department of Justice of it cronies.
Honest businesses only seek a fair and honest playing field for their investments. Up front 35% costs on any profits is a non starter. Trumps promise of a 15% corporate tax rate is a 20% hedge against start up costs and is a really, really attractive incentive for investors.
Will the entrenched political cronies in DC happily enact Trump's plans without a fight? Hell no. These bums like DC just the way it is. Filled with money for nothing for them and their pals in the present.
But, like it or not, boys and girls, there is a new kid in town, and your partying like a bunch of over sexed teens in a home abandoned by parents for the weekend is coming to an end.
President Donald J. Trump is the adult and when he gets into the White House, party's over!
And Hillary, it wasn't just you a majority of the state's electors rejected, it was you and your entire entourage of enablers in the press, government, big corrupt wall street, and your open borders one world government cabal.
America is too big to coral and corrupt. You forgot about the people who made this country great in the first place, who worked really, really hard and carved a great nation out of a wilderness, turned forrest into productive fields, dug by hand coal mines for power, planted and harvested crops before mechanized farming came into its time to feed the world, all with the God given sense of fairness enshrined in our common Judeao-Christian ethic.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, your corruption was too great, your accomplishments to small and your unique to high political office gender not sufficient to successfully launch your career up to and through that legendary glass ceiling which truth be known is only there to protect the people from fools and charlatans!
Real Americans rejected Obama and his freakocentric politics and his pandering to a flood of illegal aliens who have little chance of helping Americans pull our wagon to success and the greatest chance of riding along in that wagon with you, Hillary, and your pathetic followers who bet everything on you with their hope and money.
Loosers one and all.
Yes, Hillary, America won the last election and it was high time she did. Obama will be shown the exit soon and the adults, our grandparents will be smiling from above that good sense and honesty is finally making a play in Washington.
It is about time, the sleeping giant was awakened and it acted in its best interest by rejecting both you and Obama.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Donald Trump,
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Japanese Soft Bank,
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Obama Has A Phone And Donald Trump Has A Phone But Trump Knows How To Use It For The Benefit Of The American People
Of course I am going to post this about President Elect Donald J. Trump. His style of leadership shows the American voting public just how sclerotic and constipated our current group of career politicians has become. In response to a question from the audience about how can government stop the loss of jobs for Americans, President Obama stammered and stuttered through a lame answer which essentially claimed one would have to have a magic wand to keep, say a company like Carrier Air conditioning, in America.
Donald Trump used his phone, promising to use his pen after the inauguration, calling the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier's parent company and negotiated a deal which was as my daddy was fond of saying, "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!"
In this case Carrier gets some tax relief, keeps 1100 plus jobs in Indiana, and Donald Trump, as president elect rings the bell for winning for the American people. Especially the folks, as Obama refers to us here in fly over country, who are watching and cheering this one small step for jobs, which promises to be a giant leap for our future economic progress.
Now President Obama has a phone and could just as easily have called up Joe Blow, United Technologies, CEO and made the same proposals, but he didn't because he cannot lower taxes because as a community organizer turned career politician and the chief butt plug administering to the great sclerotic, constipated, bloated, bureaucratic colossus which is our federal government, lowering taxes would reduce the money coming into the tax coffers and thus the power of the sclerotic colossus would be reduced...
The only power this government has is via taxation and spending and throw in a few rules and regulations and you have the perfect formula for shaking down businesses and for that matter other countries for billions of unneeded monies. What formula do you think the corrupt colossi couple, WJ and HR (aka HORN DOG and BAD DOG) Clintons have followed to amass over $2 billion dollars into a fake charitable foundation? Its government outside the government.
Nothing makes things go your way when it comes to government policy like Money. In fact every thing in life centers around trade, pay for play. Why the bees fly from plant to plant gathering up pollen, the plants pay to the bees for flying it over to another like plant to complete the sexual act for a plant which cannot reproduce without this help. The bee makes honey with his pollen money charged the plant for flying it all around and the art of the deal is one that is a good deal for everybody.
Now if we consider the people's money to be pollen and the federal government is a giant Bee flying in and out of every financial transaction in America, bringing all this money back to the central hive in Washington, DC, the pollen producers may want to see their pollen do some good. Like rebuilding the neglected infrastructure and updating Airports which have not been tended to since just after WWII, or building a wall to protect the integrity of America, or keeping out any people whose beliefs and religions would never assimilate into our Judaeo-Christian culture, or negotiating fair trade deals which favor the American work force over those in the third world. Right now the government is a pollen vacuum and is pollinating only the well heeled friends of government, the Solyndras and the insiders on Wall Street and the Big banks and let us not forget the big bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank which should not even exist were it not for a crime against the American people at Jekyll Island at the turn of the last century.
Trump has promised to shave this gigantic bee's legs so less pollen/money is taken out of the private sector and can be used to grow our greatly damaged economy. Now the career politicians will kick and scream and rant and rave about this tax cutting being only for Trump's rich friends, but the public will not fall for that class warfare chirping because it is old and stale and came into vogue back when Bill Clinton did not have to sit to piss in a toilet and Hillary had the stamina to carry 900 confidential FBI files on her political enemies from office to office in the East Wing of the White House.
The class warfare shtick has lost its power to move the people. Trumps plan to keep more money in the pockets of everyday Americans needs to be tried and it will be as soon as Donald J. Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America.
The gorgeous left wing ideologue with the beautiful baritone pipes, who has clogged the American economy with policies such as Obamacare and confiscatory tax rates will be replaced with a successful business man who is wise to the world and knows the art of the deal.
Dictators like Obama do not believe in deals. He showed his hand back in 2009 when he met with the republicans at the White House and told them it was his way or the highway, because "I won!"
Well, President Obama it looks like "you lost" and now we the American People have won!
Good luck living down your tainted legacy. That you placed your bets on a failed hag who clung onto a serial sex offender to keep your legacy intact is just another example of your poor judgement.
America with this election has changed everything for the better if you look at it from the perspective of the people and not through the jaded prism of the New York Times editorial board or the corporate media.
Trump will get no good press but it will not matter that the emperor has no clothes because the press has no audience. Their message has been listened to but not heard.
God bless Donald Trump and God Blessed America. November 8, 2016 was divine intervention and America was righted.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Donald Trump used his phone, promising to use his pen after the inauguration, calling the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier's parent company and negotiated a deal which was as my daddy was fond of saying, "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!"
In this case Carrier gets some tax relief, keeps 1100 plus jobs in Indiana, and Donald Trump, as president elect rings the bell for winning for the American people. Especially the folks, as Obama refers to us here in fly over country, who are watching and cheering this one small step for jobs, which promises to be a giant leap for our future economic progress.
Now President Obama has a phone and could just as easily have called up Joe Blow, United Technologies, CEO and made the same proposals, but he didn't because he cannot lower taxes because as a community organizer turned career politician and the chief butt plug administering to the great sclerotic, constipated, bloated, bureaucratic colossus which is our federal government, lowering taxes would reduce the money coming into the tax coffers and thus the power of the sclerotic colossus would be reduced...
The only power this government has is via taxation and spending and throw in a few rules and regulations and you have the perfect formula for shaking down businesses and for that matter other countries for billions of unneeded monies. What formula do you think the corrupt colossi couple, WJ and HR (aka HORN DOG and BAD DOG) Clintons have followed to amass over $2 billion dollars into a fake charitable foundation? Its government outside the government.
Nothing makes things go your way when it comes to government policy like Money. In fact every thing in life centers around trade, pay for play. Why the bees fly from plant to plant gathering up pollen, the plants pay to the bees for flying it over to another like plant to complete the sexual act for a plant which cannot reproduce without this help. The bee makes honey with his pollen money charged the plant for flying it all around and the art of the deal is one that is a good deal for everybody.
Now if we consider the people's money to be pollen and the federal government is a giant Bee flying in and out of every financial transaction in America, bringing all this money back to the central hive in Washington, DC, the pollen producers may want to see their pollen do some good. Like rebuilding the neglected infrastructure and updating Airports which have not been tended to since just after WWII, or building a wall to protect the integrity of America, or keeping out any people whose beliefs and religions would never assimilate into our Judaeo-Christian culture, or negotiating fair trade deals which favor the American work force over those in the third world. Right now the government is a pollen vacuum and is pollinating only the well heeled friends of government, the Solyndras and the insiders on Wall Street and the Big banks and let us not forget the big bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank which should not even exist were it not for a crime against the American people at Jekyll Island at the turn of the last century.
Trump has promised to shave this gigantic bee's legs so less pollen/money is taken out of the private sector and can be used to grow our greatly damaged economy. Now the career politicians will kick and scream and rant and rave about this tax cutting being only for Trump's rich friends, but the public will not fall for that class warfare chirping because it is old and stale and came into vogue back when Bill Clinton did not have to sit to piss in a toilet and Hillary had the stamina to carry 900 confidential FBI files on her political enemies from office to office in the East Wing of the White House.
The class warfare shtick has lost its power to move the people. Trumps plan to keep more money in the pockets of everyday Americans needs to be tried and it will be as soon as Donald J. Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America.
The gorgeous left wing ideologue with the beautiful baritone pipes, who has clogged the American economy with policies such as Obamacare and confiscatory tax rates will be replaced with a successful business man who is wise to the world and knows the art of the deal.
Dictators like Obama do not believe in deals. He showed his hand back in 2009 when he met with the republicans at the White House and told them it was his way or the highway, because "I won!"
Well, President Obama it looks like "you lost" and now we the American People have won!
Good luck living down your tainted legacy. That you placed your bets on a failed hag who clung onto a serial sex offender to keep your legacy intact is just another example of your poor judgement.
America with this election has changed everything for the better if you look at it from the perspective of the people and not through the jaded prism of the New York Times editorial board or the corporate media.
Trump will get no good press but it will not matter that the emperor has no clothes because the press has no audience. Their message has been listened to but not heard.
God bless Donald Trump and God Blessed America. November 8, 2016 was divine intervention and America was righted.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Castro, Clinton, Obama, And Then Came Trump
Fidel Castro may be dead but how do you think I feel? As an elementary school pupil in rural Tennessee in 1960, Castro's influence was heavy. Not only did we get to practice nuclear bomb drills with Duck and Cover, but Dr. Rameriz, a Cuban exile who was forced to flee Castro's Cuba in 1958 or face his firing squad, would address the grade school every morning over the loud speaker system and teach us rudimentary Spanish.
Cuomo esta usted? Bien. E Tu? Thanks to Fiedel Castro I am quite fluent in polite Spanish.
And thanks to a graduate student Mexican pal in the indecent variety as well. No se as tan pen deho!
I do not pretend to know how to spell the above but only how it sounds.
United Technologies' Carrier Air-conditioning unit has given Donald Trump an inauguration present by agreeing to hold 1000 of the jobs slated to flee to Mexico in Indiana. Winning the art of the deal. It is not the 100% win, but it is a good deal better than the 100% loss which would have occured if the old 60's throw back radical feminist hag had been elected by more than the popular vote on November 8th. Thank God for titties and the electoral college!
Titties were bared to protest Donald Trumps surprise win a few weeks ago in front of Trump Towers. I read the article but did not look at the pictures, these were democrats and they are not known for their aesthetic beauty, but can bitch at a man with no equal.
These democrat feminist are so smart they have to rely on abortion for birth control. They demand we, American tax payers, pay for their $9 a month birth control pills, Tonya Flucke, was that the Georgetown Law Student's name who sabotaged old Mushy Milk Romney's bid to over throw the Obama's reign of terror in 2012.
Well, Tonya, or was it Tony, your 15 minutes of flame is over. I do not recall your name and now that Obama's second season is almost over and America is still standing with the Glass Ceiling still intact for some other Dim-witted democrat feminist to take a crack at it in 2020 or 2024, after Donald Trump fundamentally Makes America Great Again by reversing all of Obama's policies, repealing and reforming Obamacare, and dragging Obama's heel off the throat of American enterprise.
The armed forces will be retooled, the politically correct leaders who telegraph our fighting plans months in advance to the enemy will be replaced by generals who know how to fight and win, but we will not go willy nilly into battle for pipelines for some rich oil producing nation in the middle east. We will fight only those who mean to cause us harm.
Sarah Palin will head up Trump's Veteran Affairs office and will whip those folks into shape.
Ben Carson will be over Housing and Urban Development and will lead the fight to turn around our crumbling inner cities and will hopefully make my fight here at the Urban Poverty Law Center much less necessary when these areas are lifted up into prosperity.
NAFTA will be repealed and TPP will be blocked and we will pull out of the Paris Climate agreement. Coal, smart coal will be back in vogue. America will become energy independent.
Jobs, high paying jobs for middle America will be back. The press will suffer under President Trump. They will have to get their stories off Twitter and the newly created Presidential internet news service.
You know the press will not be happy taking a seat at the back of the bus, but this is where they are headed with the really stupid coverage they gave to Mr. Trump. Stupid, really, really stupid.
I have spoken to many of my friends since the election, and all of us feel as though a heavy burden was lifted from our shoulders with the rejection of Obama. We are not racists, but some of us hate feminist, the radical ones who reject God and nature. Society is structured by nature and nurture. Men and women have interacted in symbiotic fashion for centuries to provide for the next generation. What the radical feminists are pushing is not best for the propagation of the species.
Hillary Clinton, the feminist faker, claimed to be one of these gals, but rode Billy Clinton all the way to the democrat nomination for president and then was unable to fill the contract. She could not complete the deal. She fell short of the goal. She could pick a winner but was not a winner. Her short comings include but are not limited to: a horrible screeching voice when turned up, shallow personality oozing with self aggrandizing and no empathy, an undying and insatiable greed for money, especially money not earned, no conscious, no limits or boundary to the end justifying the means, lawless behavior not even seen in some our most famous criminals.
That the American voters chose to reject Hillary Clinton gives me pause there is hope to MAGA!
Obama's grandiose plans to fundamentally change America into a Bill Ayers, Georgie Soros' utopian nightmare were rejected on November 8, 2016, a day that will go down in infamy.
The election of Donald J. Trump was the natural culmination of the rejection of all things Obama.
Yes Obama's election was historic as he was America's first black president, but he did not deliver what the people wanted. His mandate was to lead us into prosperity and deliver us from evil. He managed, with his ineptitude to do just the opposite. If economic ruination and a world in turmoil were his goals, then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I hope it was not his goal and only his foolishness that gave way to these results.
A society cannot be built without dreams. Fidel Castro was Cuba's dream catcher and crushed that small nation island for over 6 decades. Yes Fiedel may be dead and I can say "how are you?" in Spanish, but three generations of Cubans were stripped of their dreams for a better life. Burn in peace, Mr. Castro.
Obama was the American Dream Catcher and now with his defeat and the rejection of his and Hillary Clinton's marxist philosophy Americans and American businesses can get back into the business of making dreams come true.
Because we are Americans, dammit. Americanism is an attitude, it does not start at the border, it does not stop at the border. Stay out if you're not capable of living free and working hard to get ahead.
America, its not for everybody. To be an American you have to be willing to work and get along with others. Don't tell me your God is better than my God or force me to agree there is no God.
Stay put in your dusty hot hell hole if your goal is to change America.
The fundamental transformation of America was rejected on November 8, 2016, BIGLY!
And finally was Castro's reaction to Donald Trumps election fatal?
Tired of winning, yet?
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Cuomo esta usted? Bien. E Tu? Thanks to Fiedel Castro I am quite fluent in polite Spanish.
And thanks to a graduate student Mexican pal in the indecent variety as well. No se as tan pen deho!
I do not pretend to know how to spell the above but only how it sounds.
United Technologies' Carrier Air-conditioning unit has given Donald Trump an inauguration present by agreeing to hold 1000 of the jobs slated to flee to Mexico in Indiana. Winning the art of the deal. It is not the 100% win, but it is a good deal better than the 100% loss which would have occured if the old 60's throw back radical feminist hag had been elected by more than the popular vote on November 8th. Thank God for titties and the electoral college!
Titties were bared to protest Donald Trumps surprise win a few weeks ago in front of Trump Towers. I read the article but did not look at the pictures, these were democrats and they are not known for their aesthetic beauty, but can bitch at a man with no equal.
These democrat feminist are so smart they have to rely on abortion for birth control. They demand we, American tax payers, pay for their $9 a month birth control pills, Tonya Flucke, was that the Georgetown Law Student's name who sabotaged old Mushy Milk Romney's bid to over throw the Obama's reign of terror in 2012.
Well, Tonya, or was it Tony, your 15 minutes of flame is over. I do not recall your name and now that Obama's second season is almost over and America is still standing with the Glass Ceiling still intact for some other Dim-witted democrat feminist to take a crack at it in 2020 or 2024, after Donald Trump fundamentally Makes America Great Again by reversing all of Obama's policies, repealing and reforming Obamacare, and dragging Obama's heel off the throat of American enterprise.
The armed forces will be retooled, the politically correct leaders who telegraph our fighting plans months in advance to the enemy will be replaced by generals who know how to fight and win, but we will not go willy nilly into battle for pipelines for some rich oil producing nation in the middle east. We will fight only those who mean to cause us harm.
Sarah Palin will head up Trump's Veteran Affairs office and will whip those folks into shape.
Ben Carson will be over Housing and Urban Development and will lead the fight to turn around our crumbling inner cities and will hopefully make my fight here at the Urban Poverty Law Center much less necessary when these areas are lifted up into prosperity.
NAFTA will be repealed and TPP will be blocked and we will pull out of the Paris Climate agreement. Coal, smart coal will be back in vogue. America will become energy independent.
Jobs, high paying jobs for middle America will be back. The press will suffer under President Trump. They will have to get their stories off Twitter and the newly created Presidential internet news service.
You know the press will not be happy taking a seat at the back of the bus, but this is where they are headed with the really stupid coverage they gave to Mr. Trump. Stupid, really, really stupid.
I have spoken to many of my friends since the election, and all of us feel as though a heavy burden was lifted from our shoulders with the rejection of Obama. We are not racists, but some of us hate feminist, the radical ones who reject God and nature. Society is structured by nature and nurture. Men and women have interacted in symbiotic fashion for centuries to provide for the next generation. What the radical feminists are pushing is not best for the propagation of the species.
Hillary Clinton, the feminist faker, claimed to be one of these gals, but rode Billy Clinton all the way to the democrat nomination for president and then was unable to fill the contract. She could not complete the deal. She fell short of the goal. She could pick a winner but was not a winner. Her short comings include but are not limited to: a horrible screeching voice when turned up, shallow personality oozing with self aggrandizing and no empathy, an undying and insatiable greed for money, especially money not earned, no conscious, no limits or boundary to the end justifying the means, lawless behavior not even seen in some our most famous criminals.
That the American voters chose to reject Hillary Clinton gives me pause there is hope to MAGA!
Obama's grandiose plans to fundamentally change America into a Bill Ayers, Georgie Soros' utopian nightmare were rejected on November 8, 2016, a day that will go down in infamy.
The election of Donald J. Trump was the natural culmination of the rejection of all things Obama.
Yes Obama's election was historic as he was America's first black president, but he did not deliver what the people wanted. His mandate was to lead us into prosperity and deliver us from evil. He managed, with his ineptitude to do just the opposite. If economic ruination and a world in turmoil were his goals, then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I hope it was not his goal and only his foolishness that gave way to these results.
A society cannot be built without dreams. Fidel Castro was Cuba's dream catcher and crushed that small nation island for over 6 decades. Yes Fiedel may be dead and I can say "how are you?" in Spanish, but three generations of Cubans were stripped of their dreams for a better life. Burn in peace, Mr. Castro.
Obama was the American Dream Catcher and now with his defeat and the rejection of his and Hillary Clinton's marxist philosophy Americans and American businesses can get back into the business of making dreams come true.
Because we are Americans, dammit. Americanism is an attitude, it does not start at the border, it does not stop at the border. Stay out if you're not capable of living free and working hard to get ahead.
America, its not for everybody. To be an American you have to be willing to work and get along with others. Don't tell me your God is better than my God or force me to agree there is no God.
Stay put in your dusty hot hell hole if your goal is to change America.
The fundamental transformation of America was rejected on November 8, 2016, BIGLY!
And finally was Castro's reaction to Donald Trumps election fatal?
Tired of winning, yet?
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, November 28, 2016
The Tackle
I have 8 or 9 nieces and nephews and they are of the age where they want Uncle Yackson, you see they all have a speech impediment which causes them to be unable to correctly enunciate J, something to do with the frenulum needing clipping, and since my sisters all converted to Jehovah's Witness, they have not had the operation necessary to correct the problem, anyway, these little creatures all come over for Thanksgiving dinner, my turn to host, and began to ask what it was like growing up in the 60's? One little tow-head even asked me what I did in the war?
Not to disappoint I decided to relate a version in my duel with a returned VietNam era veteran of combat while a freshman football player at a Smaller Southern Baptist College in Greenville, S.C.
The year was 1971. I was a formidable football player, peaking in my junior year of high school. I had good quickness skills and better than average balance and was known as a hard player to tackle. I walked onto the team in S.C. and they already had a running back on scholarship so I was placed as a defensive back for the season. I came to camp in August of 1971 weighing in at a porky 184 lbs. In three weeks I was at 165 lbs, lean and mean.
Back in those days, the freshman team was used as meat to scrimmage against the varsity. These older players were of course larger and stronger due to the training and weight programs and they routinely beat us up pretty badly during practice. I am not going to say it was looked forward to by us but when the season opened after a month of hard knocks many of us on the freshman team were happy the contact days of practice were limited to only 2 of 4 days. The two days before the game were limited to no contact and helmets and shoulder pads only.
This encounter involved a no contact practice day. It was a balmy September day after a hard night rainfall and the practice field had a large low spot with standing water in its center. The varsity offense was running plays that day against our freshman defensive squad and I was, at safety, in our formation positioned about 20 feet in front of the low spot in the field. The offense was going over its plays and on no contact days people on both sides reacted but did not hit each other.
A play was called which involved a pitch back to a full back with a planned run around the right end. I reacted by moving to my left and I noticed "Pops", a 260 lb tackle bulling full speed towards me head down. Now Pops was a Viet Nam veteran, 26 yrs old, bald in the middle with long Bozo colored bright red hair on both sides and was said to have a collection of Gook ears in his dorm room. Nobody crossed Pops. I was perplexed by his action and had but a moment to react as I was going to be struck and perhaps injured if I did not take evasive action.
I then remembered my proximity to the practice field wading pool and decided my best plan was to avoid Pops' charge. I side stepped his charge with one step to my left and jumped up and grabbed Pops by the shoulder pads and gave him a gentle shove towards the ground to my right side. I turned around to watch the result and my efforts were rewarded by the spectacle of Pops being thrown off balance by my shove and though he made great efforts to right his balance after 5 more steps his forward momentum carried him headlong into the wading pool, with a large splash. He was top loaded with a huge upper torso and spindly legs.
The laughter from the squad was deafening. Pops quickly picked himself up and slung the mud and water off as best he could and turned his attention towards me.
"I am going to kill you you little fucker!" He charged out of the wading pool towards me and I ran to my only safe area with him cursing and screaming all the way. Coach Brundy was the defensive back coach for the freshman team and I ran behind him and Pops tried to get to me but I would keep Brundy strategically placed between myself and the killer VietNam vet. Brundy was very helpful when he said:
"Now Pops, Pops, you got exactly what you deserved because you were trying to knock him into the water. Just calm down."
Pops backed off but promised to kill me sometime in the future.
The rest of the story is not important, but I still have both of my ears.
That is my war story. Some of it is true.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Not to disappoint I decided to relate a version in my duel with a returned VietNam era veteran of combat while a freshman football player at a Smaller Southern Baptist College in Greenville, S.C.
The year was 1971. I was a formidable football player, peaking in my junior year of high school. I had good quickness skills and better than average balance and was known as a hard player to tackle. I walked onto the team in S.C. and they already had a running back on scholarship so I was placed as a defensive back for the season. I came to camp in August of 1971 weighing in at a porky 184 lbs. In three weeks I was at 165 lbs, lean and mean.
Back in those days, the freshman team was used as meat to scrimmage against the varsity. These older players were of course larger and stronger due to the training and weight programs and they routinely beat us up pretty badly during practice. I am not going to say it was looked forward to by us but when the season opened after a month of hard knocks many of us on the freshman team were happy the contact days of practice were limited to only 2 of 4 days. The two days before the game were limited to no contact and helmets and shoulder pads only.
This encounter involved a no contact practice day. It was a balmy September day after a hard night rainfall and the practice field had a large low spot with standing water in its center. The varsity offense was running plays that day against our freshman defensive squad and I was, at safety, in our formation positioned about 20 feet in front of the low spot in the field. The offense was going over its plays and on no contact days people on both sides reacted but did not hit each other.
A play was called which involved a pitch back to a full back with a planned run around the right end. I reacted by moving to my left and I noticed "Pops", a 260 lb tackle bulling full speed towards me head down. Now Pops was a Viet Nam veteran, 26 yrs old, bald in the middle with long Bozo colored bright red hair on both sides and was said to have a collection of Gook ears in his dorm room. Nobody crossed Pops. I was perplexed by his action and had but a moment to react as I was going to be struck and perhaps injured if I did not take evasive action.
I then remembered my proximity to the practice field wading pool and decided my best plan was to avoid Pops' charge. I side stepped his charge with one step to my left and jumped up and grabbed Pops by the shoulder pads and gave him a gentle shove towards the ground to my right side. I turned around to watch the result and my efforts were rewarded by the spectacle of Pops being thrown off balance by my shove and though he made great efforts to right his balance after 5 more steps his forward momentum carried him headlong into the wading pool, with a large splash. He was top loaded with a huge upper torso and spindly legs.
The laughter from the squad was deafening. Pops quickly picked himself up and slung the mud and water off as best he could and turned his attention towards me.
"I am going to kill you you little fucker!" He charged out of the wading pool towards me and I ran to my only safe area with him cursing and screaming all the way. Coach Brundy was the defensive back coach for the freshman team and I ran behind him and Pops tried to get to me but I would keep Brundy strategically placed between myself and the killer VietNam vet. Brundy was very helpful when he said:
"Now Pops, Pops, you got exactly what you deserved because you were trying to knock him into the water. Just calm down."
Pops backed off but promised to kill me sometime in the future.
The rest of the story is not important, but I still have both of my ears.
That is my war story. Some of it is true.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, November 21, 2016
Elections Have Consequences
The rejection of the repugnant regina with a vagina by an American electorate which was pummeled by almost a billion dollars of ads and propped up by a fawning press is almost as remarkable as it is refreshing. That Madam Hillary Rohdam Clinton, power broker to the well heeled, pawn of the greedy, needy global corporatist, player on the world's stage for over 30 years, the diabolical brains behind Bill Clinton, the sexed up political peter on the Potomac, failed to garner enough votes to trounce Trump, is causing many every day Americans to rejoice and regale the election results.
The Clintons and The New World Order, open borders elites, who live in heavily armed and gated communities on both coasts were soundly defeated by the bitter clingers, the irredeemables, and a handfull of deplorables with their miserable little lives thrown in to the voter mix. These Americans rose up and defeated a well funded democrat machine which some say was able to fraudulently add 3 millions votes to the hags doomed campaign for the presidency. Patriots all over America voted for the future and rejected the pursy of Chappaqua and her political puppet masters.
Trump changes everything. And there is the rub. A press which has gotten used to no push back was unable to beat Trump who has worked his entire life pushing for his agenda. He cleverly used his psychological insights to manipulate the press, his opponents, and his supporters to win the presidency. He is perhaps the smartest president we have ever elected to that office. He called out the press and his opponents and hoisted them on their own pusilanimous petards. Queen Hillary was shot upwards towards that glass ceiling at such velocity the crack, when her noggin contacted it, could be heard around the world and she fell back to earth a loser with the Clinton brand retired and relegated to the dust bin of forgotten pols. She will be in good company with John Kerry, Al Gore, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole, Jimmy Carter, and Mondale, whose first name I have forgotten. Would we be able to forget Hillary Clinton's first name in a quarter of a century? One can dream. Walter, I barely knew thee!
Will the Clintons, rise from the dead, like Jason in the Halloween pictures, with Chelsea Clinton who could be hoisted on the liberal intelligentsia in New York by her desperate political parents?
All I can say is, the soufflé, it is hard to reinflate once it has fallen.....
Trump is a win for America.
I am,
Jack Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The Clintons and The New World Order, open borders elites, who live in heavily armed and gated communities on both coasts were soundly defeated by the bitter clingers, the irredeemables, and a handfull of deplorables with their miserable little lives thrown in to the voter mix. These Americans rose up and defeated a well funded democrat machine which some say was able to fraudulently add 3 millions votes to the hags doomed campaign for the presidency. Patriots all over America voted for the future and rejected the pursy of Chappaqua and her political puppet masters.
Trump changes everything. And there is the rub. A press which has gotten used to no push back was unable to beat Trump who has worked his entire life pushing for his agenda. He cleverly used his psychological insights to manipulate the press, his opponents, and his supporters to win the presidency. He is perhaps the smartest president we have ever elected to that office. He called out the press and his opponents and hoisted them on their own pusilanimous petards. Queen Hillary was shot upwards towards that glass ceiling at such velocity the crack, when her noggin contacted it, could be heard around the world and she fell back to earth a loser with the Clinton brand retired and relegated to the dust bin of forgotten pols. She will be in good company with John Kerry, Al Gore, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole, Jimmy Carter, and Mondale, whose first name I have forgotten. Would we be able to forget Hillary Clinton's first name in a quarter of a century? One can dream. Walter, I barely knew thee!
Will the Clintons, rise from the dead, like Jason in the Halloween pictures, with Chelsea Clinton who could be hoisted on the liberal intelligentsia in New York by her desperate political parents?
All I can say is, the soufflé, it is hard to reinflate once it has fallen.....
Trump is a win for America.
I am,
Jack Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, November 14, 2016
President Elect Donald J. Trump V The American Media: Not A Fair Match
Get ready for the Trump bashing media to try to crush America's good sense to send the last eight years to the dingy dust bend of irrelevancy. You see Obama was the first rejection of the Clintons and their harsh camber. The "something is just not quite right about this couple" fresh from the backwoods of Arkansas with all their questionable associates, money, corruption, selling things that belonged to the American people, influence peddling, Hillary's secretive Health Care debacle, and Bill's insatiable little pocket squirt gun raised enough of a concern and doubt that the country could endure another 8 years of "ickiness bordering on illness" gave rise to the smooth talking baritone teleprompter president, Barack Hussein Obama, who like Hillary Clinton dropped his middle name for the campaign then brought it back for all to revere after the election.
The media is already trying to dissect every move President Elect Donald Trump makes. His choices for key positions in his administration will be criticized and picked apart by members of a hyper-critical press corp like monkeys picking lice off a troop mate's ass. They will pull it off and examine it closely, put it in their mouths, chew on it for a while and then screech out their drivel. Suffice it to say no matter Trump's choices the macaw press will declare it louse-ee.
Actually, our press would not eat lice, professional courtesy. One group of blood sucking parasites will not harm another which explains the cozy relationship our current crop of journalist share with the democrats.
Anyway, Americans be warned, there will be no good Trump press.
To expect anything but crap sandwiches from this bunch of overpaid, self-indulgent, pseudo-intellectuals is dreaming an impossible dream.
Donald J. Trump is the American dream, and his presidency is the media's nightmare.
Relax, the show is about to begin.
Trump is smart, really, really smart.
Our press has met their superior and they are not happy.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
The media is already trying to dissect every move President Elect Donald Trump makes. His choices for key positions in his administration will be criticized and picked apart by members of a hyper-critical press corp like monkeys picking lice off a troop mate's ass. They will pull it off and examine it closely, put it in their mouths, chew on it for a while and then screech out their drivel. Suffice it to say no matter Trump's choices the macaw press will declare it louse-ee.
Actually, our press would not eat lice, professional courtesy. One group of blood sucking parasites will not harm another which explains the cozy relationship our current crop of journalist share with the democrats.
Anyway, Americans be warned, there will be no good Trump press.
To expect anything but crap sandwiches from this bunch of overpaid, self-indulgent, pseudo-intellectuals is dreaming an impossible dream.
Donald J. Trump is the American dream, and his presidency is the media's nightmare.
Relax, the show is about to begin.
Trump is smart, really, really smart.
Our press has met their superior and they are not happy.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Error Of Big Corrupt Government Is Over
A soon to be former President Obama asked King Donald if he might spare some of his most favored Executive Orders after he assumes the office sullied by 8 long years of the petulant poser. I am sure King D will grant his last wish. Not!
And the fireworks called off over the Hudson R in New York City by aspiring president elect Hillary Clinton let the pussy out of the pant suit, pardon me, I had a King D moment, I meant to write, cat out of the bag, hinting she already knew her poling numbers would fall shorter than Bill's attention span at a Mylie Cyrus dance routine.
Hillary was lifted skyward on her own petard crashing her into that "glass ceiling" with her twiced concussed noggin, but the glass would not break and America was saved the insult of enduring another agonizing eight years or until death do us part of (gag) the Clintons. Surly Bill and his bulbous red nose which after a shot of sherry could give Rudolph the reindeer a break on the sleigh that night, and Pantsuit Hillary, with that Jokeresque smirk and the evil cackling, and then there is Spawn Chelsea, who can eat a red delicious in two bites and was offered a job as a stand-in for the upcoming "Mr. Ed" movie, will all be missed like anal warts.
I hope we do not have another round of this in 2020, with Hillary in a Steven Hawking'sesq wheelchair and a computer driven shrill voice, including high pitched cackling, and fat wheels to symbolize her cankles, rolling across America Tour.
I believe Americans voted for DT to end the very corrupt influence monied interest held over this government. The Wall Street-K Street-DC circuit needed to be short circuited for the good of the people in America. Our meddlesome interference with the sand-logged barbarians and their constant fighting in the Middle East over which cult will prevail will be ended by our President elect. Give the barbarians the tools to fight each other and stand back, meanwhile keep them out of our country until they have developed some sense of morality and it is no longer their habit to rape and kill nonbelievers with impunity. It is best to stay as far away from people who believe killing you is not a sin nor a punishable offense.
I do not give a whit what CAIR says, some are not ready to be included in a polite society. They serioulsy need a reformation! For now keep em out. Integrate, assimilate or stay out!
The Never Trump cabal will be licking their wounds for at least 4 and possibly 8 years which is a life time in politics. Many of them will be relagated to the dustbin of the politically irrelevant. Jeb Bush will be replaced by George P. Bush who will be challenged by the horse toothed Clinton Spawn. The media will have some splaining and some boot licking and some sucking up to President Elect Trump whom I am told is not vindictive at all. They will be the new deplorables of the deplorable.
I, for one, hope Trump's son-in-law goes ahead with his plans for a cable news organization which would serve to get the real message out unfiltered by a terribly hostile mainstream media. The era of big government and media bias is over.
With this election cycle the people broke the bonds it had with the media and rejected all their bullshit. What has been lost by the media cannot be easily regained. The American people have moved on and the media has lost its power of persuasion. It is gone and now the only draw they have is to have the beauty queen with the white teeth, blond hair, and ample cleavage talk about anything because we only watch for the sexual stimulation. What they say is irrevelant. How they look makes the ratings.
A media that will not tell the truth is of no use. Americans know this. Trump took his message directly to the people and it resonated.
Already Putin and Netanyahu have reached out to President Elect Trump and the world is a safer place after this election.
I believe the military will be reworked back into a real fighting force and the social experimentation with the screwy LGBTA nonsence will be rejected and if these folks want to wear a uniform do so on Halloween which places no one at risk. The Left's war on men will be postponed or ended permanently and the sexes can assume their proper rolls, get me some coffee woman and show me your tits! That was not right.
Congratulations President Elect Trump and Vice President Elect Pence! Americans all over middle America are peeing on themselves with excitement.
The Error of Big Corrupt Government is OVER!
Make America Great Again.
I am
And the fireworks called off over the Hudson R in New York City by aspiring president elect Hillary Clinton let the pussy out of the pant suit, pardon me, I had a King D moment, I meant to write, cat out of the bag, hinting she already knew her poling numbers would fall shorter than Bill's attention span at a Mylie Cyrus dance routine.
Hillary was lifted skyward on her own petard crashing her into that "glass ceiling" with her twiced concussed noggin, but the glass would not break and America was saved the insult of enduring another agonizing eight years or until death do us part of (gag) the Clintons. Surly Bill and his bulbous red nose which after a shot of sherry could give Rudolph the reindeer a break on the sleigh that night, and Pantsuit Hillary, with that Jokeresque smirk and the evil cackling, and then there is Spawn Chelsea, who can eat a red delicious in two bites and was offered a job as a stand-in for the upcoming "Mr. Ed" movie, will all be missed like anal warts.
I hope we do not have another round of this in 2020, with Hillary in a Steven Hawking'sesq wheelchair and a computer driven shrill voice, including high pitched cackling, and fat wheels to symbolize her cankles, rolling across America Tour.
I believe Americans voted for DT to end the very corrupt influence monied interest held over this government. The Wall Street-K Street-DC circuit needed to be short circuited for the good of the people in America. Our meddlesome interference with the sand-logged barbarians and their constant fighting in the Middle East over which cult will prevail will be ended by our President elect. Give the barbarians the tools to fight each other and stand back, meanwhile keep them out of our country until they have developed some sense of morality and it is no longer their habit to rape and kill nonbelievers with impunity. It is best to stay as far away from people who believe killing you is not a sin nor a punishable offense.
I do not give a whit what CAIR says, some are not ready to be included in a polite society. They serioulsy need a reformation! For now keep em out. Integrate, assimilate or stay out!
The Never Trump cabal will be licking their wounds for at least 4 and possibly 8 years which is a life time in politics. Many of them will be relagated to the dustbin of the politically irrelevant. Jeb Bush will be replaced by George P. Bush who will be challenged by the horse toothed Clinton Spawn. The media will have some splaining and some boot licking and some sucking up to President Elect Trump whom I am told is not vindictive at all. They will be the new deplorables of the deplorable.
I, for one, hope Trump's son-in-law goes ahead with his plans for a cable news organization which would serve to get the real message out unfiltered by a terribly hostile mainstream media. The era of big government and media bias is over.
With this election cycle the people broke the bonds it had with the media and rejected all their bullshit. What has been lost by the media cannot be easily regained. The American people have moved on and the media has lost its power of persuasion. It is gone and now the only draw they have is to have the beauty queen with the white teeth, blond hair, and ample cleavage talk about anything because we only watch for the sexual stimulation. What they say is irrevelant. How they look makes the ratings.
A media that will not tell the truth is of no use. Americans know this. Trump took his message directly to the people and it resonated.
Already Putin and Netanyahu have reached out to President Elect Trump and the world is a safer place after this election.
I believe the military will be reworked back into a real fighting force and the social experimentation with the screwy LGBTA nonsence will be rejected and if these folks want to wear a uniform do so on Halloween which places no one at risk. The Left's war on men will be postponed or ended permanently and the sexes can assume their proper rolls, get me some coffee woman and show me your tits! That was not right.
Congratulations President Elect Trump and Vice President Elect Pence! Americans all over middle America are peeing on themselves with excitement.
The Error of Big Corrupt Government is OVER!
Make America Great Again.
I am
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Hillary Bad-Trump Good. Vote Your Best Interests.
Today changes everything or it changes nothing.
A Trump/Pence victory will roll America's fall back a decade or two and perhaps even Make America Great Again in Reaganesque style and we could have another 25 years of prosperity.
If Crooked Broken Sick Evil Hillary, who is carrying more baggage than a loaded 767 airliner, becomes Madame President, she will pimp out all American government deals to the highest bidder to her pay for play Clinton Foundation and it will be business as usual for the swamp.
We work, they eat. We work, they enrich their friends, donors, families, with our taxes. Meanwhile, the inner cities fall farther into chaos and another generation or more will grow up in poverty and hopelessness. The despair which has been saved for the poorest Americans in the inner cities is spreading out into the suburbs with the policies of NAFTA and soon TPP will place the final nail in the American worker's coffin. No American is safe from Hillary. Her ideas for America stop with her ambitions to become the richest of the rich. She is bereft of any empathy or concern for those of us in fly-by country.
We are the great mass of unwashed deplorables whose lives are not of her concern. She kowtows to the rich and connected. She is the puppet for the one world government cabal.
She believes she is smart and knows she is above the current law with its corrupt and ineffectual current crop of yes men and women who serve the people in Obama's DOJ and FBI. How can any American voter stand for a two tiered justice system? When a country has a policy of applying the laws only to the little people, then the country has ceased to exist for the benefit of the liliputians. Gulliver needs to be tied down and sent for an intervention.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence are just the fellows who can strap the giant governmental Gulliver down and start the process. It will be a monumental task. There will be road blocks along the way and like pigs at a feeding trough many of the hogs will take a fair amount of prodding to move over or in many cases leave the trough. Yes, they will squeal and grunt and fart and piss and their co-conspirators in the press will echo chamber their rants and criticize the move to clean out the entrenched bureaucrats who have made a career out of getting paid for doing nothing. But these bureaucrats are the best money can buy. They got there by knowing someone in the business or being a child of someone in the business and their time has passed and this is why there is such a cry from the Left and their toadies in the main stream press against Trump.
Pigs are like that.
If you live in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania, your vote for Trump/Pence is vital. You must vote and bring 3 others to vote for Trump to beat the voter fraud which is rampant in these states. Only a democrat would consider cheating because their leaders are corrupt as witnessed by the project Veratas films by James O'Keefe.
Ask yourself who wins if Hillary is elected today? The common American or the entrenched bureaucrats and moniend interests in the beltway? You know this to be self-evident.
It is time for Americans to cut the bonds with the Clinton Crime Syndicate and let Bill and Hillary enjoy what's left of their lives fighting law suits and legal challenges for what ever time God has given them. And the legal challenges and trials would never happen without "Draining the Swamp".
The Swamp has given us the true dispecables. William Jefferson Clinton whose presidency was marred by illicit oval office gropes and jobs for interns in thongs bearing pizza, perjury and suborning perjury and loss of law license and an impeachment, all under the watchful eye of his help mate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, co-president and co-felon.
Do we want to endure another 4 or God-forbid 8 years of the feloneous duo? If Hillary Clinton wins Bill will bring back jobs to the White House and America will just have to endure as it did in the 90's. More patriots will be burned out of their homes for not towing the liberal line. Loretta Lynch will squelch any investigation into the Clinton Foundation's nefarious activities and the world's billionaire puppet masters will be ecstatic and keep the bribes going to the foundation and Chelsea will be the nominee in 2024 if there is an America anymore.
The one worlders must take Putin out and that is on the calander of events if Hillary wins. Hillary, it has been rumored, cancelled her 2 minute fireworks extravaganza over the Hudson River in New York City for tonight. I guess she thinks her popping off a few nukes here and yonder will make up for the half ton of gunpowder saved in the fireworks call off. I just hope the states that elected her are not on the receiving end of one from Putin. Watch out LA and NYC, your votes may have very, very bad consequences for you.
I am at the end of my rant.
So people vote as though your life and liberty depend upon it.
Because it does.
I am,
A Trump/Pence victory will roll America's fall back a decade or two and perhaps even Make America Great Again in Reaganesque style and we could have another 25 years of prosperity.
If Crooked Broken Sick Evil Hillary, who is carrying more baggage than a loaded 767 airliner, becomes Madame President, she will pimp out all American government deals to the highest bidder to her pay for play Clinton Foundation and it will be business as usual for the swamp.
We work, they eat. We work, they enrich their friends, donors, families, with our taxes. Meanwhile, the inner cities fall farther into chaos and another generation or more will grow up in poverty and hopelessness. The despair which has been saved for the poorest Americans in the inner cities is spreading out into the suburbs with the policies of NAFTA and soon TPP will place the final nail in the American worker's coffin. No American is safe from Hillary. Her ideas for America stop with her ambitions to become the richest of the rich. She is bereft of any empathy or concern for those of us in fly-by country.
We are the great mass of unwashed deplorables whose lives are not of her concern. She kowtows to the rich and connected. She is the puppet for the one world government cabal.
She believes she is smart and knows she is above the current law with its corrupt and ineffectual current crop of yes men and women who serve the people in Obama's DOJ and FBI. How can any American voter stand for a two tiered justice system? When a country has a policy of applying the laws only to the little people, then the country has ceased to exist for the benefit of the liliputians. Gulliver needs to be tied down and sent for an intervention.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence are just the fellows who can strap the giant governmental Gulliver down and start the process. It will be a monumental task. There will be road blocks along the way and like pigs at a feeding trough many of the hogs will take a fair amount of prodding to move over or in many cases leave the trough. Yes, they will squeal and grunt and fart and piss and their co-conspirators in the press will echo chamber their rants and criticize the move to clean out the entrenched bureaucrats who have made a career out of getting paid for doing nothing. But these bureaucrats are the best money can buy. They got there by knowing someone in the business or being a child of someone in the business and their time has passed and this is why there is such a cry from the Left and their toadies in the main stream press against Trump.
Pigs are like that.
If you live in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania, your vote for Trump/Pence is vital. You must vote and bring 3 others to vote for Trump to beat the voter fraud which is rampant in these states. Only a democrat would consider cheating because their leaders are corrupt as witnessed by the project Veratas films by James O'Keefe.
Ask yourself who wins if Hillary is elected today? The common American or the entrenched bureaucrats and moniend interests in the beltway? You know this to be self-evident.
It is time for Americans to cut the bonds with the Clinton Crime Syndicate and let Bill and Hillary enjoy what's left of their lives fighting law suits and legal challenges for what ever time God has given them. And the legal challenges and trials would never happen without "Draining the Swamp".
The Swamp has given us the true dispecables. William Jefferson Clinton whose presidency was marred by illicit oval office gropes and jobs for interns in thongs bearing pizza, perjury and suborning perjury and loss of law license and an impeachment, all under the watchful eye of his help mate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, co-president and co-felon.
Do we want to endure another 4 or God-forbid 8 years of the feloneous duo? If Hillary Clinton wins Bill will bring back jobs to the White House and America will just have to endure as it did in the 90's. More patriots will be burned out of their homes for not towing the liberal line. Loretta Lynch will squelch any investigation into the Clinton Foundation's nefarious activities and the world's billionaire puppet masters will be ecstatic and keep the bribes going to the foundation and Chelsea will be the nominee in 2024 if there is an America anymore.
The one worlders must take Putin out and that is on the calander of events if Hillary wins. Hillary, it has been rumored, cancelled her 2 minute fireworks extravaganza over the Hudson River in New York City for tonight. I guess she thinks her popping off a few nukes here and yonder will make up for the half ton of gunpowder saved in the fireworks call off. I just hope the states that elected her are not on the receiving end of one from Putin. Watch out LA and NYC, your votes may have very, very bad consequences for you.
I am at the end of my rant.
So people vote as though your life and liberty depend upon it.
Because it does.
I am,
Saturday, November 5, 2016
This Election Is About Good V Evil: Who Will Prevail, Will God Trump Satan?
If only 10% of the internet buzz about the Weiner Clinton email Cache is true, then we have a truly monumental problem in America. The talk of child sexual exploitation and satanic rituals is sickening to your everyday working and tax paying American.
Is the 70 year institutional attack on religion part of a dark plan put in place to get to where we are now? Has the explosion of pornorgraphy on this very vehicle, the internet, been placed there to dull the masses and sink mores to a level not seen since Sodom and Gamorrah? Will the perverted leaders who pushed to teach homosexual techniques to kindergartners and pass out condoms to middle schoolers be beaten back, as they should be, in this election, or will the media help sweep these atrocities under the rug?
Has God grown over the past few millennia and is OK with all this or is his will still as it was back when the wicked were destroyed with a rain of fire and brimstone, all those years ago?
From the looks of what is coming out of Weiner's treasure trove, the futures on fire and brimstone are looking really, really good!
As to the election a few days from now, Hillary Clinton's braggadocio concerning her 40 years working for children has taken on a really unmistakably evil twist. Has she really cut toddlers into little pieces and cooked them as some would say? Or is this all just over zealous rantings from conservative basement dwelling pajama boys living in a fantasy world bought and paid by the global cabal of elites backing Donald Trump, over the global cabal of billionaire elites who back the corrupt and crooked Clinton Criminal Enterprise?
Will there be a fair election? Is, as Donald Trump warns, this election, not really an election but a selection? Has the greatest criminal in politics today been chosen to lead America off the cliff? My fear is yes she has been chosen. We are lost unless there is really a coup de tat backed by senior elements of the spooks and if this is the case, all bets are off.
But for now there is little the American voters can do besides go to the pols on Tuesday and pull the lever and hope your vote is tallied for the candidate you chose and not the one Soros' voting machines has selected. A million votes (hey google get off my case) here and a million there and pretty soon you are talking about stealing an election.
Keep your faith in God and never give up.
Vote for Trump and dump the skunk.
I am JDM from UPLC
Is the 70 year institutional attack on religion part of a dark plan put in place to get to where we are now? Has the explosion of pornorgraphy on this very vehicle, the internet, been placed there to dull the masses and sink mores to a level not seen since Sodom and Gamorrah? Will the perverted leaders who pushed to teach homosexual techniques to kindergartners and pass out condoms to middle schoolers be beaten back, as they should be, in this election, or will the media help sweep these atrocities under the rug?
Has God grown over the past few millennia and is OK with all this or is his will still as it was back when the wicked were destroyed with a rain of fire and brimstone, all those years ago?
From the looks of what is coming out of Weiner's treasure trove, the futures on fire and brimstone are looking really, really good!
As to the election a few days from now, Hillary Clinton's braggadocio concerning her 40 years working for children has taken on a really unmistakably evil twist. Has she really cut toddlers into little pieces and cooked them as some would say? Or is this all just over zealous rantings from conservative basement dwelling pajama boys living in a fantasy world bought and paid by the global cabal of elites backing Donald Trump, over the global cabal of billionaire elites who back the corrupt and crooked Clinton Criminal Enterprise?
Will there be a fair election? Is, as Donald Trump warns, this election, not really an election but a selection? Has the greatest criminal in politics today been chosen to lead America off the cliff? My fear is yes she has been chosen. We are lost unless there is really a coup de tat backed by senior elements of the spooks and if this is the case, all bets are off.
But for now there is little the American voters can do besides go to the pols on Tuesday and pull the lever and hope your vote is tallied for the candidate you chose and not the one Soros' voting machines has selected. A million votes (hey google get off my case) here and a million there and pretty soon you are talking about stealing an election.
Keep your faith in God and never give up.
Vote for Trump and dump the skunk.
I am JDM from UPLC
Monday, October 31, 2016
Too Many Weiners To Manage Or How Hillary Fell To A Sick Weiner
To say it has been a tumultuous few political days is perhaps the understatement on the level with but not beating the question posed to Mary Todd Lincoln on that horrible night at Ford's Theatre in April of 1865.
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"
Hillary Clinton has just seen James Comey place a 50 caliber pistol at the back of her campaigns head and pull the trigger. Emails are flying out all over the place. That great sucking sound you hear is the wind going out of a compliant press pool whose job it was to keep the turd, that is all things Clinton, polished and fresh for the public's consumption.
So "Dickileaks" the term settled upon for the cashe of emails found on Huma Abedin's and Anthony Weiner's personal computer has placed the election of the anointed and the smartest woman ever to win the democrat nomination for the office of the presidency in severe jeopardy.
The cat is out of the bag. The ox is in the ditch. The Weiner has been exposed, it is out there añd has sullied all that it has touched. Hillary is said to have an aversion to Weiners and in her case she is correct. She has had more than enough trouble from persons packing one in her lifetime. Bill Clinton with his wildly roving and ranging penis famous for its crook and left hook as described so deliciously (no pun intended) by that innocent Arkansas state worker, Paula J. after WJC dropped trou and proudly offered it as a prize to the unsuspecting 21 yr old Ms. J. who wisely declined his kind offer, giving Hillary a really bad taste of what a mess a weiner can make of politics in a semi puritanical society where the customs of Sodom and Gomorah have only been accepted by the dolts out in Hollywood and a few places out in the Hamptons and of course on Jeff Epstein's Pediphile Island somewhere in the Virgin Islands.
Then there was Barack Hussein Obama, with his little white man's penis, and that soothing baritone voice and his golden teleprompters, along with his tan skin tones, all coming together to launch him into the White Hut ahead of the first woman president! Again Hillary was cucked by a no name, talentless dick in a suit whose only success in life was due to his race. A true affirmative action success story. Hillary had to wait for her turn at the White Hut, eight long years. Years which she has spent falling apart with nearly 7 decade old organs abused by years of over indulgent alcohol use and several serious bumps to the noodle with a blood clot to boot. She was at the top of her game when running against Obama.
Now, eight long and hard years later, Hillary Clinton is well past her "best if used before this date" date. Her judgement is flawed if one considers her Vice Presidential pick. Tim Kaine is perhaps the one selection in the universe which would seem to make Obama's pick of Joe Biden seem brilliant. The impish Kaine is the example of the last kid chosen for the team when such things were determined in grade school. He is the kid who even the dogs shunned. I honestly wonder if a chromosome count on Kaine might come up one or two short? His face is sardonic and his wit is nit. That he agreed to run with the Clintons speaks to his poor judgement. That Hillary would choose him would automatically disqualify him as someone up to the job. He is the quintessential "yes man". He was chosen to sit back and do nothing, say nothing, and is too stupid to see the selling of the presidency by Clinton to the highest bidder to the Clinton Foundation. Kaine, like all Clinton decisions, is good for Clinton, but bad for America. Come to think of it Clinton is bad for America.
Bernie Sanders, with his 70 plus yr old junk, steps up to challenge Hillary and was only one, possibly two viagra tablets from schlonging Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and taking the nomination from her. Without the complacency and the illegal coordination between the Democrat National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and her crooked political action committees, Bernie would have been the people's choice. It seems the people do not care that much for Hillary. She certainly is not a bag of chips and all that.
The republican challenge to Hillary included 17 dicks and a cervix and the sword fight which was the republican primary left 16 candidates licking their battered swords and one tall candidate standing with the biggest set of balls ever. A candidate with the courage to call a crook a crook, a weasel a weasel, the press corrupt, the justice department corrupt, the FBI corrupt, the IRS a political tool of corruption, and the balls to stare them all down and never take a word back. When challenged he doubles down and wins.
Donald Trump is a winner. Really, really smart! It's true, true. Truth in advertising, I have donated to the Trump campaign and I have voted for him already.
This late in the electiœn Hillary and her team were focused like a lazer beam on Trump's golden schlong. When they paid all the Trumphettes to claim he grabbed them by the pussies, they thought this would finish The Donald. But out of nowhere came the bulging Weiner in Whities, sent to wow a 15 yr old North Carolina teenager, who was probably a 39 yr old FBI field office agent if the truth be known. (google be quiet) I'm working. Thank you, any way where was I.
Now Hillary has to worry if these new revelations will fatally wound her campaign and stop her from billions and billions of contributions to the foundation. Has Tony the Weiner jumped Hillary's shark? Did Huma save her deleted emails as insurance. Is Hillary wanting a younger help mate? Huma ain't the 21 yr old spring chicken she was 25 yrs ago when she first interned for Hillary.
If the deleted 33,000 Hillary Clinton emails are among the 650,000 on the Weiner computer, that would be a lot of dick for anyone to swallow. I suggest we all sit back and watch our unbiased media, and our uncompromised law enforcement professionals sort out this new busted Weiner caper.
This is another example of a really bad, bad weiner in Hillary Clinton's circle which should have never, ever been exposed.
God works through mysterious and often wondrous ways!
My kingdom but for a Weiner!
If Hillary Clinton loses to Donald Trump, I suspect she will move off to South America and become president of an all woman country, her luck with men is abysmal. We all learned with Nixon that you can't trust a "Dick".
Who could blame her? We all can!
I am
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"
Hillary Clinton has just seen James Comey place a 50 caliber pistol at the back of her campaigns head and pull the trigger. Emails are flying out all over the place. That great sucking sound you hear is the wind going out of a compliant press pool whose job it was to keep the turd, that is all things Clinton, polished and fresh for the public's consumption.
So "Dickileaks" the term settled upon for the cashe of emails found on Huma Abedin's and Anthony Weiner's personal computer has placed the election of the anointed and the smartest woman ever to win the democrat nomination for the office of the presidency in severe jeopardy.
The cat is out of the bag. The ox is in the ditch. The Weiner has been exposed, it is out there añd has sullied all that it has touched. Hillary is said to have an aversion to Weiners and in her case she is correct. She has had more than enough trouble from persons packing one in her lifetime. Bill Clinton with his wildly roving and ranging penis famous for its crook and left hook as described so deliciously (no pun intended) by that innocent Arkansas state worker, Paula J. after WJC dropped trou and proudly offered it as a prize to the unsuspecting 21 yr old Ms. J. who wisely declined his kind offer, giving Hillary a really bad taste of what a mess a weiner can make of politics in a semi puritanical society where the customs of Sodom and Gomorah have only been accepted by the dolts out in Hollywood and a few places out in the Hamptons and of course on Jeff Epstein's Pediphile Island somewhere in the Virgin Islands.
Then there was Barack Hussein Obama, with his little white man's penis, and that soothing baritone voice and his golden teleprompters, along with his tan skin tones, all coming together to launch him into the White Hut ahead of the first woman president! Again Hillary was cucked by a no name, talentless dick in a suit whose only success in life was due to his race. A true affirmative action success story. Hillary had to wait for her turn at the White Hut, eight long years. Years which she has spent falling apart with nearly 7 decade old organs abused by years of over indulgent alcohol use and several serious bumps to the noodle with a blood clot to boot. She was at the top of her game when running against Obama.
Now, eight long and hard years later, Hillary Clinton is well past her "best if used before this date" date. Her judgement is flawed if one considers her Vice Presidential pick. Tim Kaine is perhaps the one selection in the universe which would seem to make Obama's pick of Joe Biden seem brilliant. The impish Kaine is the example of the last kid chosen for the team when such things were determined in grade school. He is the kid who even the dogs shunned. I honestly wonder if a chromosome count on Kaine might come up one or two short? His face is sardonic and his wit is nit. That he agreed to run with the Clintons speaks to his poor judgement. That Hillary would choose him would automatically disqualify him as someone up to the job. He is the quintessential "yes man". He was chosen to sit back and do nothing, say nothing, and is too stupid to see the selling of the presidency by Clinton to the highest bidder to the Clinton Foundation. Kaine, like all Clinton decisions, is good for Clinton, but bad for America. Come to think of it Clinton is bad for America.
Bernie Sanders, with his 70 plus yr old junk, steps up to challenge Hillary and was only one, possibly two viagra tablets from schlonging Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and taking the nomination from her. Without the complacency and the illegal coordination between the Democrat National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and her crooked political action committees, Bernie would have been the people's choice. It seems the people do not care that much for Hillary. She certainly is not a bag of chips and all that.
The republican challenge to Hillary included 17 dicks and a cervix and the sword fight which was the republican primary left 16 candidates licking their battered swords and one tall candidate standing with the biggest set of balls ever. A candidate with the courage to call a crook a crook, a weasel a weasel, the press corrupt, the justice department corrupt, the FBI corrupt, the IRS a political tool of corruption, and the balls to stare them all down and never take a word back. When challenged he doubles down and wins.
Donald Trump is a winner. Really, really smart! It's true, true. Truth in advertising, I have donated to the Trump campaign and I have voted for him already.
This late in the electiœn Hillary and her team were focused like a lazer beam on Trump's golden schlong. When they paid all the Trumphettes to claim he grabbed them by the pussies, they thought this would finish The Donald. But out of nowhere came the bulging Weiner in Whities, sent to wow a 15 yr old North Carolina teenager, who was probably a 39 yr old FBI field office agent if the truth be known. (google be quiet) I'm working. Thank you, any way where was I.
Now Hillary has to worry if these new revelations will fatally wound her campaign and stop her from billions and billions of contributions to the foundation. Has Tony the Weiner jumped Hillary's shark? Did Huma save her deleted emails as insurance. Is Hillary wanting a younger help mate? Huma ain't the 21 yr old spring chicken she was 25 yrs ago when she first interned for Hillary.
If the deleted 33,000 Hillary Clinton emails are among the 650,000 on the Weiner computer, that would be a lot of dick for anyone to swallow. I suggest we all sit back and watch our unbiased media, and our uncompromised law enforcement professionals sort out this new busted Weiner caper.
This is another example of a really bad, bad weiner in Hillary Clinton's circle which should have never, ever been exposed.
God works through mysterious and often wondrous ways!
My kingdom but for a Weiner!
If Hillary Clinton loses to Donald Trump, I suspect she will move off to South America and become president of an all woman country, her luck with men is abysmal. We all learned with Nixon that you can't trust a "Dick".
Who could blame her? We all can!
I am
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Dinosaurs And Dinosaur Media Are Extinct: Why Hillary's Television Buys Are Ineffective In 2016
Hillary Clinton is a dinosaur. She turned 69 a couple of days ago and as far as this election is concerned she is as extinct as the plegasaurus. Her hay day was the roaring 90's when she and Bill were living rent free in the White Whorehouse with the wind at their backs and the sun in their comparatively wrinkle free faces. Back in the 90's the internet was just beginning to find its place and most Americans got all their information from the cable and network news channels. Television was still in its peak 25 years ago.
A political advertisement played on the tele all those years ago was sure to be seen and sometimes watched before TeVo and all the other new fangled devices which made fast forwarding through those pesky ads so easy. So to answer Crooked Hillary's 100 million dollar question: "Why am I not 50 points ahead of my opponent?" After all she has out spent him on advertising 50 to 1 in the battle ground states yet she is barely leading or behind in all of them.
Well, Hillary, the times they have changed. You are running a horse and buggy campaign in the tough and tumble internet age where most television ads are skipped over or deleted before they reach the intended audience. Tele is so 90's and you have surrounded yourself with other media whores who are themselves dinosaurs. TeVo has made political advertising on Television moot. What is not seen is not persuasive. Yes, honey, you did make some wonderful ads tearing and ripping the pussy right out of Donald Trumps small hands, but nobody saw them but your group of like minded pterydactyles who all cawed their praises and you put your campaign money down and it was all for naught.
Now Trump has some children who, unlike your spawn, are in tune with the times and know a campaign in the internet age is best run on the internet and to leave the old technology in broadcast television out of any massive buys. Notice how every Clinton news boy breathlessly asks when he is going to buy a hundred million dollars in ads on television to compete with Bigly Bags, the democrat nominee.
I call her Bigly Bags because of the mountain of baggage she has collected over her 35 years in public service, stealing, lying, and taking bribes without hesitation. I am sure she has only one regret and that is that they did not take more. Anyway, Bigly Bags and her campaign has been greasing the old media with ad purchases and for this they are very grateful.
Even with Bigly Bag's huge buys, the TV revenue is only half typical years when both parties would buy ads. The TV executives have noticed the drop in revenues and they are not pleased. Mr. Trump has out smarted these fools who run the networks and cable. He has cleverly voted with his campaign money not to contribute to their fortunes, since they are all pulling for Bigly Bags in this hard fought election, anyway. Brilliant, why contribute to your competition, and make no mistake the media is all out to get Bigly Bags in the White Hut, 100%.
Donald Trump is not wasting his money on 20th century campaign techniques in the 21 century. He is all about the internet, and he will use the dinosaur media for public appearances and news conferences, and he is, by and far, the brightest person to ever run for president. This fact alone should insure his election. So when the media baits Trump with when are you going to answer all the TV ads Bigly Bags is airing against him, Trump only has to be coy and pretend there may be a big purchase coming, but the wicked truth is that no one is viewing Bigly Bags or her ads. Like Limbaugh says, Bigly Bags Clinton could not even draw flies.
In the near future, the pundits will analyse what Trump did to beat the stuffing out of old Bigly Bags and her ball and chain, denying them 8 more years of graft and corruption at the expense of America's children. Mr. Trump has done America a huge favor by having the Queens smarts and the guts to take on a dying presidential candidate, propped up by a equally ailing print and TV press.
So the reason Bigly Bags is not 50 points ahead when the Bigly money message out about Trump is the only message hitting the airwaves, no one is seeing it unless some Martian is watching from the Red planet. Bigly Bags could double or treble her television advertising and still not put as much as a tiny chink in Trump's magnificent armor.
The tide has done gone out on the great Battleship Bags and her entourage are left stranded in the mud flats and it will be a long time before any help will arrive. It is already too late with just under two weeks to go before the most important election of the century.
Trump will prevail because he is smart, and because his children know how to run a campaign, a campaign of, for, and with the future.
I am,
A political advertisement played on the tele all those years ago was sure to be seen and sometimes watched before TeVo and all the other new fangled devices which made fast forwarding through those pesky ads so easy. So to answer Crooked Hillary's 100 million dollar question: "Why am I not 50 points ahead of my opponent?" After all she has out spent him on advertising 50 to 1 in the battle ground states yet she is barely leading or behind in all of them.
Well, Hillary, the times they have changed. You are running a horse and buggy campaign in the tough and tumble internet age where most television ads are skipped over or deleted before they reach the intended audience. Tele is so 90's and you have surrounded yourself with other media whores who are themselves dinosaurs. TeVo has made political advertising on Television moot. What is not seen is not persuasive. Yes, honey, you did make some wonderful ads tearing and ripping the pussy right out of Donald Trumps small hands, but nobody saw them but your group of like minded pterydactyles who all cawed their praises and you put your campaign money down and it was all for naught.
Now Trump has some children who, unlike your spawn, are in tune with the times and know a campaign in the internet age is best run on the internet and to leave the old technology in broadcast television out of any massive buys. Notice how every Clinton news boy breathlessly asks when he is going to buy a hundred million dollars in ads on television to compete with Bigly Bags, the democrat nominee.
I call her Bigly Bags because of the mountain of baggage she has collected over her 35 years in public service, stealing, lying, and taking bribes without hesitation. I am sure she has only one regret and that is that they did not take more. Anyway, Bigly Bags and her campaign has been greasing the old media with ad purchases and for this they are very grateful.
Even with Bigly Bag's huge buys, the TV revenue is only half typical years when both parties would buy ads. The TV executives have noticed the drop in revenues and they are not pleased. Mr. Trump has out smarted these fools who run the networks and cable. He has cleverly voted with his campaign money not to contribute to their fortunes, since they are all pulling for Bigly Bags in this hard fought election, anyway. Brilliant, why contribute to your competition, and make no mistake the media is all out to get Bigly Bags in the White Hut, 100%.
Donald Trump is not wasting his money on 20th century campaign techniques in the 21 century. He is all about the internet, and he will use the dinosaur media for public appearances and news conferences, and he is, by and far, the brightest person to ever run for president. This fact alone should insure his election. So when the media baits Trump with when are you going to answer all the TV ads Bigly Bags is airing against him, Trump only has to be coy and pretend there may be a big purchase coming, but the wicked truth is that no one is viewing Bigly Bags or her ads. Like Limbaugh says, Bigly Bags Clinton could not even draw flies.
In the near future, the pundits will analyse what Trump did to beat the stuffing out of old Bigly Bags and her ball and chain, denying them 8 more years of graft and corruption at the expense of America's children. Mr. Trump has done America a huge favor by having the Queens smarts and the guts to take on a dying presidential candidate, propped up by a equally ailing print and TV press.
So the reason Bigly Bags is not 50 points ahead when the Bigly money message out about Trump is the only message hitting the airwaves, no one is seeing it unless some Martian is watching from the Red planet. Bigly Bags could double or treble her television advertising and still not put as much as a tiny chink in Trump's magnificent armor.
The tide has done gone out on the great Battleship Bags and her entourage are left stranded in the mud flats and it will be a long time before any help will arrive. It is already too late with just under two weeks to go before the most important election of the century.
Trump will prevail because he is smart, and because his children know how to run a campaign, a campaign of, for, and with the future.
I am,
Monday, October 24, 2016
Vote for Trump. Reject Corruption. Banish Elites. Clinton To Jail, Not The White House.
Hillary Clinton is winning. Splashed all over the main stream media for all to see and digest. And speaking of digestion, this media is so far up Hillary's lower digestive system it would be easier for them to exit through her lie spewing pie hole than to turn around and come out her enormously padded press hole.
The internal Trump poling has him winning. The Clintons are apoplectic. There is talk of bringing out the big campaign promises and Trump smears earlier than planned because of this falter. They have proof and film of Donald Trump not paying for any parking meters in New York City by placing an official "OUT OF ORDER" cover over the meter which was given to him by Rudy Gulioni. When Trump was contronted by a uniformed meter maid he is filmed grabbing her by the "pussy". And she did not have her pet cat with her.
The promises the Clinton campaign has been holding back, which I obtained from the latest batch of Wikileaks missives of John Podesta, include, first out of the bag is free Ben and Jerry's ice cream on Fridays. Ben and Jerry can afford this and have signed on as a gift to the campaign.
The largest movie chain in America, Regal Cinemas, has promised free week-end movie passes to anyone who can show they voted for Hillary Clinton in a battle ground state more than once.
Doctors Without Borders has donated free medical care for the masses on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. And finally Exxon/Mobil has promised free gasoline on Tuesdays and Thursdays to registered democrats.
And the final push for Hillary is a 20% off coupon to foreign countries who wish to pay for play with the Clinton Foundation if paid before the November 8 election. This is possibly the best deal offered by any politician ever. When has there been a discount on bribing, ever?
These Clintons have brought new vigor to corruption and politics and the bar has never been lower.
If America falls for the media spin and Jaillary Clinton's lies and corruption, then America deserves the consequences. In life one gets what you pay for, and it is not always what you wanted or expected.
Donald Trump may not be a choir boy, but he has no history of being a filthy bribed political hack. Trump is the only choice for America. Trump was the only candidate chosen by the American people. Clinton was chosen by the muggers who control the democrat party. The super delagates and the Democrat National Committee conspired with the Clinton Campaign to silence the voice of the people who by their votes wisely preferred Bernie Sanders over Crooked Jaillary.
No matter the results in a couple of weeks, Trump has the support of Americans, Jaillary has the support of the entrenched corrupt elites. We are millions and millions, they are only millions. Who will win? Election fraud with computers is ever a threat. The Trump victory must be resounding and the people must vote in massive numbers but only once.
I am.
The internal Trump poling has him winning. The Clintons are apoplectic. There is talk of bringing out the big campaign promises and Trump smears earlier than planned because of this falter. They have proof and film of Donald Trump not paying for any parking meters in New York City by placing an official "OUT OF ORDER" cover over the meter which was given to him by Rudy Gulioni. When Trump was contronted by a uniformed meter maid he is filmed grabbing her by the "pussy". And she did not have her pet cat with her.
The promises the Clinton campaign has been holding back, which I obtained from the latest batch of Wikileaks missives of John Podesta, include, first out of the bag is free Ben and Jerry's ice cream on Fridays. Ben and Jerry can afford this and have signed on as a gift to the campaign.
The largest movie chain in America, Regal Cinemas, has promised free week-end movie passes to anyone who can show they voted for Hillary Clinton in a battle ground state more than once.
Doctors Without Borders has donated free medical care for the masses on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. And finally Exxon/Mobil has promised free gasoline on Tuesdays and Thursdays to registered democrats.
And the final push for Hillary is a 20% off coupon to foreign countries who wish to pay for play with the Clinton Foundation if paid before the November 8 election. This is possibly the best deal offered by any politician ever. When has there been a discount on bribing, ever?
These Clintons have brought new vigor to corruption and politics and the bar has never been lower.
If America falls for the media spin and Jaillary Clinton's lies and corruption, then America deserves the consequences. In life one gets what you pay for, and it is not always what you wanted or expected.
Donald Trump may not be a choir boy, but he has no history of being a filthy bribed political hack. Trump is the only choice for America. Trump was the only candidate chosen by the American people. Clinton was chosen by the muggers who control the democrat party. The super delagates and the Democrat National Committee conspired with the Clinton Campaign to silence the voice of the people who by their votes wisely preferred Bernie Sanders over Crooked Jaillary.
No matter the results in a couple of weeks, Trump has the support of Americans, Jaillary has the support of the entrenched corrupt elites. We are millions and millions, they are only millions. Who will win? Election fraud with computers is ever a threat. The Trump victory must be resounding and the people must vote in massive numbers but only once.
I am.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Paul Ryan Sits To Pee, He Is a Wikileaker, Podesta Hates America, Trump Is Drug Free
The republican rats are abandoning the Good Ship Trump after striking an iceberg named "Pussy" which if you look at it with any sort of realism is really just a hole with a penis tucked deep inside, read uterus. And that and some splash of different hormones is all that separates the sexes, if you leave out gossip and shopping.
I do not mean to disparage the fair sex because I and every other man in his lifetime has spent nearly every waking minute planning and scheming how to garner the fair sex's attention and favor. In this regard, Donald Trump is no different than the lowest paid worker on the street. Sure there are some freaks who would rather stick or be stuck some where the sun never shines and waste shares its place, but for the good majority the female plumbing is the gold standard.
That republican stalwarts like house speaker Paul Ryan would condemn Donald Trump for "locker room" bravado spoken in private and illegally recorded shows that speaker Ryan keeps his manhood tucked between his legs and it has been that way for so long that he has to sit down to urinate. For God's sake man, grow a pair. You are ridiculous turning that pointy nose and admonishing Mr. Trump. You deny your manhood? Where is your testosterone? Or would you rather sit and chat with the gals on "The View" and make nice with the other Saints in the world who believe Donald Trump is a cretin. Mr. Ryan the people are with Trump and you are on the wrong side of histrionics.
And WikiLeaks and the Podesta treasure trove of truth in emails from the titular head of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign demonstrates the lack of respect shown to "needy Latino's like Bill Richardson and Pena, and the hatred of all things Catholic, and you cannot leave out those disrespectful rednecks aka "southerners". I feel quite certain that the disdain shown these groups is not limited. Truth be known and I bet there is a leak coming soon which also disparages the black American and those useful idiots over at "black lives matter". The amount of contempt for the great unwashed mass of Americans is limitless coming from this bunch of hacks. Time to show them the door.
Is it just me or does the democrat party only cotton favor for the well heeled, the billionaires, the fasebook pussies, the tech geek millionaires, and the people made famous by being able to read lines put in their mouths by fine writers and directors? Show me one friend of Hills and Bills who did not contribute something to their criminal enterprise. Where are the plumbers, the electricians, the factory workers, the nurses, the school teachers? Yes I know with Hillary's illness, which is the 800 pound gorilla in the room no news outlet dare speak of, she has some professional handlers with her which she may consider friends, but without her disease these people would never have access to her, unless they had a million dollars to give to the foundation.
Trump is onto something with his call for a pre debate drug test. It is true she looked way to sharp for that debate and for her every day, or more truthfully, weekly campaign event, she looks haggardly and drawn out. I would like to know she is not pumped up on speed or cocaine because she can, as Trump noted, barely make it back to the bomb proof SUV.
I have droned on long enough for this diatribe. But I have written that which is wise and true, its true.
I am
I do not mean to disparage the fair sex because I and every other man in his lifetime has spent nearly every waking minute planning and scheming how to garner the fair sex's attention and favor. In this regard, Donald Trump is no different than the lowest paid worker on the street. Sure there are some freaks who would rather stick or be stuck some where the sun never shines and waste shares its place, but for the good majority the female plumbing is the gold standard.
That republican stalwarts like house speaker Paul Ryan would condemn Donald Trump for "locker room" bravado spoken in private and illegally recorded shows that speaker Ryan keeps his manhood tucked between his legs and it has been that way for so long that he has to sit down to urinate. For God's sake man, grow a pair. You are ridiculous turning that pointy nose and admonishing Mr. Trump. You deny your manhood? Where is your testosterone? Or would you rather sit and chat with the gals on "The View" and make nice with the other Saints in the world who believe Donald Trump is a cretin. Mr. Ryan the people are with Trump and you are on the wrong side of histrionics.
And WikiLeaks and the Podesta treasure trove of truth in emails from the titular head of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign demonstrates the lack of respect shown to "needy Latino's like Bill Richardson and Pena, and the hatred of all things Catholic, and you cannot leave out those disrespectful rednecks aka "southerners". I feel quite certain that the disdain shown these groups is not limited. Truth be known and I bet there is a leak coming soon which also disparages the black American and those useful idiots over at "black lives matter". The amount of contempt for the great unwashed mass of Americans is limitless coming from this bunch of hacks. Time to show them the door.
Is it just me or does the democrat party only cotton favor for the well heeled, the billionaires, the fasebook pussies, the tech geek millionaires, and the people made famous by being able to read lines put in their mouths by fine writers and directors? Show me one friend of Hills and Bills who did not contribute something to their criminal enterprise. Where are the plumbers, the electricians, the factory workers, the nurses, the school teachers? Yes I know with Hillary's illness, which is the 800 pound gorilla in the room no news outlet dare speak of, she has some professional handlers with her which she may consider friends, but without her disease these people would never have access to her, unless they had a million dollars to give to the foundation.
Trump is onto something with his call for a pre debate drug test. It is true she looked way to sharp for that debate and for her every day, or more truthfully, weekly campaign event, she looks haggardly and drawn out. I would like to know she is not pumped up on speed or cocaine because she can, as Trump noted, barely make it back to the bomb proof SUV.
I have droned on long enough for this diatribe. But I have written that which is wise and true, its true.
I am
black lives matter,
Donald Trump,
John Podesta,
Paul Ryan
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Trump, A Straight Male Who Knows What Women Like: First Gifts, Then Sex And Clinton?
An eleven year old comment by Donald Trump in an Access Hollywood interview has Hillary Clinton and her ass-monkey choir in the democrat media hitting high notes in admonishing him as a lusty, crusty, lewd, testosterone filled Red Blooded American Alpha male. He might add that he has never raped a woman like the other candidate's husband or used political power to garner special oral favors from celebrity suckers who happen to be 20 yr old interns in the White House with immature minds and sexy panties. Nor has he spent large sums of money and time trying to disparage and threaten those sexually abused women whose very lives and stories of sexual misconduct could topple all the plans for world domination and end the greed based pay for play political scheme of the worst American traitors since the Rosenbergs.
I will take a rough cut diamond like Donald Trump any day over that political shill with no positive political result after a lifetime in public service for the average American, but somehow has amassed a $2 billion dollar slut fund fraud for their deeds that have gone under the radar in front of a corrupt American media. They would sell Chelsea if the price was right. And a little more surgery and there may be some bids in the near future. Okay that was taking it a little too far, but you know what I mean.
As the esteemed New York Senator Hillary sponsored one bill that made it through on the back of a spending bill to name a Post Office in Pokeepsie after Janet Reno, The Waco-Reno Memorial Post Office where the government promises not to burn American Citizens including 73 children under age 12 alive in their homes without due process. Truly one of the most egregious acts against Americans ever perpetrated. Hell, Bill Clinton did not have the balls to go after Osama Bin Laden with even 1/100th the zeal as he did to the Branch Dividians. Hillary has her finger prints all over that operation. She even called David Koresh a "fucking Jew-bastard" before she learned he was a Christian pastor ministering to a flock of depressed American Citizens who were trying to feed themselves by buying and selling legal products under our second amendment.
Hillary always did hate small businesses as witnessed by her response to what Hillary Care would do to the small business men and women economically: "Hell, I can't be concerned with the fate of every under capitalized small business in America, this is my legacy we are talking about here, are you a fool!"
And when the truth would be easier to spout, Hillary always challenged herself with a lie. Benghazi, why it was just a few fellows out walking their dogs who were enraged by an antimuslim video on youtube who decided to attack the compound of Ambassador Chris Stevens. We could not send any meaningful help in time to save them, 13 hrs is not a lot of time diplomatically speaking. And then when the parents of the fallen hero of Benghazi call her out on her duplicity she lies about lying to them. I am beginning to suspect Hillary Clinton would not know the truth if Monica Lewinski spit it on her blue pantsuit.
These two politicians are despicable. The combination of bawdy and corrupt to beyond criminality is sickening. The fawning media are accessories to their unreported criminal activity. If this is what America has become with thugs and criminals at every high level, how can the people who live in this land trust its institutions? The FBI seems corrupt. The IRS seems corrupt. The Justice department seems corrupt. The Clintons are corrupt. Trump is right somebody has to do something. Or is it too late.
The media is corrupt.
America was built by moral people who believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic and established a rule of law which was for many years applied equally to all men and women. The system has been infiltrated by weasels and charlatans like the Clintons, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Koskinen, and hundreds of scoundrels who are in on the scam.
Donald Trump is the threat to their deliciously corrupt apple cart. He must be stopped at all cost. First the billion dollar tax write off, next the bawdy Hollywood bragging.
What the media does not know is that their covering up for Bill Clinton's tasteless behavior all these years has numbed the public to anything. The mainstreaming of LGTB and what ever "Letters" I have forgotten because of my phobias are, and their deviant sexual proclivities, sort of makes a powerful man's off the cuff statement about enjoying relations with beautiful women in a natural way sort of heart warming if the truth be known.
If a wolf is not to blame for taking the lamb for a meal as it is in his God given nature, who can blame a man for being a man. Let us face it, the whole world depends on men and women joining to make the beast with two backs and have the woman bear the fruits of that passion. When a man buys the pleasure of a woman's affection with a gift a good deal has been struck..
My daddy always said, and I quote: "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!" Now if Trump picks out a woman and showers her with expensive gifts and she gives him 2 minutes of pleasure, is that not the art of the deal where the deal is good for everybody? And if Clinton steals a woman's pleasure by rape, bites her lip drawing blood to garner her submission to his violent act and Hillary threatens her to remain silent the very next week, is that only a good deal for the Clintons? Where is Brodericks deal, she is left with a scar which will haunt her a lifetime. Where is the justice, who will make these people pay for crimes no ordinary citizen could hope to skate on?
To answer my question, there is no rule of law for the top echelon of our political class. They have gamed the system and stacked the top positions with compromised co-conspirators and at this point I believe even Donald Trump will be powerless to do anything about it. It will take an act of God to bring this Babylonian Tower crashing down.
Pray for that miracle!
As Mark Twain noted all those years ago: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
I feel it is time to add an "S" to the nemonic LGBTA which stands for "Straight" and time for the 97% to be proud of their straight positions and demand parity with the freaks. No Donald Trump has nothing to be ashamed of from his straight talk. That the media and Clinton of all people could find fault with a straight man shows them to be complete hypocrites.
No Hillary, this is not the time for your to get your over sized panties in a bunch. Trump is just being straight and for you to be critical of any deal between consenting adults is not your MO. Remember Jaunita, Paula, Monica, Kathleen, and the hundreds of other unnamed conquests your Little Bill has taken over the years.
Hillary, that glass ceiling you have shattered for women, joke, is more like the glass house you live in and all you have to throw at Bill is rocks. Be careful how you play this hand for it opens you up to a lot of well deserved criticism.
The Hollywood audio clip is bait. Take it and see if your panties loosen or tighten. It will be an interesting debate of you can make it this Sunday.
Remember Donald Trump is in control. Who do you think leaked the tax returns? The NYT fell for the bait.
Best election contest ever!
I am
I will take a rough cut diamond like Donald Trump any day over that political shill with no positive political result after a lifetime in public service for the average American, but somehow has amassed a $2 billion dollar slut fund fraud for their deeds that have gone under the radar in front of a corrupt American media. They would sell Chelsea if the price was right. And a little more surgery and there may be some bids in the near future. Okay that was taking it a little too far, but you know what I mean.
As the esteemed New York Senator Hillary sponsored one bill that made it through on the back of a spending bill to name a Post Office in Pokeepsie after Janet Reno, The Waco-Reno Memorial Post Office where the government promises not to burn American Citizens including 73 children under age 12 alive in their homes without due process. Truly one of the most egregious acts against Americans ever perpetrated. Hell, Bill Clinton did not have the balls to go after Osama Bin Laden with even 1/100th the zeal as he did to the Branch Dividians. Hillary has her finger prints all over that operation. She even called David Koresh a "fucking Jew-bastard" before she learned he was a Christian pastor ministering to a flock of depressed American Citizens who were trying to feed themselves by buying and selling legal products under our second amendment.
Hillary always did hate small businesses as witnessed by her response to what Hillary Care would do to the small business men and women economically: "Hell, I can't be concerned with the fate of every under capitalized small business in America, this is my legacy we are talking about here, are you a fool!"
And when the truth would be easier to spout, Hillary always challenged herself with a lie. Benghazi, why it was just a few fellows out walking their dogs who were enraged by an antimuslim video on youtube who decided to attack the compound of Ambassador Chris Stevens. We could not send any meaningful help in time to save them, 13 hrs is not a lot of time diplomatically speaking. And then when the parents of the fallen hero of Benghazi call her out on her duplicity she lies about lying to them. I am beginning to suspect Hillary Clinton would not know the truth if Monica Lewinski spit it on her blue pantsuit.
These two politicians are despicable. The combination of bawdy and corrupt to beyond criminality is sickening. The fawning media are accessories to their unreported criminal activity. If this is what America has become with thugs and criminals at every high level, how can the people who live in this land trust its institutions? The FBI seems corrupt. The IRS seems corrupt. The Justice department seems corrupt. The Clintons are corrupt. Trump is right somebody has to do something. Or is it too late.
The media is corrupt.
America was built by moral people who believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic and established a rule of law which was for many years applied equally to all men and women. The system has been infiltrated by weasels and charlatans like the Clintons, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Koskinen, and hundreds of scoundrels who are in on the scam.
Donald Trump is the threat to their deliciously corrupt apple cart. He must be stopped at all cost. First the billion dollar tax write off, next the bawdy Hollywood bragging.
What the media does not know is that their covering up for Bill Clinton's tasteless behavior all these years has numbed the public to anything. The mainstreaming of LGTB and what ever "Letters" I have forgotten because of my phobias are, and their deviant sexual proclivities, sort of makes a powerful man's off the cuff statement about enjoying relations with beautiful women in a natural way sort of heart warming if the truth be known.
If a wolf is not to blame for taking the lamb for a meal as it is in his God given nature, who can blame a man for being a man. Let us face it, the whole world depends on men and women joining to make the beast with two backs and have the woman bear the fruits of that passion. When a man buys the pleasure of a woman's affection with a gift a good deal has been struck..
My daddy always said, and I quote: "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!" Now if Trump picks out a woman and showers her with expensive gifts and she gives him 2 minutes of pleasure, is that not the art of the deal where the deal is good for everybody? And if Clinton steals a woman's pleasure by rape, bites her lip drawing blood to garner her submission to his violent act and Hillary threatens her to remain silent the very next week, is that only a good deal for the Clintons? Where is Brodericks deal, she is left with a scar which will haunt her a lifetime. Where is the justice, who will make these people pay for crimes no ordinary citizen could hope to skate on?
To answer my question, there is no rule of law for the top echelon of our political class. They have gamed the system and stacked the top positions with compromised co-conspirators and at this point I believe even Donald Trump will be powerless to do anything about it. It will take an act of God to bring this Babylonian Tower crashing down.
Pray for that miracle!
As Mark Twain noted all those years ago: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
I feel it is time to add an "S" to the nemonic LGBTA which stands for "Straight" and time for the 97% to be proud of their straight positions and demand parity with the freaks. No Donald Trump has nothing to be ashamed of from his straight talk. That the media and Clinton of all people could find fault with a straight man shows them to be complete hypocrites.
No Hillary, this is not the time for your to get your over sized panties in a bunch. Trump is just being straight and for you to be critical of any deal between consenting adults is not your MO. Remember Jaunita, Paula, Monica, Kathleen, and the hundreds of other unnamed conquests your Little Bill has taken over the years.
Hillary, that glass ceiling you have shattered for women, joke, is more like the glass house you live in and all you have to throw at Bill is rocks. Be careful how you play this hand for it opens you up to a lot of well deserved criticism.
The Hollywood audio clip is bait. Take it and see if your panties loosen or tighten. It will be an interesting debate of you can make it this Sunday.
Remember Donald Trump is in control. Who do you think leaked the tax returns? The NYT fell for the bait.
Best election contest ever!
I am
Donald Trump,
Hollywood access,
New York Times,
the clintons
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Wake Up, Time To Vote America's Best Interest, The Clock Is Ticking. Vote For the Titan Trump Or Crooked Hillary
The Clintons are American Musolinies. Mr Musolini marched on Rome and immediately was able to bed hundreds if not thousands of Italian rose petals. Bill Clinton marched on Washington after his trek to Little Rock, which is by the way according to the thousands of his sexual encounters, a fitting description of his man junk if one adds Hillary's first name to it.
Crooked Little Rock.
Crooked Hillary's trek to Washington on board the Little Rock Express has served her well. Her forte at the Rose Law Firm was shake down and pay for play on a small scale, like Whitewater, illicit bank loans, wildly successful Cattle future trades, and the White House brought even bigger prizes for the greedy grifters. Travelgate, FBI files, Vince Foster's mysterious suicide by Clinton, failures with Gays in the military and Hillarycare added to their scalp collection. Everything she touches turns to crap. She is inept. She is driven and ruthless. She is colder than absolute zero. She invented the term self centered. And now that body she was given by God is failing her big time. Its true, its true.
The mind is slipping and her soggy protoplasm is seeping out of its lipid logged membranes and causing no end of medical nightmares for this political pig in a pantsuit. Even dressed up in million dollar designer carpet clothes with more botox injections than Nancy Pelosi, she is barely viewable. Her debate was a joke. Now a poker player states she gave hand signals to her House monkey, the moderator, whose name I have already forgotten, by touching her face and rubbing her nose to have said house monkey call on her for a special preplanned Trump zinger.
To the Clintons "fair" is where you get a five dollar hotdog and a ferris wheel ride. It is not in their lexicon. So Americans, if we are stupid enough to let America fall under Clinton Duex, then we deserve our collective fates. I can assure you we will all be longing for the good old Obama daze in no time flat if this political hog holds on and manages to win in spite of her huge handicaps.
Donald Trump is a far better candidate against Hoggie Hillary than either Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama and one barely lost in a rigged primary and the other squashed her like a bug when she was at the top of her game and not barely this side of a nursing home. I hope the White House is handicap ready if, God forbid, the Little Rock Rabble returns. Time to ramp up. The West wing could be a nursing home with these two geezers in there. Know why Bill Clinton takes a viagra tablet each night before bedtime? So he does not roll out of bed and break a hip.
But looking at the bright side, what is so bad about paying more in taxes to a regime which is corrupt from top to bottom, cares not a whit about the citizen and is hell bent on turning over the keys to the United States of America to a non-elected one world governing body?
America has been too great for too long. The time for the fall is here and the Clintons know just how to Short America. They win, we lose.
I am,
Crooked Little Rock.
Crooked Hillary's trek to Washington on board the Little Rock Express has served her well. Her forte at the Rose Law Firm was shake down and pay for play on a small scale, like Whitewater, illicit bank loans, wildly successful Cattle future trades, and the White House brought even bigger prizes for the greedy grifters. Travelgate, FBI files, Vince Foster's mysterious suicide by Clinton, failures with Gays in the military and Hillarycare added to their scalp collection. Everything she touches turns to crap. She is inept. She is driven and ruthless. She is colder than absolute zero. She invented the term self centered. And now that body she was given by God is failing her big time. Its true, its true.
The mind is slipping and her soggy protoplasm is seeping out of its lipid logged membranes and causing no end of medical nightmares for this political pig in a pantsuit. Even dressed up in million dollar designer carpet clothes with more botox injections than Nancy Pelosi, she is barely viewable. Her debate was a joke. Now a poker player states she gave hand signals to her House monkey, the moderator, whose name I have already forgotten, by touching her face and rubbing her nose to have said house monkey call on her for a special preplanned Trump zinger.
To the Clintons "fair" is where you get a five dollar hotdog and a ferris wheel ride. It is not in their lexicon. So Americans, if we are stupid enough to let America fall under Clinton Duex, then we deserve our collective fates. I can assure you we will all be longing for the good old Obama daze in no time flat if this political hog holds on and manages to win in spite of her huge handicaps.
Donald Trump is a far better candidate against Hoggie Hillary than either Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama and one barely lost in a rigged primary and the other squashed her like a bug when she was at the top of her game and not barely this side of a nursing home. I hope the White House is handicap ready if, God forbid, the Little Rock Rabble returns. Time to ramp up. The West wing could be a nursing home with these two geezers in there. Know why Bill Clinton takes a viagra tablet each night before bedtime? So he does not roll out of bed and break a hip.
But looking at the bright side, what is so bad about paying more in taxes to a regime which is corrupt from top to bottom, cares not a whit about the citizen and is hell bent on turning over the keys to the United States of America to a non-elected one world governing body?
America has been too great for too long. The time for the fall is here and the Clintons know just how to Short America. They win, we lose.
I am,
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Debates, We Don't Need No Stinking Debates
The first debate between Donald Trump and Miss Hillary Clinton went off with very little fireworks. Donald Trump was polite and referred to Her Highness as Secretary Clinton and Secretary Clinton smugly and condescendingly referred to the next President of the United States as "Donald".
As for who won the debate, my contention is Donald only had to avoid the knock out of looking like a bully or a kook, which he did beautifully. Highness Hillary did not lay a glove on Donald. She tried to label him as a racist, sexist, crooked businessman who has taken advantage of our nation's bankruptcy laws but it did not stick. That Highness, queen of graft and corruption in Washington, was on top of her game and did not cripple Donald with her performance, and a performance is all it was when one pulls away the phony off the Clintons, what you have is a pair of career criminals who have gamed the system to their advantage peddling political influence to the highest bidder, the American public be damned.
The lipstick is off the pig. More and more is coming out about this reckless pair of political renegades and thinking and voting Americans are sick and tired of the same old main stream media mantra. Donald is a misogynist, a racist, and a homophobic who hates Hispanics and Muslims more than he hates China. All lies hoping to keep the corruption in place in our government.
High Hillary, pumped up on speed and sinemet, a drug used for Parkinson's disease, did not freeze up and recited her lines like the political pro she is, but when your life is politics and all you have to do is fool some of the people all the time, she has had decades to hone this skill. What did not come through was anything close to humanity. Highness Hillary has all the warmth of witch's tit and the charm of a brown recluse. Highness Hillary is the subject of many fairy tales, cast in the roll of equal parts witch and wicked stepmother. Hillary could not give away a hug at an Ethopian orphanage. Small animals avoid her presence.
Final thought. The stakes are very different for Donald Trump and High Hillary. If Trump looses he goes back to being one of the richest and most successful real estate developers in the world, where he can enjoy his beautiful family and life. High Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton if losers, could face criminal investigations into their shenanigans with private servers, slip-shod handling of top secrets, and a phony foundation which has bilked billions under false pretenses.
High Hillary is fighting for her life. Donald Trump is fighting for our lives. Here's wishing Donald the best. If High Hillary wins we lose. If Donald wins we win.
This is some serious shit, America.
As for who won the debate, my contention is Donald only had to avoid the knock out of looking like a bully or a kook, which he did beautifully. Highness Hillary did not lay a glove on Donald. She tried to label him as a racist, sexist, crooked businessman who has taken advantage of our nation's bankruptcy laws but it did not stick. That Highness, queen of graft and corruption in Washington, was on top of her game and did not cripple Donald with her performance, and a performance is all it was when one pulls away the phony off the Clintons, what you have is a pair of career criminals who have gamed the system to their advantage peddling political influence to the highest bidder, the American public be damned.
The lipstick is off the pig. More and more is coming out about this reckless pair of political renegades and thinking and voting Americans are sick and tired of the same old main stream media mantra. Donald is a misogynist, a racist, and a homophobic who hates Hispanics and Muslims more than he hates China. All lies hoping to keep the corruption in place in our government.
High Hillary, pumped up on speed and sinemet, a drug used for Parkinson's disease, did not freeze up and recited her lines like the political pro she is, but when your life is politics and all you have to do is fool some of the people all the time, she has had decades to hone this skill. What did not come through was anything close to humanity. Highness Hillary has all the warmth of witch's tit and the charm of a brown recluse. Highness Hillary is the subject of many fairy tales, cast in the roll of equal parts witch and wicked stepmother. Hillary could not give away a hug at an Ethopian orphanage. Small animals avoid her presence.
Final thought. The stakes are very different for Donald Trump and High Hillary. If Trump looses he goes back to being one of the richest and most successful real estate developers in the world, where he can enjoy his beautiful family and life. High Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton if losers, could face criminal investigations into their shenanigans with private servers, slip-shod handling of top secrets, and a phony foundation which has bilked billions under false pretenses.
High Hillary is fighting for her life. Donald Trump is fighting for our lives. Here's wishing Donald the best. If High Hillary wins we lose. If Donald wins we win.
This is some serious shit, America.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Deplorables United Against The Beautiful People: Vote For Trump
In this crazy world where the upper curst, I mean crust including a pre-senile syphilitic old Hungarian Billionaire are toying with the world's governments and therefore its peoples like a spinster poodle dog's inexplicable love interest in each visitors pant leg. Reasoned thought cannot explain the bastard's acts. How can his enlightened view be any greater than any other man approaching 90 like the immigree jihadi towards his 72 screaming Germanic virgins in Cologne. Could this man not take pleasure in more practical hobbies like stamp collecting, shuffle board, or perhaps tossing naked virgins into a flaming volcano with a giant wooden catapult?
Mucking around in international politics to change the world is not a game for the well intentioned. You can bet greed and advantage has something to do with the motivation. Mother Teresa did great good for the poor of India, while the likes of these great movers and shakers have only brought war and misery on mankind at a level which would have been much less without them.
I believe it is time for a changing of the crust. People of the world unite, throw off these chains the elites have bound around our necks threatening to steal our country. Push back. Vote for the outsider in the US election this year. Leave the past behind and let the grifters from Arkansas fade away like New Coke, which was another bad idea.
It is time to celebrate Americanism and what America has become. She may not be perfect, but for the most part it has done more good for more Americans than any other country.
Oh, one more thought/suggestion. If Hillary, the Ill, believes we need more immigrants, have her look no further than our own Native American Indian reservations. There is the real scar on America, even worse than slavery because the Native American affront has never been righted.
Mark Steyn, in his recent interview with the bloviator Bill O'R, quipped such wisdom, and I paraphrase: The more muslims you have the more terorism you have. And Hillary, I am with Donald Trump on this one. I believe we have more than enough terorism in this country without importing more.
Vote for Trump!
Mucking around in international politics to change the world is not a game for the well intentioned. You can bet greed and advantage has something to do with the motivation. Mother Teresa did great good for the poor of India, while the likes of these great movers and shakers have only brought war and misery on mankind at a level which would have been much less without them.
I believe it is time for a changing of the crust. People of the world unite, throw off these chains the elites have bound around our necks threatening to steal our country. Push back. Vote for the outsider in the US election this year. Leave the past behind and let the grifters from Arkansas fade away like New Coke, which was another bad idea.
It is time to celebrate Americanism and what America has become. She may not be perfect, but for the most part it has done more good for more Americans than any other country.
Oh, one more thought/suggestion. If Hillary, the Ill, believes we need more immigrants, have her look no further than our own Native American Indian reservations. There is the real scar on America, even worse than slavery because the Native American affront has never been righted.
Mark Steyn, in his recent interview with the bloviator Bill O'R, quipped such wisdom, and I paraphrase: The more muslims you have the more terorism you have. And Hillary, I am with Donald Trump on this one. I believe we have more than enough terorism in this country without importing more.
Vote for Trump!
Monday, September 12, 2016
Hiillary Clinton Takes Ill at America's Sacred Site, Devine Intervention?
As one of the deplorables admonished by Hillary Clinton at an elite fundraiser in New York where the great Babs, the aged, Streisand sung her praises, I hope she has a full recovery and does something for her health and the country.
If God could deliver the Jews from Egypt with the parting of the Red Sea, does she not think He will intervene for the good of his American people? Is he running the clock out on our Hillary? Time will tell.
I have long considered her health to be unfit for the challenges of the presidency, and her policies are even more wrong for this country. Her passion is money and selling access and favors. The American people deserve better.
The era of pay for play and political greed is over.
Step down Hillary and spend whatever little time you have left enjoying what you worked so hard for all these years.
Billions and billions of dollars.
I hope you have a wonderful retirement. We earn our fates. You have certainly earned yours.
Now do the right thing, gather up your family and supporters and hold a presser and withdraw.
The World is Waiting.
I am
If God could deliver the Jews from Egypt with the parting of the Red Sea, does she not think He will intervene for the good of his American people? Is he running the clock out on our Hillary? Time will tell.
I have long considered her health to be unfit for the challenges of the presidency, and her policies are even more wrong for this country. Her passion is money and selling access and favors. The American people deserve better.
The era of pay for play and political greed is over.
Step down Hillary and spend whatever little time you have left enjoying what you worked so hard for all these years.
Billions and billions of dollars.
I hope you have a wonderful retirement. We earn our fates. You have certainly earned yours.
Now do the right thing, gather up your family and supporters and hold a presser and withdraw.
The World is Waiting.
I am
Saturday, September 10, 2016
The Queen Who Would Be Hillary
There are few things in life more certain than debt and taxes. The inevitability of Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States of America is not one. As Rush Limbaugh stated so brilliantly a couple of weeks ago, "Hillary cannot draw flies to an event." And here is where I think Limbaugh is wrong, dead wrong.
While it is true there is no energy in the campaign. Everyone is going through the motions but there is no fire in belly of the Clinton supporter, if you exclude the liberal media, but I repeat myself and liberal hollywood, again redundant. Where is the excitement? Where is the passion? Where is the romance? Most people in America would rather have a root canal than attend a Hillary Clinton rally. Hell, Goldman Sachs even paid her $600,000 to limit her speech to 20 minutes.
Hillary Clinton has the charisma of house fly, the charm of poison ivy, the personality of a wart, and the empathy of a dish of beluga caviar left out in the sun at a fundraiser in the Hamptons all afternoon. Her voice is annoying. Her politics are dunder headed. She is a political dullard.
If one could place John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Bob Dole in a huge blender and whirl them up and pour them into a mold shaped like Hillary and shock the goo back to life, this terrible combination of republican presidential candidates would still be better suited for the presidency than Hillary Clinton. She is the weakest candidate nominated by either party, ever!
She is inept. She is shallow. She is selfish. She is aloof. She is ill. She will lie when everyone knows she is lying and do it with a strait face, knowing full well the sycophants of the press will cover for her. These fawning fools in the press fall all over themselves trying desparately to gain the queen's attention and favor.
A sickly Hillary Clinton has to postpone a phony press conference due to a coughing fit and the press dutifully blame the pollen counts in Ohio. But, I have another possible explanation for her fits of coughing and choking.
Could Hillary be choking on her own queefs? Would it be reasonable to suggest the old grey queef maker ain't as fresh as it used to be? Now I may be labeled a mysogynist for my suggestion, but when one of the great drawing point of Hillary's candidacy is her special gender, which she shares with over 3.5 billion others in the world making it not quite as rare and special as she would like us to believe, she must be willing to take any and all criticism like the man she is running against.
What great hold does the queen hold over the press? It's certainly not her ability as a leader, for she has tried numerous times over the past 30 years to gain one success, and aside from selling nothing but influence to billionaire fools and equally corrupt pols all over the world she has not a single great accomplishment to her credit.
The press fell out laughing at Donald Trump's tiny hands implying his penis might not be Huge! If the press was fair and gave Mrs. Clinton's genitalia equal time, then the freshness and tautenicity must, by rights, come to the forefront during any presidential election. Afterall, who among us does not celebrate Huge and fresh and taut in this day and age of sexual freedom? I suspect Mrs. Clinton would not pass the sniff nor the taut test at her age. But noone will go there, and for good reason.
I dare every voter to vote for the candidate you would most like to see having sexual relations with their husband or wife, Bill and Hillary Clinton or Donald and Melania Trump. No contest, congratulations President Trump. With this challenge even Bill Clinton would vote for Trump.
She is such a weak candidate I believe she cannot win without some serious voter fraud. Hillary Clinton is a single birthday candle viewed from a mile away, whereas Donald Trump is a super nova.
HIllary Clinton is dull, dimwitted, disgurntled, demeaning, disinguenuous, demanding, deathly ill and damaged goods.
She may not know what (C) means in a State Document, but she sure as hell knows what ($) means and this is the only thing she pays any attention to in her life.
Hillary Clinton is a greedy politician and has never committed a selfless act in her life.
She is wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong for the solar system.
Globing warming is nothing compared to what Hillary Clinton would do to the world should she be elected. Here's hoping my predictions come to pass and in November we have wisely elected Donald J. Trump to replace the failed Obama.
I am
While it is true there is no energy in the campaign. Everyone is going through the motions but there is no fire in belly of the Clinton supporter, if you exclude the liberal media, but I repeat myself and liberal hollywood, again redundant. Where is the excitement? Where is the passion? Where is the romance? Most people in America would rather have a root canal than attend a Hillary Clinton rally. Hell, Goldman Sachs even paid her $600,000 to limit her speech to 20 minutes.
Hillary Clinton has the charisma of house fly, the charm of poison ivy, the personality of a wart, and the empathy of a dish of beluga caviar left out in the sun at a fundraiser in the Hamptons all afternoon. Her voice is annoying. Her politics are dunder headed. She is a political dullard.
If one could place John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Bob Dole in a huge blender and whirl them up and pour them into a mold shaped like Hillary and shock the goo back to life, this terrible combination of republican presidential candidates would still be better suited for the presidency than Hillary Clinton. She is the weakest candidate nominated by either party, ever!
She is inept. She is shallow. She is selfish. She is aloof. She is ill. She will lie when everyone knows she is lying and do it with a strait face, knowing full well the sycophants of the press will cover for her. These fawning fools in the press fall all over themselves trying desparately to gain the queen's attention and favor.
A sickly Hillary Clinton has to postpone a phony press conference due to a coughing fit and the press dutifully blame the pollen counts in Ohio. But, I have another possible explanation for her fits of coughing and choking.
Could Hillary be choking on her own queefs? Would it be reasonable to suggest the old grey queef maker ain't as fresh as it used to be? Now I may be labeled a mysogynist for my suggestion, but when one of the great drawing point of Hillary's candidacy is her special gender, which she shares with over 3.5 billion others in the world making it not quite as rare and special as she would like us to believe, she must be willing to take any and all criticism like the man she is running against.
What great hold does the queen hold over the press? It's certainly not her ability as a leader, for she has tried numerous times over the past 30 years to gain one success, and aside from selling nothing but influence to billionaire fools and equally corrupt pols all over the world she has not a single great accomplishment to her credit.
The press fell out laughing at Donald Trump's tiny hands implying his penis might not be Huge! If the press was fair and gave Mrs. Clinton's genitalia equal time, then the freshness and tautenicity must, by rights, come to the forefront during any presidential election. Afterall, who among us does not celebrate Huge and fresh and taut in this day and age of sexual freedom? I suspect Mrs. Clinton would not pass the sniff nor the taut test at her age. But noone will go there, and for good reason.
I dare every voter to vote for the candidate you would most like to see having sexual relations with their husband or wife, Bill and Hillary Clinton or Donald and Melania Trump. No contest, congratulations President Trump. With this challenge even Bill Clinton would vote for Trump.
She is such a weak candidate I believe she cannot win without some serious voter fraud. Hillary Clinton is a single birthday candle viewed from a mile away, whereas Donald Trump is a super nova.
HIllary Clinton is dull, dimwitted, disgurntled, demeaning, disinguenuous, demanding, deathly ill and damaged goods.
She may not know what (C) means in a State Document, but she sure as hell knows what ($) means and this is the only thing she pays any attention to in her life.
Hillary Clinton is a greedy politician and has never committed a selfless act in her life.
She is wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong for the solar system.
Globing warming is nothing compared to what Hillary Clinton would do to the world should she be elected. Here's hoping my predictions come to pass and in November we have wisely elected Donald J. Trump to replace the failed Obama.
I am
Bill Clinton,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Rush Limbaugh
Monday, September 5, 2016
The Media Is Lost
That odor we are smelling across the fruited plain is what one gets when both political parties connive to fleece its citizens. Oh, they are not stupid enough to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, but the goose is in a coma and on life support. NAFTA, TPP, and decades of poorly thought out trade agreements and a foreign policy seemingly planned by preschoolers has left us out of money, out of talent in our highest reaches of government, and the hope for ever making America great again are fading like Hillary Clinton's favorables with West Virginia coal miners.
The rot from the head of that fat-assed fish in Washington, DC threatens to destroy our nation. Some of the brilliant proposals and actions from our leadership include:
Our economy is stuck in the bog humming along at a fantastic clip of 1% growth even with cooked numbers. Hillary's solution-bring in a million muslims and put American coal miners and the other 95 million Americans out of the work force building marvelous mosques! Hire more law enforcement to track the muslim terrorists. Hire more at justice to prosecute Native born whites who speak evil or despairingly of the new settlers.
Hey Hillary, you incredibly corrupt politician, if you want to bring more people into America what about bringing the American Indian back and right the wrong your party wrought against them in the 1820's when your Democrat party decided to make war on the Cherokee and every other native tribe in this land. And what about your treatment of former slaves?
Why are these people of color stacked like cord wood on top of each other in our nations inner cities where you provide them with substandard housing, cell phones, shitty educations, unlimited abortion on demand, and just enough money to feed and house themselves. The only time you pay any attention to these people is when you need their votes to maintain your power.
And what about the government media wall street merry-go-round? Is it right for the Clintons to earn $250 million dollars for making speeches in front of bankers and hedge fund managers? Is it right for every media outlet to shill for the democrat candidate? Is there anyone in the media that believes Hillary and Bill Clinton are honest? Really, CNN, really?
Hillary Clinton used a private server to underground her work as a double agent. Sure she was hired as the Secretary of State, but her true allegiance was to the Clinton Criminal Foundation. Pay for play was never before parlayed into the kinds of money this snake and her mate have amassed. Sure she spouts the platitudes we have expected from our politicians, help the little guy, stamp out poverty, tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are rich no more, but after the election, the same old game is played among the media elites, the political elites, and the moneyed elites. Business as usual. An insiders game to tapping and draining the US Treasury.
Hillary has a plan for the economy, the federal government's economy, raise taxes! That's right raise taxes on an already struggling economy with 95 million out of the work force and employers who are struggling with Obamacare which is a joke. It is not insurance it is a tax. It should be thrown out with the Obama's and the Clintons, and burned and a monument should be put up at Obama's Library condemning him for this act of violence against the American worker. Obamacare is what you get with unopposed democrat rule. Dying cities like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, is what you get with unopposed democrat rule.
Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are, rich no more. I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do. Unlike the verse in the song, I do know what to do.
First forget electing Hillary Clinton to Obama's third term on steroids and feminine hygiene products! She must be sent to the glue factory. From her actions and her interviews with the FBI it is clear she is not a good fit for commander in chief. In fact she is the worst candidate since Harding. Her mind is slipping from age and alcohol and a very serious head injury. Her husband is a serial womanizer who often is said to have taken women whom did not fully consent to his penetrative advances, I am not saying it was rape, since someone above the law, like our Bill, is incapable of it. However, I feel sure the women involved would not be able to tell you the difference in how the tacky presentation of his crooked little penile projection into her previously private pelvic space was any different than a rape. But the law is a funny thing, technically speaking.
When is a rape not a rape? When Bill Clinton's penis was the projectile. When is sexual harassment not sexual harassment? When Bill Clinton's penis is the subject. When is lying to congress and the FBI under oath not perjury? When Hillary Clinton is the witness. When is scrubbing your server and not carefully handling classified documents not a crime under section 2 level 69 of the United States Code? When Hillary Clinton is the perp.
One word of advice to the Media. If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. The Clintons have tarnished your reputations and you stupid bastards will never be able to get that back.
That a good number of the American people have rallied around Donald Trump, rejecting the 24/7 365 calls for his defeat, is proof you have lost all credibility.
Look at what you have become, media, enablers to the greatest grifters and criminals of our times. I know your mothers would not be proud of you.
You STINK! Oooough that smell, the smell of corruption is all around you.
I am
The rot from the head of that fat-assed fish in Washington, DC threatens to destroy our nation. Some of the brilliant proposals and actions from our leadership include:
Our economy is stuck in the bog humming along at a fantastic clip of 1% growth even with cooked numbers. Hillary's solution-bring in a million muslims and put American coal miners and the other 95 million Americans out of the work force building marvelous mosques! Hire more law enforcement to track the muslim terrorists. Hire more at justice to prosecute Native born whites who speak evil or despairingly of the new settlers.
Hey Hillary, you incredibly corrupt politician, if you want to bring more people into America what about bringing the American Indian back and right the wrong your party wrought against them in the 1820's when your Democrat party decided to make war on the Cherokee and every other native tribe in this land. And what about your treatment of former slaves?
Why are these people of color stacked like cord wood on top of each other in our nations inner cities where you provide them with substandard housing, cell phones, shitty educations, unlimited abortion on demand, and just enough money to feed and house themselves. The only time you pay any attention to these people is when you need their votes to maintain your power.
And what about the government media wall street merry-go-round? Is it right for the Clintons to earn $250 million dollars for making speeches in front of bankers and hedge fund managers? Is it right for every media outlet to shill for the democrat candidate? Is there anyone in the media that believes Hillary and Bill Clinton are honest? Really, CNN, really?
Hillary Clinton used a private server to underground her work as a double agent. Sure she was hired as the Secretary of State, but her true allegiance was to the Clinton Criminal Foundation. Pay for play was never before parlayed into the kinds of money this snake and her mate have amassed. Sure she spouts the platitudes we have expected from our politicians, help the little guy, stamp out poverty, tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are rich no more, but after the election, the same old game is played among the media elites, the political elites, and the moneyed elites. Business as usual. An insiders game to tapping and draining the US Treasury.
Hillary has a plan for the economy, the federal government's economy, raise taxes! That's right raise taxes on an already struggling economy with 95 million out of the work force and employers who are struggling with Obamacare which is a joke. It is not insurance it is a tax. It should be thrown out with the Obama's and the Clintons, and burned and a monument should be put up at Obama's Library condemning him for this act of violence against the American worker. Obamacare is what you get with unopposed democrat rule. Dying cities like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, is what you get with unopposed democrat rule.
Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are, rich no more. I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do. Unlike the verse in the song, I do know what to do.
First forget electing Hillary Clinton to Obama's third term on steroids and feminine hygiene products! She must be sent to the glue factory. From her actions and her interviews with the FBI it is clear she is not a good fit for commander in chief. In fact she is the worst candidate since Harding. Her mind is slipping from age and alcohol and a very serious head injury. Her husband is a serial womanizer who often is said to have taken women whom did not fully consent to his penetrative advances, I am not saying it was rape, since someone above the law, like our Bill, is incapable of it. However, I feel sure the women involved would not be able to tell you the difference in how the tacky presentation of his crooked little penile projection into her previously private pelvic space was any different than a rape. But the law is a funny thing, technically speaking.
When is a rape not a rape? When Bill Clinton's penis was the projectile. When is sexual harassment not sexual harassment? When Bill Clinton's penis is the subject. When is lying to congress and the FBI under oath not perjury? When Hillary Clinton is the witness. When is scrubbing your server and not carefully handling classified documents not a crime under section 2 level 69 of the United States Code? When Hillary Clinton is the perp.
One word of advice to the Media. If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. The Clintons have tarnished your reputations and you stupid bastards will never be able to get that back.
That a good number of the American people have rallied around Donald Trump, rejecting the 24/7 365 calls for his defeat, is proof you have lost all credibility.
Look at what you have become, media, enablers to the greatest grifters and criminals of our times. I know your mothers would not be proud of you.
You STINK! Oooough that smell, the smell of corruption is all around you.
I am
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Abortion Is A 3.6 Billion Year Loss to America
Would America need to import millions of moslem refusegees if Roe V Wade had not become the law of the land?
Donald Trump wants a wall to keep immigrants legal. Hillary, in her weakened state, wants to open the flood gates and allow every rag-tag misfit from the Middle East into middle America. Guess how many of them will be located near Chappaqua? You can bet only the pretty and very young will be there for the First Groper's pleasure.
Estimates are there have been about 60 million abortions done legally in the US since 1973. That is a whole lot of lost years and consumers who never got to wear diapers, eat Fruit Loops, have graduation pictures taken at kindergarten, take a packed lunch to school, buy a pack of gum, a pack of condoms, enjoy a warm spring day fishing at a lake, falling in love, celebrating a God given gift of a perfect body and a mind that is only limited by its imagination and motivation. And the worst part of these lost 3.6 billion years of human life is these people had won life's lottery by being conceived in America!
Now the other problem is the population and the economy could have easily expanded to care for these people who were tossed out like fish guts at a fish market. How many more burgers would McDonalds have sold, and what would be Dominoes bottom line. The wall Roe V Wade has placed against American citizens is greater than any wall Donald J. Trump could conceive or build.
Mrs. Clinton, tear down this wall that kills American citizens who are trying to enter this country legally, through the birth canal!
*Not considered are the potential offspring of these aborted citizens, making the lost consumers even more devastating to an economy driven by customers.
Donald Trump wants a wall to keep immigrants legal. Hillary, in her weakened state, wants to open the flood gates and allow every rag-tag misfit from the Middle East into middle America. Guess how many of them will be located near Chappaqua? You can bet only the pretty and very young will be there for the First Groper's pleasure.
Estimates are there have been about 60 million abortions done legally in the US since 1973. That is a whole lot of lost years and consumers who never got to wear diapers, eat Fruit Loops, have graduation pictures taken at kindergarten, take a packed lunch to school, buy a pack of gum, a pack of condoms, enjoy a warm spring day fishing at a lake, falling in love, celebrating a God given gift of a perfect body and a mind that is only limited by its imagination and motivation. And the worst part of these lost 3.6 billion years of human life is these people had won life's lottery by being conceived in America!
Now the other problem is the population and the economy could have easily expanded to care for these people who were tossed out like fish guts at a fish market. How many more burgers would McDonalds have sold, and what would be Dominoes bottom line. The wall Roe V Wade has placed against American citizens is greater than any wall Donald J. Trump could conceive or build.
Mrs. Clinton, tear down this wall that kills American citizens who are trying to enter this country legally, through the birth canal!
*Not considered are the potential offspring of these aborted citizens, making the lost consumers even more devastating to an economy driven by customers.
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