Saturday, November 5, 2016

This Election Is About Good V Evil: Who Will Prevail, Will God Trump Satan?

If only 10% of the internet buzz about the Weiner Clinton email Cache is true, then we have a truly monumental problem in America. The talk of child sexual exploitation and satanic rituals is sickening to your everyday working and tax paying American.

Is the 70 year institutional attack on religion part of a dark plan put in place to get to where we are now? Has the explosion of pornorgraphy on this very vehicle, the internet, been placed there to dull the masses and sink mores to a level not seen since Sodom and Gamorrah? Will the perverted leaders who pushed to teach homosexual techniques to kindergartners and pass out condoms to middle schoolers be beaten back, as they should be, in this election, or will the media help sweep these atrocities under the rug?

Has God grown over the past few millennia and is OK with all this or is his will still as it was back when the wicked were destroyed with a rain of fire and brimstone, all those years ago?

From the looks of what is coming out of Weiner's treasure trove, the futures on fire and brimstone are looking really, really good!

As to the election a few days from now, Hillary Clinton's braggadocio concerning her 40 years working for children has taken on a really unmistakably evil twist. Has she really cut toddlers into little pieces and cooked them as some would say? Or is this all just over zealous rantings from conservative basement dwelling pajama boys living in a fantasy world bought and paid by the global cabal of elites backing Donald Trump, over the global cabal of billionaire elites who back the corrupt and crooked Clinton Criminal Enterprise?

Will there be a fair election? Is, as Donald Trump warns, this election, not really an election but a selection? Has the greatest criminal in politics today been chosen to lead America off the cliff? My fear is yes she has been chosen. We are lost unless there is really a coup de tat backed by senior elements of the spooks and if this is the case, all bets are off.

But for now there is little the American voters can do besides go to the pols on Tuesday and pull the lever and hope your vote is tallied for the candidate you chose and not the one Soros' voting machines has selected. A million votes (hey google get off my case) here and a million there and pretty soon you are talking about stealing an election.

Keep your faith in God and never give up.

Vote for Trump and dump the skunk.

I am JDM from UPLC

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