Monday, September 5, 2016

The Media Is Lost

That odor we are smelling across the fruited plain is what one gets when both political parties connive to fleece its citizens. Oh, they are not stupid enough to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, but the goose is in a coma and on life support. NAFTA, TPP, and decades of poorly thought out trade agreements and a foreign policy seemingly planned by preschoolers has left us out of money, out of talent in our highest reaches of government, and the hope for ever making America great again are fading like Hillary Clinton's favorables with West Virginia coal miners.

The rot from the head of that fat-assed fish in Washington, DC threatens to destroy our nation. Some of the brilliant proposals and actions from our leadership include:

Our economy is stuck in the bog humming along at a fantastic clip of 1% growth even with cooked numbers. Hillary's solution-bring in a million muslims and put American coal miners and the other 95 million Americans out of the work force building marvelous mosques! Hire more law enforcement to track the muslim terrorists. Hire more at justice to prosecute Native born whites who speak evil or despairingly of the new settlers.

Hey Hillary, you incredibly corrupt politician, if you want to bring more people into America what about bringing the American Indian back and right the wrong your party wrought against them in the 1820's when your Democrat party decided to make war on the Cherokee and every other native tribe in this land. And what about your treatment of former slaves?

Why are these people of color stacked like cord wood on top of each other in our nations inner cities where you provide them with substandard housing, cell phones, shitty educations, unlimited abortion on demand, and just enough money to feed and house themselves. The only time you pay any attention to these people is when you need their votes to maintain your power.

And what about the government media wall street merry-go-round? Is it right for the Clintons to earn $250 million dollars for making speeches in front of bankers and hedge fund managers? Is it right for every media outlet to shill for the democrat candidate? Is there anyone in the media that believes Hillary and Bill Clinton are honest? Really, CNN, really?

Hillary Clinton used a private server to underground her work as a double agent. Sure she was hired as the Secretary of State, but her true allegiance was to the Clinton Criminal Foundation. Pay for play was never before parlayed into the kinds of money this snake and her mate have amassed. Sure she spouts the platitudes we have expected from our politicians, help the little guy, stamp out poverty, tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are rich no more, but after the election, the same old game is played among the media elites, the political elites, and the moneyed elites. Business as usual. An insiders game to tapping and draining the US Treasury.

Hillary has a plan for the economy, the federal government's economy, raise taxes! That's right raise taxes on an already struggling economy with 95 million out of the work force and employers who are struggling with Obamacare which is a joke. It is not insurance it is a tax. It should be thrown out with the Obama's and the Clintons, and burned and a monument should be put up at Obama's Library condemning him for this act of violence against the American worker. Obamacare is what you get with unopposed democrat rule. Dying cities like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, is what you get with unopposed democrat rule.

Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are, rich no more. I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do. Unlike the verse in the song, I do know what to do.

First forget electing Hillary Clinton to Obama's third term on steroids and feminine hygiene products! She must be sent to the glue factory. From her actions and her interviews with the FBI it is clear she is not a good fit for commander in chief. In fact she is the worst candidate since Harding. Her mind is slipping from age and alcohol and a very serious head injury. Her husband is a serial womanizer who often is said to have taken women whom did not fully consent to his penetrative advances, I am not saying it was rape, since someone above the law, like our Bill, is incapable of it. However, I feel sure the women involved would not be able to tell you the difference in how the tacky presentation of his crooked little penile projection into her previously private pelvic space was any different than a rape. But the law is a funny thing, technically speaking.

When is a rape not a rape? When Bill Clinton's penis was the projectile. When is sexual harassment not sexual harassment? When Bill Clinton's penis is the subject. When is lying to congress and the FBI under oath not perjury? When Hillary Clinton is the witness. When is scrubbing your server and not carefully handling classified documents not a crime under section 2 level 69 of the United States Code? When Hillary Clinton is the perp.

One word of advice to the Media. If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. The Clintons have tarnished your reputations and you stupid bastards will never be able to get that back.

That a good number of the American people have rallied around Donald Trump, rejecting the 24/7 365 calls for his defeat, is proof you have lost all credibility.

Look at what you have become, media, enablers to the greatest grifters and criminals of our times. I know your mothers would not be proud of you.

You STINK! Oooough that smell, the smell of corruption is all around you.

I am


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