Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Error Of Big Corrupt Government Is Over

A soon to be former President Obama asked King Donald if he might spare some of his most favored Executive Orders after he assumes the office sullied by 8 long years of the petulant poser. I am sure King D will grant his last wish. Not!

And the fireworks called off over the Hudson R in New York City by aspiring president elect Hillary Clinton let the pussy out of the pant suit, pardon me, I had a King D moment, I meant to write, cat out of the bag, hinting she already knew her poling numbers would fall shorter than Bill's attention span at a Mylie Cyrus dance routine.

Hillary was lifted skyward on her own petard crashing her into that "glass ceiling" with her twiced concussed noggin, but the glass would not break and America was saved the insult of enduring another agonizing eight years or until death do us part of (gag) the Clintons. Surly Bill and his bulbous red nose which after a shot of sherry could give Rudolph the reindeer a break on the sleigh that night, and Pantsuit Hillary, with that Jokeresque smirk and the evil cackling, and then there is Spawn Chelsea, who can eat a red delicious in two bites and was offered a job as a stand-in for the upcoming "Mr. Ed" movie, will all be missed like anal warts.

I hope we do not have another round of this in 2020, with Hillary in a Steven Hawking'sesq wheelchair and a computer driven shrill voice, including high pitched cackling, and fat wheels to symbolize her cankles, rolling across America Tour.

I believe Americans voted for DT to end the very corrupt influence monied interest held over this government. The Wall Street-K Street-DC circuit needed to be short circuited for the good of the people in America. Our meddlesome interference with the sand-logged barbarians and their constant fighting in the Middle East over which cult will prevail will be ended by our President elect. Give the barbarians the tools to fight each other and stand back, meanwhile keep them out of our country until they have developed some sense of morality and it is no longer their habit to rape and kill nonbelievers with impunity. It is best to stay as far away from people who believe killing you is not a sin nor a punishable offense.

I do not give a whit what CAIR says, some are not ready to be included in a polite society. They serioulsy need a reformation! For now keep em out. Integrate, assimilate or stay out!

The Never Trump cabal will be licking their wounds for at least 4 and possibly 8 years which is a life time in politics. Many of them will be relagated to the dustbin of the politically irrelevant. Jeb Bush will be replaced by George P. Bush who will be challenged by the horse toothed Clinton Spawn. The media will have some splaining and some boot licking and some sucking up to President Elect Trump whom I am told is not vindictive at all. They will be the new deplorables of the deplorable.

I, for one, hope Trump's son-in-law goes ahead with his plans for a cable news organization which would serve to get the real message out unfiltered by a terribly hostile mainstream media. The era of big government and media bias is over.

With this election cycle the people broke the bonds it had with the media and rejected all their bullshit. What has been lost by the media cannot be easily regained. The American people have moved on and the media has lost its power of persuasion. It is gone and now the only draw they have is to have the beauty queen with the white teeth, blond hair, and ample cleavage talk about anything because we only watch for the sexual stimulation. What they say is irrevelant. How they look makes the ratings.

A media that will not tell the truth is of no use. Americans know this. Trump took his message directly to the people and it resonated.

Already Putin and Netanyahu have reached out to President Elect Trump and the world is a safer place after this election.

I believe the military will be reworked back into a real fighting force and the social experimentation with the screwy LGBTA nonsence will be rejected and if these folks want to wear a uniform do so on Halloween which places no one at risk. The Left's war on men will be postponed or ended permanently and the sexes can assume their proper rolls, get me some coffee woman and show me your tits! That was not right.

Congratulations President Elect Trump and Vice President Elect Pence! Americans all over middle America are peeing on themselves with excitement.

The Error of Big Corrupt Government is OVER!

Make America Great Again.

I am


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