Monday, October 31, 2016

Too Many Weiners To Manage Or How Hillary Fell To A Sick Weiner

To say it has been a tumultuous few political days is perhaps the understatement on the level with but not beating the question posed to Mary Todd Lincoln on that horrible night at Ford's Theatre in April of 1865.

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"

Hillary Clinton has just seen James Comey place a 50 caliber pistol at the back of her campaigns head and pull the trigger. Emails are flying out all over the place. That great sucking sound you hear is the wind going out of a compliant press pool whose job it was to keep the turd, that is all things Clinton, polished and fresh for the public's consumption.

So "Dickileaks" the term settled upon for the cashe of emails found on Huma Abedin's and Anthony Weiner's personal computer has placed the election of the anointed and the smartest woman ever to win the democrat nomination for the office of the presidency in severe jeopardy.

The cat is out of the bag. The ox is in the ditch. The Weiner has been exposed, it is out there añd has sullied all that it has touched. Hillary is said to have an aversion to Weiners and in her case she is correct. She has had more than enough trouble from persons packing one in her lifetime. Bill Clinton with his wildly roving and ranging penis famous for its crook and left hook as described so deliciously (no pun intended) by that innocent Arkansas state worker, Paula J. after WJC dropped trou and proudly offered it as a prize to the unsuspecting 21 yr old Ms. J. who wisely declined his kind offer, giving Hillary a really bad taste of what a mess a weiner can make of politics in a semi puritanical society where the customs of Sodom and Gomorah have only been accepted by the dolts out in Hollywood and a few places out in the Hamptons and of course on Jeff Epstein's Pediphile Island somewhere in the Virgin Islands.

Then there was Barack Hussein Obama, with his little white man's penis, and that soothing baritone voice and his golden teleprompters, along with his tan skin tones, all coming together to launch him into the White Hut ahead of the first woman president! Again Hillary was cucked by a no name, talentless dick in a suit whose only success in life was due to his race. A true affirmative action success story. Hillary had to wait for her turn at the White Hut, eight long years. Years which she has spent falling apart with nearly 7 decade old organs abused by years of over indulgent alcohol use and several serious bumps to the noodle with a blood clot to boot. She was at the top of her game when running against Obama.

Now, eight long and hard years later, Hillary Clinton is well past her "best if used before this date" date. Her judgement is flawed if one considers her Vice Presidential pick. Tim Kaine is perhaps the one selection in the universe which would seem to make Obama's pick of Joe Biden seem brilliant. The impish Kaine is the example of the last kid chosen for the team when such things were determined in grade school. He is the kid who even the dogs shunned. I honestly wonder if a chromosome count on Kaine might come up one or two short? His face is sardonic and his wit is nit. That he agreed to run with the Clintons speaks to his poor judgement. That Hillary would choose him would automatically disqualify him as someone up to the job. He is the quintessential "yes man". He was chosen to sit back and do nothing, say nothing, and is too stupid to see the selling of the presidency by Clinton to the highest bidder to the Clinton Foundation. Kaine, like all Clinton decisions, is good for Clinton, but bad for America. Come to think of it Clinton is bad for America.

Bernie Sanders, with his 70 plus yr old junk, steps up to challenge Hillary and was only one, possibly two viagra tablets from schlonging Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and taking the nomination from her. Without the complacency and the illegal coordination between the Democrat National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and her crooked political action committees, Bernie would have been the people's choice. It seems the people do not care that much for Hillary. She certainly is not a bag of chips and all that.

The republican challenge to Hillary included 17 dicks and a cervix and the sword fight which was the republican primary left 16 candidates licking their battered swords and one tall candidate standing with the biggest set of balls ever. A candidate with the courage to call a crook a crook, a weasel a weasel, the press corrupt, the justice department corrupt, the FBI corrupt, the IRS a political tool of corruption, and the balls to stare them all down and never take a word back. When challenged he doubles down and wins.

Donald Trump is a winner. Really, really smart! It's true, true. Truth in advertising, I have donated to the Trump campaign and I have voted for him already.

This late in the electiœn Hillary and her team were focused like a lazer beam on Trump's golden schlong. When they paid all the Trumphettes to claim he grabbed them by the pussies, they thought this would finish The Donald. But out of nowhere came the bulging Weiner in Whities, sent to wow a 15 yr old North Carolina teenager, who was probably a 39 yr old FBI field office agent if the truth be known. (google be quiet) I'm working. Thank you, any way where was I.

Now Hillary has to worry if these new revelations will fatally wound her campaign and stop her from billions and billions of contributions to the foundation. Has Tony the Weiner jumped Hillary's shark? Did Huma save her deleted emails as insurance. Is Hillary wanting a younger help mate? Huma ain't the 21 yr old spring chicken she was 25 yrs ago when she first interned for Hillary.

If the deleted 33,000 Hillary Clinton emails are among the 650,000 on the Weiner computer, that would be a lot of dick for anyone to swallow. I suggest we all sit back and watch our unbiased media, and our uncompromised law enforcement professionals sort out this new busted Weiner caper.

This is another example of a really bad, bad weiner in Hillary Clinton's circle which should have never, ever been exposed.

God works through mysterious and often wondrous ways!

My kingdom but for a Weiner!

If Hillary Clinton loses to Donald Trump, I suspect she will move off to South America and become president of an all woman country, her luck with men is abysmal. We all learned with Nixon that you can't trust a "Dick".

Who could blame her? We all can!

I am


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