The grumblings heard around the world by democrat controlled presstitutes just got a lot louder, nearing sonic boom levels after President-elect Donald Trump meets with the head of Japanese SoftBank, Masayoshi Son who committed to investing $50 billion in MAGA with 50,000 jobs for real Americans projected by this action.
Money follows a winner and Trump is a proven winner and his boast that Americans would tire of all the winning is coming true, its true!
Personally, I am tiring of all this whinning coming from the hurt and rejected Clinton campaign which of course includes all the Washington, New York, Chicago, LA, print and television media. Time to do as my late great granny suggested: "When rape is inevitable try to relax and enjoy it."
Though Trump's win of the presidency is not a sexual assault, rest assured the Clinton backing press feel way, way more violated than any 2 minute assault on their collective undercarriages. At this point I am quite certain the pantys are bunched so tightly only the cleverest rapist would have any luck penetrating them.
And now 44 days out from making it official, DJT is making good on his promises to bring jobs back to America. How is he doing it, the press may ask? He is Making America Great Again by making America a great place to invest money with the expectation of making money for the investors, by backing off on knuckled-headed regulations and reducing corporate tax burdens.
For over 60 years America has become more and more sclerotic as a place to do business. Over taxation and over regulation by a government out of control finally tipped America over to its losing proposition status. Trump, as a businessman, with experience all over the world knows first hand what it takes to make a country attractive to investments and businesses and all he is doing is putting these practices in place right here at home, America.
America has long been known as a safe haven for investments with strong laws enacted by principled politicians. Only in the past 20 years have the corrupt been at it in Washington and the hope is it is not so deeply ingrained in the American fabric that it cannot be reversed by Trump and his fresh approach.
America will become the king of the world if Trump can rid the government of fraud and corruption, eliminate the Lois Lerner types from positions of power and rid the State Department of partisan shills, and clean out the Department of Justice of it cronies.
Honest businesses only seek a fair and honest playing field for their investments. Up front 35% costs on any profits is a non starter. Trumps promise of a 15% corporate tax rate is a 20% hedge against start up costs and is a really, really attractive incentive for investors.
Will the entrenched political cronies in DC happily enact Trump's plans without a fight? Hell no. These bums like DC just the way it is. Filled with money for nothing for them and their pals in the present.
But, like it or not, boys and girls, there is a new kid in town, and your partying like a bunch of over sexed teens in a home abandoned by parents for the weekend is coming to an end.
President Donald J. Trump is the adult and when he gets into the White House, party's over!
And Hillary, it wasn't just you a majority of the state's electors rejected, it was you and your entire entourage of enablers in the press, government, big corrupt wall street, and your open borders one world government cabal.
America is too big to coral and corrupt. You forgot about the people who made this country great in the first place, who worked really, really hard and carved a great nation out of a wilderness, turned forrest into productive fields, dug by hand coal mines for power, planted and harvested crops before mechanized farming came into its time to feed the world, all with the God given sense of fairness enshrined in our common Judeao-Christian ethic.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, your corruption was too great, your accomplishments to small and your unique to high political office gender not sufficient to successfully launch your career up to and through that legendary glass ceiling which truth be known is only there to protect the people from fools and charlatans!
Real Americans rejected Obama and his freakocentric politics and his pandering to a flood of illegal aliens who have little chance of helping Americans pull our wagon to success and the greatest chance of riding along in that wagon with you, Hillary, and your pathetic followers who bet everything on you with their hope and money.
Loosers one and all.
Yes, Hillary, America won the last election and it was high time she did. Obama will be shown the exit soon and the adults, our grandparents will be smiling from above that good sense and honesty is finally making a play in Washington.
It is about time, the sleeping giant was awakened and it acted in its best interest by rejecting both you and Obama.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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