Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary Bad-Trump Good. Vote Your Best Interests.

Today changes everything or it changes nothing.

A Trump/Pence victory will roll America's fall back a decade or two and perhaps even Make America Great Again in Reaganesque style and we could have another 25 years of prosperity.

If Crooked Broken Sick Evil Hillary, who is carrying more baggage than a loaded 767 airliner, becomes Madame President, she will pimp out all American government deals to the highest bidder to her pay for play Clinton Foundation and it will be business as usual for the swamp.

We work, they eat. We work, they enrich their friends, donors, families, with our taxes. Meanwhile, the inner cities fall farther into chaos and another generation or more will grow up in poverty and hopelessness. The despair which has been saved for the poorest Americans in the inner cities is spreading out into the suburbs with the policies of NAFTA and soon TPP will place the final nail in the American worker's coffin. No American is safe from Hillary. Her ideas for America stop with her ambitions to become the richest of the rich. She is bereft of any empathy or concern for those of us in fly-by country.

We are the great mass of unwashed deplorables whose lives are not of her concern. She kowtows to the rich and connected. She is the puppet for the one world government cabal.

She believes she is smart and knows she is above the current law with its corrupt and ineffectual current crop of yes men and women who serve the people in Obama's DOJ and FBI. How can any American voter stand for a two tiered justice system? When a country has a policy of applying the laws only to the little people, then the country has ceased to exist for the benefit of the liliputians. Gulliver needs to be tied down and sent for an intervention.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence are just the fellows who can strap the giant governmental Gulliver down and start the process. It will be a monumental task. There will be road blocks along the way and like pigs at a feeding trough many of the hogs will take a fair amount of prodding to move over or in many cases leave the trough. Yes, they will squeal and grunt and fart and piss and their co-conspirators in the press will echo chamber their rants and criticize the move to clean out the entrenched bureaucrats who have made a career out of getting paid for doing nothing. But these bureaucrats are the best money can buy. They got there by knowing someone in the business or being a child of someone in the business and their time has passed and this is why there is such a cry from the Left and their toadies in the main stream press against Trump.

Pigs are like that.

If you live in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania, your vote for Trump/Pence is vital. You must vote and bring 3 others to vote for Trump to beat the voter fraud which is rampant in these states. Only a democrat would consider cheating because their leaders are corrupt as witnessed by the project Veratas films by James O'Keefe.

Ask yourself who wins if Hillary is elected today? The common American or the entrenched bureaucrats and moniend interests in the beltway? You know this to be self-evident.

It is time for Americans to cut the bonds with the Clinton Crime Syndicate and let Bill and Hillary enjoy what's left of their lives fighting law suits and legal challenges for what ever time God has given them. And the legal challenges and trials would never happen without "Draining the Swamp".

The Swamp has given us the true dispecables. William Jefferson Clinton whose presidency was marred by illicit oval office gropes and jobs for interns in thongs bearing pizza, perjury and suborning perjury and loss of law license and an impeachment, all under the watchful eye of his help mate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, co-president and co-felon.

Do we want to endure another 4 or God-forbid 8 years of the feloneous duo? If Hillary Clinton wins Bill will bring back jobs to the White House and America will just have to endure as it did in the 90's. More patriots will be burned out of their homes for not towing the liberal line. Loretta Lynch will squelch any investigation into the Clinton Foundation's nefarious activities and the world's billionaire puppet masters will be ecstatic and keep the bribes going to the foundation and Chelsea will be the nominee in 2024 if there is an America anymore.

The one worlders must take Putin out and that is on the calander of events if Hillary wins. Hillary, it has been rumored, cancelled her 2 minute fireworks extravaganza over the Hudson River in New York City for tonight. I guess she thinks her popping off a few nukes here and yonder will make up for the half ton of gunpowder saved in the fireworks call off. I just hope the states that elected her are not on the receiving end of one from Putin. Watch out LA and NYC, your votes may have very, very bad consequences for you.

I am at the end of my rant.

So people vote as though your life and liberty depend upon it.

Because it does.

I am,


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