Monday, October 24, 2016

Vote for Trump. Reject Corruption. Banish Elites. Clinton To Jail, Not The White House.

Hillary Clinton is winning. Splashed all over the main stream media for all to see and digest. And speaking of digestion, this media is so far up Hillary's lower digestive system it would be easier for them to exit through her lie spewing pie hole than to turn around and come out her enormously padded press hole.

The internal Trump poling has him winning. The Clintons are apoplectic. There is talk of bringing out the big campaign promises and Trump smears earlier than planned because of this falter. They have proof and film of Donald Trump not paying for any parking meters in New York City by placing an official "OUT OF ORDER" cover over the meter which was given to him by Rudy Gulioni. When Trump was contronted by a uniformed meter maid he is filmed grabbing her by the "pussy". And she did not have her pet cat with her.

The promises the Clinton campaign has been holding back, which I obtained from the latest batch of Wikileaks missives of John Podesta, include, first out of the bag is free Ben and Jerry's ice cream on Fridays. Ben and Jerry can afford this and have signed on as a gift to the campaign.

The largest movie chain in America, Regal Cinemas, has promised free week-end movie passes to anyone who can show they voted for Hillary Clinton in a battle ground state more than once.

Doctors Without Borders has donated free medical care for the masses on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. And finally Exxon/Mobil has promised free gasoline on Tuesdays and Thursdays to registered democrats.

And the final push for Hillary is a 20% off coupon to foreign countries who wish to pay for play with the Clinton Foundation if paid before the November 8 election. This is possibly the best deal offered by any politician ever. When has there been a discount on bribing, ever?

These Clintons have brought new vigor to corruption and politics and the bar has never been lower.

If America falls for the media spin and Jaillary Clinton's lies and corruption, then America deserves the consequences. In life one gets what you pay for, and it is not always what you wanted or expected.

Donald Trump may not be a choir boy, but he has no history of being a filthy bribed political hack. Trump is the only choice for America. Trump was the only candidate chosen by the American people. Clinton was chosen by the muggers who control the democrat party. The super delagates and the Democrat National Committee conspired with the Clinton Campaign to silence the voice of the people who by their votes wisely preferred Bernie Sanders over Crooked Jaillary.

No matter the results in a couple of weeks, Trump has the support of Americans, Jaillary has the support of the entrenched corrupt elites. We are millions and millions, they are only millions. Who will win? Election fraud with computers is ever a threat. The Trump victory must be resounding and the people must vote in massive numbers but only once.

I am.


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