Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Abortion Is A 3.6 Billion Year Loss to America

Would America need to import millions of moslem refusegees if Roe V Wade had not become the law of the land?

Donald Trump wants a wall to keep immigrants legal. Hillary, in her weakened state, wants to open the flood gates and allow every rag-tag misfit from the Middle East into middle America. Guess how many of them will be located near Chappaqua? You can bet only the pretty and very young will be there for the First Groper's pleasure.

Estimates are there have been about 60 million abortions done legally in the US since 1973. That is a whole lot of lost years and consumers who never got to wear diapers, eat Fruit Loops, have graduation pictures taken at kindergarten, take a packed lunch to school, buy a pack of gum, a pack of condoms, enjoy a warm spring day fishing at a lake, falling in love, celebrating a God given gift of a perfect body and a mind that is only limited by its imagination and motivation. And the worst part of these lost 3.6 billion years of human life is these people had won life's lottery by being conceived in America!

Now the other problem is the population and the economy could have easily expanded to care for these people who were tossed out like fish guts at a fish market. How many more burgers would McDonalds have sold, and what would be Dominoes bottom line. The wall Roe V Wade has placed against American citizens is greater than any wall Donald J. Trump could conceive or build.

Mrs. Clinton, tear down this wall that kills American citizens who are trying to enter this country legally, through the birth canal!


*Not considered are the potential offspring of these aborted citizens, making the lost consumers even more devastating to an economy driven by customers.

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