Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Queen Who Would Be Hillary

There are few things in life more certain than debt and taxes. The inevitability of Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States of America is not one. As Rush Limbaugh stated so brilliantly a couple of weeks ago, "Hillary cannot draw flies to an event." And here is where I think Limbaugh is wrong, dead wrong.

While it is true there is no energy in the campaign. Everyone is going through the motions but there is no fire in belly of the Clinton supporter, if you exclude the liberal media, but I repeat myself and liberal hollywood, again redundant. Where is the excitement? Where is the passion? Where is the romance? Most people in America would rather have a root canal than attend a Hillary Clinton rally. Hell, Goldman Sachs even paid her $600,000 to limit her speech to 20 minutes.

Hillary Clinton has the charisma of house fly, the charm of poison ivy, the personality of a wart, and the empathy of a dish of beluga caviar left out in the sun at a fundraiser in the Hamptons all afternoon. Her voice is annoying. Her politics are dunder headed. She is a political dullard.

If one could place John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Bob Dole in a huge blender and whirl them up and pour them into a mold shaped like Hillary and shock the goo back to life, this terrible combination of republican presidential candidates would still be better suited for the presidency than Hillary Clinton. She is the weakest candidate nominated by either party, ever!

She is inept. She is shallow. She is selfish. She is aloof. She is ill. She will lie when everyone knows she is lying and do it with a strait face, knowing full well the sycophants of the press will cover for her. These fawning fools in the press fall all over themselves trying desparately to gain the queen's attention and favor.

A sickly Hillary Clinton has to postpone a phony press conference due to a coughing fit and the press dutifully blame the pollen counts in Ohio. But, I have another possible explanation for her fits of coughing and choking.

Could Hillary be choking on her own queefs? Would it be reasonable to suggest the old grey queef maker ain't as fresh as it used to be? Now I may be labeled a mysogynist for my suggestion, but when one of the great drawing point of Hillary's candidacy is her special gender, which she shares with over 3.5 billion others in the world making it not quite as rare and special as she would like us to believe, she must be willing to take any and all criticism like the man she is running against.

What great hold does the queen hold over the press? It's certainly not her ability as a leader, for she has tried numerous times over the past 30 years to gain one success, and aside from selling nothing but influence to billionaire fools and equally corrupt pols all over the world she has not a single great accomplishment to her credit.

The press fell out laughing at Donald Trump's tiny hands implying his penis might not be Huge! If the press was fair and gave Mrs. Clinton's genitalia equal time, then the freshness and tautenicity must, by rights, come to the forefront during any presidential election. Afterall, who among us does not celebrate Huge and fresh and taut in this day and age of sexual freedom? I suspect Mrs. Clinton would not pass the sniff nor the taut test at her age. But noone will go there, and for good reason.

I dare every voter to vote for the candidate you would most like to see having sexual relations with their husband or wife, Bill and Hillary Clinton or Donald and Melania Trump. No contest, congratulations President Trump. With this challenge even Bill Clinton would vote for Trump.

She is such a weak candidate I believe she cannot win without some serious voter fraud. Hillary Clinton is a single birthday candle viewed from a mile away, whereas Donald Trump is a super nova.

HIllary Clinton is dull, dimwitted, disgurntled, demeaning, disinguenuous, demanding, deathly ill and damaged goods.

She may not know what (C) means in a State Document, but she sure as hell knows what ($) means and this is the only thing she pays any attention to in her life.

Hillary Clinton is a greedy politician and has never committed a selfless act in her life.

She is wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong for the solar system.

Globing warming is nothing compared to what Hillary Clinton would do to the world should she be elected. Here's hoping my predictions come to pass and in November we have wisely elected Donald J. Trump to replace the failed Obama.

I am


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