Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dinosaurs And Dinosaur Media Are Extinct: Why Hillary's Television Buys Are Ineffective In 2016

Hillary Clinton is a dinosaur. She turned 69 a couple of days ago and as far as this election is concerned she is as extinct as the plegasaurus. Her hay day was the roaring 90's when she and Bill were living rent free in the White Whorehouse with the wind at their backs and the sun in their comparatively wrinkle free faces. Back in the 90's the internet was just beginning to find its place and most Americans got all their information from the cable and network news channels. Television was still in its peak 25 years ago.

A political advertisement played on the tele all those years ago was sure to be seen and sometimes watched before TeVo and all the other new fangled devices which made fast forwarding through those pesky ads so easy. So to answer Crooked Hillary's 100 million dollar question: "Why am I not 50 points ahead of my opponent?" After all she has out spent him on advertising 50 to 1 in the battle ground states yet she is barely leading or behind in all of them.

Well, Hillary, the times they have changed. You are running a horse and buggy campaign in the tough and tumble internet age where most television ads are skipped over or deleted before they reach the intended audience. Tele is so 90's and you have surrounded yourself with other media whores who are themselves dinosaurs. TeVo has made political advertising on Television moot. What is not seen is not persuasive. Yes, honey, you did make some wonderful ads tearing and ripping the pussy right out of Donald Trumps small hands, but nobody saw them but your group of like minded pterydactyles who all cawed their praises and you put your campaign money down and it was all for naught.

Now Trump has some children who, unlike your spawn, are in tune with the times and know a campaign in the internet age is best run on the internet and to leave the old technology in broadcast television out of any massive buys. Notice how every Clinton news boy breathlessly asks when he is going to buy a hundred million dollars in ads on television to compete with Bigly Bags, the democrat nominee.

I call her Bigly Bags because of the mountain of baggage she has collected over her 35 years in public service, stealing, lying, and taking bribes without hesitation. I am sure she has only one regret and that is that they did not take more. Anyway, Bigly Bags and her campaign has been greasing the old media with ad purchases and for this they are very grateful.

Even with Bigly Bag's huge buys, the TV revenue is only half typical years when both parties would buy ads. The TV executives have noticed the drop in revenues and they are not pleased. Mr. Trump has out smarted these fools who run the networks and cable. He has cleverly voted with his campaign money not to contribute to their fortunes, since they are all pulling for Bigly Bags in this hard fought election, anyway. Brilliant, why contribute to your competition, and make no mistake the media is all out to get Bigly Bags in the White Hut, 100%.

Donald Trump is not wasting his money on 20th century campaign techniques in the 21 century. He is all about the internet, and he will use the dinosaur media for public appearances and news conferences, and he is, by and far, the brightest person to ever run for president. This fact alone should insure his election. So when the media baits Trump with when are you going to answer all the TV ads Bigly Bags is airing against him, Trump only has to be coy and pretend there may be a big purchase coming, but the wicked truth is that no one is viewing Bigly Bags or her ads. Like Limbaugh says, Bigly Bags Clinton could not even draw flies.

In the near future, the pundits will analyse what Trump did to beat the stuffing out of old Bigly Bags and her ball and chain, denying them 8 more years of graft and corruption at the expense of America's children. Mr. Trump has done America a huge favor by having the Queens smarts and the guts to take on a dying presidential candidate, propped up by a equally ailing print and TV press.

So the reason Bigly Bags is not 50 points ahead when the Bigly money message out about Trump is the only message hitting the airwaves, no one is seeing it unless some Martian is watching from the Red planet. Bigly Bags could double or treble her television advertising and still not put as much as a tiny chink in Trump's magnificent armor.

The tide has done gone out on the great Battleship Bags and her entourage are left stranded in the mud flats and it will be a long time before any help will arrive. It is already too late with just under two weeks to go before the most important election of the century.

Trump will prevail because he is smart, and because his children know how to run a campaign, a campaign of, for, and with the future.

I am,


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