Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Debates, We Don't Need No Stinking Debates

The first debate between Donald Trump and Miss Hillary Clinton went off with very little fireworks. Donald Trump was polite and referred to Her Highness as Secretary Clinton and Secretary Clinton smugly and condescendingly referred to the next President of the United States as "Donald".

As for who won the debate, my contention is Donald only had to avoid the knock out of looking like a bully or a kook, which he did beautifully. Highness Hillary did not lay a glove on Donald. She tried to label him as a racist, sexist, crooked businessman who has taken advantage of our nation's bankruptcy laws but it did not stick. That Highness, queen of graft and corruption in Washington, was on top of her game and did not cripple Donald with her performance, and a performance is all it was when one pulls away the phony off the Clintons, what you have is a pair of career criminals who have gamed the system to their advantage peddling political influence to the highest bidder, the American public be damned.

The lipstick is off the pig. More and more is coming out about this reckless pair of political renegades and thinking and voting Americans are sick and tired of the same old main stream media mantra. Donald is a misogynist, a racist, and a homophobic who hates Hispanics and Muslims more than he hates China. All lies hoping to keep the corruption in place in our government.

High Hillary, pumped up on speed and sinemet, a drug used for Parkinson's disease, did not freeze up and recited her lines like the political pro she is, but when your life is politics and all you have to do is fool some of the people all the time, she has had decades to hone this skill. What did not come through was anything close to humanity. Highness Hillary has all the warmth of witch's tit and the charm of a brown recluse. Highness Hillary is the subject of many fairy tales, cast in the roll of equal parts witch and wicked stepmother. Hillary could not give away a hug at an Ethopian orphanage. Small animals avoid her presence.

Final thought. The stakes are very different for Donald Trump and High Hillary. If Trump looses he goes back to being one of the richest and most successful real estate developers in the world, where he can enjoy his beautiful family and life. High Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton if losers, could face criminal investigations into their shenanigans with private servers, slip-shod handling of top secrets, and a phony foundation which has bilked billions under false pretenses.

High Hillary is fighting for her life. Donald Trump is fighting for our lives. Here's wishing Donald the best. If High Hillary wins we lose. If Donald wins we win.

This is some serious shit, America.


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