Monday, December 19, 2016

Post Election Analysis: How A Buffoonish Billionaire From Queens Bested The Anointed Maiden From Park Ridge

November 8, 2016 a very special date in modern American history. Middle America had its first chance to vote for a republican candidate not especially chosen by puppet masters in the press and the big political operatives. Donald Trump came down the escalator with his beautiful wife, Melania, back in June of 2015 and announced his intention of becoming the 45 president of the United States of America.

And the political power brokers and media laughed! Who does this business tycoon think he is, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton? What has he been smoking and inhaling? He is a political neophyte, a reality TV star. He speaks at a 4th grade level. Clearly he does not have the meddle or the intelligence to actually become the president.

Through the summer and fall of the exciting republican presidential primary, the media hacks roared about Trump's ceiling and how he could not possibly win against such a field of proven politicians, but one by one they fell to Trump. Low-Energy Jeb was said to have spent $150 million dollars for three delegates. For LEJ to garner the 1237 delegates to win the nomination, his accountants informed him they would not be able to raise the $106,850,000,000 necessary to pull it off, so Jeb quit.

Rubio, with his water guzzling and his "gang of eight" immigration flip flap, finished his chances against the great and powerful Trump. For Paul, Christie, Carson, Fiorina, and Kasich, combined political wattage was dim compared to the apolitical apprentice supernova, Trump. Ted Cruz, a good conservative, and first term senator from Texas proved a potent runner up, but ultimately was unable to steal the prize. Donald Trump has done the impossible. He had taken the republican nomination for president against a distinguished field of challengers all without much help from the old republican guard of political stalwarts. He was not one of them, he knew it and they knew it, and most importantly the average American voter sensed it.

Hillary Clinton and her team were elated the republicans had nominated a buffoon, a reality TV personality, a self-aggrandizing womanizer, who spoke at a 4th grade level! How could she possibly loose the election to a fraud with a touchy ego and tendencies to pop-off at the least little criticism?

And this is where Hillary and company screwed the pooch. They vastly underestimated Donald J. Trump's ability to adapt. Mid summer a few Trumpian gaffs where he took the critical bait and tweeted out nonsense, and the people who advised him got him into the fold and managed to fix this problem. Steve Bannon was brought in to manage the rest of the campaign and the new and improved Donald Trump was born. He got a skin transplant, gone was the old thin-skinned Trump, and here to stay was the new and improved pachyderm version of Trump.

And his numbers grew and grew. His speeches became polished and gone was his signature impromptu ADD styled speaking and the voters took note while his detractors in the press and the old republican guard scoffed. The never-Trump crowd was born, as everyday Americans who had been ignored by the press and the political establishment for at least 8 and more likely the past 16 years became fans and supporters of Mr. Trump. Trump came off as one of the people, a common billionaire.

In a few days Team Trump had transformed the candidate from the quick tempered reactionary into the focused campaigning machine who could do 3 to 5 speeches a day and answer any number of loaded "gotcha" questions from an ever hostile press like George Stephanapholus who was castrated by Trump when he mentioned that he suspected Stephie would have preferred his donation to the Clinton Foundation not been revealed, when Georgie querried Trump about any regrets in his life. This new Trump was a player. The media sensed it and ramped up their wailings and attacks.

The Clinton team refused to believe Trump and his followers represented a real threat to her ambitions. She was anointed and it was her turn. America had been in existance long enough and it was high time we had a woman president, and by golly and gee willikers she had the plumbing to fill the post! And her great history of public works, a lifetime spent helping others who had been losers in life's lottery, the children, gay and trannies, the Service Employees International Trade Union of Soviet Socialists,(my creation) and she saved her very best work for those at home and abroad who could throw a little cash into the Clinton Foundation. Hillary invented the saying, "Money talks and Bullshit walks!"

Her ineptness as Senator from New York and then as probably the most over rated Secretary of State since Seward and Kerry did not mutilate her genitals. She was still a player, but a deletion of 33,000 email from a personal server in the basement bathroom of the Chappaqua Compound, started a push back against Hillary. Bernie Sanders said to the delight of the first debate audience that he was "sick and tired of hearing about those damn emails!"

I do believe he was sick and tired, but I suspect he knew nothing about the content of the emails which were deleted by the vaginal Candidate. Then Wikileaks tarnished her brand and that of the Democrat National Committee when word from John Podesta indicated they had conspired with the DNC to rig the election against old Bernie and Donna Brazile had fed CNN sourced Town Hall questions to Hillary before the meeting to assure her clear and crisp performance. And the FBI's James Comey gave Hillary a pass on her mishandling our nations top secrets, as he is said to have told his closest confidants, "You can't hold her to the standards we follow for men, as she is just a woman, and as we all know women and gossip go together like protests in Benghazi over some video."

The Hillary camp decided hard campaigning was not necessary in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, or Pennsylvania. These were a lock for Hillary and were solidly in her camp, with her to coin a phrase. Too bad nobody informed Trump inc. about that. He campainged hard in all the battle ground states and drew very impressive but never reported on crowds at every venue. The enthusiam was palpable. The people in these fly over states were electrified by Trump. If and when Clinton showed up to an event, she could not pull together 300 people unless she had some movie star or rap artist on stage with her. Pitiful!

Another blow to the Clinton inauguration came with her 9/11 vapors event when she physically collapsed and was unceremoniously tossed into a black van like a side of pork by her medical team and her SS handlers. This gave rise to concerns as to her fitness for office. Could she withstand the rigors of the presidency? Was she up to the job? Many voters probably decided she was not.

When Mrs. Clinton was speaking to bundlers for campaign contributions and called half the voters a basket of deplorables at the same time she was passing her deplorable campaign baskets around the room of well heeled democrat contributors, it was the last straw for many voters in the above swing states. A Donald Trump correctly pointed out at many of his events, "What have you got to lose?" Hillary has been in control with her party for 30 years and what has it gotten you? Great question, a question that would take 5% of the African American votes from Hillary and switch them to Trump and probably kept many at home on that November day.

I do not want to down play the role Obama played in Hillary's defeat. His policies are UnAmerican and anti-christian. I know he thinks he is on the right side of history, but it is not American history. He is more of a third worlder in his views of America, and some feel he could not have done anything more to cripple our armed forces, and our economy if he had tried. He was not viewed as having America's best interest at heart. Many people in America felt he cared more about the illegal flood of immigrants across our Southern border than for our coal miners and the 94 million people out of the workforce. His weak response to terror crippled Hillary since she was joined at the waist with the Obama administration.

Donald Trump parlayed Hillary Clinton's follies and her flat style of campaigning into a great victory. He managed to turn 200 counties which voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2012 and thereby win all the battleground states, which has left the media, Hollywood, the left and right coasts, the democrat party, and the fools who bet on the weak horse with billions funneled into the Clinton Foundation for unrequited favors, but hey there is another election in 2020 and Hillary might just be able to use her "get around" or who knows a "Hurrycane" and be a contender, with all hope dashed.

Especially if Donald Trump is as much of a failure as the press is hoping.

I, for one, suspect the press will be very, very or as Donald Trump might say, bigly disappointed by his successes.

God bless the good sense of the American electorate who rejected Hillary Clintons Pay for Play schemes and her rotten Chicago style of politics, and God bless Donald J. Trump!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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