Sunday, October 2, 2016

Wake Up, Time To Vote America's Best Interest, The Clock Is Ticking. Vote For the Titan Trump Or Crooked Hillary

The Clintons are American Musolinies. Mr Musolini marched on Rome and immediately was able to bed hundreds if not thousands of Italian rose petals. Bill Clinton marched on Washington after his trek to Little Rock, which is by the way according to the thousands of his sexual encounters, a fitting description of his man junk if one adds Hillary's first name to it.

Crooked Little Rock.

Crooked Hillary's trek to Washington on board the Little Rock Express has served her well. Her forte at the Rose Law Firm was shake down and pay for play on a small scale, like Whitewater, illicit bank loans, wildly successful Cattle future trades, and the White House brought even bigger prizes for the greedy grifters. Travelgate, FBI files, Vince Foster's mysterious suicide by Clinton, failures with Gays in the military and Hillarycare added to their scalp collection. Everything she touches turns to crap. She is inept. She is driven and ruthless. She is colder than absolute zero. She invented the term self centered. And now that body she was given by God is failing her big time. Its true, its true.

The mind is slipping and her soggy protoplasm is seeping out of its lipid logged membranes and causing no end of medical nightmares for this political pig in a pantsuit. Even dressed up in million dollar designer carpet clothes with more botox injections than Nancy Pelosi, she is barely viewable. Her debate was a joke. Now a poker player states she gave hand signals to her House monkey, the moderator, whose name I have already forgotten, by touching her face and rubbing her nose to have said house monkey call on her for a special preplanned Trump zinger.

To the Clintons "fair" is where you get a five dollar hotdog and a ferris wheel ride. It is not in their lexicon. So Americans, if we are stupid enough to let America fall under Clinton Duex, then we deserve our collective fates. I can assure you we will all be longing for the good old Obama daze in no time flat if this political hog holds on and manages to win in spite of her huge handicaps.

Donald Trump is a far better candidate against Hoggie Hillary than either Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama and one barely lost in a rigged primary and the other squashed her like a bug when she was at the top of her game and not barely this side of a nursing home. I hope the White House is handicap ready if, God forbid, the Little Rock Rabble returns. Time to ramp up. The West wing could be a nursing home with these two geezers in there. Know why Bill Clinton takes a viagra tablet each night before bedtime? So he does not roll out of bed and break a hip.

But looking at the bright side, what is so bad about paying more in taxes to a regime which is corrupt from top to bottom, cares not a whit about the citizen and is hell bent on turning over the keys to the United States of America to a non-elected one world governing body?

America has been too great for too long. The time for the fall is here and the Clintons know just how to Short America. They win, we lose.

I am,


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