Sunday, October 16, 2016

Paul Ryan Sits To Pee, He Is a Wikileaker, Podesta Hates America, Trump Is Drug Free

The republican rats are abandoning the Good Ship Trump after striking an iceberg named "Pussy" which if you look at it with any sort of realism is really just a hole with a penis tucked deep inside, read uterus. And that and some splash of different hormones is all that separates the sexes, if you leave out gossip and shopping.

I do not mean to disparage the fair sex because I and every other man in his lifetime has spent nearly every waking minute planning and scheming how to garner the fair sex's attention and favor. In this regard, Donald Trump is no different than the lowest paid worker on the street. Sure there are some freaks who would rather stick or be stuck some where the sun never shines and waste shares its place, but for the good majority the female plumbing is the gold standard.

That republican stalwarts like house speaker Paul Ryan would condemn Donald Trump for "locker room" bravado spoken in private and illegally recorded shows that speaker Ryan keeps his manhood tucked between his legs and it has been that way for so long that he has to sit down to urinate. For God's sake man, grow a pair. You are ridiculous turning that pointy nose and admonishing Mr. Trump. You deny your manhood? Where is your testosterone? Or would you rather sit and chat with the gals on "The View" and make nice with the other Saints in the world who believe Donald Trump is a cretin. Mr. Ryan the people are with Trump and you are on the wrong side of histrionics.

And WikiLeaks and the Podesta treasure trove of truth in emails from the titular head of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign demonstrates the lack of respect shown to "needy Latino's like Bill Richardson and Pena, and the hatred of all things Catholic, and you cannot leave out those disrespectful rednecks aka "southerners". I feel quite certain that the disdain shown these groups is not limited. Truth be known and I bet there is a leak coming soon which also disparages the black American and those useful idiots over at "black lives matter". The amount of contempt for the great unwashed mass of Americans is limitless coming from this bunch of hacks. Time to show them the door.

Is it just me or does the democrat party only cotton favor for the well heeled, the billionaires, the fasebook pussies, the tech geek millionaires, and the people made famous by being able to read lines put in their mouths by fine writers and directors? Show me one friend of Hills and Bills who did not contribute something to their criminal enterprise. Where are the plumbers, the electricians, the factory workers, the nurses, the school teachers? Yes I know with Hillary's illness, which is the 800 pound gorilla in the room no news outlet dare speak of, she has some professional handlers with her which she may consider friends, but without her disease these people would never have access to her, unless they had a million dollars to give to the foundation.

Trump is onto something with his call for a pre debate drug test. It is true she looked way to sharp for that debate and for her every day, or more truthfully, weekly campaign event, she looks haggardly and drawn out. I would like to know she is not pumped up on speed or cocaine because she can, as Trump noted, barely make it back to the bomb proof SUV.

I have droned on long enough for this diatribe. But I have written that which is wise and true, its true.

I am


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