The democrat political machine is inept. They are horse and buggy whips in a driver-less car age. They are sclerotic and so constipated their BMs make glaciers seem hyper-sonic. They view the computer age from the same fascination they had with dial up phones of the 1950's. That these dolts could be hacked by a dorky-tech-savvy teen is only a surprise to them. I do not claim to be the tech genius but then I am not trying to rule the world, just my own little teeny-tiny part of it which does not include Billion dollar pay for political play gambits or crashing through glass ceilings through only the shear grandeur of my genitalia.
I am but a simple man who can write tripe from time to time about today's events with a jaded eye towards the major players. If you have read any of the previous tomes, you know how I feel about the Clintons. In a sentence, they are not good for the county, state, country or the world. Americans saw through her duplicity and, even with the boot licking print and cable press shouting her praises 24/7 from every rooftop and pizza parlor, they wisely voted against Hillary Clinton's ickiness. Hillary oozes both poor spiritual and physical health and these shaded her political health.
The fly-over electorate saw through all the press's trumped up platitudes and praise of this flawed politician and saw a conniving, self-centered shrew devoid of any meaningful achievements with a cold, cold heart. Her true colors could not be camouflaged by her multi-colored pant suits and her forced smile. Her debate performances showed her to be a deer in the headlights and clueless about the ordinary voter and their concerns.
Hillary Clinton is best suited to be the person at the large corporation who gives the termination notices to workers who have fallen from grace and then escorts them out the door with their desk contents. She is not fit to lead every day American's for whom she could care less. There is only one person in this woman's sphere that matters and she puts on a pantsuit every morning one cankled leg at a time.
Donald Trump may be a lot of things but he is the anti-Hillary. He has genuine empathy for workaday for pay Americans and rightly won the election on the promise to Make America Great Again. Trump jeered Hillary's plans to drag Americans over the socialist cliff the Obama presidency has set as our destiny.
Americans spoke loud and clear last November 8, 2016. Obama and Hillary Clinton were rejected, period. The only hack which made any difference in the election was not Russian, but the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and was pushed by horses and buggy aged democrat insiders.
They bet for the wrong horse and Americans voted on the strong horse with the golden mane, Donald J. Trump.
Yee-haa! Giddy-up!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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