Of course I am going to post this about President Elect Donald J. Trump. His style of leadership shows the American voting public just how sclerotic and constipated our current group of career politicians has become. In response to a question from the audience about how can government stop the loss of jobs for Americans, President Obama stammered and stuttered through a lame answer which essentially claimed one would have to have a magic wand to keep, say a company like Carrier Air conditioning, in America.
Donald Trump used his phone, promising to use his pen after the inauguration, calling the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier's parent company and negotiated a deal which was as my daddy was fond of saying, "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!"
In this case Carrier gets some tax relief, keeps 1100 plus jobs in Indiana, and Donald Trump, as president elect rings the bell for winning for the American people. Especially the folks, as Obama refers to us here in fly over country, who are watching and cheering this one small step for jobs, which promises to be a giant leap for our future economic progress.
Now President Obama has a phone and could just as easily have called up Joe Blow, United Technologies, CEO and made the same proposals, but he didn't because he cannot lower taxes because as a community organizer turned career politician and the chief butt plug administering to the great sclerotic, constipated, bloated, bureaucratic colossus which is our federal government, lowering taxes would reduce the money coming into the tax coffers and thus the power of the sclerotic colossus would be reduced...
The only power this government has is via taxation and spending and throw in a few rules and regulations and you have the perfect formula for shaking down businesses and for that matter other countries for billions of unneeded monies. What formula do you think the corrupt colossi couple, WJ and HR (aka HORN DOG and BAD DOG) Clintons have followed to amass over $2 billion dollars into a fake charitable foundation? Its government outside the government.
Nothing makes things go your way when it comes to government policy like Money. In fact every thing in life centers around trade, pay for play. Why the bees fly from plant to plant gathering up pollen, the plants pay to the bees for flying it over to another like plant to complete the sexual act for a plant which cannot reproduce without this help. The bee makes honey with his pollen money charged the plant for flying it all around and the art of the deal is one that is a good deal for everybody.
Now if we consider the people's money to be pollen and the federal government is a giant Bee flying in and out of every financial transaction in America, bringing all this money back to the central hive in Washington, DC, the pollen producers may want to see their pollen do some good. Like rebuilding the neglected infrastructure and updating Airports which have not been tended to since just after WWII, or building a wall to protect the integrity of America, or keeping out any people whose beliefs and religions would never assimilate into our Judaeo-Christian culture, or negotiating fair trade deals which favor the American work force over those in the third world. Right now the government is a pollen vacuum and is pollinating only the well heeled friends of government, the Solyndras and the insiders on Wall Street and the Big banks and let us not forget the big bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank which should not even exist were it not for a crime against the American people at Jekyll Island at the turn of the last century.
Trump has promised to shave this gigantic bee's legs so less pollen/money is taken out of the private sector and can be used to grow our greatly damaged economy. Now the career politicians will kick and scream and rant and rave about this tax cutting being only for Trump's rich friends, but the public will not fall for that class warfare chirping because it is old and stale and came into vogue back when Bill Clinton did not have to sit to piss in a toilet and Hillary had the stamina to carry 900 confidential FBI files on her political enemies from office to office in the East Wing of the White House.
The class warfare shtick has lost its power to move the people. Trumps plan to keep more money in the pockets of everyday Americans needs to be tried and it will be as soon as Donald J. Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America.
The gorgeous left wing ideologue with the beautiful baritone pipes, who has clogged the American economy with policies such as Obamacare and confiscatory tax rates will be replaced with a successful business man who is wise to the world and knows the art of the deal.
Dictators like Obama do not believe in deals. He showed his hand back in 2009 when he met with the republicans at the White House and told them it was his way or the highway, because "I won!"
Well, President Obama it looks like "you lost" and now we the American People have won!
Good luck living down your tainted legacy. That you placed your bets on a failed hag who clung onto a serial sex offender to keep your legacy intact is just another example of your poor judgement.
America with this election has changed everything for the better if you look at it from the perspective of the people and not through the jaded prism of the New York Times editorial board or the corporate media.
Trump will get no good press but it will not matter that the emperor has no clothes because the press has no audience. Their message has been listened to but not heard.
God bless Donald Trump and God Blessed America. November 8, 2016 was divine intervention and America was righted.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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