Saturday, October 8, 2016

Trump, A Straight Male Who Knows What Women Like: First Gifts, Then Sex And Clinton?

An eleven year old comment by Donald Trump in an Access Hollywood interview has Hillary Clinton and her ass-monkey choir in the democrat media hitting high notes in admonishing him as a lusty, crusty, lewd, testosterone filled Red Blooded American Alpha male. He might add that he has never raped a woman like the other candidate's husband or used political power to garner special oral favors from celebrity suckers who happen to be 20 yr old interns in the White House with immature minds and sexy panties. Nor has he spent large sums of money and time trying to disparage and threaten those sexually abused women whose very lives and stories of sexual misconduct could topple all the plans for world domination and end the greed based pay for play political scheme of the worst American traitors since the Rosenbergs.

I will take a rough cut diamond like Donald Trump any day over that political shill with no positive political result after a lifetime in public service for the average American, but somehow has amassed a $2 billion dollar slut fund fraud for their deeds that have gone under the radar in front of a corrupt American media. They would sell Chelsea if the price was right. And a little more surgery and there may be some bids in the near future. Okay that was taking it a little too far, but you know what I mean.

As the esteemed New York Senator Hillary sponsored one bill that made it through on the back of a spending bill to name a Post Office in Pokeepsie after Janet Reno, The Waco-Reno Memorial Post Office where the government promises not to burn American Citizens including 73 children under age 12 alive in their homes without due process. Truly one of the most egregious acts against Americans ever perpetrated. Hell, Bill Clinton did not have the balls to go after Osama Bin Laden with even 1/100th the zeal as he did to the Branch Dividians. Hillary has her finger prints all over that operation. She even called David Koresh a "fucking Jew-bastard" before she learned he was a Christian pastor ministering to a flock of depressed American Citizens who were trying to feed themselves by buying and selling legal products under our second amendment.

Hillary always did hate small businesses as witnessed by her response to what Hillary Care would do to the small business men and women economically: "Hell, I can't be concerned with the fate of every under capitalized small business in America, this is my legacy we are talking about here, are you a fool!"

And when the truth would be easier to spout, Hillary always challenged herself with a lie. Benghazi, why it was just a few fellows out walking their dogs who were enraged by an antimuslim video on youtube who decided to attack the compound of Ambassador Chris Stevens. We could not send any meaningful help in time to save them, 13 hrs is not a lot of time diplomatically speaking. And then when the parents of the fallen hero of Benghazi call her out on her duplicity she lies about lying to them. I am beginning to suspect Hillary Clinton would not know the truth if Monica Lewinski spit it on her blue pantsuit.

These two politicians are despicable. The combination of bawdy and corrupt to beyond criminality is sickening. The fawning media are accessories to their unreported criminal activity. If this is what America has become with thugs and criminals at every high level, how can the people who live in this land trust its institutions? The FBI seems corrupt. The IRS seems corrupt. The Justice department seems corrupt. The Clintons are corrupt. Trump is right somebody has to do something. Or is it too late.
The media is corrupt.

America was built by moral people who believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic and established a rule of law which was for many years applied equally to all men and women. The system has been infiltrated by weasels and charlatans like the Clintons, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Koskinen, and hundreds of scoundrels who are in on the scam.

Donald Trump is the threat to their deliciously corrupt apple cart. He must be stopped at all cost. First the billion dollar tax write off, next the bawdy Hollywood bragging.

What the media does not know is that their covering up for Bill Clinton's tasteless behavior all these years has numbed the public to anything. The mainstreaming of LGTB and what ever "Letters" I have forgotten because of my phobias are, and their deviant sexual proclivities, sort of makes a powerful man's off the cuff statement about enjoying relations with beautiful women in a natural way sort of heart warming if the truth be known.

If a wolf is not to blame for taking the lamb for a meal as it is in his God given nature, who can blame a man for being a man. Let us face it, the whole world depends on men and women joining to make the beast with two backs and have the woman bear the fruits of that passion. When a man buys the pleasure of a woman's affection with a gift a good deal has been struck..

My daddy always said, and I quote: "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!" Now if Trump picks out a woman and showers her with expensive gifts and she gives him 2 minutes of pleasure, is that not the art of the deal where the deal is good for everybody? And if Clinton steals a woman's pleasure by rape, bites her lip drawing blood to garner her submission to his violent act and Hillary threatens her to remain silent the very next week, is that only a good deal for the Clintons? Where is Brodericks deal, she is left with a scar which will haunt her a lifetime. Where is the justice, who will make these people pay for crimes no ordinary citizen could hope to skate on?

To answer my question, there is no rule of law for the top echelon of our political class. They have gamed the system and stacked the top positions with compromised co-conspirators and at this point I believe even Donald Trump will be powerless to do anything about it. It will take an act of God to bring this Babylonian Tower crashing down.

Pray for that miracle!

As Mark Twain noted all those years ago: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."

I feel it is time to add an "S" to the nemonic LGBTA which stands for "Straight" and time for the 97% to be proud of their straight positions and demand parity with the freaks. No Donald Trump has nothing to be ashamed of from his straight talk. That the media and Clinton of all people could find fault with a straight man shows them to be complete hypocrites.

No Hillary, this is not the time for your to get your over sized panties in a bunch. Trump is just being straight and for you to be critical of any deal between consenting adults is not your MO. Remember Jaunita, Paula, Monica, Kathleen, and the hundreds of other unnamed conquests your Little Bill has taken over the years.

Hillary, that glass ceiling you have shattered for women, joke, is more like the glass house you live in and all you have to throw at Bill is rocks. Be careful how you play this hand for it opens you up to a lot of well deserved criticism.

The Hollywood audio clip is bait. Take it and see if your panties loosen or tighten. It will be an interesting debate of you can make it this Sunday.

Remember Donald Trump is in control. Who do you think leaked the tax returns? The NYT fell for the bait.

Best election contest ever!

I am


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