Monday, September 12, 2016

Hiillary Clinton Takes Ill at America's Sacred Site, Devine Intervention?

As one of the deplorables admonished by Hillary Clinton at an elite fundraiser in New York where the great Babs, the aged, Streisand sung her praises, I hope she has a full recovery and does something for her health and the country.


If God could deliver the Jews from Egypt with the parting of the Red Sea, does she not think He will intervene for the good of his American people? Is he running the clock out on our Hillary? Time will tell.

I have long considered her health to be unfit for the challenges of the presidency, and her policies are even more wrong for this country. Her passion is money and selling access and favors. The American people deserve better.

The era of pay for play and political greed is over.

Step down Hillary and spend whatever little time you have left enjoying what you worked so hard for all these years.

Billions and billions of dollars.

I hope you have a wonderful retirement. We earn our fates. You have certainly earned yours.

Now do the right thing, gather up your family and supporters and hold a presser and withdraw.

The World is Waiting.

I am


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