Fidel Castro may be dead but how do you think I feel? As an elementary school pupil in rural Tennessee in 1960, Castro's influence was heavy. Not only did we get to practice nuclear bomb drills with Duck and Cover, but Dr. Rameriz, a Cuban exile who was forced to flee Castro's Cuba in 1958 or face his firing squad, would address the grade school every morning over the loud speaker system and teach us rudimentary Spanish.
Cuomo esta usted? Bien. E Tu? Thanks to Fiedel Castro I am quite fluent in polite Spanish.
And thanks to a graduate student Mexican pal in the indecent variety as well. No se as tan pen deho!
I do not pretend to know how to spell the above but only how it sounds.
United Technologies' Carrier Air-conditioning unit has given Donald Trump an inauguration present by agreeing to hold 1000 of the jobs slated to flee to Mexico in Indiana. Winning the art of the deal. It is not the 100% win, but it is a good deal better than the 100% loss which would have occured if the old 60's throw back radical feminist hag had been elected by more than the popular vote on November 8th. Thank God for titties and the electoral college!
Titties were bared to protest Donald Trumps surprise win a few weeks ago in front of Trump Towers. I read the article but did not look at the pictures, these were democrats and they are not known for their aesthetic beauty, but can bitch at a man with no equal.
These democrat feminist are so smart they have to rely on abortion for birth control. They demand we, American tax payers, pay for their $9 a month birth control pills, Tonya Flucke, was that the Georgetown Law Student's name who sabotaged old Mushy Milk Romney's bid to over throw the Obama's reign of terror in 2012.
Well, Tonya, or was it Tony, your 15 minutes of flame is over. I do not recall your name and now that Obama's second season is almost over and America is still standing with the Glass Ceiling still intact for some other Dim-witted democrat feminist to take a crack at it in 2020 or 2024, after Donald Trump fundamentally Makes America Great Again by reversing all of Obama's policies, repealing and reforming Obamacare, and dragging Obama's heel off the throat of American enterprise.
The armed forces will be retooled, the politically correct leaders who telegraph our fighting plans months in advance to the enemy will be replaced by generals who know how to fight and win, but we will not go willy nilly into battle for pipelines for some rich oil producing nation in the middle east. We will fight only those who mean to cause us harm.
Sarah Palin will head up Trump's Veteran Affairs office and will whip those folks into shape.
Ben Carson will be over Housing and Urban Development and will lead the fight to turn around our crumbling inner cities and will hopefully make my fight here at the Urban Poverty Law Center much less necessary when these areas are lifted up into prosperity.
NAFTA will be repealed and TPP will be blocked and we will pull out of the Paris Climate agreement. Coal, smart coal will be back in vogue. America will become energy independent.
Jobs, high paying jobs for middle America will be back. The press will suffer under President Trump. They will have to get their stories off Twitter and the newly created Presidential internet news service.
You know the press will not be happy taking a seat at the back of the bus, but this is where they are headed with the really stupid coverage they gave to Mr. Trump. Stupid, really, really stupid.
I have spoken to many of my friends since the election, and all of us feel as though a heavy burden was lifted from our shoulders with the rejection of Obama. We are not racists, but some of us hate feminist, the radical ones who reject God and nature. Society is structured by nature and nurture. Men and women have interacted in symbiotic fashion for centuries to provide for the next generation. What the radical feminists are pushing is not best for the propagation of the species.
Hillary Clinton, the feminist faker, claimed to be one of these gals, but rode Billy Clinton all the way to the democrat nomination for president and then was unable to fill the contract. She could not complete the deal. She fell short of the goal. She could pick a winner but was not a winner. Her short comings include but are not limited to: a horrible screeching voice when turned up, shallow personality oozing with self aggrandizing and no empathy, an undying and insatiable greed for money, especially money not earned, no conscious, no limits or boundary to the end justifying the means, lawless behavior not even seen in some our most famous criminals.
That the American voters chose to reject Hillary Clinton gives me pause there is hope to MAGA!
Obama's grandiose plans to fundamentally change America into a Bill Ayers, Georgie Soros' utopian nightmare were rejected on November 8, 2016, a day that will go down in infamy.
The election of Donald J. Trump was the natural culmination of the rejection of all things Obama.
Yes Obama's election was historic as he was America's first black president, but he did not deliver what the people wanted. His mandate was to lead us into prosperity and deliver us from evil. He managed, with his ineptitude to do just the opposite. If economic ruination and a world in turmoil were his goals, then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I hope it was not his goal and only his foolishness that gave way to these results.
A society cannot be built without dreams. Fidel Castro was Cuba's dream catcher and crushed that small nation island for over 6 decades. Yes Fiedel may be dead and I can say "how are you?" in Spanish, but three generations of Cubans were stripped of their dreams for a better life. Burn in peace, Mr. Castro.
Obama was the American Dream Catcher and now with his defeat and the rejection of his and Hillary Clinton's marxist philosophy Americans and American businesses can get back into the business of making dreams come true.
Because we are Americans, dammit. Americanism is an attitude, it does not start at the border, it does not stop at the border. Stay out if you're not capable of living free and working hard to get ahead.
America, its not for everybody. To be an American you have to be willing to work and get along with others. Don't tell me your God is better than my God or force me to agree there is no God.
Stay put in your dusty hot hell hole if your goal is to change America.
The fundamental transformation of America was rejected on November 8, 2016, BIGLY!
And finally was Castro's reaction to Donald Trumps election fatal?
Tired of winning, yet?
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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