Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Deplorables United Against The Beautiful People: Vote For Trump

In this crazy world where the upper curst, I mean crust including a pre-senile syphilitic old Hungarian Billionaire are toying with the world's governments and therefore its peoples like a spinster poodle dog's inexplicable love interest in each visitors pant leg. Reasoned thought cannot explain the bastard's acts. How can his enlightened view be any greater than any other man approaching 90 like the immigree jihadi towards his 72 screaming Germanic virgins in Cologne. Could this man not take pleasure in more practical hobbies like stamp collecting, shuffle board, or perhaps tossing naked virgins into a flaming volcano with a giant wooden catapult?

Mucking around in international politics to change the world is not a game for the well intentioned. You can bet greed and advantage has something to do with the motivation. Mother Teresa did great good for the poor of India, while the likes of these great movers and shakers have only brought war and misery on mankind at a level which would have been much less without them.

I believe it is time for a changing of the crust. People of the world unite, throw off these chains the elites have bound around our necks threatening to steal our country. Push back. Vote for the outsider in the US election this year. Leave the past behind and let the grifters from Arkansas fade away like New Coke, which was another bad idea.

It is time to celebrate Americanism and what America has become. She may not be perfect, but for the most part it has done more good for more Americans than any other country.

Oh, one more thought/suggestion. If Hillary, the Ill, believes we need more immigrants, have her look no further than our own Native American Indian reservations. There is the real scar on America, even worse than slavery because the Native American affront has never been righted.

Mark Steyn, in his recent interview with the bloviator Bill O'R, quipped such wisdom, and I paraphrase: The more muslims you have the more terorism you have. And Hillary, I am with Donald Trump on this one. I believe we have more than enough terorism in this country without importing more.

Vote for Trump!


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