Sunday, December 20, 2015

SH>amu VS Trump And The Meaning Of Life

As another year passes us, if time really has any direction, I have done some reflecting on the meaning of life. Of course I can only write from my own limited perspective since I cannot possibly know what the other 6,499,999,999 humans think, who share this time with me on our blue orb, really just a speck of cosmic dust with a little water in the mix, heated by a nuclear reactor some 93 million miles over yon.

Global Warming, a hoax, has been solved by the Paris Summit Agreement, just before nearly the entire world lost all interest in it. Whew! Now we will no longer have to listen to that nonsense. The next scheduled hoax is asteroid hysteria. We must build a shield for the homeland to guard against space rocks. All life was extinguished from North America 13,000 years ago by an asteroid or a comet? Any expendable income not taken from the people to combat global warming will be used to fight asteroid hysteria. The next best seller in America will be "Living In America On A Dollar A Day!"

Donald Trump is running roughshod over the PC media and anyone who gets in his way, much to the delight to his middle American support which will be shown to include the Tea Party, and the Reagan democrats. He will annihilate Hillary Clinton if she is the democrat nominee and her health and legal problems do not force her into an early retirement.

The republican establishment is apoplectic in its confusion as to what to do about Trump. You see the GOPe had already picked the throw away candidate to run against SH>amu, the former Secretary of State, under the failed Obama presidency, and his name is John Ellis Bush, JEB. SH>amu, wears a pant suit, and surfaces for a campaign event every couple of weeks or attends a democrat debate, and then back down into the deep recesses of her guilded tank where she is treated with hyperbaric oxygen, vitamin supplements and given daily stem cell injections from freshly ground aborted fetuses, taken from Puerto Rican virgins. Only this, a smart pill and a quart of vodka a day is keeping this political H>ag moving.

Trump is correct, SH>amu does not have the stamina or the health to be president of the United States. H>er track record is of corruption and bribery with a splash of poor judgement and telling windy's even when the truth is obvious, and then extolling another windy when confronted about the prior windy. SH>e is not what sH>e thinks sH>e is. H>illary is not qualified to sweep the floors of a Trump administration. And Obama made her the secretary of state? Keep your friends close and your enema's even closer?

And Barack and Moe and the little Moeletts have left for the islands for another vacation in Hawaii. May the farce be with them. Some writer wrongly asserted this would be his last Christmas vacation as president, I hope that is so but I think Trump's inauguration will still be in 2017 on or around Jan, 21? So our girlie president and the girls will get one more tax funded Christmas vacation extravaganza, but they've earned it.

As to the meaning of life, I do not want to spoil it for you few who have been silly enough to read these tomes.

I am your humble scribe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, December 7, 2015

It Is Time For Hillary To Release All Her Medical Records So Voters Can Make An Informed Decision On Her Fitness To Become President

For anyone in the medical profession, it seems as Hillary Rodham Clinton is not weathering the years as well as she might. Her first Benghazi hearing before congress seemed to highlight her slipping mental abilities. The googlie eye wear did not help her image that day, and I wonder if she pulled up in a short yellow school bus for the hearings.

It is public knowledge she had a "concussion" after a fall? And then a serious blood clot in the brain. Huma A. has acknowledged in released secret SOS email that Hillary gets confused and must be reminded of her daily meetings. Is this presidential material, really? I think Hillary Rodham Clinton would have been a disaster as president even before her brain injury, and her mental disability should disqualify her from holding the highest executive office in our once great land.

If Mrs. Clinton does not have any significant post traumatic brain syndrome, then my apologies.

But at the least, she should be willing to release her medical records and agree to a real time MRI of the brain on "The View" where her adoring fans could shout encouragement to her as she slides in and out of the magnetic field.

Hillary, take my MRI challenge, or be doubted by the world, forever.

Your move.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Trump: Truth Or Windys? The People Know.

I took the hour necessary to watch Donald J. Trump, political speech in Sarasota, Florida yesterday via YouTube. To say he is a masterful communicator would be missing the mark. He speaks like Hemmingway wrote. Simple, short, sweet. He gets in his punches with suprisingly good humor.

Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina to be president. She does an event, and then disappears for 4 to 5 days, what is she doing? Resting?

Rubio, he hasn't even warmed his senate seat up yet and already he is running for another office? He has the worst voting record in the senate. He is a nice guy and of course I like him, but he is not ready yet.

Bush, Jeb Bush is so low energy. He is not going anywhere. He supports common core.

The people put the republicans in first the house and then the Senate to stop Obama, and when they got to Washington, what did they do? Oh Gladys, look at those columns, wonder how they built those all those years ago, isn't the capitol beautiful! We've really hit the big time. I never want to leave! And then they forgot to do what it was you sent them to Washington to do.

He is going to build that wall, enforce immigration laws, bring jobs back to America, take Iraqi oil fields from ISIS, strengthen our military, get the right generals back in leadership roles:

One of our best generals, I will not mention his name was canned because he used foul language, are you kidding me? Not with President Trump.

He is taken to task by the media for wanting to keep the mosques and its adherants under survelance and the people are with him.

Believe me, I do not have any pals giving me half a million for my campaign and wanting to be the ambassador of Italy. I assure none of that will be going on in the Trump administration.

Finally, Hillary Clinton should not even be allowed to run for office, she belongs in jail for what she's done.

Refreshingly American, Donald J. Trump.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, November 19, 2015

I Bled The News Today, Oh Boy. ISIL OR DAESK, Which Is It?

If President Obama has created ISIL or Daesk, the name they hate, then our esteemed president must take credit for having all these cock roaches gather in Syria to be turned into a fine red mist sprinkled by the rare, carried third molar or two by Vladimir Putin's war machine. Obama may have some trepidations about killing his religion of peace brothers, but Putin has demonstrated his delightful seriousness to get this thing over with.

The middle east is over peopled. Some analyst believe there are at least 3 million too many young men inhabiting Syria alone, who can no longer be supported in an arid climate. These men must find some "elbow room" as Hitler spoke of his bordering countries, in which to live and raise a family. And Europe's decision to go all gay and not reproduce any children in numbers sufficient to perpetuate the clans created the perfect place for these hearty brown invaders. They are desperate. Life in Europe, the socialist dreamland, will be great for Muhammad, where he will be clothed, fed, and procreate scores of children with his 4 European wives. He can put down his AK and store away the suicide belts and sit back and wait for the population bomb to conquer Europe in 60 years, without firing a shot, if you do not count his multiple ejaculations into a willing uterus. Truly the shots that will be heard around the world. Happiness is a warm gun. Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.

That last line is particularly disgusting even by my loose standards, and I apologize to those out there whom may be offended. Pause for nausea, then read on if I can continue.

And President Obama admonishes the GOP candidates who are competing to take his place by throwing out the old "whose afraid of the 3 yr old Syrian orphan ploy?" and Teddy Cruz has taken the bait and challenges his excellency to a National Debate on the presidents Syrian Refugee policy. Now we will find out who is afraid of a first term junior senator from Texas.

I have lost the muse, and may have lost it before this nonsense began a few lines above.

Trump has resonated with everyday Americans. His patriotism and true love of country is refreshing after the current bunch of minimally patriotic NEW WORLD ORDER ASS-MONKEYS has had its way with us for 7 years.

I am done. I am going to fly one of my airplanes and see if I still remember how to land safely.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"All politicians are whores, except for Hillary Clinton, no one is buying that." Mother Maybolt, from a dream.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Day In The Life: Disjointed Neuronal Firings From The Brain Of The Deranged Jackson Delano Maybolt

The Half-White All-Black hearted Christian Slaughterer of Oregon whose pictures were lightened by CNN to tweak the news has spent another day roasting in hell. His skin blackened so by the fires of hell that even the best airbrushing artists at CNN would fail to lighten its tone. Word comes from down below that even Hitler and Pol Pot have shunned him. Margaret Sanger is said to have offered him a glass of ice water, but fell to a lower level of Hell with the 50 millionth abortion in America and was unable to follow through on her kind offer. This fool may be dead, but how do you think we feel? Now we have to listen to our President, another half white, half wit, pointy headed liberal, who hates America and the Americans who built this country from a third world frontier into a Superpower using the best and brightest among us, belittle our founders and the principles on which our freedoms are based.

The ten commandments would have stopped that fool in Oregon if he had truly believed them. Obama does not believe them. He is a killing machine. He pulled the trigger on Bin Laden, and countless other Middle East community organizers who do not agree with American hegemony. And the Margaret Sanger black baby butcher market grinds out thousands of tiny black lives each month. Where is the outrage?

I would rather live as a slave, than be ripped from my mother's womb without living any part of a life which was so graciously given to me by God. These people who do evil are betting it all on Christians being absolutely wrong about Heaven and Hell. It is a fool's bet.

And while we are on the subject of fools, Hillary Clinton has more Emails than she thought she had. Another server back-up service has agreed to supply the FBI with all the materials they have. Her hopes of having not to answer to her mendacity in regards to this scandal have been dashed. Her actions as the most unscrupulous SOS and person of high political position will be judged in the public arena where she will either be convicted of crimes against America or elected president of the United States of America. God forbid she could do both. Have we fallen so far? Is it as Al Gore so infamously chortled when asked about the illegal campaign contributions, "there is no controlling legal authority."?

Two Fools in one paragraph, say that ain't fine literature? I dare you.

Trump continues to stump the elites of our darling media. Daily we read of his campaign's collapse. It is over, but the voters still attend his rallies in ever increasing numbers and have not gotten the message being parroted by the intellectuals who read from the teleprompter. The fix is in and Trump has scared the excrement out of the World Order Boys and Girls. I think Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu may not go along with the New World Order Plans. The NWO one size fits all plan of ruling is antithetical to human progress. How much money do these cretans believe they can make off carbon credits?

Well guess what, I own all the oxygen in the universe and you'll have to pay me first to burn your carbon! Carbon + oxygen yields Carbon dioxide. I demand thrice the rate for carbon since without my oxygen all your carbons are useless! Diabolical mad scientist laughter ensues.

How, you may ask, did I manage to buy all the Oxygen up in the universe? The short version is I bought them from Warren Buffet who bought them from Nelson Rockefeller, whose great grandfather bought them from Lavoirseau who discovered oxygen before his untimely guillotining in revolutionary France. This man is reported to have had a friend hold his severed head and count the number of times he could blink after his beheading. The record shows he was able to blink 17 times before he lost full consciousness. Marvelous! A true scientist to the bittersweet end. If I am beheaded by terrorist, I will try to go for the post severed head blinking guinness book of world records hoping for 20 blinks. I am going to train with a ligature around my neck in the closet as soon as I finish up here.

Putin has spilled the beans on Obama and his creation of and arming of ISIS. Seems Russian intelligence has found the fighters are paid to fight by the highest bidder against what ever bidder's interest is. Now that ISIS has US supplied arms and equipment they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb and are easy targets for the Russian bombers. Now that Putin is with Syria and Iran, the rest of the Middle East should drop America and mend fences with this powerful trifecta and remember the Russians are killers and still remember how wars are fought and won. As Rush Limbaugh famously summed it up, "the army is for breaking things and killing people." What America has been unwilling to do is the last part of that equation. "And stealing their stuff and taking their women, only the young and pretty ones.

Which brings us to China. China has sent forces to the vacuum created by Obama's lead from his rear policies in the Middle East. They can buy all the oil they need, but they have millions of marriage age young men who have no place to put their wangs and will be looking for some women. Have Putin and Hu made a deal. Putin gets the oil and Hu gets the uterus? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, many fighting age middle east males have slipped into Europe as refugees and will take their chances hitting that Euroterus. The good thing is homosexuality will keep the native born European males satisfied as the tanning of Europe progresses. The time of the knights templar is fast ending. A society which will not reproduce cannot survive. Europe is doomed in its current state.

Good-bye and good riddance to the Anglo's who civilized the savages, trained the apes, split the atom, harnessed oil and electricity, fed the world, freed the slaves, invented the internet, fiat money, the taxation of carbon, as will as global warming.

One things for sure, the Anglo's have not been meek in the past 400 years and the bible states the meek shall inherit the earth. The Anglo's will shoot for Mars. Hey Mars has water enough to sustain a population of 3 if those three will recycle and be very, very careful stewards of the Martian environment.

I have tired of this exercise. And so it ends.

Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, September 25, 2015

Is Donald Trump A Charismatic Christian Soldier Drawn To The Presidency By Devine Intervention?

I believe Donald Trump is America's answer to the Satan driven body politic which is destroying our country's moral fabric one law and regulation at a time. School prayer, Ten Commandments, abortion, gay marriage, climate change, and Trump has been tapped by angels to halt the Obama-Satan-Soros cabal which is Hell-bent on destroying Western Civilization. The Republican Elites who form the ruling class of ass monkeys fear this man and do not know whither this man, Donald Trump, garners his almost magical sway over the great unwashed voters in American society. What is his power? Where did he get it? Is it as some experts feel he derives his energy from Ancient Aliens, or is it a simpler answer and is his power derived from his courage to speak out about Illegal Aliens and other politically protected issues pampered by the giant press which lost its soul to corporate America and these world globalist who pay their salaries and set the tone deciding what is and is not to be reported in the news.

The Fox has choked on its bloody tampons. Allowing Rich Lowry to say Carly F. had castrated Donald T on MegGYN Kelly's Trump Bashing Hour on Fox News using the term "Balls" was beyond the pale pad. ABC has the View, I feel MeGYN Kelly's show on Fox should be called, "The Flow". She is an attractive intellectual who bleeds for her puppet master, Satan. Her disdain for Donald Trump is palpable. He is living rent free in her addled estrogen starved mind.

Trump is set to release his Tax plan for Making America Great Again. A Tax on consumption would be fair. Make it and keep it, spend it and send it. The Fair tax would capture the great underground economy allowing the black market to help fund our struggling politico's and its con artist parasites.

I have another proposal for Mr. Trump. If a legal enterprise or individual is forced out of business by a government regulation or law as we are seeing now with Obama's war on coal, all workers, owners, stock holders, bond owners must be compensated for lost value. Coal miners would receive pensions from Uncle Satan equal to wages paid their last year on the job for life. The money would come from the budget of the department whose regulation forced the business out of work. For example the EPA would be responsible for the coal miners and the coal-fired electrical plant shut down and pay its emloyee's and owners. The owners would retain ownership of the property with no restriction in its legal use in the future, but EPA would pay the company its profits yearly adjusted for inflation, of course. The workers are free to continue working without penalty and the pension is tax free and can be passed on to their children in perpituity. If unelected government regulators are going to make calls of eminent domain against free enterprise businesses in America they must be prepared to compensate the casualties their decisions produce.

Mr. Trump, Build Up That Wall!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Musings And Random Thoughts Of Jackson Delano Maybolt, Your Wait Is Over. The Definition Of A Sandie.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in the rural South just after World War II, the child of two very talented people who married before they learned they hated each other. Thankfully alcohol was plentiful back then, and when my mother used to get mad at my brother and sister and I, we were only 18 and 14 months apart, she would scream, "You little bastards are lucky that alcohol was served at the parties we attended or you wouldn't be here!"

I was very young and she would often use the term bastard, in reference to us, and I was unable to conceptualize its meaning, at around 2.5 yrs old I felt sure a "bastard" might be the coffee cup advertised on the Maxwell House can which shows a cup tipped with a lonely drop of coffee spilling out. Hey I thought, it looks like a basket, maybe that is a bastard. I do not want to sully my mother's memory, for we were particularly mischievous children, and earned all her scorn. At bath time if left unattended, which we were, from time to time, my three year old brother and I would stand in the tub and kick our legs back and forth furiously splashing the water out onto the bathroom floor in such quantities it ran down the hall towards the kitchen. Children have a knack for picking up on bad words, ever notice that? Say "son of a bitch" in front of a toddler and see what his favorite new phrase becomes if you do not believe me.

Our corporate sponsor today is "Maxwell House Coffee, Good To The Last Drop"! From the edge of a bastard to your taste buds.

Our family settled in a small southern town in West Tennessee in 1958 where my mother got a job teaching school and father pursued his dream of writing. He was 30 yrs old with a wife and three kids and in-laws of means, who chipped in to help with the bills while he worked over a type writer in the back room of my grandfather's medical clinic. Middling success came three years later and he struck gold in 1965. During those early days we played with the poor whites, my mother dubbed, "Crappy-Landers" because they lived in small houses built on the edge of town by and for the poor.
We lived across the street from the elementary school playground, and were affluent enough to have a basketball. Each afternoon, a group of crappy-landers would knock on our door and ask if they could use our basketball. My brother and I agreed but only if we could play. They would agree and though they were 10 to 13 yr olds and we were only 5 and 6, they would play their game and every once in a great while pass my brother or me the ball and back away and let us take a wild shot. We formed many friendships during those times and if we were ever threatened by bullies at the local park, many older boys from crappy-land would come to our defense. We lived in a sweet spot in our little town.

One of the advantages of playing with the crappy-landers was the wonderful language you would pick up on the courts. Terms like "shit-ass, asshole, monkey-nuts, queer, peter-eater", were routinely bantered about along with God-Damn, and the f word. When I was 5 I recall asking an older crappy-lander what means f word, and when he told me "you put your peter in a girls hole and move it around until it squirts something into her." How could anybody do such a thing? I wrongly wondered. We grew up around kids who cussed like sailors, and we cussed routinely.

I recall an uncomfortable event when only 10 screaming at Sniffy Dupree, an aptly named fellow for his seasonal allergies condemned him to a constantly running nose which required a long sleeve shirt in the summer to wipe his lip followed by a long sniffing sound to ebb the copious flow of snot from poor little Sniffy, when he missed an easy pop fly while we were playing baseball in a pals back yard. My taunt at Sniffy follows: "God-damn-it, Sniffy catch the fucking ball!" My pals mother was at the back porch watching the game and when she heard my blasphemous taunt, she came out mad as hell.

"All right, boys if you are going to talk like that the game is over. Go home. Go home!" Everybody did not appreciate the language we acquired in our youth. Cussing is an under appreciated art form. Not everybody can do it. But I could. It came quite naturally to me. It still pours out of my throat with little effort and very little concern.

There were many nicknames given kids back then with no regards to political correctness. There was a kid with simian qualities about his face and his moniker was "Monkey". Everybody called him "Monkey" even his mother called him this and there were no hard feelings. He was a year older than me and decided to beat me up after school one day for sport for I was a small child, but my older brother saw it unfolding and he was big and loved to stomp people for the slightest provocation and he came over and bloodied Monkey's nose. I never had another problem with Monkey after that.

I have always been lucky like that.

I have not been active here because I have been busy working the farm and flying airplanes hither and yon. I got my private pilots license in 1988 and flew regularly for about 16 yrs and gave it up for Lent one year and came back to it a couple of years ago. I have become comfortable with flying after a 10 year absence only recently. I have had a plane for 18 months now and have flown a lot in the past few months. I recommend flying highly. It is a beautiful way to travel, but respect for gravity and weather is an absolute. I have survived flying into a snow storm at night in Wyoming without an instrument rating in a small single engine aircraft near a 11,400ft mountain. Never did that again, which is probably why you are reading this today.

I have been thinking about the trouble in the Middle East, with the refugees. Strange most of the pics coming out of Europe show military aged males pouring over the borders. Is it an invasion of Europe? I believe it is. Is the mess stirred up in the ME by our leaders with its seemingly unintended consequence of a massive migration of a conquering army sent to disrupt the European economy which will only serve to strengthen the US Dollar and keep our federal bankers spewing money out like hot ash from Mt Vesuvius? Follow the geopolitical fallout. I think this was the plan all along.
Nothing is happenstance.

Personally if I was a European I would not allow any military aged single man into my country because it is begging for trouble. The trouble with the Middle East is that sooner or later your run out of goats. They have run out of goats and this will be an horrific nightmare for the Europeans.

I have coined a term for these Middle Eastern Military aged males who could be called "Sandies" and their female counterparts "Sandra's". It is not intended to be harsh and it may or may not stick. But I feel it has possibilities. I toyed with "Kneelers" but thought it too politically incorrect.

My last great thought pertains to the Washington Redskins and its name brouhaha which is the latest liberal bastard poster child looking for a solution. Change the name from Washington Redskins to Washington's Fighting Imams.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center Founds NAACP: Not That One, This One's Better.

Most Americans who were privileged baby boomers, conceived, born, and raised by the greatest generation of Americans who fought their way through the depression bought on by FDR and then a world war with Hitler and Hirohito have grown up with news from the NAACP, or N double A C P, which we all know and love as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I believe former Senator Robert Byrd, may he rest in pieces, was on the advisory board when the Association coined its name. As you may or may not know Senator Byrd was a Grand Kegel in the West Virginia Klu Klux Klan. But that is an irrelevant fact. Even Klansmen can be great Senators and White Supremacy should not disqualify one from seeking and gaining public office, as long as they can compartmentalize and not mention too often on the senate floor "I have known many white niggers". We are a melting pot here in America as the liberal media is fond of quoting and there is room for everybody but for those without a voice.

Of course I am speaking of Americans as yet unborn, or the AAYU. It is with great pleasure and excitement I announce the formation of a new NAACP. I hope the colored people will not try to stop my new foundation. I know most of you readers are wondering what could it be?

I will cut to the chafe. It is the National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples. Planned Parenthood, like Obamacare is here to stay. These are the laws of the land. We may as well make the best of them. Pro-life groups have fought to over turn Roe V Wade for nearly forty years with no success. It is time to accept abortion and use it to our advantage. As a member of National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples you will be able to vote on which peoples should be aborted. Of course we will not be able to discriminate based on race, religion, social status, political beliefs, or sexual orientation, openly, but you and I know this is just a lie.

About right now you are wondering what can the NAACP do for you and society as a whole? Well for one each woman who desires an abortion would have to apply to our board for permission to abort. She will be required to fill out a questionnaire. I believe the questions she must answer before obtaining an Abortion Sanctioned by the NAACP include but are not limited to:

1. Your Race White Black Hispanic Middle Eastern Asian Native American

2. Your Religion Christian Jew Mormon Muslim Other

3. Race of Father (if known) W B H ME A NA Don't Know

4. How long have your people lived in America? less than one year, less than 3 yrs, less than 10 years, less than 30 years, less than 60 years, greater than 60 years

5. Do you have any 1st degree relatives who are Gay? Y N

6. Have you or any member of your family paid income taxes, ever? Y N

7. If you have a car do you have a bumper sticker with Obama or Hillary for President? Y N

8. Have you ever used the term Honky in a derogatory fashion. Y N

9. Do you consider "Crackers" something you crumble into your soup? Y N

10. Do you think the "knock-out game" should be a national sport? Y N

11. Did your father live in the home with your mother? Y N

12. Do you smoke crack cocaine? Y N

13. Do you want your baby parts sold for medical research? Y N

14. Do your believe in God? Y N

15. Do you go to bed after mid-night and get up at noon? Y N

16. Are you sure you want an abortion? Y N

That's it for today. Tomorrow I will probably not write about the disinterment of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis by the NetRoots Pukes. What the hell is going on here?

I dare say the nation's poor are worse off than the slaves of by gone eras. A good slave would bring $500 to $2000 in the day, now you can't get 50 cents for a poor person. And remember, a slave, though not free to change jobs or make important life decisions, earned a living wage with food, clothing, shelter, and health care all at no cost but his or her labor. Hey I am not saying it was all sunshine and lolly pops, but it was better than many alternatives.

To join the new NAACP contact my secretary, Susan Blunderdoss, at my office. You know the number.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center Founder of National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples

Friday, June 26, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center Asks: Where have all the States Gone?

The Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 ruling has defined "State" to be interchangeable with "Federal Government" in its King v Burwell ruling. This gives life to the 6 million of 350 million Americans, both documented and undocumented citizens, who signed up for the bogus health care insurance under the Affordable Health Care Act. It is not real insurance if one has a $6,500 deductible written into the policy. It is a tax for the masters in Washington to spend in the slipshod fashion they and we have sadly become accustom. We are out of money folks. The fat lady is singing. The republic is dying and the scramble is on to let the pieces fall where they may. Anarchy will try its disorganized approach but will be rebuked. Commies will come out of the closets once reserved for sexual practices banned in Tulsa and try their top down heavy hand approach but will fail, the current politician's take-all policies are wearing thin on the 45% in the country who are stupid enough to work for a wage above ground and who are systematically being fleeced by confiscatory taxation and regulations which are ever more complex and expensive with which to comply.

The EPA visits a mining operation in Alaska's Yukon in full Swat mode and demands the owners to take turbidity samples of the waters used to wash the dirt off the gold and send them in weekly or be Shot? Is that the message these bigger than life Rambo wanna bees are sending. The EPA expects water not to get a little dirt in it when it rains. What are they thinking? If only we had been here the Grand Canyon would have been but a grand mesa!

The sooner the people in Washington accept certain facts the better off Americans will be.

Fact one: As a government employee, you serve at the pleasure of the people. You are our servants. If I come to your office and want a bottle of water, you sure as hell better be hoping up and fetching it for me. I paid for you and that bottle of water your office has stocked for you. Attitudes now pervasive among you and your ill-advised executives are not healthy. You are a drone and the people are the queen bees, not the other way around. The hives are sick owing to your policies.

Fact two: Biting the hands that feeds you is poor policy for dogs, and other government workers.

Fact three: No government lasts forever. Pensions like GM Bonds are only as secure as the paper it is written upon.

Fact four: Corruption in government is spilling into the public eye. The sheep are bleating when outliers like Bill and Hillary Clinton can fund anything but charity with a bogus Foundation. Hillary can flaunt the law with her use of personal email accounts for her tenure as SOS. Her pay for play as SOS with deals like Swedes paying the foundation $18 million to look the other way with their illegal trading with Iran, and the $100 million the foundation was given before the sale of our uranium to Russian interests was approved by state is the just the tip of the perverbial Titanic, if you will. What pay for play deals have Willie, Hillie, and Chelsea hatched for our republic should she seek and gain the highest executive office in the land or worse a lifetime appointment as Supreme court chief justice.

The supreme court is able to make and break laws willy-nilly. Chief Justice Roberts is loose with the law and its interpretation. He is a fool. Bush's folly.

Finally, I suspect, the Clinton Foundation will have a net worth of what our debt will be after 8 years of the corrupt second failed Clinton presidency. National debt, $36 trillion. Clinton Foundation net assets $36 trillion.

It is painful for me to write this for it spells the end of the two party system. The only two parties left in America are the takers (government) and the producers, the 45, and shrinking everyday.
Someday soon there will be no one left to take from. Put that in your pension plan! Americans will adapt and go back to barter and trade and live the simple life. And then people like the Clintons will not be able to buy a box of kleenex with the trillions they have stolen by parlaying government privilege illegally.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore, New Methods To Battle The Riots: WWJD?

The police forces in America and the politicians are currently wrestling with what to do to protect the citizen's right to free speech and personal property and how to walk the walk along that precarious line.

WWJD? What Would Jack Do?

Jack would add water to the flammable conditions as soon as the first rock was thrown.. call in a water tanker air strike like those used to dump water on forest fires and load the tanker with water and an indelible dye, hunter safety orange, which stains clothing hair, and skin to mark the protestors until their skin rejuvenated and casted off the dye giving police and the public a chance to identify the protestors for up to a month later, and provide a scarlet letter so to speak, that law abiding citizens could tell who was and who was not in the riots.

A little public humiliation may be in order. And the police could take their time rounding up the participants for some community service programs until the dye rears off.

This is what Jack would do. And a wet cell phone does not twitter good or evil!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Clintons Are An American Political Criminal Enterprise. Where is the Controlling Legal Authority? The Code For Hillary For President Logo Broken! H> = ? Read It Here, First!

That a couple of baby boomers, one a yankee, carpetbagging, and alleged carpet munching, harpy who hooks up with the affable son of an alcoholic share cropper and a friendly nurse, and with Yale Law degrees in hand can drift back to the back woods of Arkansas and land in the White House 20 years later, is the stuff of the American Dream. But what these two have made of their dreams, is now fast becoming our American nightmare.

Of course I and writing of the Clintons. That jug-headed, lovable lout with his infamous spurting pocket shark which has found its way in and out of more tight places than Houdini, William Jefferson Clinton, and his enabler, the shrill, jug-butted, detestable, yankee lawyer, who is running for president, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. These two have set the new standard for corruption and greed in American Politics.

That Eric Holder would settle for only a million and a half dollars a week as a security guard for JPiss Morgan and Chaffe Bank is small potatoes. He needs to aim higher. Where is the affirmative action? Where is the fairness? Where is Eric Holder's greed on the greed meter? It barely moves the needle compared to the Clintons.

The Clinton Foundation rests on the premise of charity. They generate billions in contributions from all over the world to help others less fortunate buy and corner the production of the world's uranium mines, or gain a lucrative government contract to provide water at an international meeting of diabetics, or supply ISIS with weapons they have no business operating, such as surface to air missiles which could down an airliner from 35 thousand feet. Or give Nancy Pelosi's husband, as an aside, is it me or is she looking more and more pinched, like Michael Jackson, after too much plastic surgery?, the exclusive rights to 19.5 billion dollar in federal property sales in California and a billion dollar commission for the sale. It was a no bid contract so I guess that is fair.*

And the band played on. And the government will investigate and find no corruption and it will be corruption as usual in the halls of congress, in the judiciary and the executive branches.

Now to answer the critics, Brian Fallon, spokesman for the H>** campaign states in his press release, "There is not a shred of evidence presented of any wrong doings by the Clintons nor its foundation." The Clinton's personal internet server could not be reached for its comment.

Enough is enough. Time to shut the criminal enterprise of Clinton and Clinton down before somebody gets hurt. How many nuclear bombs will be made from the uranium the Clintons enabled Russia to obtain and will be used against us and our allies?

One would be too many.

One final thought, could the Clintons be Ethel and Julian Rosenberg reincarnated and exacting revenge on the Americans for executing them for giving the USSR the nuclear secrets?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

* The billion dollar real estate payola could be to Mr. Diane Feinstein, but it makes no difference to us here in fly over country, political corruption and greed be it Pelosi, Clinton or Feinstein cheats us all.

** I have broken the code for the Hillary for President logo, H>, it means "Hillary's Vajaja"> That is a fresh marketing idea if I ever saw one. Marketing Idea, not a Vajaja. And as a final thought you should never, ever get into a political fight with a campaign that buys feminine hygiene products by the truck load. It will turn out badly for you.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Big Declaration Expected Today: Fawning Media Tremble With Excitement!

Today is the day we have all been waiting for. Hillary Clinton is finally going to make it official. She still covets our nation's highest executive office, the presidency of the United States of America.

Cue the music. "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow!" Don't Stop!

Maybe a better song would be that Sinatra tune, "I had it my way"? And if you think about it, Hillary has had all the wonderful things an American woman can have handed to her on a silver platter.

She rode WJC all the way to the Whitehouse and was co-president until her heavy ham-fisted attempt at Obamacare was exposed as the clap-trap it turned into where she and Bill were rejected by 4/5 of the nation in a sweep of congress in 1994, thank you Newt.

After this humiliating defeat Hillary laid low squelching bimbo eruption after bimbo eruption until Monica's Mouth spilled Bill's beans and genes on that blue dress during that fantastic oral Oval office encounter, without which the Clinton's lying lies would have saved them from the disgrace of an impeachment and his subsequent disbarment.

Sometimes the smallest detail trips up great men and women and saves a nation from its fools. Think Al Gore and his stupid condemnation of guns in America and the second amendment, and losing his election to Bush. A few votes gone here and there can really make a difference in a tight race.

As I ponder her motivation to seek the office I am perplexed. Is she a woman scorned by rejection, first her father, then her husband, then her party when it threw her bowling pin shaped form overboard for that thin brown man from Illinois with the golden vocal cords and a talent for reading teleprompters?

Shakespere said it "Nothing blah blah, like a woman scorned!" My more literate friends can fill in the blah blahs.

Hillary Clinton is a power to be reckoned with. She is ruthless. She is cunning. She is a better candidate in her head than in real life. She is not completely human. She has a coldness about her that puts voters off. She cackles when she laughs. A laugh that one might more closely associate with a witch than a president.

Perhaps one debate can have the candidates all on stage listening to the best comics and Americans could judge them by the character of their laughter.

Do not mock me, this is probably just as good a reason for selecting a president as listening to all those canned speeches to the phony questions flipped up at the candidates like fish to barking seals by the liberal debate moderators.

Hillary has no empathy. "I cannot save every underfunded small business from bankrupcy!" She shrieked when questioned about the impact her health plan would have on small businesses. Voters really want someone like themselves to whom they can relate. This is why Barack Obama got 97% of the black vote.

Anyway, my insider at the Clinton campaign who launders Huma Bedowin's undergarments in Woolite, has informed me they had hoped to bring out the campaign a week or two earlier, but the server for the campaign had to be wiped clean due to the most recent Hillary Clinton hubbub.

Now they have a new server in place and ready for the campaign.

Money, servers, handlers, laugh coaching, limited exposure, even a my turn entitlement, will not let this powerful driven woman in the one position she has coveted all her adult life. Nevermind that she is not qualified. She cannot win because she is flawed. No amount of make-up or plastic surgery can hide the faults.

Just by being Hillary Clinton she has taken herself out as a viable contender. When she is held up to the bright light of a campaign, her flaws and phoniness scream warnings to the voters.

There is something about Hillary Clinton, the ick factor, maybe, but there really is something about her that puts voters off.

I wonder if she shop lifts?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"How fresh can a presidential candidate be when the campaign buys "Summer's Eve" by the case?" Mother Maybolt

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Soloman Speaks to Jack Maybolt: Was It Just a Dream?

I met Soloman yesterday. He is a 40 yr old Egyptian immigrant who came to America 14 yrs ago to finish his marine engineering degree and stayed here becoming a US citizen. He lives in Chicago, or a suburb of Chicago and drives a truck. He is a Muslim.

As is my nature, when I meet a person of a different background I engage them in conversation. We discussed the mundane to the profane. I asked him about the conflict in the middle east, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel, the Palestininas, Iran and how he views Egypt. He is a well educated man, fluent in english, and I broke the ice with him by speaking the only Arabic I know which are the terms for thank you and you are welcome. He broke out in a broad smile when thus spoken too. We connected.

The fighting in the ME has left many of the countries, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, and now Syria in worse shape, either without meaningful governments or with dictators. His opinion of Sisi is low. He states he has killed thousands of his own citizens. He sees something terrible happening there in the next 2 years but did not give any specific details, but did say it would not be world war III.

His contention is that whomever controls Jerusalem and the Middle East will control the world. He is a conspiracy theorist and believes the shadow government based within the Masons and powerful London bankers make many of the decisions in world politics today. He believes in one God, making no distinction between my Christian God and his Allah. He espoused a belief in the golden rule.

I asked how he felt about his new home. He is a patriot and believes America is the greatest good and force for good in the world. He stated that England ruled over Egypt for 70 yrs and killed very few of his countrymen and were a force for good. When I pointed out they took many, many things out of Egypt for their museums, he said they kept them to preserve them, and that was a good thing.

He spoke highly of Moses and the Jews, but believes they should be willing to accept converts to their religion and not have the requirement that one's mother must be Jewish to be a Jew. He also felt they could yield some on providing the Palestinians some land.

I asked him about his country's glorious past and how the pyramids were built, and he felt they had a far greater technologically advanced culture than anyone suspects. And where did all the gold come from? They had a secret, he alleges that made gold from sand. Again a lost technological process. Alchemy?

Finally he told me of his own demons. He had been in the Egyptian Navy and moving up in its ranks, when he decided to quit and become a marine engineer. He left midway through his studies to finish his education in America and states he has a gift or a curse of being able to communicate with spirits. He has a guardian angel who admonished him for making his work so hard keeping him safe. He dreamed of his father's untimely death 4 days before a heart attack took him at age 45.

As for politics in the world, most old world countries are 90% corrupt and he sees our nation as only 10% corrupt at best.

Hillary Clinton as president in 2016? Yes, possible as it is in their proficies that a woman leader from the West will complete the process for "end of times." Whereby his warning of something very bad in the next two years happening in the world.

I asked if he believes we have a soul. Yes, everything has a soul, even the earth and the seas and all the creatures there in. God loves us and all of his creations more than our mothers and fathers love us. And all things would be alright in his hands.

Soloman was aptly named. I am richer for having met and spoken with him. Why can not a man like this rise to lead Egypt or Libya, or even America?

ISIS, where did they come from? A made up group to be a boogey man to take the focus off the real boogey men who are stealing the world's resources and keeping the underclasses in poverty.

Forget my email scandals when there are pizza parlors in Indiana that refuse service to gay brides and grooms!

I think I am beginning to see the light. We are all God's children.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center: Noah, John's Stewart And Kerry, Obama And Hillary, Will Iranian Talks Cause Iran To Go Boom?

Comity Centrel has selected Trayvon Noah, out of wedlock son of President Obama and Mrs. Lotus Position of South Africa to replace the Midget, J. Daily, on the Daily Show. Mr. Noah caused a roah over his antis emetic tweets and his flare for disparaging Americans, whom, in his own words, "if they didn't feed Africa's starving poor there would not be an Ebola problem." This man will be a hoot when his Jewish handlers get hold of him. I see him donning a yamaha for his first show and brandishing such greetings as "Salmom and Granola". I do not know if this recent half breed immigre, from the slums of South Africre has any pedigree or the repartee to break through the apartheid his illegitimate father has foisted on America. Maybe he is black enough not to be mugged in Obama's America. We will see who he hangs with, the American Black with whom he shares only half a gene like his pappy, daddy Obama, or his pasty white handlers, or will he bring a South African entourage over, including that fellow with the springy metal legs who murdered his girlfriend for farting to loudly in the bathroom....

And Hillary Clinton has wiped her internet server clean! Just like that all the records gone. Vanished into thin air. No smoking guns, no smoking ambassadors, no smoking cigars, no evidence of any doings what so ever! The only splaining she will have to do will be to Allah. If there is one.

Meanwhile her telomers continue to break off at an alarming rate, no more elastin in that ever more hideously wrinkled conflagration she calls her face, and I call foul. Was it Rush Limbo, who mused back in 2008 that Americans were not ready to witness the wrinkling of Hillary over the next 8 years. If so, that process is even less appealing today than it was all those years and wrinkles ago. In a song long ago by a group whose name I cannot recall pose the question in "incense and peppermint", the color of time?

I have often wondered if time has a color. If it has no color, what about a taste, or a feel, or a smell. I have never taken LSD but I knew somebody in college who did. He never mentioned the color of time. Anyway time marches on and gravity, which according to Professor Einstein, is related to time is having a go at Mrs. Clinton's vitality. Her fun bags are reaching for the floor.

"Teats down, can't shoot."

She will have an uphill struggle in her quest for more treasure from the privilege political office provides those who spend the trillions of the millions who work hard to get by. It is far easier to get a government grant than to work for a living these days. Global warming charlatans rake in billions, jetting hither and yon to which ever place in the world is in need of an unseasonable cold snap for that meeting to discuss the earth's fever.

President Obama is a national joke in Israel. His true colors as a Caliphate enabler have been exposed. His close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, note no sisters here, American Woman, is not what our country is best served by. Where are the brakes on this ride to Mec ca? If all goes wrong with these so called talks to unbridle the Iranian mullahs I believe Iran will be getting a nuclear weapon much sooner than even the grand mufti expected. What a blast that will be. Maybe the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have faded from the universal conscientious and some little brown people must now be sacrificed to the atomic gods for the world to be more serious about keeping the cap on this destructive genie. Allah willing, as pudding faced, John Kerry so recently in toned.

I swear all my cows, now happily engorging themselves on green grass are craping cow pies with an impression of that fellows face ingrained in them. England may have crop circles, but in Cedar Grove we have crap circles. I used to avoid stepping on them for the obvious reason, but now it has become much, much harder not too.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz, Not Another Half American For President, Why The Left Wing Media Gets All Wee-Weed Up Over Senator Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz spoke to a forced crowd at Liberty University's Convocation yesterday to announce his run for the presidency of the United States. A country that has been battered and beaten down by our last half American president, Barack Hussein Obama. To compare these two there are some stark differences. Obama's father was a communist polygamist who had an eye for underage poon. This man sired more children than the old man with that old woman in the shoe.

Ted Cruz's father, Raphael, fled a communist dictator in Cuba, worked hard in America and Canada and married one smart American woman and sired, Ted, who will perhaps be the greatest leader the western world has produced since Ronald Reagan.

Both Ted and Barack may have been born in another country. Ted in Canada, and Barack in Kenya. Both are American Citizens and are entitled to run for the presidency. Ted has an all American, conservative Christian upbringing, while Barack has Muslim training and communist leanings instilled in him by his elementary education in Indonesia, and his mentors Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, and Bernadette Dorhn, all enemies of America.

President Obama's advisors include many from the Muslim Brotherhood and they believe Islam is the religion of peace. They believe in the Caliphate and know the United States in its preBarack form was a huge obstacle to the dream of world domination.

Ted Cruz will not have advisors from the Caliphate and all these Obama transformations will be rejigged. Is that a word? I do not know but I like it anyway.

Obama attended Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School and graduated, without ever showing his transcripts. Supposedly the smartest man in the room.

Cruz attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School and graduated Magnum Cum Laude and his transcripts are open, definitely the smartest man in the room per his professors.

Obama cannot give a speech without a tele prompt. Cruz can speak for 24 hrs without a tele prompt.

Obama believes the constitution is a bill of negative rights for the government and it should be ignored and circumvented.

Cruz believes the constitution and the bill of rights are sacrosanct and must be strictly adhered to.

Obama is a big government big tax and spend communist mullah who believes the world would be a better place without Israel.

Cruz shares the same demeanor as Ben Netanyahu and supports Israel.

Obama believes America is a bully.

Cruz believes America is a force for good.

Obama believes in the destruction of America through open borders and executive orders which are unconstitutional.

Cruz is a conservationist who would close the borders and stop all the illegal orders from continuing in effect.

Obama is a petty petulant pissant lifted on his own petard by unseen forces hell bent on the destruction of America.

Cruz is a fine Christian who truly believes in the greatness and goodness that is in America.

Obama rules by fiat, Cruz will lead by example.

There is only Obama and his phone and pen, with Cruz there would be three equal but separate branches of government once again.

God bless Ted Cruz and keep him safe.

God please keep Obama from evil and deliver us from his trespasses.

I think Ted Cruz is going to be a great president. Can he run the liberal elite gauntlet of smears and half truths which will be fired at this truly remarkable and virtuous man? I hope so.
He is good on his feet and he really is the smartest man in the room.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Israel Wins! Obama, The Other Iranian Mullah, Looses! Team Obama Bombs Its Attempted Israeli Coup Against Netanyahu!

How can Barack Hussein Obama lead America when he has been wrong about every issue facing the United States and the world? In his latest gaffe, Obama decided to negotiate a unilateral treaty with the mullahs of Iran, who like the Obama administration, are not known for telling the truth. If you like your doctor/health insurance/job/bullets/coal-fired electricity/national identity/national security, you can keep your complaints to yourself.

We, your friendly, trustworthy Mullahs, are only interested in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We believe only the complete annihilation of Israel will bring peace to the world when every Jew's flesh is vaporized by our weapons grade Uranium and sent thousands of feet into the stratosphere to all four corners of the earth. May peaces be upon them.

President Obama acted foolishly when he sided with Iran against Israel's Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, who made a special trip to Washington, DC to school the Obama administration on the stupidity of his negotiation with terrorist in the Middle East and to give the US congress an example of real statesmanship and world leadership in the vacuum left by Hillary Clinton's tenure at the helm of State, a tradition which is regretably Kerried on by Long in the face, John, "genghus Kahn", Kerry.

Obama's very public snub of Netanyahu gave greater interest to a speech which may have otherwise been relegated to the usual "yawn" from the politically astute here in this country. I believe Mr. Netanyahu's speech before congress was viewed by more than three times the number of people who ever sat through all of Deer(in the headlights) Leader Obama's SOTU addresses.

It is not a secret Obama and his crack team of political agitators were dispatched to Israel in a bold coup attempt in a Chicago style mugging of Israel's political process. But voting in Israel is a serious matter and the sanctity of the vote is not as easily manipulated as it is here in the US with all its shenanigans. Hey, what about this ballot box I found in the back of my car, these votes weren't counted, for that senate fool from Minnesota, whose name I cannot recall for he is a total nincompoop. Senator Smalley? The Lefties, if they cannot win elections based on campaign lies and pie in the sky promises to the gullible, are not opposed to fraud. Forget True the Vote, it is Screw the Vote, the will of the people be damned. Bring out ye dead! Bring out ye undocumented's. Bring out ye ballot stuffers!

When your vote doesn't count you have lost your rights as a citizen. A nation devoid of citizens is neither free nor a nation. You are a subject, a slave to whomever is in power. Today Obama is the slave master, tomorrow, who knows. We have no say.

I wonder if charges could be brought against any of these outside agitators who funneled money and efforts to thwart the will of the Israeli voter and to change the election results? In America we have laws against foreign campaign contributions, but then we have many laws which are ignored by our current resident at 1600 Penn Ave. Immigration, the constitution is only a document of negative powers to Obama and Holder, record keeping, hello Lowest Lehrner, Hillary "deleted my email" Clinton, separation of powers, and the list goes on and on.

Is it espionage if our state department funnels money and effort into a sovereign land to affects its political process? There needs to be an investigation of this sort of activity by the oversight committees in congress. Where is the money and effort to overthrow Iran's mullahs. Who is in charge of that? Crickets.

I hope congress changes its tenor towards the lawless administration and takes back the power of the purse as spelled out in the constitution. The republic can only stand if good men demand it be followed. Bending the rules for any despot is a mistake. We are a nation of laws where citizens are promised fairness and due process. Compromises cannot be made. Opening our nations borders is a dangerous precedence. Offering free stuff is a mistake.

Once our nation is broken and the rule of law is traded in for tyranny it would be easier to get John Kerry to double pay the luxury tax on his million dollar yacht than to put the republic back together.

On a lighter note, we are only where we are because Lincoln refused to let the Union splinter back a hundred and fifty or so years ago. Perhaps the glue that holds this nation together is cracking. I for one see the problems in Europe and our problem here in the states with a very divergent view, right v left as a clarion call to work out an agreement of separation where states that want rule of law and the constitution followed to the letter could join and form a nation out of a nation.

The states and the people of the states have this right to decide. The federal government has a role, but not the only one. All politics is local.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Random Observations In A Mad Mad World. The Urban Poverty Law Center For Wisdom And Progress In American Hopelessness

Perhaps Attorney General Holder is happy his harping on and on about a non racial issue in Ferguson, Mo has now paid off in spades. Two policemen assassinated over night after the police chief announces his resignation. No mention of the color of the shooter or color of the victims. Is this what Obama's promised fundamental transformation of America is going to look like? A whipped up underclass, jobless because of the policies of its ruling class by and for the privileged, and a middle class abandoned by the law where self protection will be the new norm. Welcome to Tombstone!

And where does Holder, who will soon be off at his new gig for JP Morgan and Elites, for a mind boggling $77 million a year, stand on racial slurs screamed outside the synagogue? Sure, freedom of speech is right there in the Bill of Rights, but does that permit someone to shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater, or "Allah Akbar, we will cut your heads off!" at a Jewish synagogue? If these first two are acceptable, then why not the singing of frat songs in Oklahoma? I do not see the difference. All are people being people. We have been people since the first steps out of the swamps.

Where did the neanderthal go? Did they all fall on their swords or agate points when the smarter prettier version of man showed up on their radar screens. No, they were hunted to extinction and some ancient cave writings suggest they tasted like bison. The world is about competition. It is tribal. It is family based. When food is plentiful we will feed our neighbors. Next ice age, sorry Albert Pheneas Gore, Jr, we will feed our families. It is what and how God made us. Evolution, man, survival of the fittest. Today intellect rules, tomorrow brawn and brutality may rule.

The first failed crop worldwide will test my hypothesis.

And speaking of intellectual rule, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, former failed Secretary of State, for the equally failed Obama Presidency, held a presser at the UN yesterday to explain her secretive missives as a government employee. It fell flat with a press that lovingly sucks on all things Clinton and likes it. Hillary's expiration date as a viable presidential candidate has passed. America cannot elect another 60's radical to its top leadership and expect any progress. This woman is so technically backward she can only manage one phone. Is she stupid? She is a democrat version of Bob Dole without the gimpy arm. Hillary's handicap is her shrill ectodermal layer which cannot be hidden no matter how hard her handlers coach. Empathy and caring cannot be learned it is in the mix when one is born. WJ Clinton oozed slimy empathy so thick he looked like Bill Maury in Ghost Busters after his first encounter with the hotel based entity. Other leaders who lacked empathy and compassion include Adolph Hitler, who did like dogs, and Joe Stalin. They may make good leaders but many lives are sacrificed and at what gain?

I am reminded of the nursery rhyme we sang as children to help fend off bullish talk, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Should we draw our weapons when we hear "Allah Akbar!" screamed at a synagogue, or wait for the sticks and stones to follow? The future in Tombstone belonged to the fastest gun. Nothing has changed.

Be wary my friends. Unto thyself be true. Like Smokey Bear says, "Only you can prevent forest fires" and only you can protect your life against those who would take it. The thugs in Ferguson, Mo
are threats to all Americans, not just the police. And they seem to be doing Obama's and Holder's bidding.

This is truly shocking. I fear a military coup may not come soon enough in Iran to prevent WW III.

God bless us and keep us safe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

UPLC Sent One Of Hillary Clinton's Private Emails. Why Me?

My Dear Hassanal,

Bill and I want to thank you and the people of Brunei for your most generous contribution to The Clinton Foundation. The $100 million will be used to buy toilet paper for Venezuelans,
and a much needed remodel of Jeff's Bahama "get away" where Bill spends most of his time, but the bathrooms are not ex president friendly. The plumbing is out dated and Bill finds
it very difficult to rise from the throne, given his pasty, spindly underused legs. He is a proud man and is reluctant to call for help especially after dropping a stinker, I have scolded him about his diet, but he continues to eat junk foods, anyway I will not bore you with the details but taller toilets are on order thanks to you.

When I am president, I can assure you your gift will give you special consideration when WWIII breaks. Your kingdom will be included in America's nuclear shield so your safety is assured and Bill will be able to come and play with you, wink wink. I have to cut this short since I am meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood to plot the defeat of Israel's prime minister in the coming election. I know my secret meeting with MB is safe with you, after all you are a member of the tribe.

Bill wants me to ask if "Red" is still with the harem? He has only emailed twice in his life and these gizmo's flummox the ex president. If he sends you a box of cubans would you see that "Red" gets them. She will know what to do with them.

As Ever United States SOS

Honorable Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton, ESQ

The email speaks volumes.

Jackson Delano Maybolt

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Letters To And From Sons Of Bitches: The Lost Letters Of Fools Or Epistles To The Pelagians.

5 March, 2015

Dear Jack,

These letters may be the basis of a new book in the Bible- The Epistles OF JM To the Pelagians.

Netanyahu has spoken, let the bombing begin.

Should we be more fearful of Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton?

I am off to see Sutphin, the savager of my manly bagel.

When will he tire of examining the tip of my pecker?

yr friend


Dear Reader,

My learned pal received many of my missives pre UPLC, and he returned them thinking I could use them as he suggests above or for entertainment.
I give you my surly missive dated October 19, 2006 to RPS. I swear by every word of it.

Dear Bob,

Hope all is well there in Wonderful, Colorful, Wyoming. All is well in Tenacious Tennessee, a gentle rain is pattering at our roof as I type this
nonsensical message. I quit all caffeinated beverages about a month to six weeks ago and now I find it really hard to stay awake at anytime of day.
I drift off at the most inconvenient of times. Driving, fishing, talking on the phone. It doesn't matter.

The fellow who is digging my camp sight has found pottery and bone fragments and flint point fragments only so far. Duckhaven, a name I dubbed the farm
over in Gibson County because of its seemingly duck friendly atmosphere, until they come in, then, blam, blam, blamo! is picking up some rain as I type.
Ducks already using the pond.

I hiked far back into the bottom land where the big cypress trees live and I think I stumbled upon an authentic Bigfoot turd. It was steaming fresh, piled
up on a fallen log, next to a deer hunter's stand. It was large, about the size of my head, minus the hair, which is cropped short. It quite literally
stunk to high heaven as they say in these parts.

It had a strange iridescent green glow and I noticed that even the green-backed Bojo flies kept their distance.

Ever notice how not a fly in sight when you crap outside and within a few seconds the pile is swarmed by the omnipresent green-backed bojo? Them flies
has got a keen sense of smell. Of course they feets get a little bit dirty, but this is expected in their line of work.

You might wonder how I identified the stool as that of the bigfoot? Well the rest of the story is that I seen him drop that one. It was a terrible

He, sasquatch, squatted, grunted, moaned and strained until his eyes nearly popped out of his semian sockets. After what seemed to be a millennium, the
delivery of the scat was followed by a great sigh on his part followed by a loud bigfoot fart. A noise that I cannot adequately describe, having never heard
anything like it, ever. It was a cross between a french horn and the bag pipes both in A flat, hummed on a kazoo.

I was thoroughly horrified when I realized the bastard did not even attempt to wipe his ass when he finished, not so much as a leaf! He just stood up, stretched,
and sauntered off leaving me to contemplate that tremendous pile.

And that ain't all, Bob. The reason you never find bigfoot droppings in the wild is explained by the next strange event!

As I watched in bemusement, the turd began to smolder and as I studied it, it burst into flames and burned completely up with no residue, or residoo, if
you please. From start to finish, the burning took no more than 10 to 15 seconds.

This leads me to believe these creatures shit petroleum based products, and might be our answer to OPEC and this may lead to a new and unlimited
renewable energy source.

Do you think if I write a proposal, I might get government funding? And finally would you and David help with the research if I get a grant?

Must sleep.

Your friend

Jackson Maybolt

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center Announces, Not Democrat, Not Republican, Just "The Party": How To Change America For Americans!

If President Obama gets his way this country will no longer be a country following the Judeo-Christian ethics which made it one of the best places in the world in which to live. His opening the border to millions of non residents is a ploy to pollute the homeland population with people who can be conscripted into service and ordered to do atrocities against the native Americans which our current military would be incapable of carrying out.

"Now Pedro and Miguel, you take Jose and Rapheal, and you go over to that Elks Club meeting and kill every one of those patriot bastards. Don't worry, they will be unarmed since we banned all the ammunition and had our first successful gun confiscation here last year."

"Si, si, Senor Capitan.

"Can we rape the senoritas we find attractive before we kill them?"

'Of course. This is war, man!"

Now is this what I really believe? Probably not, but what is this Africanized B. Obama thinking. My people did not travel over from England in leaky wooden vessels 394 years ago, second ship to land at Plymouth Rock, risking everything for freedom to have some half-breed speech reader who was hoisted up by ill conceived affirmative action policies put in place by well meaning hippies in the 60's and 70's to destroy my country. I am cutting a line in the rock. This push to balkanize and destroy America cannot stand.

And I am not alone in my feelings. Many of my acquaintances and colleagues are on board. We are ready to push back. At the polls we have kicked the democrat out of office and given the legislative branch to the republicans. It has made no difference! As soon as an election for the executive branch can be held, the Africanized B will be tossed out.

My prayer is the replacement will be a true patriot and not a traitorous impostor. I fear the elites and their candidates are not best for the people of this country.

If it is Jeb Bush v Hillary (email) I believe we should work hard to put in place a third party and run a candidate who could possibly win the presidency.

What party name should we choose? Maybe, "The Party", no descriptors such as Patriot, redneck, red-blooded American, racist, resistors, et c.

The Party, as a name is powerful. It leaves some doubt as to what it stands for. And this is good. It can be many things to many people.

The Party has a few things it definitely stands for.

1. The constitution as it is written, and not interpreted by black robed thieves.

2. The laws apply to everyone equally.

3. Abolish the IRS, Depts of Energy, Education, Housing, EPA, Post Office, Homeland Security, and any others which serve no great good.

4. Flat tax, 13% on income, no deductions and a 5% national sales tax on consumer goods excluding food.

5. Retiring government servants who transition to million dollar jobs in the private sector they once regulated will be taxed at 90%.

6. Presidential Foundations that accept foreign funds will be taxed at 99%.

7. Secure our borders both north and south and at ports of entry.

8. National defense maintain a strong military.

9. Congress must vote for any military action before any meaningful expenditure of blood and treasure. Exclude limited special ops of less than a million dollars.

10. All immigrants granted citizenship by Obama is revoked and they can apply by the old rules.

11. Elections must be fair and voting irregularities and fraud will be punished by loss of citizenship and large fines. This is a big deal. Stealing elections should be near capitol offenses.

12. Every working US citizen can work one year out of five tax free.

13. Bureau of Land Management lands will be turned over to the states for management and this office will be closed.

14. Militarization of local police departments will be halted.

15. Government employees will pledge allegiance to the people they serve. " I pledge allegiance to the people of this republic and to their freedoms for which I stand ready to defend them with my blood, honor and treasure!" These bastards work for us, not the other way around.

Well, I am tired of this now and will post this so a few of you can marvel at how easy "THE PARTY" would be to form and grow.

Send me a dollar and I will make you a member of The Party, and no it is not tax deductible since I am still waiting to hear from Lois Lerner, the wicked bitch, of the IRS.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Founder of The Party.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Is Behind The Email Kerfluffle, The Clinton Foundation Kerfluffle, And The Benghazi Kerfluffle?

I treat dear reader to one of my least favorite subjects, Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton. I do not mind strong women, but sometimes ruthless women, who place their wants and needs above all other things, both legal and illegal, gall me.

She has perhaps the most transparent love of money of any of our modern first ladies. She talks about it too much for a public servant. We can all imagine what takes place at the sausage factory but Hillary shares way too much with us in regards to her lust for money. She should avoid talks about her financial strengths or weaknesses for one is reminded of her incredible cattle future trades, when, she, a poor governor's wife working for a two bit law firm in Little Rock, turned $1000 into $100,000 by following the nonexistant advice in the Wall Street Journal. Thank you trader Red Bone! Your bribe from the Stephens was accepted. This is the first example of how Hillary sunk her teeth deeply into the skull duggery of politics and she liked the green taste of easy money and has chased it ever since.

Hillary is a player. Now the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State are beyond the pale. This is just too delicious to ignore. There ought to be a law and I am sure there is one, but given the willy-nilly way the Obama administration choses which laws to enforce and which do not please him, we must not wait for any charges to be made. The State Department under Honorable Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton became "Pay for Play". Dispicable!

Now someone who wants to hurt Mrs. Clinton has spilt the beans on her home internet provider for her email service as SOS. I smell a rat. I believe it is an inside job.

Who knew of the private internet? Well Hillary knew, but what does she gain from snitching herself out? Nothing. Who else knew, Chelsea? Probably not. And what is her motivation? There is none. This brings us around to that great big old bulbous nosed hunk of burning love, William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.

Did he blurt out the secret email account? And if so what is his motive. Does he hate Hillary as much as many in this country do? Is he a closet patriot who loves the country and believes it cannot survive a Hillary presidency on the heels of the disaster in chief, Barack Hussein Obama's?

In my fantasy I believe Bill Clinton is a patriot and does not like what the illegitimate 44th president has done to America. Bill Clinton loves our country in a way BHO could never.

His motivation as a patriot to save America and its hard working people is not a far flung possibility. He also could have had enough of the Hillary and not want the stress of having to share a residence with her which would probably be demanded should she win the presidency. There go the private trips to Epstein's Bahama Omama hideout. And Bill must be aware his viagra days are numbered. He has aged poorly. He will probably not last the two terms of a Hillary Rodham Presidency, especially if he had to actually live with her constant screetching and rants about this, that, and the other which has displeased her.

I know the country would not survive. For these reasons I believe Bill is a strong suspect in the release of the secret email account.

What was the government charged for the secret email account which Hillary owned? Who got the money? I suspect the woman with the green teeth got it. Follow the money and there be Hillary. Now don't get me wrong I would never turn away free money, but I am not in a position to accept bribes since I have nothing but this two bit blog and my mind which hosts my soul and provides me with limitless entertainment even when the television is off.

The talk around Washington is HRC is very fond of alcohol, so much so, she was made an honorary member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tatoos, Fatarms, and Explosive Diarrhea. I believe the email search during Benghazi will yield nothing as I feel certain HRC was intoxicated and unable to make critical decisions as the events unfolded live on a Friday afternoon during happy hour. Her phone was off and she was imbibing heavily. If I am mistaken, then show me the evidence she was directly contacted in real time. It is not there.

Finally, will anyone in the federal government be brought to justice who has been shown to accept bribes, dereliction of duty, treason, subterfuge, lying, drinking, stupidly leading, failure to uphold and defend the constitution?

In Washington as in the capitals around the world, there is honor among thieves, and the congressional hearings, they are so much Kabuki Theater,as our government only eats its citizens and not their own! It is a sad state of affairs in which we find ourselves.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Is The Push To Allow Illegal Immigrant Minors To Cross Our Border A US State Department Plan To Make It Easier For Pedophiles To Recruit Victims?

I heard the fellow at State who decides who comes and who stays in this fair land is a card carrying pedophile. Did it shade his decision to allow the boatloads of underage immigrants to flood into our country the past two years? Are these immigrant minors willing to do the sexual exploitations American youth is unwilling to do?

The parasite class which manages us is becoming more and more despicable.

I better get this posted before todays vote by the FCC which will shut me out of the internet.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Clinton Foundation's got Two Billion Dollars And All I Got Was This Tax Bill From ObomoCare. The Politics Of Greed Live On.

The Clinton Foundation has amassed 2 billion dollars in the years since the prolific pervert, the greatest libido and sleaziest man in American history to lead this great country left office with his brilliant soulmate less than a decade and a half ago. Make no mistake Bill and Hillary put the "cunt" back into country, each in their own particular way.

What is it that the Clintons are selling? It is the worst of our political process out on parade. Bribes and kick-backs, political favors and billion dollar back room deals, all financed by the dupes out here in fly over country whose numbers and wealth are slipping away each day only to land in tax coffers or the Clinton Foundation?

And now we have endured 6 years of Barack Hussein Obama, that incredible half white, half black, all-Arab, American hater, who is currently leading the world in the only country with enough tolerance to allow his foolishness to remain largely unchecked and unchallenged since his true feelings came to light. No mister Baha Obomo, Americans are not bigoted, racist, homophobes, and other than Bill Clinton we're not misogynist nor pedophiles. Those of us fortunate enough to grow up in this country not subjected to the "beautiful call to muslim prayer" as you were in your formative years in Indonesia, believe in fairness, truth, hard work, clean living, and the rule of law.

All we want from the federal government is a common defense, our military, border control, and the minimum of a safety net for our fools, the feeble, the disabled, and our retired politicians, but I repeat myself. Next we want an honest court system which will apply the rule of law equally to the prince and the pauper. And last we would like a government which would work for our common good, not hand out trillion dollar contracts to the nefarious nabobs who secret about K street and the capitol.

He, Obama, is the worst of the worst, destroying our military by gutting it of all its patriotic leaders, making rules of engagement in both Iraq and Afghanistan so difficult our soldiers need a legal opinion before they can pull the trigger on any sand monkey with an Ak in one hand and a severed head in the other. If the military is any indication, then yes, this cool, multiracial, hip, muslim, a demon with a soothing baritone voice, has fundamentally transformed America. We are weak, Obama weak. We cannot rely on our military to protect our national interest, so today every man is responsible for his family's well being and his own security. Our founding fathers knew this day would come and the second amendment was their answer.

He has spat on national sovereignty by dissolving our national borders and allowing the flood of immigrants from the south. Work visas for all and seed money through tax reforms taking ever more from the few Americans lucky enough to still have a job in this floundering Obomoconomy which he has throttled, insuring the weakest recovery from a recession since that cripple, FDR, wheeled and dealed in the White House for four terms three score years ago!

The economy has not bounced back because of energy prices, and ObomoCare. Energy prices have sucked a large portion of expendable income from average Americans, crippling the local economy. ObomoCare has crippled job creation because of the uncertainty of the cost to bring a product or a service to market. The meddling of the government in the free markets has had the predictable result. We sacrifice the nimble, flexible free market for the sluggish, bureaucratic sclerosis which overtakes all things which are foolishly left to the federal government. If I had 2 trillion dollars, could I insure 11 million people for a year? Now 2 trillion is one eighth of the GDP, a percentage that health spending used to occupy in this land before Obama. That 2 trillion dollars used to be all the health care expenditures for 330 million Americans including the uninsured! Now the federal government cannot insure 11 million adequately with 2 trillion dollars. If awards for inefficiency and waste are handed out, Obomocare will be at the front of the line.

Well, at least they are trying.

Trying every patriot's patience that is.

And that brings me back to my original rant. Why and how did the Clinton Foundation garner such largess to have 2 billion dollars to date? I blame Hillary for all our Obomo problems. Had she been a better candidate she would be finishing up her second term and Obama would be in the senate voting present, smoking his cigarettes, and playing slap-ass around the rotunda, not making crucial policy decisions which will injure our great land for years to come.

Perhaps, of late, Hillary has been out of sight using some of that 2 billion dollars to make herself a better candidate for 2016. I suggest a nip here and a tuck there, suck some of the fat out of that concussed brain of yours, add a little judgement, pull out the lust for power, and add some kindness. The "We came, we saw, he died!" comments about Libya's strong man and your time at State's greatest failure, followed by an evil cackling of laughter flowing from your black heart is not good theatre. This ruthless side must be played down for the campaign.

Kiss more babies and kill fewer despots for this campaign. Remember to bring up Chelsea's child is your grandchild at every campaign stop, Americans warm to that. If you are elected you will be offered many more opportunities to kill but please be sure you are killing America's true enemies, and not your fellow citizens. Waco, Ruby Ridge.

If it is true we get the leadership we deserve, I can forgive BHO for his foolishness. He has his agenda and he has carried the ball well in enacting it. Americans have been duped, but the cat is out of the bag and all eyes are on and watching carefully. Is there anybody there who can preserve the greatest hope for prosperity and the good life, someone who can pull America back from the precipice. Ted, Sarah, Scott, Hillary?

We are all waiting! Obomo time is short. I think he misunderestimates American resilience. Yamamoto's sleeping giant is beginning to stir.

Hold my beer and watch this. It is going to be a really big show!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Inmates Running The Asylum Are Incapable Of Policing The Asylum. Why The Democrat And Republican Corruption Will Forever Remain In The Shadows.

For a country where keeping a secret is getting harder and harder thanks to our pals out on the Utah Salt Flats in that state of the art NSA building, where this is being monitored before I tap on my computers keys, the truth about Benghazi, Lois Lerner's IRS tax shenanigans, and who were the thugs who beat the shit out of poor old outgoing senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is not finding its way to the light of day.

Benghazi, where the corpses, of Libyan strong man Gaddafi and our former Ambassador Jon Stephens and three American heroes are melded into a story of international meddling and intrigue which involves Hillary Clinton's poorly lead State Department, and a Pentagon with a few good apolitical soldiers left, given the Obama purge which has laid low or given to boot to any American patriots left in that fantasy land.

Word is beginning to trickle out that Gaddafi was willing to step down from his leadership role in Libya, but State, H. R. Clinton, would only agree to his murder. Recall her cackling misquote from Julius Caesar's tome about the Gallic wars, "I came, I saw, he died!" Cue the wicked witch laugh from the "Wizard of Oz". Is it just me or is this kind of disregard for human life unseemly in a top tier politician?

I believe this sort of callousness was rampant in the Nazi death camps of WWII. But many great leaders have had this same quality of a complete disregard for human life, Margaret Sanger, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Che, Fidel Castro, so Hillary is in good company.

Anyway the patriots at the Pentagon tried to change Clinton and Obama's plans for the destabilization of Libya but were out voted and HR and BH armed our enemies with surface to air missiles enough to have every 787 rain down over LaGuardia for a year. Will any of this see the light of day in Tray Goudy's investigation?

The short answer is no.

Corruption, corrupts and absolute corruption corrupts even the uncorrupt. Do not hold breath for any real revelations to come from a congressional investigation.
Ditto, the IRS scandal with Mrs. Lerner, or the truth about Harry Reid, who had his 75 yr old frame beat to hell by an unruly bungee he was over powering when it snapped and threw him across the exercise room at mach I in his Nevada mansion. If it had been a bungee and a half he would have been killed!

Of note, in a senior moment after the Democrat shellacking in November, Reid had been critical of Obama, and had gone off on a sort of public rant, and apparently his exercise equipment took offense and decided to teach old Senator Reid a lesson. Stay with the program, hold the line or else. This will finish Reid. Old frail and beat to hell. I do not see him finishing out his term.

Senator Reid knows too much and his lips got loose just after the election but the bungee mishap has tightened them up again. He will be satisfied to play "quiet mouse, still mouse" for the rest of his career. I believe he is in a pickle with organized crime on one side and the Obama/Clinton syndicate on the other.

In a world where no man is an island, every man is an island.

The struggle continues! Sit back and enjoy the parade. It is going to get better.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, January 30, 2015

I Read A Great Novel Published In 1965 Which Predicted Today's America: The Liberation Of Lord Byron Jones, Read It, Obama Is Victor X?

I grew up in the hometown of one of the South's least renown writers. He wrote the above tome at the age of 34 and it is a brilliant work capturing the post WWII South with all its grudges against Northern Imperialism and its bigotry against the black.

If you have not read it, you should. It makes Mark Twain's employment of the "N" word seem tame, and many high school libraries have banned Mr. Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" for peanuts. "The Liberation of Lord Byron Jones" is the real deal.

Buy a used copy on Amazon or on Ebay. Open it up and begin the awful journey back to Pre-Selma and Martin Luther King, Jr's South.

I believe Victor X is the novelist's unwitting prediction of the rise of our current President. The book was written about the time of Obama's birth.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, January 26, 2015

Here I go again. Not Sure I Am Back, Read This Only At Your Own Risk. What President Obama Has Wrought!

Somewhere in the news President Obama's White House warned Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, through the White House's anonymous anal pieces, he'd be sorry if he spoke to Congress about the nuclear threat posed by Iran as this petulant, petty, prissy, sissy in mom jeans, who masquerades as our American President, has 18 months in office left and there would be repercussions!

The way I figger it, if you subtract golf, vacations, petulant rants, interviews by internet cows with grass stained lips, flight time on Air Force One, we have barely more than a fortnight to endure his mismanagement and UnAmerican antics. But it will be a very long two weeks.

Sure he will try to rule by fiat and there may be a few million regulations placed against America by this fool who is in the unenviable position as the world's only American president who became "the turd in the punch bowl."

Many Americans and most world leaders are not returning to the Obama bowl to even glance at his bobbing and thrashing about in the world's punch bowl, floating there all alone in his gloriously, nakedly, bronze splendor, calling out to anyone who might listen, "Hey, I still matter, I've got a phone and a pen, and a jet aeroplane!"

The president of Israel is not taking his calls anymore! Harry Reid had the crap beaten out of him by some "exercise equipment" for criticizing Obama after the crushing election losses. That old bird,Reid, will not sing that song any more. He has learned his lesson.

President Obama's failure to gain a position front and center at the Charlie Hebdo march for whatever it was they gathered for to try to scare the terrorists off shedding anymore cartoonist's blood speaks volumes. He has been forced by world decree and opinion out of all serious talks in matters of finance, war, aggression, oil, trade, and even the climate alarmists are not taking his calls.

Maybe he can promise enough free stuff to enough people to make a difference. From the tone of his SOTU address he might be better served next year to skip the SOTU and STFU. The American productive class don't want no more stinking taxes. Obamacare is just a tax, there is no care in it. Justice John Roberts was right, it is a tax. And it attacks every American citizen when they are most vulnerable, during sickness.

Under the ACA, care is neither affordable nor available. Americans will have to deal with it. We have endured worse but not since Sherman burned his way through the South. ACA will make Sherman's march seem like a pimple v the fleshing eating bacterial infection that is the ACA.

Thank you President Obama for foisting this tax on us before we could throw you in the punch bowl where your muffled cries are blocked by that crystal barrier(read republican controlled house and senate) that protects us from anymore of your misguided ideas for fundamentally transforming America.

Your transformation has made us less secure, weaker, poorer, more racially divided, and gives us second thoughts about the caliber of our political class and great doubts about the media class, a media that is chock full of Obama promoting ass-clowns of the fifth estate. If the mainstream media monkeys were unable to lie, there would be no press releases, no reports.

Yes, Mr. President, you are as irrelevant at home as on the world's stage. Benjamin Netanyahu, knows it and every Middle East monkey dicked terrorist with an AK and 2 rounds of ammo knows it.

Maybe the green lipped internet cow could cop another interview before your two weeks are up? Will she twerk? If she can and does, I may even watch that one.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, January 15, 2015

White House Insider Spills Beans: The Real Reason Obama And Company Were No Shows At Charlie Hebdo Rally

My secret access to the Obama White House informed me President Obama sent feelers out to France's President Hollande concerning the solidarity gathering of the past week. The president declined to appear because he was going to be shuffled out to the tail end of the Conga line of world leaders, a position he has taken more and more of late.

The Asian economic conference had the President of the United States off to the right amongst the wives of the powerful Asians in that group photo. Clearly a substantial snub of the most powerful man in the world.

The President has had enough of this disrespect and will not travel long distances for any more snubs. He is keeping to his terrorist release schedule at Git Mo in a fit of vengeance.
Five are headed to Yemen to replace those lost in the latest attack in France.

Jackson Delano Maybolt