Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz, Not Another Half American For President, Why The Left Wing Media Gets All Wee-Weed Up Over Senator Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz spoke to a forced crowd at Liberty University's Convocation yesterday to announce his run for the presidency of the United States. A country that has been battered and beaten down by our last half American president, Barack Hussein Obama. To compare these two there are some stark differences. Obama's father was a communist polygamist who had an eye for underage poon. This man sired more children than the old man with that old woman in the shoe.

Ted Cruz's father, Raphael, fled a communist dictator in Cuba, worked hard in America and Canada and married one smart American woman and sired, Ted, who will perhaps be the greatest leader the western world has produced since Ronald Reagan.

Both Ted and Barack may have been born in another country. Ted in Canada, and Barack in Kenya. Both are American Citizens and are entitled to run for the presidency. Ted has an all American, conservative Christian upbringing, while Barack has Muslim training and communist leanings instilled in him by his elementary education in Indonesia, and his mentors Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, and Bernadette Dorhn, all enemies of America.

President Obama's advisors include many from the Muslim Brotherhood and they believe Islam is the religion of peace. They believe in the Caliphate and know the United States in its preBarack form was a huge obstacle to the dream of world domination.

Ted Cruz will not have advisors from the Caliphate and all these Obama transformations will be rejigged. Is that a word? I do not know but I like it anyway.

Obama attended Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School and graduated, without ever showing his transcripts. Supposedly the smartest man in the room.

Cruz attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School and graduated Magnum Cum Laude and his transcripts are open, definitely the smartest man in the room per his professors.

Obama cannot give a speech without a tele prompt. Cruz can speak for 24 hrs without a tele prompt.

Obama believes the constitution is a bill of negative rights for the government and it should be ignored and circumvented.

Cruz believes the constitution and the bill of rights are sacrosanct and must be strictly adhered to.

Obama is a big government big tax and spend communist mullah who believes the world would be a better place without Israel.

Cruz shares the same demeanor as Ben Netanyahu and supports Israel.

Obama believes America is a bully.

Cruz believes America is a force for good.

Obama believes in the destruction of America through open borders and executive orders which are unconstitutional.

Cruz is a conservationist who would close the borders and stop all the illegal orders from continuing in effect.

Obama is a petty petulant pissant lifted on his own petard by unseen forces hell bent on the destruction of America.

Cruz is a fine Christian who truly believes in the greatness and goodness that is in America.

Obama rules by fiat, Cruz will lead by example.

There is only Obama and his phone and pen, with Cruz there would be three equal but separate branches of government once again.

God bless Ted Cruz and keep him safe.

God please keep Obama from evil and deliver us from his trespasses.

I think Ted Cruz is going to be a great president. Can he run the liberal elite gauntlet of smears and half truths which will be fired at this truly remarkable and virtuous man? I hope so.
He is good on his feet and he really is the smartest man in the room.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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