Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore, New Methods To Battle The Riots: WWJD?

The police forces in America and the politicians are currently wrestling with what to do to protect the citizen's right to free speech and personal property and how to walk the walk along that precarious line.

WWJD? What Would Jack Do?

Jack would add water to the flammable conditions as soon as the first rock was thrown.. call in a water tanker air strike like those used to dump water on forest fires and load the tanker with water and an indelible dye, hunter safety orange, which stains clothing hair, and skin to mark the protestors until their skin rejuvenated and casted off the dye giving police and the public a chance to identify the protestors for up to a month later, and provide a scarlet letter so to speak, that law abiding citizens could tell who was and who was not in the riots.

A little public humiliation may be in order. And the police could take their time rounding up the participants for some community service programs until the dye rears off.

This is what Jack would do. And a wet cell phone does not twitter good or evil!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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