Saturday, April 11, 2015

Soloman Speaks to Jack Maybolt: Was It Just a Dream?

I met Soloman yesterday. He is a 40 yr old Egyptian immigrant who came to America 14 yrs ago to finish his marine engineering degree and stayed here becoming a US citizen. He lives in Chicago, or a suburb of Chicago and drives a truck. He is a Muslim.

As is my nature, when I meet a person of a different background I engage them in conversation. We discussed the mundane to the profane. I asked him about the conflict in the middle east, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel, the Palestininas, Iran and how he views Egypt. He is a well educated man, fluent in english, and I broke the ice with him by speaking the only Arabic I know which are the terms for thank you and you are welcome. He broke out in a broad smile when thus spoken too. We connected.

The fighting in the ME has left many of the countries, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, and now Syria in worse shape, either without meaningful governments or with dictators. His opinion of Sisi is low. He states he has killed thousands of his own citizens. He sees something terrible happening there in the next 2 years but did not give any specific details, but did say it would not be world war III.

His contention is that whomever controls Jerusalem and the Middle East will control the world. He is a conspiracy theorist and believes the shadow government based within the Masons and powerful London bankers make many of the decisions in world politics today. He believes in one God, making no distinction between my Christian God and his Allah. He espoused a belief in the golden rule.

I asked how he felt about his new home. He is a patriot and believes America is the greatest good and force for good in the world. He stated that England ruled over Egypt for 70 yrs and killed very few of his countrymen and were a force for good. When I pointed out they took many, many things out of Egypt for their museums, he said they kept them to preserve them, and that was a good thing.

He spoke highly of Moses and the Jews, but believes they should be willing to accept converts to their religion and not have the requirement that one's mother must be Jewish to be a Jew. He also felt they could yield some on providing the Palestinians some land.

I asked him about his country's glorious past and how the pyramids were built, and he felt they had a far greater technologically advanced culture than anyone suspects. And where did all the gold come from? They had a secret, he alleges that made gold from sand. Again a lost technological process. Alchemy?

Finally he told me of his own demons. He had been in the Egyptian Navy and moving up in its ranks, when he decided to quit and become a marine engineer. He left midway through his studies to finish his education in America and states he has a gift or a curse of being able to communicate with spirits. He has a guardian angel who admonished him for making his work so hard keeping him safe. He dreamed of his father's untimely death 4 days before a heart attack took him at age 45.

As for politics in the world, most old world countries are 90% corrupt and he sees our nation as only 10% corrupt at best.

Hillary Clinton as president in 2016? Yes, possible as it is in their proficies that a woman leader from the West will complete the process for "end of times." Whereby his warning of something very bad in the next two years happening in the world.

I asked if he believes we have a soul. Yes, everything has a soul, even the earth and the seas and all the creatures there in. God loves us and all of his creations more than our mothers and fathers love us. And all things would be alright in his hands.

Soloman was aptly named. I am richer for having met and spoken with him. Why can not a man like this rise to lead Egypt or Libya, or even America?

ISIS, where did they come from? A made up group to be a boogey man to take the focus off the real boogey men who are stealing the world's resources and keeping the underclasses in poverty.

Forget my email scandals when there are pizza parlors in Indiana that refuse service to gay brides and grooms!

I think I am beginning to see the light. We are all God's children.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

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