Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center: Noah, John's Stewart And Kerry, Obama And Hillary, Will Iranian Talks Cause Iran To Go Boom?

Comity Centrel has selected Trayvon Noah, out of wedlock son of President Obama and Mrs. Lotus Position of South Africa to replace the Midget, J. Daily, on the Daily Show. Mr. Noah caused a roah over his antis emetic tweets and his flare for disparaging Americans, whom, in his own words, "if they didn't feed Africa's starving poor there would not be an Ebola problem." This man will be a hoot when his Jewish handlers get hold of him. I see him donning a yamaha for his first show and brandishing such greetings as "Salmom and Granola". I do not know if this recent half breed immigre, from the slums of South Africre has any pedigree or the repartee to break through the apartheid his illegitimate father has foisted on America. Maybe he is black enough not to be mugged in Obama's America. We will see who he hangs with, the American Black with whom he shares only half a gene like his pappy, daddy Obama, or his pasty white handlers, or will he bring a South African entourage over, including that fellow with the springy metal legs who murdered his girlfriend for farting to loudly in the bathroom....

And Hillary Clinton has wiped her internet server clean! Just like that all the records gone. Vanished into thin air. No smoking guns, no smoking ambassadors, no smoking cigars, no evidence of any doings what so ever! The only splaining she will have to do will be to Allah. If there is one.

Meanwhile her telomers continue to break off at an alarming rate, no more elastin in that ever more hideously wrinkled conflagration she calls her face, and I call foul. Was it Rush Limbo, who mused back in 2008 that Americans were not ready to witness the wrinkling of Hillary over the next 8 years. If so, that process is even less appealing today than it was all those years and wrinkles ago. In a song long ago by a group whose name I cannot recall pose the question in "incense and peppermint", the color of time?

I have often wondered if time has a color. If it has no color, what about a taste, or a feel, or a smell. I have never taken LSD but I knew somebody in college who did. He never mentioned the color of time. Anyway time marches on and gravity, which according to Professor Einstein, is related to time is having a go at Mrs. Clinton's vitality. Her fun bags are reaching for the floor.

"Teats down, can't shoot."

She will have an uphill struggle in her quest for more treasure from the privilege political office provides those who spend the trillions of the millions who work hard to get by. It is far easier to get a government grant than to work for a living these days. Global warming charlatans rake in billions, jetting hither and yon to which ever place in the world is in need of an unseasonable cold snap for that meeting to discuss the earth's fever.

President Obama is a national joke in Israel. His true colors as a Caliphate enabler have been exposed. His close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, note no sisters here, American Woman, is not what our country is best served by. Where are the brakes on this ride to Mec ca? If all goes wrong with these so called talks to unbridle the Iranian mullahs I believe Iran will be getting a nuclear weapon much sooner than even the grand mufti expected. What a blast that will be. Maybe the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have faded from the universal conscientious and some little brown people must now be sacrificed to the atomic gods for the world to be more serious about keeping the cap on this destructive genie. Allah willing, as pudding faced, John Kerry so recently in toned.

I swear all my cows, now happily engorging themselves on green grass are craping cow pies with an impression of that fellows face ingrained in them. England may have crop circles, but in Cedar Grove we have crap circles. I used to avoid stepping on them for the obvious reason, but now it has become much, much harder not too.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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